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1、祝各位老师新年快乐!,八年级英语教材解析 上册,草海中学 杨仕余,If you have a goal,go for it and youll succeedA.ask for it B.try to get it C.find it out D.think about it(),GO for it:新目标八年级英语上册共个单元,其中包括个复习单元,个文化单元文化单元中包括文化背景知识和学习策略部分这套教材采用了任务型语言教学模式融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的语法词汇,并分为A和两部分.A部分是基本语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综

2、合语言运用每个单元还附有Self check部分学生可用来自我检测本单元所学的语言知识.,B,目录简介,Unit title function structures target language vocabulary recycling,Unit one how often do you exercise?,主要内容:学习描述课余时间的活动安排:学习恰当的使用频率副词及短语重点句型:What/how often引导的特殊疑问句:难点:表时间的频率副词(once/twice/three times a week/a month every day/often/sometimes/hardly/

3、never/every five minutes/days 2.表程度的频率副词all/most/some/none考点:1.词汇Junk food healthy food green food natural food eating habit internet phone good grade Do morning exercises do eye exercises do exercise(exercise:作“锻炼”时是不可数名词,作“习题,体操”是可数名词)区别HardHardly.Different.difference.How many.how much.how often,h

4、ow long,how soon,的用法句型:what do/does.do on weekend?how often do/does?书面表达:my weekend my weekend activities my daily life,Exercises:(考点练习),1-.How often do you go back to your hometown?-_()A.since three weeks ago B.for three weeks C.in three weeks D,every three weeks 2,He often comes to work early and

5、he is _ late for work.A,usually B.never C.often D.always()3.We do morning _ every morning,and we do _ after school.()A.exercises;exercises B.exercises;exercise C.exercise;exercise D.exercise;exercises,D,B,B,Unit two:whats the matter?,主要内容:学习身体各部位名称的英文表达方式用have来描述身体的不适会使用情态动词should,shouldnt 来提出议重点:wh

6、ats the matter with you?I have/he/she has a cold you should/shouldnt.难点:区别few,a few,little,a little 句型not until Its+adj for sb to do sth的用法考点:,词汇foot-feet tooth-teeth ill-illness Tradition-traditional west-western 2.词组:have a cold,Chinese medicine,a balanced diet.Healthy lifestyle.western countries

7、3.Too many.too much.much too.little,a little.few.a few的区别与应用4.Advice的用法.a piece of advice/give some advice.(advice 是不可数名词)书面表达:how to keep healthy healthy lifestyle(至少给出五条建议),Exercises(考点练习),4,whats the matter?-_()A.Im sorry to hear that B.I did some washing this morning.C.I left home after breakfas

8、t D.Im really tired.5.shall I get something for you?whats you favorite?()-its very kind of you!Please dont waste_ money.special is the best.A.many B.too many C.too much D.much 6.We have bigger houses,but smaller room in mind;we spend more,but have _;we buy more,but enjoy it _.()A.little little B,les

9、s less C.few few D.fewer fewer 7.As a learner of English,its necessary to learn the culture of(西方国家)8.its easy to have a(健康的生活方式),and its important to eat(均衡的饮食)9Please give us(一些建议)about learning English.,D,C,B,western countries,healthy lifestyle,a balanced diet,some advice,Unit three:what are you

10、doing for vacation?,主要内容:现在进行时表示将来的计划和行动.Where,when,how long引导的特殊疑问句重点,难点:be doing sth表计划,安排要做的事考点:词汇naturenatural forgetforgetful tour-tourist touristy 2.结构:Forget to do sth plan to do sth finish doing sth 3.句型:be doing sth 的用法书面表达:my vacation/holiday plan my studying plan my homework/housework pla

11、n,Exercises(考点练习),10.-,Im going to Dalian to spend my holiday tomorrow.-_.()A.Congratulations B.thats true C.have a good time D Thats nothing11.The teacher said to his students,”Dont forget _ your dictionary to school tomorrow.“()A.bring B.to bring C.bringing D.brings12.-Tina,can you come here?I nee

12、d your help.yes,mum._.()A.I will come B.Im coming C.Im here D.Im busy13.Are you _ to me and can you _ me?()A.listening;listen B.hearing;hear C.listening;hear D.hearing;listen,C,B,B,C,Unit four how do you get to school?,主要内容:用how 引导的特殊疑问句来谈论交通工具和距离怎样到达某个地方重点:how do you get to?how long does take?It ta

13、kes about.how far is it?难点:,Take 与by的区别(take作为“乘,坐,搭时的用法)Take 与spend,pay for,cost.的区别(take作为“花费”时的用法)考点:it take sb sometime to do sth 的结构2,how,how long,how far 的句型结构书面表达:my best way of going to school?,14.John,how do you like the mew job?()-very exciting,but it _ me a lot of time.A.offers B.spends C

