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1、Welcome to our class!,A Story,Aids?,Acquired,Immune,Deficiency,Syndrome,获得性免疫缺陷综合症,The patients have a _ immune system.So they get sick very easily.,Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,weakened,Weight loss,Dark red areas of skin,Feeling tired,Higher body temperature,70%of the HIV/Aids population is

2、found in Africa.,By the end of August 2010,the total reported HIV positives was 361,599,including 127,203 AIDS cases and 65,104 recorded deaths.,World AIDS Day:,1st December,What can you associate the red ribbon with?,Aids,Love and care,It means that we should give AIDS patients love and care,unders

3、tanding and support.,Aids,today,_,2.What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve as in the passage?A.To provide background information of the topic B.To put forward the topic and attract readers attention to it C.To use an example to support the topic D.To offer basic knowledge of the topic,1.What do the fir

4、st and last paragraph talk about?,Reading,Ajanis story,Find out the figures in the article and circle them,then find information about these figures.,people being infected with Aids daily,people infected with Aids since the 1980s,children had died from Aids,children had lost parents to Aids,HIV-posi

5、tive people in China,Aids patients in China,people will die of Aids between 2000 and 2020,How do you feel?,About 14,000,60 million,4 million,14 million,650,000,75,000,68 million,Which paragraphs deal with detailed information about Aids?,Para2-5,1.How does HIV cause Aids?,2.How is AIDS spread?,3.Wha

6、ts the function of Paragraph 5?,Para2-5,HIV,cause,AIDS,How does HIV cause Aids?,What is the relationship between AIDS and HIV?,HIV is the that causes.There is no_ for this disease.,virus,AIDS,cure,deadly and incurable,AIDS is spread in 3 ways,Unprotected sexBlood-to-blood contact3.Mother-to-childtra

7、nsmission,Yes,NO,NO,NO,Yes,No,NO,NO,NO,Quiz,How is AIDS spread?,Can the AIDS virus be transmitted via the following means?,Its safe to be friends withAids patients.,The structure of Paragraph 5?,Topic sentence:_Concluding sentence:_,HIV and Aids are a problem all over the world.,Something must be do

8、ne to stop this disease.,Whats the function of Paragraph 5?A.concluding paragraph B.linking paragraph C.supporting paragraph,something must be done to stop the disease,Predict:What will be talked about in the next para?,Reading strategy,What has been done?,something must be done to stop the disease,

9、The Chinese government:work hard to control the Aids _.open labs to test and _ the disease.provide _ drugs for Aids patients in _.,epidemic,monitor,free,need,The International Efforts:1.2.3.,Fill in the blanks.,reason,for,cure,weakened,cause,infecting,contact,Providing,fight,educating,Measures,Discu

10、ssion,Discussion,What can be done to improve the situation?,By government:By experts/scientists:By the public:By patients themselves:,By government:By experts/scientists:By the public:By patients themselves:,By government:By experts/scientists:By the public:By patients themselves:,By government:By e

11、xperts/scientists:By the public:By patients themselves:,By government:By experts/scientists:By the public:By patients themselves:,By government:By experts/scientists:By the public:By patients themselves:,We should take a positive attitude towards those HIV/AIDS patients and show love and care to the

12、m.We shouldnt let the fear of AIDS cut us off from those who need our love,care and support!,Lets enjoy a healthy life and,meanwhile care for each other!,No Scare!,No Discrimination!,Life is the most precious thing that nature gives us.,proverb:,Cherish our lives.,Homework,假如你是记者李华,当你得知Ajani的故事和现状,决

13、定就此事写一篇报道,帮助人们正确认识艾滋病,号召更多的人关爱他人。要求:包括以下要点,字数150左右。1.Ajani的故事和现状2.艾滋病相关知识3.艾滋病病人的情况4.我们要做的事,Good bye,1.被艾滋病夺去 父亲 2.艾滋病的疗方3.减弱的免疫系统 4.被感染的人们 _ 5.以令人恐怖的速度_6.(数量、比例上)占 _ _ 7.而不是 _ _ 8.对 熟悉 _ _9.同意、订阅10.在其间,在其中 _ _,lose their father to Aids,a cure for Aids,infected people,weakened immune system,account

14、for,at a frightening rate,Rather than,be familiar with,Subscribe to,in between,11.致命的疾病12.检测及观测疾病13.有需要的病人14.除了15.全身心地致力于16.引进最新技术17.药品分发18.把卷入;使热衷于19.使用、得到 的权利或机会20.哽咽着不哭出声来,deadly disease,test and monitor disease,patients in need,apart from,devote ones body and soul to,bring up-to-date technology,medicine distribution,involve in,have access to,choke back sobs,


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