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1、WEB OF SCIENCE中检索式的编写(其他数据库中编写的思路是一样的,只要根据其数据库的各种算符的规定即可)1. 逻辑算符:and or not2. 通用截词符:*等.3. 优先算符:()4. 位置算符:;near 等WEB OF SCIENCE逻辑运算符优先顺序如果在检索式中使用不同的运算符,则会根据下面的优先顺序处理检索式:NEAR/xSAMENOTANDOR每个数据库中的位置算符都不尽相同,要具体情况具体对待 如果2个检索词就这样摆在这,中间不加任何检索算符,系统一般默一我,你认是and的关系,但是索词之间的关系定义清楚! !我们学习了各种算符,血不允许囚就 饷人f全人炎虫、日静、
2、专样尚左、专要用各种算符把 把2个或多个检索词就这样放在这,K联合国International Court of JusticeInternational Court of Justice美国:USA / U.S. / United States / America / American / United States of America / United States of American正确的检索式:(USA or U.S. or United States or America or American or United States of America or United Sta
3、tes of American)这个检索式是错的:为什么?(USA or U.S. or United States or America or American orUnited States of America or United States of Americar) 上边这个检索式相当于:(USA or U.S. or United and States or America or American or United and States and America or United and States and American)数据库会先运算and在运算or,最终的检索结果完全不
4、是我们想要 的“美国”思路:1. 首先是想要研究某领域中的某一课题;2. 想要查资料,中文,英文3. 确定数据库,一定要根据课题内容来确定数据库中文数据库:CNKI;维普;万方等英文数据库:web of science; ProQuest 平台上的 Dissertations and Theses A&I: The Sciences and Engineering Collection (简称 PQDT); ProQuest Research Library(简称 ARL); LexisNexis; EBSCO 的 ASP、BSP; Springer LINK; Elsevier SD等等4.
5、 在不同的数据库中,根据各数据库的算符规定,编写出能检索出我们自己想要文献的检索式,就是符合要求的检索式5. 在数据库中运行检索式,检索出符合要求的参考文献。6. 将检索出的文献保存到EndNote; NoteFirst等文献管理软件中;7. 在对检索出的文献进行阅读、研究后,写出自己的研究成果,即 自己的文章,投稿,发表!一.研究的课题:综合调度的优化模型以及模型的求解算法。在优化模型的建立方面, 充分考虑重大自然灾害应急响应中存在的应急资源需求量、疏散人员 数量和位置、应急资源和疏散人员的运送时间等信息具有不确定性的 情况,综合运用网络流规划、不确定规划等方法,建立重大自然灾害 中应急资源
6、与疏散人员综合调度的优化模型。针对所建立的模型的复 杂特性,设计能够有效求解模型的智能优化算法,通过仿真实验验证 模型和算法的有效性和可行性。二想要查找下列研究方面的文献:1. 以重大自然灾害应急响应为背景,同时考虑应急资源和疏散人员的优化调度问题,通过优化模型的建立及求解获得最优调度方案;2. 在模型构建中考虑重大自然灾害环境下应急资源的需求量、疏散人员的数量和位置、应急资源和疏散人员的运送时间等信息中具有模糊 信息、随机信息等各类不确定信息的情况,综合运用网络流规划和不 确定规划建立优化调度模型,并开发求解模型的智能优化算法。三.我们在web of science中查找文献想要查找:优化调
7、度问题,通过优化模型的建立及求解获得最优调度方案;1.首先要了解web of science中的算符规定:布尔逻辑运算符AND使用AND可查找包含被该运算符分开的所有检索词的记录。OR使用OR可查找包含被该运算符分开的任何检索词的记录。NOT使用NOT可将包含特定检索词的记录从检索结果中排除。位置限定运算符NEAR/x X乂0使用NEAR/x可查找由该运算符连接的检索词之间相隔指定数 量的单词的记录。该规则也适用于单词处于不同字段的情况。 用数字取代x可指定将检索词分开的最大单词数。如果只使用NEAR而不使用/x,则系统将查找其中的检索词由NEAR连接且彼此相隔不到15个单词的记录。例如,以下
8、检 索式效果相同:salmon NEAR virussalmon NEAR/15 virus请注意.您不能在“主题”和“标题”检索式中将AND运算符作为NEAR 运算符的一部分使用。例如,以下检索式是有效的。TS=(Brown NEAR spider bite)但是,TS=(Brown NEAR spider bite)就是无效的,因为 AND是检 索词spider与bite之间的隐含运算符。另一方面,OG=(Brown NEAR Rhode Island)是有效的,因为此字 段标识在检索词Rhode和Island之间调用了一个隐含的 NEAR运算符。单词NEAR出现在标题中如果来源文献(如期
9、刊、书籍或会议录文献)的标题中包含单词 NEAR,检索时请使用引号()将其引起。例如,在“标题” 字段输入以下文本将返回一条记录。Atomistic simulations of a solid/liquid interface: a combined force field and first principles approach to the structure and dynamics of acetonitrile near an anatase如果未使用引号,系统会返回如下错误消息:“检索错误:NEAR 运算符使用无效”SAME在地址检索中,使用SAME可查找该运算符所分隔的检索词
