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1、,Unit Four Language and Culture Part Two,Teaching Contents,I Sharing Knowledge II.Translation across LanguagesIII.Case StudyIV.The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis,How to Say Yes and No,Translate the following:1)Do you like the new school?-Yes,I do2)Please dont say that-Yes,I will3)I know what he wants-Yes?-M

2、oney!,4)Waiter!-Yes,sir5)Yes?-Id like two tickets,please6)Everything will be all right soon,yes?2 Different ways to say Yes,How to refuse others?,1)Being silent or showing a lack of enthusiasm2)Offering an alternative3)Postponement(delaying answers)4)Putting the responsibility on a third party or so

3、mething over which you have no control,5)Avoidance6)General acceptance of an offer but giving no details7)Diverting and distracting2 Japanese way to say No,Discovering Problems:Translating across Languages,1.Lexical equivalence2.Idiomatic equivalence3.Grammatical-syntactical equivalence4.Experientia

4、l equivalence5.Conceptual equivalence,Lexical Equivalence,Color Terms眼红青天怡红公子blue-eyed boy,green-eyedblue skyGreen Boy眼中红人,Idiomatic Equivalence,raining cats and dogsLove me,love my dog.Give a dog a bad name and hang him.狗嘴里吐不出象牙来a filthily mouth can not utter decent language,Grammatical-Syntactical

5、 Equivalence,who,which,that,what(no relative pronouns in Korean)2.Countable and Uncountable nounsJapanese:much shoes?many patience?,Experiential Equivalence,1.The word“Ocean”to the tribe in a mountainous jungle region 2.Though your sins be as scarlet,they shall be as white as snow.,Conceptual Equiva

6、lence,Spanish:Te amo/Te quietoEnglish:owl cricket Chinese:magpie bat,Case 13 我失骄杨君失柳,杨柳轻飏直上重霄九。-蝶恋花答李淑一,Version 1I lost my proud Poplar and you your Willow,Poplar and Willow soar into the Ninth Heaven.Version 2Ive lost proud Yang and youve lost Liu,Their souls fly up into the blue.,蝶恋花答李淑一(1957年5月11

7、日)我失骄杨君失柳,杨柳轻飏直上重霄九。问讯吴刚何所有,吴刚捧出桂花酒。寂寞嫦娥舒广袖,万里长空且为忠魂舞。忽报人间曾伏虎,泪飞顿作倾盆雨。这首词最早发表在一九五八年一月一日湖南师范学院院刊湖南师院。注释 答李淑一这首词是作者写给当时的湖南长沙第十中学语文教员李淑一的。,词中的“柳”指李淑一的丈夫柳直荀烈士(一八九八一九三二),湖南长沙人,作者早年的战友。一九二四年加入中国共产党,曾任湖南省政府委员,湖南省农民协会秘书长,参加过南昌起义。一九三年到湘鄂西革命根据地工作,曾任红军第二军团政治部主任、第三军政治部主任等职。一九三二年九月在湖北洪湖革命根据地被害。一九五七年二月,李淑一把她写的纪念柳


9、母那里求到的长生不死药而飞入月中。舒广袖伸展宽大的袖子。忽报人间曾伏虎,泪飞顿作倾盆雨忽然听到中国人民终于推翻了国民党反动派统治的捷报,两位烈士的忠魂顿然高兴得泪流如雨。舞、虎、雨这三个韵脚字跟上文的“柳、九、有、酒、袖”不同韵。作者自注:“上下两韵,不可改,只得仍之。”,Questions,1.Do you know the meanings of 杨柳 here?What do they refer to?How should they be translated in English?2.What do you think of the two English versions?,Cas

10、e 14,Translate the following and comment on it.轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩船 似海市蜃楼,两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼连成 灯舞回旋千姿百态,汽船腾起一江春潮,射击手点破满天彩球,还有雀鸟争鸣,花 卉盆景竞艳,书画、工艺展览铺出琳琅满 目的画廊 啊,滨江城是不夜城,龙舟 会是群英会。,Dragon-Boat Festival,The lightsome dragon-boats appear on the river as though the stars twinkle in the milkway.The richly decorated plea

