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1、smell,smell,CA-LGWK-Synonyms-1,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,Fill in each blank with one of the two words from each pair in their appropriate forms and note the difference of meaning between them.,scent smell,Both words denote that which is perceived through the nose by means o

2、f the olfactory sense.Smell is a general word,which can be applied to pleasant,unpleasant,or neutral sensations.Scent refers to any odour,natural or artificial,that is faintly diffused through the air,and it is almost always delicate and pleasing.,When we arrived at our village,there was a terrible

3、of burning.,_,2.I dont know how in the dark my sense of became so cute.,_,scent,scent,CA-LGWK-Synonyms-2,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,3.The of her perfume lingered on in the room.,Flowers are chosen for their as well as their look.,_,_,More,perfume:a sweet or pleasant smell,as

4、 of flowers;liquid that made from flower,for use of bodyfragrance:the quality of being fragrantaroma:a strong and pleasant smell;a sensation considered typical of some qualitystink:very unpleasant smell,singing,CA-LGWK-Synonyms-3,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,sing chant,Sing em

5、phasizes an uttering of a succession of articulate musical sounds,especially with the human voice,while chant can be used to refer to the recitation of something repetitiously or monotonously in a sing-song manner.,1.Several thousand people and demonstrated outside the building.,2.Her mother turned

6、her back on her career.,chanted,_,_,3.The students gave him a rapturous welcome,in unison,We want the king.,chanting,_,4.His really does have the depth and the emotional range of the blues.,singing,_,CA-LGWK-Synonyms-4,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,More,warble:to sing in a tril

7、ling manner or with many turns and variationsintone:to utter in musical or prolonged tonesshout:to use ones voice loudlyexclaim:to say something suddenly and loudlycheer:to shout,esp.because of happiness,special interest,permitted,allowed,CA-LGWK-Synonyms-5,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Gram

8、mar|Cloze,permit allow,To permit is to grant leave to or empower by express consent;the word suggests authority that could prevent,implying a greater or lesser degree of approval,and may indicate official sanction.Nevertheless,to allow,used positively,means to grant as a right or privilege,and it is

9、 a less formal term and often carries the idea of simply not attempting to hinder.,1.His 18-year-old son was to stay out until midnight and to use the family car on occasion.,allowed,_,permitted,_,2.The nurse the visitors to remain beyond the hospital visiting hours,though it was not.,_,_,permitted,

10、permitted,CA-LGWK-Synonyms-6,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,3.This the western manufacturers to play their strong cards:capital and technology.,4.He said that terrorists would not be to hold Britain to ransom.,_,_,More,license:to allow officially(in paper forms)authorize:to give

11、 power grant:to agree to give,allow,authorize,etc.warrant:to give someone a reason for doing or thinking(a stated thing),infuriating,angered,CA-LGWK-Synonyms-7,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,anger infuriate,Both words mean to arouse extreme displeasure,and usually antagonism,in

12、a person or animal.Anger,a more general term,may apply to mild as well as severe displeasure,and is often used as a participle to describe ones disposition.Infuriate is a stronger word,implying a reaction so intense that one virtually loses control of ones actions,implying that something is unbearab

13、ly offensive.,1.He was capable of being by trifles.,2.I was in the middle of typing when Robert sang.It was simply.,_,_,angered,infuriated,CA-LGWK-Synonyms-8,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,3.The crowds lost control of themselves,smashing windows and overturning cars.,_,4.From th

14、e media,it could be seen that many young people were at what they saw as an evasion of responsibility.,_,More,madden:to become or act as if madenrage:to cause to become furiousirritate:to excite impatience,anger,or displeasure in,1.In our era of extensive social restructuring,it is important to wome

15、n equality that entitles women to the privileges.,equality,CA-LGWK-filling-1,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box,using its appropriate form.,heritage grant repress naggingpainstakingly plead refinement stoica

16、llyfragile exasperation gibberish infuriated,2.Panel painting,common in thirteenth-and fourteenth-century Europe,involved a,laborious process.,_,painstaking,_,CA-LGWK-filling-2,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,3.Frosty Paws contains soy flour,water,vegetable oil,vitamins and miner

17、als.,4.Coral reefs are one of the most,biologically complex,and diverse marine ecosystems on Earth.,5.If you say that some people believe in a way,you approve of them because they do not complain or show that they are upset in bad situations.,6.Rudman guilty and was sentenced to a total of six years

18、 in prison for the robbery and the shooting of Mr.Smith.,refined,_,fragile,_,stoical,_,pleaded,_,CA-LGWK-filling-3,Explaining|Synonyms|Filling|Sentences|Grammar|Cloze,7.Even her own party detested her,and gave her the cold-shoulder.,8.This historic building is as much part of our as the paintings.,n

19、agging,_,heritage,_,CA-Translation-s1,Translating Sentences|Translating Passage,1.现在有些家长对子女要求太高,要他们学英语,学钢琴,学画画,什么都要学。(be hard on),Nowadays,some parents are hard on their sons and daughters,asking them to learn English,to learn to play the piano,to learn painting,and to learn many things.,2.他下定决心戒赌,所

20、以看见往日的赌友他惟恐避之不及。(disassociate oneself from),He is determined to give up gambling,so when he sees his former gambling friends,he is more than eager to disassociate himself from their company.,CA-Translation-s2,Translating Sentences|Translating Passage,3.记者们接到严厉的警告,没有官方批准不得前往地震灾区。(stern),4.孩子读书不争气,家长的

21、日子就不好过了。(keep up),5.嫌疑犯打算逃走,但是他的家人把他劝说住了。(dissuade),The reporters received a stern warning not to go to the earthquake-stricken area without official permission.,Life is tough for parents whose kids fail to keep up in school.,The suspect considered sneaking away,but his family managed to dissuade hi

22、m.,CA-Translation-s3,Translating Sentences|Translating Passage,6.电缆全部是明亮的黄色,以防行人绊脚。(trip over),The cables are all bright yellow to prevent pedestrians from tripping over them.,7.他对那个决定深为恼火,举起双臂表示不满。(exasperation),Infuriated by the decision,he threw up his arms in exasperation.,8.由于日晒雨淋,这幢老房子门上的漆已经斑痕

23、累累。(blotch),The paint on the door of this old house has been blotched and striped by years of weathering.,CA-Translation-p1,Translating Sentences|Translating Passage,Translate the following into Chinese.,我们在吸收外国文化精华的时候,不应为毫无创造的一味模仿而得意。沉溺于简单的模仿将扼杀创造力,我们也将不可能攀登艺术的新高峰,不可能向世界展示我们自己创作的优秀作品。简单的模仿与新意和创意完全是

24、两回事。事实上,新意和创意是现代风格与传统风格的融合,是外国特色与本民族特色的融合,是艺术特质与教育本质的融合。,CA-Translation-p2,Translating Sentences|Translating Passage,参考译文,While absorbing the essence of a foreign culture,we should not be content with imitation without creation.An obsession with simple imitation will sterilize creation,and as such i

25、t will be impossible for us to scale new heights in art and impossible to present to the world excellent works of our own creation.Simple imitation is by no means equivalent to novelty and originality.On the contrary,novelty and originality result from the combination of modern and traditional styles,the combination of the distinctive features of foreign countries with those of our own nation,and the combination of artistry and education.,


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