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1、,复合句的翻译,I gave my youth to the sea and I gave my wife my old age.,原译:我把青春献给了海洋,我回家的时候便把老年给了我的妻子。改译:我把青春献给了海洋,等我回家见到妻子时,已是白发苍苍。,常见的翻译方法是调整原文语序和原文长度。若一味地忠实于原文,那么译文轻则出现“翻译腔”,生硬难解;重则文理不通,结构混乱,表达错误。,She went back to take care of her husband who was seriously ill.,她回去照顾她的丈夫,他严重地病了。她回去照料病重的丈夫。,译者不应为翻译而翻译。一

2、切翻译应把准确表达意思放在首位,能简则简,能直译则直译;其次,灵活多变地运用各种翻译技巧,帮助再现原文的内容和风貌。,合译法是把主句和定语从句合译成一个单句的译法,主要以限制性的定语从句为主。具体做法可以译成定语(“的”字结构)、谓语、兼语式的一部分或带有“这”字的单句。,(一)定语从句的翻译-合译法、分译法、转译法,1.译成定语(“的”字结构).,A man who doesnt try to learn from others cannot hope to achieve much.,一个不向别人学习的人是不能指望有多少成就的。,院长在报告中强调的几点的确很重要。,1.合译法。,The f

3、ew points which the president stressed in his report are very important indeed.,There are many students in this class who come from big cities.,这个班的许多学生来自大城市。,There are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless.,有些化学燃料是洁净无烟的。,There have been good results in the experiments thathave given him

4、great encouragement.,实验中的良好结果给了他莫大的鼓舞。,2.译成谓语的一部分。,I need someone who can instruct me in my English study.,我需要一个人来指导我学英语。,When I passed by,I saw a man who was writing something in the room.,我从这里路过时,看到一个人在屋子里写字。,I have three letters which I must write this afternoon.,我有三封信必须今天下午写出来。,3.译成兼语式的一部分。,He t

5、ook a bottle of wine out of his pocket,which he began to drink slowly.,他从衣兜里掏出一瓶酒慢慢地喝起来。,Well send the boy to Britain,where he will receive better education.,我们要把这孩子送到英国接受更好的教育。,The serviceman will send the washing machine to the repair shop,where it will be checked and repaired.,维修工将把这台洗衣机送到维修部检修。,

6、4.译成连动式的一部分。,英文中主从句的动词不一样时,可以不译关系代词,直接把这两个动词连起来翻译,显得句子前后意思更连贯。,He admired Mrs.Brown,which suprises me.,他佩服布朗太太,这使我感到惊奇。,They turned a deaf ear to our demands,which enraged all of us.,他们对我们的要求置之不理,这使我们大家都很气愤。,She was very patient towards the children,which herhusband seldom was.,她对孩子们很耐心,她丈夫却很少这样。,5.

7、译成带有“这”字的单句,有些定语从句中的关系代词并不是指主句中的一个词,而是指整个主句,一般将其译成“这”或“这一点”。主句的译文本身不是一个分句,而是“这”的同位语。,1.译出关系代词或关系副词,He has been to Paris,which he thinks is the most beautiful city in the world.,他去过巴黎,他认为巴黎是世界上最美的城市。,The note was left by Mr.Wang,who was here a moment ago.,We will put off the outing until next week,wh

8、en we wont be so busy.,1.分译法。,这张条子是王先生留的,他刚才来过。,我们把郊游推迟到下星期,那时我们就不会这么忙了。,They will fly to Kunming,where they plan to stay for two or three days,and then go to Guilin.,他们将乘飞机到昆明,在那儿停留两三天,然后去桂林。,一般来说,状语从句的位置刚好符合汉语的叙事顺序,在这种情况下,就可以直接原文顺序翻译。,(二)状语从句的翻译-顺译法、换序法、合译法、转译法,Wuhan lies where the Yangtze and the

9、 Han River meet.,武汉位于长江和汉水汇合处。(地点状语从句),我妻子的母亲想让他在赴英国前就完婚,但他坚持不肯,因为他不想让她年纪轻轻就成为寡妇。(原因状语从句),1.顺译法。,My wifes mother wanted to marry him before he left for England,but he refused,because he didnt wanther to be so young a widow.,We sent the letter by air mail in order that it might reach them in good tim

10、e.,这信封我们航空去以便他们能及时收到。(目的状语从句),Though he was not personally involved,the war and its misery affected him deeply.,虽然他们没有直接受害,但这场战争及其造成的苦难却对他产生了很深的影响。(让步状语从句),As long as we dont lose heart,well find a way to overcome the difficulty.,只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的办法。(条件状语从句),A balloon floats in the air as a boat f

11、loats on water.,轻气球浮在空气中,犹如船浮在水上。(方式状语从句),英语句子的构成主要靠关联词,不在意时间顺序和逻辑顺序,汉语则与之相反。所以,英译汉时,常常需要调整主句和状语从句的语序,以符合汉语的行文习惯。,Ill let you know as soon as it is arranged.,一安排好我就通知你。(时间状语从句提前),1934年,罗斯福访问哥伦比亚,成了美国历史上第一个访问南美的总统。(时间状语从句提前),2.换序法。,F.D.R.became the first president to visit SouthAmerica when he went t

12、o Columbia in 1934.,The 25-year teaching veteran says he was denied a promotion and pay rise last year because he hadntpublished a sufficient number of research papers.,这位有25年教龄的老教师说,由于他未能发表足够数量的科研论文,去年没有给他升职加薪。(原因状语从句提前),If a balloon could be made large enough,he speculated,then maybe a nonstop fli

13、ght could bemade to Europe.,他推测,如果能制造一个很大的气球,也许能够中途不停地飞到欧洲。(如果是作为结果的前提,翻译时要把条件状语放在前面),No matter how she juggles the figures,she and her husband were wage earners and their savings were alleaten up by the increased prices of everything.,我估计,尽管场合各有不同,我们中间不止有一两个人曾经遇到过这样的窘境:想要临时编造一个假地址,可是脑子却突然不管用了。(让步状语

14、从句提前),I suspect more than a few men have encountered the same dilemma,although different circumstances.Trying to make up an address on the spot,the mind suddenly blanks.,她和丈夫都属于工薪阶层,所以无论她怎样精打细算,他们的一点储蓄还是被飞涨的物价给蚀空了。(让步状语从句后置),所谓分译,就是把状语从句拆分出来,使其单独成句,意思上更清楚。,人们往往会对自己说,我过去感情多么丰富,思想多么敏锐,现在不行了。(比较状语从句),3

15、.分译法。,It is easy to think to oneself that ones emotions used to be more vivid than they are,and ones mind morekeen.,Because the young man frequently came to the ladyshouse,he was regarded as the mistresss lover.,这个小伙子经常来到太太的家。因此,别人都以为他是这女主人的情人。(原因状语从句),状语从句内容可单独成句,然后用“因此”来表示句中的因果关系,不失为地道的汉语。,在埃及的那三年

16、,福斯特对这个国家相当感兴趣,写了一本在亚历山大旅行的指南,一本为劳工编写的小册子,以及30篇以埃及为主题不同性质的文章。但他却丝毫未曾忘记印度。在某种程度上,他在这两国的经历的确互相影响并加深感受。(让步状语从句),Although during his three years in Egypt Frosterbecame sufficiently interested in the country to write a guidebook to Alexandria,a pamphlet for the LaborResearch Department,and some thirty miscellaneouspieces on Egyptian topics,India was by no meansforgotten;indeed,to some extent his experiences of the two countries reinforce each other.,


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