1、第十一章隐喻的翻译Translation of Understatements,第十一章 隐喻的翻译11.1 派生意义11.2 形象意义11.3 联想意义11.4 内涵寓意第十一章综合练习及参考译文,第十一章重点,综合练习,课堂互动4,课堂互动3,课堂互动2,课堂互动1,-end,3,隐喻是一种比喻的说法,是不把要说的意思明着说出来,而是借用别的话来表示的一种语言表达形式。,第十一章隐喻的翻译Translation of Understatements,4,隐喻是非同类事物之间的比较,是对词语的修饰或者美化,具有丰富语言表达、增强修辞效果、褒扬亲近和贬责攻击等功能。,5,隐喻翻译给译者以多种选
2、择方式:要么传递其意义,要么重塑其形象,要么对其意义进行修改,要么对其意义和形象进行完美的结合,而这一切又与语境因素、文化因素、文本因素密不可分。这便是隐喻翻译复杂多变的特性和翻译规律。,6,隐喻翻译,有时可采用直译、意译相结合的方法以弥补“直译难达意、意译难传神”的不足。直译后再加上隐喻的真实含义,“以期收到画龙点睛的效果”。隐喻翻译的几个方面:派生意义 形象意义 联想意义 内涵寓意,小节结束,7,派生指从一个主要事物的发展中分化出来,如派生词在语言学中指往词根上添加词缀以构成新词。词根是派生词的基础,在同一词根上缀加不同的词缀,表示不同的意思和各种不同的词类。,11.1 派生意义(Deri
3、vative Meaning),8,派生意义是词在语言发展过程中分化形成并保存下来的意义。词的派生意义是指在词的基本意义上产生出现的新的意义。词在原始词义的基础上,由于自由而广泛的运用,并受社会文化特征、使用范围、背景、语言环境等的影响而产生的新的意义。,9,例1:Id just done my stint as rubber duck,see,and pulled off the grandma lane into the pitstop to drain the radiator.(Baker:2000)【译文】你可知道,打头阵可不好受,一泡尿胀得要命,我开出慢车道来到服务站,总算卸掉了包
4、袱。,10,例 2:I was scared of leaving the protective bubble of this place for places unknown,during uncertain economic times.And I was scared of squandering the incredible gift of my Stanford experience on pursuits that werent commensurate with expectations I,and others,had of me.I was scared of not doi
5、ng it all,of making irrevocable mistakes.【译文】校园是一层保护膜,离开它去未知的陌生之地,又是在这经济不稳定时期,我感到害怕。斯坦福这些年给了我难以估量的宝贵积累,我怕浪费在与自己和别人的期望都不相称的工作上。我还害怕自己并非多才多艺,也害怕犯无可挽回的错误。,11,例 3:No operation is more fearsome to the layman than brain surgery,the invasion by cold steel of mans citadel of reason and emotion,his very“self
6、”.This book,which is entirely factual(only names and places have been disguised),describes one exploration into this complex and mysterious world.【译文】对于一个外行人来说,没有比动脑部手术更令人胆颤心惊。一把冰凉的钢刀直插入人类理智与感情的城堡,捅进了人类的“禁区”!该书讲述的完全是真人真事(只把姓名和地址作了更改),记录了人们向这个错综复杂,神奇奥秘的世界所作的一次探索。,小节结束,12,例 1:Early Reagan was a mirror
7、 image of early Carter.【译文】里根上台时在做法上跟执政初期的卡特毫无两样。,补充例句,13,例 2:Copses,dells,quarries and all hidden places,which had been mysterious mines for exploration in leafy summer,now exposed themselves and their secrets pathetically,and seemed to ask him to overlook their shabby poverty for a while,till they
8、 could riot in rich masquerade as before,and trick and entice him with the old deceptions.(Grahame:The Wind in the Willows)【译文】灌木树丛,小山谷,采石坑以及一切隐秘的地方,在植物繁茂的夏天里还是需要探测的“秘密矿藏”,而此刻却可怜巴巴地裸露着,似乎要让他看一看这里的贫脊荒芜,不久它们又会如同从前一样披上这繁茂的面具,用老掉牙的把戏来欺骗他。,补充例句,小节结束,14,课堂互动1:翻译句子,注意派生意义(参考译文),1It seems to me what is sauc
9、e for the goose is sauce for the gander.【译文】我认为应该一视同仁。2His resort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar.【译文】他用非常不快的口气予以反驳。,15,3And I suppose shell tell all the boys,the old cat.【译文】我猜想她会告诉所有的男人,这个长舌老恶婆!4It was to be a very thorough attack,thus looks and undertones were to be well tried.【译文】这完全
10、是一次进攻战,什么眉眼功夫呀,柔腔细调都要用上。,课堂互动1:翻译句子,注意派生意义(参考译文),16,课堂互动1:翻译句子,注意派生意义(参考译文),5Brzezinski,national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter,has written one of the most important books on U.S.foreign policy since September 11.Among the handful of practitioners who write seriously and often about U.S.
