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1、Unit 3,Friendship and Loyalty,Text A,Reflections:Friendship and Loyalty,Expressions about friends,What expressions about friends do you know in Chinese?生死之交,忘年之交,知音,同窗friends who will cherish their friendship and be loyal to each other until the day of their death friends with a wide gap in age boso

2、m friendfriends in the same class,Topic-related Discussion,Do you believe that loyal friends are available on the internet?2.What personal qualities matter most in your choice of friends?And why?,Lets Talk,Reflection,At first I disagreed,but on reflection(=after thinking carefully about it),I realiz

3、ed she was right.require reflection需要考虑A moments reflection will show the stupidity of this argument.只要略加考虑就可看出你错了A momentsreflectionwill show you are wrong.reflectreflect onHe had time to reflect on his successes and failures.,Loyalty,Elizabeth understood her husbands loyalty to his sister.My judgm

4、ent was frequently faulty,but my loyalty to the nation could not be questioned.她有许多的美德,如忠诚、勇敢和诚实。Among her many virtues are loyalty,courage,and truthfulness.-loyalloyal toThe army has remained loyal to the government.loyal customers,Recognize,One must recognize that homesickness is natural.recognize

5、 what/how/who etcIt is important to recognize how little we know about this disease.我承认自己的缺点。I recognize my own shortcomings.-recognitionThere is general recognition that the study techniques of many students are weak.,consist of,to be formed from two or more things or people:=is made up ofThe buffe

6、t consisted of several different Indian dishes.consist mainly/largely/primarily of somebody/somethingThe audience consisted mainly of teenagers.全书由19章组成The book consists of nineteen chapters.,stick by,to remain loyal to a friend when they have done something wrong or have problems:I love him and wha

7、tever happens Ill stick by him.Jean has stuck byher husband through thick and thin.,through thick and thin,in spite of any difficulties or problems:Then,families stuck together through thick and thin.在任何情况下我都会支持你们。Ill support you through thick and thin.,Betray,He felt that she had betrayed him.peopl

8、e who betray their country for moneyHe promised never to betray the organization.背叛朋友是卑劣的行为Tobetraya friend is a base action.,Indeed,used to emphasize a statement or answer:The blood tests prove that Vince is indeed the father.Most of the essays were very good indeed,Virtue,Among her many virtues ar

9、e loyalty,courage,and truthfulness.Humility is considered a virtue“忍耐是美德”是句古老的谚语。“Patience is a virtue is an old saying.,Trend,trend towardsLately there has been a trend towards hiring younger,cheaper employees.trend inrecent trends in educationThe growing trend is for single mothers to bring up chi

10、ldren by themselves.-trendyDelgado predicts that blonde hair will become trendy this summer.,Befriend,They befriended me when I first arrived in London as a student.His parents befriended some American soldiers who served in Wales during World War II.如果你不在乎我,为什么和我做朋友?If you dont care about me,why di

11、d you befriend me?,Request,To request more information,please call our toll free number.I requested to go to the railway station to meet a friend.request somebody to do somethingAll club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.,Multitude,a multitude of somebody/somethinga very large numbe

12、r of people or things:I had never seen such a multitude of stars before.This country faces a multitude of unsettling problems.毒瘾会带来许多其他问题。Addiction to drugs can bring a multitude of other problems.,Mutual,mutual friend/interesta friend or interest that two people both have:We discovered a mutual int

13、erest in drama.,Face book,Social networking servicePersonal profile,Acronym,CAD:Acronym for Computer-Aided Design.WTOUN-abbreviation-short form,Perish the thought,perish the thought!spokenold-fashionedused to say that you hope what someone has suggested will never happen:If we lose,perish the though

14、t,Watford will take first place.,Engage in,to be doing or to become involved in an activityengage in/on/uponOnly 10%of American adults engage in regular exercise.engage in doing somethingDespite her illness,she remains actively engaged in shaping policy.,Gossip,gossip aboutHeres an interesting piece