14、.pays D.takes15.-excuse me,sir _ is it to the nearest hotel?-About 15 minutes walk along this road.()A.How much B.how soon C.how far D.how long16,-what a nice MP3!Is it yours?-of cause.I_ 300 yuan on it.()A.cost B,paid C.spend D.offer17.Ill finish the job,no matter _ it takes()A.How soon B.how long

15、C.how far D.how often,Exercises:(unit four),D,C,C,B,Unit fivecan you come to my party?,主要内容:用can发出邀请,接受以及拒绝邀请情态动词have/has to 的用法用现在进行时表将来的计划或行动重点,难点:Can 发出邀请及其回答方式 can you come/go.?Sure,Id love to/sorry,I have to考点:.词汇Invite-invitation train-training 2.句型Whats today?Its Monday the 21st.whats the dat

16、e today?Its July 21st what day is it today?Its Monday 3,can发出邀请,接受及拒绝的回答方式.,Exercises:(考点练习),18.-Jimmy,Can you come to my birthday party?()-_,I have to help my mom clean the garden.A.no,I cant B.Id love to C.good idea D.Im sorry,I can 19.-Can she go to the movie with us?-no,she cant.she _ her homewo

17、rk.()A.is doing B.must C.have to D.is going to do 20.-Can you cook eggs with tomatoes?-_ every can do it.It is easy.()A.yes,of course B,yes,I can C.thats ok no problem21.Thank you for your _,Im sorry,I cant visit you this week.()A.Invitation B.invite C,inviting D.to invite33.-can I help you.sir?()-_

18、,I need some books about western culture.A.yes,please B.no,thanks C.yes,you can D.no,you cant,D,A,A,A,A,Unit sixI am more outgoing than my sister,主要内容:使用形容词的比较级比较人的个性特征(比较级 er,ier,more的使用),Both,all的用法(both,all 在句子中做主语的同位语时通常放在be动词,情态动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前重点:形容词比较级的用法(见课本P104)难点:重读闭音节的比较级(双写情况:big,fat,thin,

19、hot,wet考点:1.形容词的词义 2,dphysics 的用法 3.区别both 与 all,interest-interestedinterestingbe good at/be good for书面表达:My favorite people,Exercises:,47.Nothing in the word is _ if you put your heart in to it.()A.Impossible B.important C.interesting D.necessary22.This year our school is _ than it was last year.()

20、A.Much more beautiful B.much beautiful C.The most beautiful D.beautiful23.Did your parents go to the cinema yesterday evening?-No,we _ stayed at home watching TV.()A.both B.all C.either D.none24.At the _ news,all of us were _.()A.exciting;excited B.excited;exciting C.prefers;to writing D.prefers;to

21、write,A,A,B,A,Review of units1-6,Beginbeginning(the beginning of love/success)Swimswimming(swimming pool/club)Safesafety(safety is first keep safe)Womanwomen(women teachers/doctors/drivers)Manmen(men teachers/doctors/drivers)(注意:以man.woman开头的合成词前后都变成复数)Excitexcited-exciting,Exercises:(unit six),25.L

22、et us always meet each other with a smile,for the smile is the _ of love.And once we begin to love each other naturally,we will do something for other.()A.Begin B.beginning C.end D.ending26.The number of the doctors is about three hundred,two thirds of them is _.()A,woman doctor B.women doctors C.wo

23、men doctor D.woman doctors27.People in America and Canada usually make _ to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.()A.rice dumplings B.moon cake C.pumpkin pies D.chocolate eggs28.The price of the this computer is the _ of the three()A.smallest B.biggest C.highest D.tallest,B,B,C,C,Unit sevenhow do you make a b

24、anana milk shake?,主要内容:学习询问和描述一种食物的制作过程重点:祈使句,可数名词和不可数名词按次序排列的连词(first,then,next.finally)How many/how much 引导的特殊疑问句难点:祈使句的应用考点:1.词汇Final-finally salt-salty Turn on/turn off/turn up/turn down2,量词的使用 a piece/two pieces of a slice/two slices of a teaspoon/two teaspoons of书面表达:how to make a.?,Exercises:

25、(unit seven),29.Im very hungry,please give some _()A.Slice of bread B.slices of breads C.Bread D.slices of bread30.-Do you mind if I _ the TV a bit?()-yes,I do,Im busy with my homework now.A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down31.Please _ the soup to see whether I have put enough _ in it.whether

26、 it is _ enough.()A.taste;salt;salty B.smell;salty;salt C.feel;salt;salty D.eat;salty;salt32.-_?-Five dollars for each.()A.How much is the price B.how much is it C.How expensive is it D.how cheap is the price,B,C,A,B,Unit eight how was your school trip?,主要内容:学习谈论,描述过去发生的事(一般过去时)重点难点:规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式

