1、怎样评价一节课,周诗杰,我们重点看什么?,看学生是怎样在教师的帮助下,学习和掌握预设的教学内容的?看教师是否在培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力?看整节课有没有体现英语课程的工具性和人文性的双重属性?,学习和掌握语言,the most effective way to learn a language is through using it in interacting with and conveying meanings to other people.present the learners with various activities where it is necessary
2、for them to interact with each other and to exchange specific pieces of information in order to complete the task given to them.,Activities should be,Meaningful Meaningful language is language that conveys information that the listener does not already know but needs to know in order to complete an
3、activity.PurposefulA purposeful activity contains some value to the learner.This may be educational value,such as learning about the world,or about a subject through the target language,or the activity might have value to the learner through enjoyment or interest or need.,Four conditions of language
4、 learning,Exposure(rich,comprehensible input,language in use)Use(of the language to do things,exchange meanings)Motivation(to process and use the exposure:listen speak and write it)Instruction(chances to focus on form),基本素养和思维能力,“双基”准确性、流利性、得体性、复杂度思维能力真正学了一点什么东西(认知内容)用外语解决了什么问题(思维方式),工具性和人文性,一个案例,工具
5、性,就工具性而言,英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务,即学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力。关键词基本知识、基本技能、综合运用能力,人文性,就人文性而言,英语课程承担着提高学生综合人文素养的任务,即学生通过英语课程能够开阔视野,丰富生活经历,形成跨文化意识,增强爱国主义精神,发展创新能力,形成良好的品格和正确的人生观与价值观。关键词人性:性格、品格、意志和合作精神等;文化性:文化、道德、情感等,4.6 体现双重属性的案例,我们重点看什么?,看学生是怎样在教师的帮助下,学习和掌握预设的教学内容的?(90%)看教师是否在培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力?(不到10%)看整节课有没有体现英语课程的工具性和人文性的双重属性?(不到5%),