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1、培养学生英语学习兴趣的策略与方法,宜昌外国语学校 刘毅,策略strageties,简单化 趣味化 美化 成就感 情感(爱这门学科,热爱学习)easy fun beautiful feelings of achievement emotion(love the subject,love learning),方法theories,优化学科知识优化学生学习过程优化教师角色,如何优化学科知识,知识点简单化,韵律化,趣味化;材料载体新鲜具体,To make it easy,从生活出发,从身边出发,从身体出发,女儿英语启蒙课 字母教学 初一启蒙课,good一词四调 A肯定,B怀疑提问,C惊叹,D阴谋得逞

2、开学第一课发言声音用录音机,手机反馈 知识量的浓缩质的精华听写与过关:一下二上重点句 二下三词组与句型结构,To make it rhythmic,编写Chants 以及组织chant教学(见微课程视频),do do does,do do does,you do,I do,he does,they do,we do,she does,am,is,are I am in the car am is are,Peter is in the car am is are,we are both in the car,规则动词过去式的不规则发音I hoped to a star,so I worked

3、very hard.I washed all my clothes,then I watched Mum cook beans.I kissed her on the face and said I missed her every day.,职业名词构词法(见宜城课件),songs,让学生对自己的英文名适应并感兴趣:Good morning,good morning,to you,to you,and to you.Mary,Betty,Christina,Martin,Jordan,and Richard,操练现在进行时:Are You Sleeping?(你睡了吗)Are you sle

4、eping,are you sleeping?Brother John,brother John.Morning bells are ringing,morning bells are ringing.Ding Ding Dong,Ding Ding Dong.学生回答:,现在完成时Spring Has Arrived(春天来了)Spring has arrived,spring has arrived.Where has it arrived?Arrived in the mountain,arrived in the valleys,arrived in my hometown.,Head

5、,shoulder,knees and toes,knees and toes.Head,shoulder,knees and toes,knees and toes.And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Oh head,shoulders,knees and toes,knees and toes.自创Hair,waist,neck and teeth,neck and teeth,互动说唱 How much,how much,how much is the scarf?Thirty,thirty,thirty five yuan.pop music ca

6、n do as well:Let it go,let it go,.I cant care what they are going to say.,To make it fun,Fun activities:be going be/will 之chainwork,each verb and noun can be used only once:I am going to eat an apple.I am not going to eat an apple.I am going to eat a pear.I am not going to eat a pear.I am going to d

7、raw a pear.I am not going to draw a pear.I am going to draw an egg.I am not going to draw an egg.I am going to cook an egg.I am not going to cook an egg.I am going to cook fish.I am not going to cook fish.I am going to catch fish.,To make it fun,电影配音 小组竞赛,To make it fresh,实物 实图,优化optimize学生学习过程,树立榜样

8、法学友结伴法小组合作法作业多元法,2014英语暑期大餐隆重推出,免费6选4:1借旧版9年级英语教材,预习所有单元的所有篇章段落,理解Notes,在作业本上写下新单词和带新词的句子,forexample:containv.Themuseumcontains6000modernartworks.2 看60小时英剧或美剧,推荐唐顿庄园,生活大爆炸,收集200-300 句实用的台词,制成中英双语台词小海报,新学期贴于教室内墙。3读喜欢的双语读物30,000词。4听写8年级下册所有单词词组一遍于作业本上。5录制自己演唱的英文哥一首,发送到群共享里大家共赏。6如有自创的其他学习形式,由家长出具证明可抵上面任一项内容。,教师角色,学科代言人 严格教练 良友,魏晨阳,王宇星,付娆,黄龙;赵书悦,朱贝宣,To teach is like to cook:有吸引力-食材好,佐料味道足 有耐心-熬鸡汤,能入味能熬出营养 有爱心-烹饪过程卫生无污染,


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