10、出 现在同一个地址中的记录。您需要使用括号来分组地址检索词。例如:AD=(Portland SAME Oregon)查找在记录“地址”字段中存在地址检索词Portland、Oregon或 OR的记录。请注意,当在其他字段(如“主题”和“标题”)中使用时,如果检索词出现在同一记录中,SAME与AND的作用就完全相同。例如:TS=(cat SAME mouse)与 TS=(cat AND mouse)将得到相同的结果。逻辑运算符优先顺序 如果在检索式中使用不同的运算符,则会根据下面的优先顺序处 理检索式:NEAR/xSAMENOTANDOR copper OR lead AND algae可查找同
11、时存在lead和algae的所有记录以及存在单词copper的所有记录。(copper OR lead) AND algae可查找同时存在单词 algae与 copper和同时存在algae与lead的所有记录。使用括号使用括号可以忽略运算符优先级。括号内的表达式优先执行。(cadmium AND gill*) NOT Pisces 可查找包含 cadmium 和 gill (或 gills)的记录,但排除包含单词Pisces的记录。(salmon OR pike) NEAR/10 virus 可查找 salmon 或 pike 与 virus 相隔不到10个单词的记录。通配符所有可以使用单词
12、和短语的检索字段均可以使用通配符。它们 可在检索式中表示未知字符。星号(*)表示任何字符组,包括空字符。问号(?)表示任意一个字符。美元符号($)表示零或一个字符。有关通配符的一般规则通配符可位于检索词的中间。例如,odo$r可查找到odor和 odour。您不能在以下字符后面使用通配符:特殊字符(/ #)和标点符 号(.,:;!)。您不能在出版年检索中使用通配符。例如,可以使用2007,但 不能使用200*。如果通配符出现在单词或名称中,您就不能对其进行检索。可以在引号内使用美元符号($)。例如,检索式RomanNumeral$ 查找包含检索词 Roman Numeral 或 Roman N
13、umerals的记录。在检索式中最多可使用30个布尔运算符。在“检索”页面的 检索式中,不能在单个字段中或多个字段之间使用超过30个通 配符。注意:建议检索包含连字号(-)或撇号的姓名时不使用美元符 号($)和问号(?)等通配符,否则产品返回的记录可能减少。有用窍门美元符号($)对于查找同一单词的英国拼写和美国拼写非常有用。例如,flavo$r 可查找 flavor 和 flavour。问号(?)对于检索最后一个字符不确定的作者姓氏非常有用。例如,Barthold?可查找Bartholdi和Bartholdy,但不会查找Barthodo短语检索若要精确查找短语,请用引号括住短语。例如,检索式e
14、nergyconservation将检索包含精确短语energy conservation 的记 录。这仅适用于“主题”和“标题”检索。如果输入不带引号的短语,则检索引擎将检索包含您所输入的所 有单词的记录。这些单词可能连在一起出现,也可能不连在一 起出现。例如,energy conservation将查找包含精确短语energy conservation的记录, 还会查找到包含短语 conservation of energy的记录。如果输入以连字号、句号或逗号分隔的两个单词,则词语将视为 精确短语。 例如,检索词waste-water将查找包含精确短语 waste-water或短语 was
15、te water的记录, 而不会查找包含 water waste、waste in drinking water 或 water extracted from waste的记录。括号括号用于将合成布尔运算符进行分组。例如:(Antibiotic OR Antiviral) AND (Alga* OR Seaweed)(Pagets OR Pagets) AND (cell* AND tumor*)撇号撇号被视为空格,是不可检索字符。请确保检索不带撇号的不 同拼写形式。例如,Pagets OR Pagets可查找包含Pagets和 Pagets的记录。连字号输入带连字号或不带连字号的检索词可以检
16、索用连字号连接的单词和短语。 例如,speech-impairment可查找包含 speech-impairment 和 speech impairment 的记录。2. 分析课题,找出主题词及同义词以重大自然灾害应急响应为背景,同时考虑应急资源和疏散人员的优化调度问题,通过优化模型的建立及求解获得最优调度方案;1. 灾害 / 灾难disaster / disasters / hazard / hazards2. 海啸tsunami3. 飓风hurricane4. 地震earthquake / earthquakes / seismic / seismological5. 洪水flood /
17、floods6. 龙卷风tornado6.1雪灾snow disaster / snow calamity / snow disasters / Snowstorm7. 应急资源/应急物资/应急物品emergency resource / emergency resources8. 救援rescue / succor9. 疏散/转移/撤离/撤退evacuation / evacuate10. 转移metastasis / metastatic / metastases / transfer11. 人群group / groups / population / populations12. 模型
18、model / models / modeling13. 调度scheduling / dispatching / dispatch14. 数学mathematical / mathematic / mathematics15.优化optimization / optimized / optimal / optimize / optimizing以重大自然灾害应急响应为背景,同时考虑应急资源和疏散人员的 优化调度问题,通过优化模型的建立及求解获得最优调度方案;针对检索要求,我们不可能一次就能检索出与题目要求完全 相同的文献,如果检索出完全相同的文献,说明该课题已经有人 研究了,我们也就不需要在
19、研究了。那么,我们将思路拆分:1)我们检索:关于:自然灾害中应急资源的建模及调度的文献1 (灾害or灾难or海啸or飓风or地震or洪水or龙卷风 or雪灾)and (应急or救援)and (资源or物资or物品)and 模型and调度2)我们检索:关于:自然灾害中疏散人员的建模及调度的文献2. (灾害or灾难or海啸or飓风or地震or洪水or龙卷风 or雪灾)and (疏散or转移or迁移or迁徙or撤离or撤退) and (人口 or人群or人员or人流or病员or伤员or病人) and模型and调度对应第一个检索式,改编为英文:(灾害 or 灾难 or 海啸 or 飓风 or 地震 o