15、 of gossip about Mrs Smith.Whats the latest gossip?She had no time for idle gossip.You miss a lot of office gossip when you have a day off work.,More than likely,It is more than likely the votes will have to be counted again.,Challenge,Im really at my best when Im challenged.The job doesnt really ch

16、allenge him.challenge somebody to do somethingEvery teacher ought to be challenging kids to think about current issues.,Akin,akin to somethingvery similar to something:Something akin to panic overwhelmed him.It is therefore in many ways more akin to an art rather than a science.他感受到的更像怜悯,而不是爱。What h

17、e felt was more akin to pity than love.,Deposit,deposit intoId like to make a deposit(=pay some money)into my savings account.,Well-being,a feeling of being comfortable,healthy,and happywell-being ofWe are responsible for the care and well-being of all our patients.a sense/feeling of well-beingA goo

18、d meal promotes a feeling of well-being.他的工作不仅重视孩子们的身体健康,同时也关注他们的情感健康。His work emphasized the emotional as well as the physical well-being of children.,Welfare,Our only concern is the childrens welfare.我认为他没有考虑到埃玛的幸福。I do not think he is considering Emmas welfare.,Essence,in essenceused when talking

19、 about the most basic and important part of something,especially an idea,belief,or argument:In essence,his message was very simple.These two matters are different in essence.essentialextremely important and necessaryessential for/toA good diet is essential for everyone.it is essential(that)It is ess

20、ential that our pilots are given the best possible training.,Seek,to move naturally towards something or into a particular position:Water seeks its own level.,Notoriety,gain/win/achieve notoriety(for something)The local church has gained notoriety for being different.He achieved notoriety as chief c

21、ounsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in.她因为和参议员的风流韵事而声名狼藉。She achieved notoriety for her affair with the senator.Notoriousfamous or well-known for something bad=infamous:a notorious computer hackernotorious fora judge notorious for his cruelty and corruption,Premise,The idea that there i

22、s life on other planets is the central premise of the novel.premise thatthe premise that an accused person is innocent until they are proved guilty我们的行动必须基于最坏的事情可能会发生这样的前提We must act on thepremisethat the worst can happen.,Exploit,Homeworkers can easily be exploited by employers.The capitalistsexplo

23、itthe workers in order to maximize profits.,Reconnect,Operator,we are cut off.Can you reconnectme,please?-connectHome workers are connected with the office by the Internet.:if people connect,they feel that they like each other and understand each otherconnect withThey valued her ability to empathize

24、 and connect with others.,Virtual,The website allows you to take a virtual tour of the art gallery.constructing virtual worlds,Assure,The document is genuine,I can assure you.assure somebody of somethingThe dealer had assured me of its quality.assurancea promise that something will definitely happen

25、 or is definitely true,made especially to make someone less worried:Despite my repeated assurances,Rob still looked very nervous.,Caution,Although pleased,Henson added a caution that the team still has a long way to go.word/note of cautionA final word of caution-never try any of this without backing

26、 up your system.-cautiouscareful to avoid danger or risksa cautious driver,Warn of,warn(somebody)of somethingSalmon farmers are warning of the severe crisis facing the industry.,Undisputed,Doctors found undisputed evidence of nerve damage.his undisputed genius.他违反了法律这一毫无疑问的事实the undisputed fact that

27、 he had broken the law.-disputea serious argument or disagreementdispute overHe got into a dispute over a taxi fare.Every effort was made to settle the dispute,but without success.,Generation,Like most of my generation,I had never known a war.In my generation the divorce rate is very high.the need to preserve the planet for future generations,Key Phrases,Consist ofStick byThrough thick and thinLoyal friendIts trendy toA multitude ofMutual friendPerish the thoughtEngage in,Gossip aboutMore than likelyBe akin toBank accountMore often than notGain interestIn essenceAssureof,


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