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1、the child. VIII health supervision and law enforcement. Accelerating the construction of health inspection system, comprehensive implementation of food safety coordination responsibilities, strengthening health law enforcement and supervision, increase the intensity of combat of illegal practice. IX

2、 carrying patriotic public health campaign. Further develop urban and rural sanitation and clean, and promoting health education and health promotion work, create smoke-free health units carry out activities, full implementation of the rural drinking water and latrines project. X efforts to raise th

3、e level of medical services. Active implementation of XX County Hospital construction projects, strengthen the county peoples hospital medical building, upgrading of township hospital medicine services, and constantly improve the level of service, and better meet the needs of the people. Integrated

4、and other health programs. Continued solid job maintaining stability, carry out the Hui ju work to promote clean government and anti-corruption work JIU feng, and do a new round of health Xinjiang work, increased health letters, comprehensive management, safety, environmental protection, fire protec

5、tion, legal work, and efforts to promote the healthy and harmonious development of health service. District Judicial Council 2015 summary material 2015, XX District Judicial Council in district, and District Government of right led Xia, in superior business sector of carefully guide Xia, in here mem

6、bers line wind supervisor of care guide Xia, to party of 18 big and 18 session three in the, and four in the plenary spirit for guidelines, in-depth implement implementation science development views, according to province, and city, and district University workers workshop and early full District j

7、udicial administrative workshop of deployment, to service full district economic social development for Center, to created People are satisfied with a service-oriented administration of justice bodies to lead to further improve work style, improve administrative efficiency, and for the whole area of

8、 the rule of law area, accelerate the construction of rule XX provide a powerful legal guarantee and realize the new leap of XX the judicial administrative work. Our main approach is: first, innovation, and comprehensively promote the rule of law publicity and education work. Around the main line of

9、 spirit of carrying forward the Socialist concept of the rule of law, fully six . Dynamic, extensive Franco-Prussian district activities. Out of 45 per cent this year, sending pictures, literature, more than 40,000 copies. Young Franco-Prussian, set off a climax. Through the learning child star and

10、VCD youth double hundred selection, method in the heart, on the line essay, lucky star of English law and other activities, set off a new round of young people across the district law, usage, abide by the climax. Second, strengthen management and strive to build a new pattern of mediation. Full medi

11、ation video command system, the role of mediation Network Academy, promoting mediation network entities and the achievement of practical results. Enhanced grid troubleshooting warning mechanism, continue to promote medical, public, and prosecutors, against regulation, consumer culture, such as docki

12、ng, professional mediation organizations of normalized and standardized construction, urban management, logistics, land, and more new professional in the field of mediation and docking mechanism. Establishment of NPC deputies and CPPCC members,JL-A002施工组织设计(方案)报审表工程名称:马边彝族自治县红旗城市棚户区改造建设项目 编号:致: 四川思成

13、工程项目管理有限公司 (监理单位): 现报上 外墙装饰吊篮脚手架-专项施工方案 施工组织设计(方案)(全套、部分),已经我单位上级技术负责人审查批准,请予审查和批准。附:外墙装饰吊篮脚手架-专项施工方案承包单位项目部(公章): 项目负责人(签字):项目技术负责人(签字): 年 月 日专业监理工程师审查意见:1.同意 2.不同意 3.按以下主要内容修改补充专业监理工程师(签字): 年 月 日总监理工程师审查意见:1.同意 2.不同意 3.按以下主要内容修改补充项目监理机构(公章):总监理工程师(签字): 年 月 日注:本表由施工单位填写,一式三份,连同施工组织设计一并送项目监理审查。建设、监理、

14、施工单位各留一份。四川省建设厅制community organizations and other mechanism for third parties to participate in mediation to resolve the contradiction, forming the participation of the whole society, the whole area covers of the mediation network and make concerted efforts and mutual accountability of the mediation

15、 system. Troubleshooting warning to deepen the grid mode. Mesh and staffing continues to sound, troubleshooting warning system of grid coverage. Town linked to the patch-level mediation Center personnel mastering responsibilities grid cell and town-level individual grid cells and responsibilities gr

