1、适用于唯美梦幻相关类别演示,To enhance the enthusiasm of learning English,Speaker:Luoyan,Learning English is boring for most of us,but sometimes it may be different!,Some interesting sentencesmay attract us,Thats all I want to hear.,我已经听够了。,If you dont want to hear someone speak anymore,you can say,关我什么事?我是来打酱油的。
2、,我死也不会做的!,就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解自己的儿子!,saw n 锯子;锯条 vt.1.锯;锯开;锯成 2.拉锯般来回移动;拉(曲调)vi.用锯,拉锯;锯开,我从未见过一把锯子锯另一把锯子!,麻烦不来找你,就不要自找麻烦!,我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知道。,ntietik,-kl kplit,temprri,b:ldnis,leli,baldness n 枯燥leisurely adv.悠闲地;从容不迫地,Question:1.Please translate the sentence“Two to two to two two”.2.How can you to improve the enthusiasm of learning English?,Thank you!,