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1、Unit 4 Making the newsWarming up,高二人教新课标版必修五,the Shenzhou VII manned spaceship,Sep 25th,2008,Through what ways can we get the information?,radio,the Internet,TV,magazine,newspaper,Peter ParkerThe spider man,Do you want to work for a newspaper,like Peter Parker?If you are offered a chance for a job a

2、t China Daily,you will need to find out what kind of jobs they have?,reporter/journalist,photographer,editor,designer,printer,To make a newspaper we need,reportereditordesignerpainterprinterphotographer,chief editor 主编deputy editor 副主编subeditor 审校编辑assistant editor 助理编辑critic 评论员cartoonist 漫画师corres

3、pondent 通讯员,What kind of jobs do the newspapers have?,jobs,reporter/journalist,photographer,chief editor,advertising editor,distribution organizer,Interviews people or finds out about events from onlookers,Takes photographs of important people or events,editor,designer,printer,Prints the newspaper,M

4、akes sure the writing is clear,concise and accurate;checks facts,Lays out the article and photographs,jobs,1.journalist 2.chief editor 3.reporter 4.deputy editor 5.photographer 6.printer 7.critic 8.foreign correspondent 9.desk editor 10.cartoonist 11.sub-editor,1)Which two words mean the same?2)Who

5、gives opinions on plays and books?3)Who reports from aboard?4)Who decides on the content of the newspaper?5)Who prints the newspaper?,journalist/reporter,critic,foreign correspondent,chief editor,printer,Quiz,6)Who writes news stories?7)Who makes corrections to articles and design?8)Who designs comi

6、c drawings with captions(说明,标题)?9)Who is in charge of the newspaper when the boss is away?10)Who takes photos of important people or events?,journalist/reporter,sub-editor,cartoonist,deputy editor,photographer,1.journalist 2.chief editor 3.reporter 4.deputy editor 5.photographer 6.printer 7.critic 8

7、.foreign correspondent 9.desk editor 10.cartoonist 11.sub-editor,Quiz,Do you know how to make the news?Whats the process?,Every morning the newspaper chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists to discuss the main events.,Reporters are sent to do face-to-face interviews or do telephone intervi

8、ews.,Photographers are sent to take the pictures.,Doing ones homeworklooking up information they need.,Reporters type their stories into the computer.,The stories are quickly handed to the editor.,Photos are quickly developed.,Editors decide which picture should be used,read some stories and make an

9、y necessary changes.,Editors write the headlines for each story and check that there is enough space.,Newspapers are printed on fast moving printing machines.,Newspapers are delivered by lorry and plane.,Newspapers are sent to every home.,How is a newspaper made?,The _ editor hold a meeting.,Journal

10、ists _ people and write stories,Photos are quickly_,Photographers _ photographs.,Editors _ the report.,Editors write the _.,The newspapers are _ by train and truck,The newspapers are_.,interview,developed,take,check,headlines,delivered,printed,chief,Do an interview!,Reporter:You can ask 45 questions

11、.Interviewee:Try your best to answer all questions.,Situations,(1)刘翔 gold medal 金牌give up the contest 退出比赛 comeback 复出 marriage 结婚(2)Sanlu Milk Powder(三鹿奶粉)baby kidney stone(肾结石)melamine(三聚氰胺)compensation(补偿),types of jobs,What they should do?,Exercise,工作,职业 Please state your name,address,and occupa

12、tion.I hope that teaching will be my future occupation.2)业余活动,消遣 Fishing is a peaceful occupation.,occupation n.,Explanation,3)占领,占有 She was born in France during the German occupation.知识拓展:occupant n.占有人,占有者 occupational adj.职业的,职业引起的occupy v.占领,占有,使从事,使忙于,我想知道他是干什么的。I want to know what his occupat

13、ion is.这个国家在1937年至1945年间是处在敌人的占领之下的。It was between 1937 and 1945 that the country was under the enemys occupation.,He _ himself in collecting stamps.A.occupies B.takes C.teaches D.finds,A,occupation,job,work,profession 辨析:四个词都有“工作”之意。occupation 较为正式,经常用在填写表格上。job 是可数名词,可指一个单独任务,也可指工作职位。work 是不可数名词,泛

14、指一切工作。profession 一般指需要专门技能,尤指需要较 高教育水平的某一行业、职业,如 医生或律师。,occupation,job,profession,work a.Please state your name,age and _ below.b.I have a few _ to do in the house this morning.c.Looking after children all day is hard _.d.Her husband is at the very top of medical _.,occupation,jobs,work,profession,Homework 1.Preview the content of Reading.2.Read the new words.,


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