11、foreign policy,only Henry Kissinger(another import)can compare with Brzezinski in terms of historical knowledge and imagination.,【译文】卡特总统的国家安全事务助理布热津斯基最近就美国的外交政策撰写了一本书,堪称是911以来最主要的一本。在从事实际外交活动的人中写作态度严肃,能撰写美国外交政策的人还为数不多。在他们中间,若论历史知识和想象力,只有亨利 基辛格可与布热津斯基相比;,17,课堂互动1:翻译句子,注意派生意义(参考译文),When it comes to w
12、hat might be called to“philosophy”of foreign policythe relationship of U.S.power and policy to broader historical and cultural trendsno statesman of Brzezinskis generation is in his league.And no Democrat of any age can match Brzezinskis grasp of the national interest and its sometimes difficult rel
13、ationship to the values of liberal society.,【续】若谈外交政策“哲学”,也就是美国强国和及其外交与更宏观的历史、文化潮流的关系,布热津斯基那一代人政治家中还没有一个能和他相提并论。至于说对国家利益以及国家利益与自由社会价值观之间时而出现的矛盾的掌握,也没有任何时代的民主党人能像布热津斯基那样了解掌握得如此清楚。,小节结束,18,形象是指客观物质存在的具体形态。物质是一切形象的共同本质,形象是物质的具体存在形态。形象不只是日常生活中所指的视觉形象,还应包括物质形象的各个方面:,11.2 形象意义(Figurative Meaning),19,自然物质形
14、象这是第一性的形象,指形象在空间的内部层次结构、发出的音响、散发的气味及其温度、硬度等。思维活动创造的形象这是第二性的形象,即人经过有意识的思维活动并经过重新加工组合形象,能动地反映自然物质形象,是人的精神意识和自然物质形象的统一。,20,形象意义指词的附加色彩之一,词义含有的关于被反映对象的形象感。通过一种事物来比喻另一种事物,将真实的“面孔”隐藏起来,把许多抽象的概念用具体或者熟悉的形象表达出来。,21,例 1:All the worlds a stage,and all the men and women merely players.(Shakespeare:As You Like I
15、t)【译文】世界是舞台,人人是演员。,22,例 2:Though Cabe could see immediately that she was unusually beautiful,a rare flower on the cusp of blooming.【译文】尽管如此,卡布还是看到了她那非同寻常的美丽,一枝含苞待放的、珍奇花朵。,23,例 3:The only completely stationary object in the room was an enormous couch on which two young women were buoyed up as though
16、upon an anchored balloon.They were both in white,and their dresses were rippling and fluttering as if they had just been blown back in after a short flight around the house.,【译文】屋内惟一完全静止的东西便是一张庞大的长沙发椅,上面坐有两位少妇,活像浮在一个停泊在地面的大气球上。俩人都身穿白衣,衣裙在风中飘荡,好像乘气球绕着房子飞了一圈刚被风吹回来似的。,24,I must have stood for a few mom
17、ents listening to the whip and snap of the curtains and the groan of a picture on the wall.Then there was a boom as Tom Buchhanan shut the rear windows and the caught wind died out about the room,and the curtains and the rugs and the two young women ballooned slowly to the floor.(F.Scott Fitzgerald:
18、The Great Gatsby),【续】我准是站了好一会儿,听窗帘刮动的劈啪声和墙上一幅挂像嘎吱嘎吱的响声。忽然砰的一声,汤姆布坎农关上了后面的落地长窗,屋内余风这才渐渐平息,窗帘、地毯和两位少妇也都慢慢地降落在地。,小节结束,25,补充例句,例 1:The royalties from his books and short stories still literally flowed in from all over the world.【译文】他的书和短篇小说的版税还是像水一般源源不断地从全世界流来。例 2:There is a tide in the affairs of men w
19、hich taken at the flood,leads on to fortune.(William Shakespeare:The Life and Death of Julius Caesar)【译文】世事如潮水,一切都听天由命。,26,例 3:Pulling out all the annuals which nature has allowed to erupt in over-powering purple,orange and pink,a final cry of joy.That would almost be murder.【译文】把一年生植物强行拔起,掐死造化恩赐的紫绛
20、、桔黄和浅红这一片烂漫,阻断自然界的最后欢声,简直无异于谋杀。(陆谷孙译),补充例句,小节结束,27,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意形象意义(参考译文),1The floor looked like glass under the feet of the dancers.【译文】跳舞的人脚下的地板看来好像光溜溜的玻璃。2 while we cannot close the gulf between us,we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.【译文】尽管不能填平我们之间的鸿沟,却可以设法搭一座桥,以便跨