27、一般过去时的肯定句与否定句Did you,were there 引导的一般疑问句考点:时态(一般过去时)词汇 win-winner(s)visitvisitor(s)drivedriver(s)end ending rainrainy luckluckyluckily Have a day off sleep late go for a drive A dolphin show a gift shop hang out with sb Have fun doing sth 书面表达:my day off my school trip my last vacation,Exercises:uni

28、t eight,33.-her father tried hard to give up smoking,didnt he?-yes,but he _.()A.Received it B.made it C,forgot it D.failed34.-did you phone Li Hua tonight?_-Ill do it now.whats the matter?()A.Yes,Ive got message B.no,I didnt go there C.sorry,I forgot.D.oh,ts time to go 35.What did you do on May Day?

29、-I went shopping with my family.There _ so many people in the street.()A.was B.are C.were D.are36.Everyone expect Bill and Jim _ there when the meeting begin.()A.was B.is C.are D.were,D,C,C,A,Unit nine when was he born?,主要内容:谈论自己崇拜的名人.谈论自己过去的生活经历.重点.难点:引导的时间状语从句.引导的特殊疑问句考点:1.一般过去时.2.词汇(注意形容词)named=c

30、alled well-known=famous 区别:1、skate:vt:滑冰(go skating)skate:n:滑冰鞋(two pairs of skates)skater:n:滑冰者(a famous skater)2、Take part in:指参加会议或群众性活动(take part in the sport meeting)Join in:表示“加入;参加某项活动”(he joined them in the work)Join:意为“加入某一组织 而成为其中的一员”(join the Part)3、Because:位于句首,后接从句Because of:位于句中,后接名词,代

31、词,动名词4、Too to 结构“太而不能”(so that not)书面表达:my favorite singer/movie star,Exercises:(Unit nine),37.The twins are talking about the book WHO MOVE MY CHEES.Its fun to _ them()A.Join B.join in C,take part in D.enter42.You are never _ old _ dream a new dream.()A.very;to B.so;that C.such;that D.too;to38.I di

32、dnt sleep well last night _ the noise happening in the neighborhood()A.Because B.because of C.for D.as.39.Hanngzhou is a nice city.My dad _ me there when I was about ten years old.()A.Pulled B.caught C.took D.brought 40.-Im sorry to keep you waiting so long.-_().A.I dont think so B.dont say so D.It

33、doesnt matter C.Id love to,A,D,C,D,B,Unit ten Im going to be a basketball player?,主要内容:学习一些有关职业的英文表达方式谈论未来自己与他人理想的职业及原因谈论为实现理想所做的打算和安排重点难点:be going to 表示将来(一般将来时)what,where,when引导的特殊疑问句考点:be going to+动词原形结构词汇actactor(s)traveltraveller(s)foreignforeigner(s)teachteacher(s)buildbuilding(s)grow up a bas

34、ketball player/fan a movie star A part-time job over=more than keep fit=stay healthy=keep healthy书面表达:my dream I want to be.,Exercises:(Unit ten),41.There _ a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning.()A.has B.is going to C.will have D.has been 42.Lear to think _ we are young,or we m

35、ay never learn.()A.during B.when C.before D.after 43.-shall we see the movie today or tomorrow?()-_.Its all the same to me.A.I hope so B.Im sure C.its up to you D.thats right44.-There _ a concert this evening.-Yeah.exciting news()A.are going to be B.is going to be C.is going to have D.will have 45.I

36、m(篮球迷)I like watching basketball game,but I want to be(电影明星)when I grow up.,B,B,C,B,a basketball fan,a movie stare,Unit elevencould you please clean your room?,主要内容:,学习礼貌的提出请求 学习礼貌的请求允许做某事学习主要的动词短语重点,难点:1.用could委婉地表示请求.用could委婉地请求许可.make与 do 的区别.(make“制作“Do”做,洗”)Do the laundry do the dishes do chore

37、s Make the bed make a cake make breakfast考点:could表示请求,许可的回答方式 委婉请求:Could/would you please do sth?肯定回答:Sure./of course./no problem./Id love to.否定回答 Sorry./Id love to.but I 请求允许:Could I please do sth?肯定回答:Sure./of course./no problem.否定回答:Sorry,you cant,Exercises:(Unit eleven),46.-Could you come please

38、?-I want some help()A.Yes,I could B.youre welcome C.Sure,Im coming D.thats right47.-Could you please turn down your radio,please?its noise.-_,()A.I beg your pardon B.Im sorry,Ill do it right now.C.do you want a go D.yes,of course48.-Could you help me carry the heavy bag?-_()A.OK,Ill do it at once B.