20、r 洪水 or 龙卷风 or雪灾)and (应急or救援)and (资源or物资or物品)and 模型and调度1. 灾害 / 灾难disaster / disasters / hazard / hazards(disaster* or hazard*)2. 海啸tsunamitsunami*3. 飓风hurricanehurrican*4. 地震earthquake / earthquakes / seismic / seismologicalearthquak* or seismic* or seismologic*5. 洪水flood / floodsflood*6. 龙卷风tornad
21、otornado*6.1雪灾snow disaster / snow calamity / snow disasters / SnowstormSnowstorm* or (snow near/3 (disaster* or calamit*)7. 应急资源/应急物资/应急物品emergency resource / emergency resourcesemergency near/2 resource*可检索出如下:emergency resource; emergency resources;emergency-resource; emergency of resource;emerge
22、ncy of the resource; emergency of resources;emergency of the resources;还可以检索出:resource emergency;resources emergency;resource -emergency;resource of emergency;resource of the emergency; resources of emergency;resources of the emergency;8.救援rescue / succor(rescue or succor)救援这个词可以先不考虑,因为应急物资一定是用来救援的9
23、. 疏散/转移/撤离/撤退 evacuate*10. 转移metasta* or transfer*11. 人群group* or populati*12. 模型model*13. 调度schedule* or dispatch*evacuation / evacuatemetastasis / metastatic / metastases / transfergroup / groups / population / populationsmodel / models / modelingscheduling / dispatching / dispatch14. 数学mathematic
24、al / mathematic / mathematicsmathematic*15. 优化optimization / optimized / optimal / optimize / optimizingoptimiz* or optimal检索式1(灾害or灾难or海啸or飓风or地震or洪水or龙卷风) and (应急or救援)and (资源or物资or物品)and模型 and调度(disaster* or hazard* or tsunami* or hurrican* or earthquak* orseismic* or seismologic* or flood* or tor
25、nado* or Snowstorm* or snow near/3(disaster* or calamit*) and (emergency near/2 resource*) and model* and (schedule* or dispatch*)把这个检索式放在“主题”字段中检索,同时去除中文文献检索结果:9主题=(disaster* or hazard* or tsunami* or hurrican* or earthquak* or seismic* or seismologic* or flood* or tornado* or Snowstorm* or snow ne
26、ar/3 (disaster* or calamit*) and (emergency near/2 resource*) and model* and (schedule* or dispatch*) NOT 语种=(Chinese)时间跨度=所有年份.数据库=SCI-EXPANDED, CPCI-S, CPCI-SSH, CCR-EXPANDED, IC.词形还原=打开在专家检索界面编检索:Ts=(disaster* or hazard* or tsunami* or hurrican* or earthquak* or seismic* or seismologic* or flood*
27、 or tornado* or Snowstorm* or snow near/3 (disaster* or calamit*) and (emergency near/2 resource*) and model* and (schedule* or dispatch*) not la=Chinese9条文献,相关度还比较高,大部分来源于CPCI-SSH,为什么第1条,共9条标题:Study of the Emergency Logistics Based on GERT作者:Lin, L (Lin, Lu)编者:Yi X; Mi L来源出版物:MATERIALS AND MANUFACT
28、URING TECHNOLOGY PTS 1 AND 2 丛书:Advanced Materials Research 卷:129-131 页:1372-1375 DOI:10.4028wwwscientificnet/AMR.129-131.1372 出版年:2010在Web of Science中的被引频次:0被引频次合计:0摘要:Disaster, emergency and epidemic diseases occur often bring huge losses, these losses in large part due to the loss of emergency lo
29、gistics after disaster. So how to schedule schemes within shortest time in unpredictable situations, sent emergency resources to emergency locations within the shortest time is the key. According to the principle, GERT function, moment generating function, flow chart of theory and mason formula, the