21、过这座桥来双方进行会谈。,28,3The great streets were wall-lined mysteries to her;the vast offices,strange mazes which concerned far-off individuals of importance.She could only think of people connected with them as counting money,dressing magnificently,and riding in carriages.【译文】在她看来,大街便是两边立着高墙的神秘地方。高大的写字楼是和可望
22、而不可及的大人物有关的奇异迷宫。她觉得这里的人们只想着赚钱,穿华贵的衣服,坐着马车进出往来。,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意形象意义(参考译文),29,4Paring down Chinas top-heavy government is key to speeding the reform of state enterprises.Zhu plans to hive off companies that were under the thumb of ministries.He also wants to reduce the conflicts of interest facing min
23、istries that are both regulators and competitors.(Joyce Barnathan&Dexter Roberts)【译文】大量削减人员臃肿的政府机构是加速中国国有企业改革的关键。朱镕基计划把一些隶属部委的公司分离出来,他也想减少各部委既是管理者又是竞争者所面临的利益冲突。,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意形象意义(参考译文),30,5.Man is born free;and everywhere he is in chains.One thinks himself the master of others,and still remains a
24、greater slave than them.How did this change come about?I do not know.What can make it legitimate?That question I think I can answer.,【译文】人一生下来本是自由的,可处处受到约束。那种自以为给别人当主子的人,反倒比别人更为奴才。为何这样?我不知道。怎样才能使它合法?我想我能够解决这个问题。,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意形象意义(参考译文),31,The strongest is never strong enough to be always the maste
25、r,unless he transforms strength into right,and obedience into duty.Hence the right of the strongest,which,though to all seeming meant ironically,is really laid down as a fundamental principle.,【续】强者也绝不会强到可以永远当主子,除非他使自己的专横变为权利,使屈服变为义务,即所谓强者的权利;这种权利表面上看来有点挖苦讥讽,实际上却实实在在地被当作原则而确立了。,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意形象意义(参
26、考译文),32,But are we never to have an explanation of this phrase?Force is a physical power,and I fail to see what moral effect it can have.To yield to force is an act of necessity,not of will at the most,an act of prudence.In what sense can it be a duty?,【续】可是难道永远不会有人向我们说清这个名词不成?暴力是一种肉体上的力量:我可不明白使用暴力可
27、以产生出什么道义上的东西。向暴力屈服实属迫不得已,决非心甘情愿;如此这般充其量也只是出于长远考虑。在什么意义之下,屈服居然能够是一种义务?,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意形象意义(参考译文),33,Obey the powers that be.If this means yield to force,it is a good precept,but superfluous:I can answer for its never being violated.All power comes from God,I admit;but so does all sickness:does that m
28、ean that we are forbidden to call in the doctor?,【续】你要服从权力。如果这话的意思是说,你要向暴力屈服,那么这条诫令虽好,然而是多余的;我保证决不会有人违犯它。一切权力都来自上帝,这我承认;可是所有疾病也都是来自上帝:这是不是说就不许请医生?,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意形象意义(参考译文),34,A brigand surprises me at the edge of a wood:must I not merely surrender my purse on compulsion;but,even if I could withhold
29、 it,am I in conscience bound to give it up?For certainly the pistol he hold is also a power.(Jean-Jacques Rousseau:The Social Contract),【续】要是有个强盗在树林角落截住了我,是不是迫于暴力不仅应当交出钱包,但可以不交,凭良心我也有义务把它交出去?因为他手里拿的手枪毕竟也是一种权力。,小节结束,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,注意形象意义(参考译文),35,联想指由一人、一物或一概念而想起别的人、别的事物或概念。联想是信息在大脑中的一种加工方式和规律,即由当前的事物所
30、放射的信息,刺激大脑神经网络中的信息组织样式时所产生的一种暂时的神经联系。联想分简单联想和复杂联想。简单联想包括接近联想、类似联想、对比联想;复杂联想又称关系联想,包括因果、种属。,11.3 联想意义(Associative Meaning),36,原语文化以一种事物作比喻,译者可考虑用意义联想的方法,在译语文化中用另一事物作比喻,保留这种语用文化涵义。意义联想包括内涵意义、社会意义、情感意义、搭配意义。译者通过联想,在头脑中建立词与词、词与物、物与物以及音、形、义之间的相互的暂时联系,把隐喻中所隐含的语用、文化涵义、尽可能地在译文中保留下来。,37,例1:The weather smiled