39、yes,Id love to C.Im glad to help you D.its my pleasure49-.Could I use your mobile phone,mine is at home.-_.()A,Yes,you could B.Im glad to lend to you C.sure,here you are D.Im sorry,I cant50.Could I please go to the movies?-_.()A.Yes,you can,but you must finish your homework first B.what do you want

40、to do?C.thats a good idea D.ok.you can,C,B,A,C,A,Unit twelvewhats the best radio station?,主要内容:学习单音节形容词,多音节形容词和特殊形容词的比较级和最高级学习简单的比较表达自己的好恶重点难点:用(i)est,the most表示最高级不规则形容词的比较级与最高级 good/well better best bad/badly/ill worse worst Many/much more most little less least farfartherfarthest farfurther-furth

41、est考点:1.多音节形容词,特殊形容词的比较级与最高级 with-without,enough(enough+名词,)形容词副词enough),Exercises:(unit twelve),51.Liu Xiang ran _ among those men.He was the first Chinese to win the race.()A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest 52.-what a traffic jam!I am late again.()-yes,the traffic is _ than it used to be.A.v

42、ery good B.even better C.very bad D.even worse 53.This is _ gift I have ever receive.I love it very much.()A.the best B.better C.worse D.the worst54.They can do the work well with _ money and _ people.()A.little fewer B.fewer less C.fewer little D.less fewer55.Meimei is five,she is _ to _ herself.()

43、A.too old dress B.old enough dress C.enough old wear D.old enough put on,C,D,A,D,B,the end of book8A,BOOK 8B,教材的特点:共12个单元,其中 2个复习单元.在课文最后有一篇阅读文章.包括读前,读中.读后.阅读技巧.有助于提高学生的阅读能力.,BOOK 8 BUnit one will people have robots?,主要内容:1.学习一般将来时预测未来.2.陈述表达各自 的观点.重点.难点:一般将来时,will的用法.用yes/no作简短回答考点:1.一般将来时的应用.2.mor

44、e,less,fewer 表达数量 Alone 与 lonely的区别alone“独自的,一个人的“.(be alone)Lonely”孤单的,孤独的“(feel lonely)Hundred与 hundreds of的区别确数:基数词hundred/thousand/million/billion约数:hundreds/thousands/millions/billions名词复数,Exercises:(Unit one),1.how many teachers are there in your school?-_,but Im not sure.()A.Hundreds B.hundre

45、d c.hundreds of D.one hundred2.You know china _ the 29th Olympic Games next year.()A.held B.holds C.will hold D.shall hold3.-by the way,do you feel_ when you are _?()A.alone;lonely B.lonely;alone C.alone;alone D.loney;lonely4.The river is becoming dirtier,_ people go to swim in it.()A.Fewer B.a few

46、C.little D.more5.I dont know if it _ tomorrow.If it _,I will stay at home.()A.will snow;snows B.snows;will snow C.will snow;will snows D.snows;snows6.When you ride bike to school,pay attention to take care _()A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself,C,C,B,A,A,D,Unit two what should I do?,主要内容:1.谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种

47、种麻烦和问题.2.为他人找到解决办法.提出相应的建议重点:难点:1.情态动词could,should 的用法 考点:1.情态动词could,should 的用法 2.why dont you 结构.why dont you=why not区别:Besides与 except either与 neither Besides(意思是“除之外;还有 表示包括在内)Except(意思是“除之外;表示不包括在内)Either 1.连词“也”用于否定句末不定代词“两者中任何一(eitheror)neither:不定代词“两者都不“(neither nor),Exercises:(unit two),7-h

48、ere is coffer and tea.you can have _()A,either B.neither C.one D.it 8.You _ say sorry to him and tell him the reason.Maybe you _ go to his home with some friends.()A.could could B.should;should C.could;should D.should;could9.we all passed the exam_ Mike,he is very upset()A.Besides B.except C.except

49、for D.except that10.-I always feel much too tired._?()-maybe you have to do something relaxing and go to bed early.A.how is it going B.whats wrong C.What should I do D.why do I feel so46.None of the shoes in the shop fit me well.they are _ too big _ too small.()A.both and B.either or C.neither nor D

50、.not only but also,A,D,B,C,B,Unit threewhat were you doing when the UFO arrived,主要内容:谈论过去发生的事情(过去进行时)学会讲故事重点难点:,when,while 引导的时间状语从句过去进行时一般过去时考点:1.when,while 引导的时间状语从句.2区别.happen,happen to take place.happen:“发生“不及物动词,由于无预见性的,偶然的事故,自然灾害等的发生happen to:(某事)发生于通常用“事故”,“灾难”作主语 Take place:“发生”不及物动词用“事情”,“变


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