30、n, combined with examples, construct an emergency distribution model. By calculating, distribution probability of success for each line and risk probability, the distribution of time and variance were achieved, then, analyze the defects in the model and areas in which need of improvement, and finall
31、y according to the defects put forward the improved solution.入藏号:W0S:000289025100273语种:English文献类型:Proceedings Paper会议名称:International Conference on Material and Manufacturing Technology会议日期:SEP 17-19, 2010会议地点:Chongqing, PEOPLES R CHINA地址:Guizhou Coll Finance & Econ, Sch Business Adm, Guiyang, Guiz
32、hou, Peoples R China通讯作者地址:Lin, L (通讯作者),Guizhou Coll Finance & Econ, Sch Business Adm, Guiyang, Guizhou, Peoples R China电子邮件地址:出版商:TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD出版商地址:LAUBLSRUTISTR 24, CH-8717 STAFA-ZURICH, SWITZERLANDISSN: 1022-6680ISBN: 978-0-87849-243-529字符的来源出版物名称缩写:ADV MATER RES-SWITZ来源出版物页码计数:4第
33、2条,共9条标题:A Study on Highway Network Emergent Resource Scheduling in Regional Heavy Snow and Server Rime Disasters作者:Wang, S (Wang Sheng); Qian, X (Qian Xin); Lin, GL (Lin Guangli)书籍团体作者:IEEE来源出版物:PROCEEDINGS OF 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LOGISTICS SYSTEMS AND INTELLIGENT MANAGEMENT, VOLS 1-3 页
34、:1609-1612 出版年:2010在Web of Science中的被引频次:0被引频次合计:0摘要:The natural disaster of heavy snow and server rime in winter affect peoples life order by disturbing traffic. A two-stage emergency resource scheduling model was constructed to optimize the emergent resource dispatching plan, so that the limited s
35、upplies, which may ensure health and safety of the blocked staff, could reach all parts of the highway net as soon as possible. An ant colony optimization (ACO) based approach was applied to solve the first stage of the model, and a heuristic algorithm was designed to solve the second stage. At last
36、, numerical examples were given, and in order to enhance the ACOs searching ability, zoning Fibonacci method was adopted to optimize the main parameters of the algorism. The results show that the proposed method can find the approximate optimal solution effectively.入藏号:WOS:000282107600357语种:English文
37、献类型:Proceedings Paper会议名称:International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management会议日期:JAN 09-10, 2010会议地点:Harbin, PEOPLES R CHINA地址:Wang Sheng; Qian Xin Nanjing Univ, State Key Lab Pollut Control & Resources Reuse, Sch Environm, Nanjing 210093, Peoples R China通讯作者地址:Wang, S (通讯作者),N
38、anjing Univ, State Key Lab Pollut Control & Resources Reuse, Sch Environm, Nanjing 210093, Peoples R China电子邮件地址:,.cn,出版商:IEEE出版商地址:345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USAISBN: 978-1-4244-7328-1来源出版物页码计数:4第3条,共9条标题:Research on Layout and Scheduling of the Emergency Resources Based on Continuous Demand