31、 on us.【译文】天气很好。,38,例2:Of me,my mother would say,with characteristic restraint,“this bandit.He doesnt even have to open a book A in everything.Albert Einstein the second.”【译文】妈妈总是以特有的矜持说我,“这个小鬼头,连书本都不打开,就门门功课都能得个优秀,活脱脱一个爱因斯坦。”,39,例3:The Daffodils(William Wordsworth)I wanderd lonely as a cloudThat fl
32、oats on high over vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host,of golden daffodils;Beside the lake,beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.,【参考译文】水仙(威廉 华兹华斯)独自漫游似浮云,青山翠谷上飘荡;一刹那瞥见一丛丛、一簇簇水仙金黄;树荫下,明湖边,和风吹拂舞翩跹。,40,Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky Way,The
33、y stretchd in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay;Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.,仿佛群星璀璨,沿银河闪霎晶莹;一湾碧波边缘,绵延,望不尽;只见万千无穷,随风偃仰舞兴浓。,【续】,41,The waves beside them danced,but theyOutdid the sparkling waves in glee;A poet could not but be gayIn such a jocund comp
34、any!I gazedand gazedbut little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought;,花边波光潋滟,怎比得繁花似锦;面对如此良伴,诗人怎不欢欣!凝视,凝视,流连不止;殊不知引起悠悠情思:,【续】,42,For oft,when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And d
35、ances with the daffodils.,兀自倚榻憩息,岑寂,幽然冥想;蓦地花影闪心扉,独处方能神往;衷心喜悦洋溢,。伴水仙,舞不息。(孙 梁译),【续】,小节结束,43,例1:Dawn was beginning to prowl about the sky and put out the stars【译文】黎明悄然来临,星星暗淡无光。,补充例句,44,例2:All the time the creeping fear that he would never come back to her grew strong within her.【译文】那种一直令她毛骨悚然的恐惧愈来愈强烈
36、她感到他将永远离她而去。,补充例句,45,例 3:Cordell Hull,in the age of print,observed that a lie goes half way around the world before truth has time to get its trousers on.With television today,truth never catches up with half truth.(Mortimer B.Zuckerman)【译文】考岱尔 赫尔曾经指出,在印刷时代,真相还来不及穿上裤子,谎言就已经走遍了半个世界。在电视普及的今天,真相更难闭户守身。
37、,补充例句,小节结束,46,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子,注意联想意义(参考译文),Among sailors,it is known as“the Graveyard of the Atlantic”because of the strange weather found there.【译文】由于这里的天气异常,水手当中传说它是“大西洋中的墓地”。,47,2Stranger yet are the numerous“ghost”ships that have been found floating crewless within the triangle.【译文】更奇怪的是,在三角区域内发现有无
38、数“鬼船”漂浮,船上却杳无人迹。,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子,注意联想意义(参考译文),48,3My maternal grandfather,it is true,was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven,but my other three grandparents all lived to be over eighty.【译文】我外祖父固然是在风华正茂之年就离世了,当时他只有67岁,可我的祖父、祖母和外祖母却都活到了80多岁。,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子,注意联想意义(参考译文),49,4My rest
39、might have been blissful enough,only a sad heart broke it.It plained of its gaping wounds,its inward bleeding,its riven chords.It trembled for Mr.Rochester and his doom;it bemoaned him with bitter pity;it demanded him with ceaseless longing;and,impotent as a bird with both wings broken,it still quiv
40、ered its shattered pinions in vain attempts to seek him.,【译文】我本来可以休息得十分安详自在,只是一颗悲伤的心把它给搅了。由于受到了严重的创伤,我的心在哀诉。我的心为罗切斯特先生,为他的厄运颤抖;怀着强烈的怜悯为他悲叹;怀着无休无止的渴望要求知道他的情况。我的心,好像折断了双翅的小鸟,已经无能为力,但还在拍打着残翅,为了寻找他去作徒劳的尝试。,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子,注意联想意义(参考译文),50,5The urgency is everywhere.Grass blankets the earth,reaching for the