16、id grid information contact the long point basis, assisting the production life of the masses in the encountered problems and disputes, found signs of hidden trouble to report first to the upper grid. In accordance with the screening requirements of grid, efforts to increase frequency and concentrat

17、ion of contradictions and disputes, disputes the Troubleshoot, mediate special events, truly things not out of the village, and not out of town, the contradiction is not submitted. Sound classification of disputes and separations for early warning, disposal systems and major disputes Express, report

18、ing and zero-reporting system, and constantly enhance the contradiction and dispute investigation and mediation work of the foresight, initiative and science. Improve the risk assessment of major disputes mechanism, do preventive work. 1-in June, the region has accepted mediation disputes 4299, 4181

19、 mediation success, three-level mediation organizations accepting mediation in 1673, 1648 mediation success, success rate of mediation 98.5%. 1115 discourage mass petitions, 138 meter-wide, preventing contradictions from intensifying 89, prevent the transfer penalty case 4/6 people. Mediation Center

20、 mediation, 73, all mediation successful, involved compensation amount of 4.4165 million Yuan, of which 10 death dispute involving indemnity amount 2.456 million Yuan. Third, the solid foundation to enhance the special crowd control level of education. Promote the construction of judicial administra

21、tive. Staging batches to parts of town (Street) by Justice, and town (Street) led, judicial staff to negotiate the construction of judicial administrative difficulties in the work, and conducted door-to-door guidance. In accordance with provincial requirements, study guide the town (Park Street) pub

22、lic legal services centre, the establishment of the judicial administrative stations in the village. The provincial Justice Department investigation about the construction of judicial administrative. On March 14, the provincial Office of the Department of Justice led to the second . Correction of th

23、e construction of information platform. Based on actual demand-oriented community corrections, in accordance with the principle of simple work, to further improve the system, optimization, enhance the integration of information and operations, improve work efficiency, our district intranet platform

24、of community corrections community inmates information input rate of 100%, mobile positioning and monitoring to achieve daily sporadic checks. Strictly regulate the evaluation of community correction mechanism, improve the quality of assessments. Further standardize the assessment mechanism, of all

25、objects must be surveyed by field visits, participants include close relatives of the accused, the village (neighborhood) Committee cadre, the victim, police stations, and make conversation transcripts. Surveys including the defendant usually, neighborhoods, the village (neighborhood) the opinion of

26、 the马边彝族自治县红旗城市棚户区改造建设项目装饰吊篮脚手架-专项施工方案签 名日 期编 制 人刘宾龙审 核 人审批人山河建设集团有限公司二零一五年十一月三十日目 录一、综合说明11、编制说明 12、执行标准 1二、工程概况11、建设工程概况 12、单项工程建筑形式 1三、吊篮的加工制作21、选料材质的基本要求 22、吊篮架的制作 23、吊篮的组装规格 34、屋面挑梁架的制作 35、吊篮的检查 36、吊篮的验收 4、悬挂机构4、配重4、钢丝绳4、安全保护装置5、吊篮平台5四脚手架吊篮安装或拆除和升降的安全施工技术51、悬吊方法与支承设施 52屋面挑梁架的安装固定 63、吊篮架的安装 64、吊

27、篮架的安全装置 7、保险卡7、安全锁7、安全锁85、保险措施 86、升降吊篮施工技术 97、吊篮的拆除顺序 9五使用吊篮的安全技术规定101、吊篮安全管理规定 102、吊篮安全使用规定 103、吊篮的维护 114、组装和升降吊篮的安全技术规定 115、悬吊方法与支承设施 12六、建筑吊篮脚手架的设计计算书131、设计依据 132、荷载计算 13、参数13、设计荷载13、吊篮结构件的强度计算14、屋面挑梁架的配重方案17附图:外墙装饰吊篮脚手架示意图18外墙装饰吊篮脚手架-专项施工方案一、综合说明1、编制说明:、本工程外沿装饰脚手架的选择要满足装饰工程施工的要求,且必须符合安全施工规范的规定,搭