39、 and Continuous Supply作者:Zhou, GL (Zhou Guang-liang)编者:Zhu XN; Zhao SR来源出版物:PROCEEDINGS OF 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (6TH), VOL I 页:957-962 出版年:2010在Web of Science中的被引频次:0被引频次合计:0摘要:As a core element, emergency resource plays a key role in the emergency relief. It has th
40、e direct impact on the rescuing efficiency and effectiveness. Continuous demand is the normal behavior of emergency demand, which should be accurately calculated in terms of the demand forecasting and afterward demand assessment. Continuous supply increases the requirements for production, inventory
41、 and transportation. To achieve the effective docking of bicontinuity, there are special requirements for facilitys position, size and focuses in emergency resource location. For the configuration of the emergency resources requires coordinating the relations between the emergency preparation stage,
42、 the emergency response stage and the emergency recovery phase. Dispatching is the dynamic displacement of emergency resources. It determines which warehouse should be used to delivery supplies to the disaster location and determines the specific supplies quantity from the different warehouses by id
43、entifying the storage quantity of various materials in different warehouses and setting up the planning model between the distance of the warehouse and the disaster location. In this way, the effective match among the location, allocation and scheduling of emergency resources on the basis of continu
44、ous demand and supply is achieved.入藏号:WOS:000288468200140语种:English文献类型:Proceedings Paper会议名称:6th International Conference on Public Administration会议日期:OCT 22-24, 2010会议地点:Canberra, AUSTRALIA会议主办方:Govt ANU, Crawford Sch Econom地址:Zhou Guang-liang Zhengzhou Univ Light Ind, Sch Econ & Management, Zheng
45、zhou 450002, Peoples R China通讯作者地址:出版商:UNIV ELECTRONIC SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CHINA PRESS出版商地址:UESTC PRESS, CHENGDU, 610054, PEOPLES R CHINAISBN: 978-7-5647-0624-1来源出版物页码计数:6第4条,共9条标题:Research on Emergency Resources Scheduling in Disaster Rescues Based on Ant Colony Algorithm作者:Jiang, JG (Jiang, Jingu
46、i)编者:VandeWalle B; Chu ZJ; Hu YH来源出版物: PROCEEDINGS OF ISCRAM CHINA 2010: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR CRISIS RESPONSE AND MANAGEMENT 页:269-273出版年:2010 在Web of Science中的被引频次:0被引频次合计:0摘要:It is an important work for emergency management to scientifically and efficiently car
47、ry out emergency resources scheduling in disasters rescues which can maximally exert value of the limited emergency resources. This paper establishes the emergency resources scheduling model which is under multi-constraint conditions. Then the ant colony algorithm is used to solve the model which is helpful to carry out the emergency resources highly efficient use and reasonable dispatch.入藏号:WOS:000294744000043语种:English文献类型:Proceedings Paper会议名称:4th International Confer