41、sun,spreads its roots,flowers and comes to seed.The forest widens its canopy,strengthens its boles,nurtures its seedlings,ripens its perpetuating nuts.,【译文】到处都是只争朝夕的气氛。绿草如茵铺满了大地,朝着太阳生长,它四处植根,开花结子。林木扩展其华盖,强固其主干,给树苗输送养分并使长了许久的坚果成熟。,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子,注意联想意义(参考译文),51,The birds nest and hatch their fledglings
42、.The beetle and the bee are busy at the grassroot and the blossom,and the butterfly lays eggs that will hatch and crawl and eat and pupate and take to the air once more.Fish spawn and meadow voles harvest the wild meadows,and owls and foxes feed their young.Dragonflies and swallows and nighthawks se
43、ine the air where the minute winged creatures flit out their minute life spans.,【续】鸟雀营巢并孵化小鸟。甲虫奔忙于草根,蜜蜂飞逐于花丛。蝴蝶则在产卵,将来孵出的小虫从爬行、吃食、化蛹到振翅飞翔再经历一次循环。鱼也在产卵,田鼠则在荒野草原上采集食物。猫头鹰和狐狸给幼仔喂食。蜻蜓、燕子和夜鹰在空中像围网似地捕食,而极小的有翼动物在空中飞呀飞的便结束了短暂的生命。,小节结束,课堂互动3:翻译下列句子,注意联想意义(参考译文),52,寓意指不在字面而在字里行间寄托或隐含的意义。透过表面的语言现象去挖掘深层次的内容,透视文
44、化,加深理解;还要了解原隐喻的文化背景、历史传统、宗教信仰,既要使译文达意确切,好要再现原文的风格与韵味,恰如其分地再现寓意;切忌将寓于字面背后的含义在译文的表面坦露无遗,而应当想方设法采用与原作同样含而不露的方式再现原文所暗示的文化心理内涵。,11.4 内涵寓意(Sub-text Meaning),53,例1:You want your pound of flesh,dont you?【译文】你要逼债是吗?,54,例2:This single stick,which you now behold ingloriously lying in that neglected corner,I on
45、ce knew in a flourishing state in a forest.It was full of sap,full of leaves,and full of boughs.【译文】你可见在壁角里的这束孤零零、羞怯怯的扫把吧,昔日在森林里也曾有过多汁嫩绿、枝繁叶茂、欣欣向荣的日子。,55,例 3:O.K.fellas,this is it!D-Day!Lets get out there and blitz the competition.Giveem hell!Now weve planned our strategy down to the last T.No Magin
46、ot Line here!And oh,we want no Quislings on our team.The last thing we want in this outfit is a Fifth Column.,【译文】好吧,伙计们,情况就是这样!该大干一场了!大家要携起手来,争取竞争,快速取胜!决策既然定好就得毫无条件地贯彻落实,决不要一味地防守!噢,对了!我们可不希望队伍中出现变节分子,我们最不希望出现家贼。,56,On the other hand,give yourselves room to maneuver.Dont get into any Catch-22 situat
47、ion.Promise them anything:a New Deal,a Fair Deal,a Square Deal.Make the first sale and the rest will follow like the domino effect.The bottom line is sell,sell,sell!,【续】还有,你们要善于心计,切勿陷入尴尬的境地!向客户做出一切承诺:新型交易,公平交易,公正交易。只要做成第一笔买卖,跟着就会生意兴隆,财源滚滚。总之,我们的最终目标就是卖、卖、卖!,小节结束,57,例1:Many took to gambling and got i
48、n over their heads,borrowing from Shylocks to pay their debts.(Time)【译文】那些债台高筑的赌徒们不得不借高利贷还钱。,补充例句,58,例2:It was another one of those catch-22 situations,youre damned if you do and youre damned if you dont.【译文】这又是一个左右为难的尴尬局面,干也倒霉,不干也倒霉!,补充例句,59,例3:There is a Chinese maxim that says:The best plan for o
49、ne year is to cultivate grain,that for ten years is to cultivate trees,and that for a hundred years is to cultivate people.Once cultivated,grain may bring about a crop within the year,trees may bring about benefits lasting scores of years.People may bring about benefits lasting for a hundred years.,
50、【译文】中国有句格言:一年树谷,十年树木,百年树人。种下庄稼,一年就有收获,树木也可以带来几十年的收益,而人才的培养却有着百年的效益。,补充例句,60,As educators,we grow people.Thus the next three days offer great opportunities to examine qualities of education that could impact lives for the next one hundred years.This is a great responsibility and we must accept it wit