28、设时构造连接方法方便、简单采用通用性较强的材料。、采用悬吊方式设置的脚手架称为“吊脚手架”,其形式为吊篮(悬吊篮式工作台),主要用于装修和维修工程施工。、吊篮已成为高层建筑外装修作业脚手架的常用形式,其技术也已发展得较为完善。2、执行标准:、建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ 59-2011、建筑工业高处作业吊篮(JG/T503293)、建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规程JGJ130-2001、编制建筑施工脚手架安全技术标准的统一规定(修订稿)、建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范(JGJ8091)、钢结构设计规范GB50017-2003二、工程概况1、建设工程概况总建筑面积为98644.19,总工期:66



31、57,7层建筑物总高度为26.70m,檐口设计高度26.10m,室外地坪设计标高是-0.15m。11#安置房建筑面积5832.82,6层建筑物总高度为24.00m,檐口设计高度23.40m,室外地坪设计标高是-0.15m。12#安置房建筑面积4714.11,6层建筑物总高度为24.00m,檐口设计高度23.40m,室外地坪设计标高是-0.15m。三、吊篮的加工制作1、选料材质的基本要求、所选用的钢材:应无严重锈蚀、弯曲、压扁或裂纹, 钢材应有出厂合格证明,否则不准使用。、吊篮底板:挡脚板采用5cm厚的木板或者2cm厚的铁皮,吊篮上铺设的脚手板2.55cm厚的木板或轻质金属板,排木应用510cm

32、的木方或外径48mm的钢管。、升降机具: 吊篮升降的手板葫芦经过计算采用3t以上的手扳葫芦,专用配套的钢丝绳,承重的钢丝绳子直径就不小于12.5mm,吊篮所用的安全绳应用直径不小于12.5mm的钢丝绳。2t以上的倒链;、组合吊篮所用的钢管采用外径48mm,壁厚33.5mm 。、扣件:应有出厂合格证明,并与架管规格配套使用,凡检查有脆裂、变形或滑丝现象时严禁使用。的组合扣件必须用马钢扣件。、屋顶挑梁采用不小于14#的工字钢或承载能力相当于14#工字的钢的其它材料。2、吊篮架的制作、制作吊篮架时,须严格按施工方案要求的吊篮进行制作,并应对原材料进行严格检查,认真选料。、吊篮底部承重部分应用6.3#




36、报告.、对照有关规范的要求,检查验收时,将架子从地面升起4m,其验收内容应包括:、吊篮架布置、挑梁和其锚固部分、钢吊篮架部分、起重工具部分、吊篮荷载的试验方法6、吊篮的验收、悬挂机构、必须使用钢材或其他适合金属材料制作,可采用焊接、铆接或螺栓连接,结构应具有足够的强度和刚度;、受力构件必须进行质量检查并达到设计要求;、悬挂机构作用于工程结构的作用力应符合其承载要求、配重、配重应准确,并经安全检查员核实后才能使用;、抗倾覆系数(配重矩/前倾力矩)不得小于2,按下式计算:式中 G、F分别为配重和吊篮的总荷载,b和a分别为配重中心和承重钢丝绳中心到支点的距离首次使用吊篮前,必须进行抽查2至4个荷载试

37、验:将吊篮提升至距地4M高度进行试验,荷载为设计荷载2倍,吊篮、挑架等不能有明显变形,验收完成后应有主管验收人签证,并有参加人员签字记录,以作为依据,并应留档备查。、钢丝绳、钢丝绳的直径不应小于6mm;、钢丝绳安全系数K按下式确定,且不应小于9;Ksa/W式中:s为单根钢丝绳的额定破断拉力(kN),a为钢丝绳根数,W为吊篮的全部荷载(含自重)。、不允许以连接两根或多根钢丝绳的方法去加长或修补;、除随时对钢丝绳的可见部分、与设备连接部位、绳端固定装置等进行检查外,每月至少按GB 5972中2.4.1条的规定检查两次,检查部位应符合2.4.2条的规定,报废执行2.5条的规定、安全保护装置、一般须配








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