11、sure-boats look like a scene of mirage.The splendid awnings in green and gold chain into a palace of crystal.Is this a fairyland or a mere dream?Looking above,you can see the doves flying about;looking below,you can see the sailing lamps glittering.Crackling are the fireworks,which present you a pic

12、ture of fiery trees and silver flowers.,Circling are the lantern-dancers,who present you with a variation of exquisite manner.Over there,the motorboats are plowing the water,thus a tide stirs up.Over there,The marksmen are shooting to their targets,thus colorful beads whirl around.Besides,the birds

13、chirping,the potted landscapes charm,the exhibition of arts and painting,all claim a strong appeal to you.Therefore,we should say:Binjiang is a city of no night;its Dragon-Boat Festival a gathering of heroes,Questions I,1.Do you think the original is a lively presentation?Is it well written?Why or w

14、hy not?2.Is the translation faithful to the original?Is it appropriate for foreign readers?,Comments on the Translation,My first reaction was unfortunately laughter because it is so full of mistakes.It omits some necessary information about the Dragon-Boat Festival,including its historical origins a

15、nd when it actually takes place.These things are important The copy seems to try to“snow”the reader with fanciful,overblown,assertions about how terrific it all is,but in unintentionally hilarious language that leaves the reader laughing out uninformed The brochure also suffers from lack of backgrou

16、nd material,the taking-it-for-granted that the reader already is familiar with many aspects of Chinese,history and culture It doesnt tell you where to go,how to get there,when things are open and closed,how much they cost,and so forth.All these are things people visiting an area want to know.,Why is

17、 it that many Chinese travel guides read basically the same no matter what region is being written about,and are so packed with indiscriminate hyperbole?Less exaggeration would actually be more convincing.,Case 16红楼梦节选,贾母笑道,“你不认得他,他是我们这里有名的一个泼辣货,南京所谓辣子,你只叫他凤辣子就是了.”黛玉正不知何以称呼,众姊妹都忙告诉黛玉道:“这是琏二嫂子.”黛玉虽不识


19、玉之手,问:妹妹几岁了?可也上过学?现吃什么药?在这里不要想家,想要什么吃的,什么玩的,只管告诉我,丫头老婆们不好了,也只管告诉我.,Role Play,Version 1 Lady Dowager:You dont know her yet.Shes the terror of this house.In the south theyd call her hot Pepper.Just call her Fiery Phoenix.Cousins:This is Cousin Liens wife.Tai-yu:Cousin.,His-feng:Well,this is the first

20、time Ive set eyes on such a ravishing beauty.Her whole air is so distinguished!She doesnt take after her father,son-in-law of our Old Ancestress,but looks more like a Chia.No wonder our Old Ancestress couldnt put you out of her mind and was for ever talking and thinking about you.But poor ill-fated

21、cousin,losing your mother so young!,Lady Dowager:Ive only just dried my tears.Do you want to start me off again?Your young cousins had a long journey and shes delicate.Weve just got her to stop crying.So dont reopen that subject.His-feng:Of course!I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight of

22、my,little cousin,I forgot our Old Ancestress.I deserve to be canedHow old are you,cousin?Have you started your schooling yet?What medicine are you taking?You mustnt be homesick here.If you fancy anything special to eat or play with,dont hesitate to tell me.If the maids or old nurses arent good to yo

23、u,just let me know.,Questions,1)What are the differences between the two English versions?Which one do you think is better?2)What can we learn about intercultural communication by comparing different translations of the same text?,Examples,1.盛筵必散Yang:Even the grandest feast must have an end.Hawks:Ev

24、en the best party must have an end.,2.那薛老大也是“吃着碗里看着锅里”的Yang:Hsueh Pan is another of those greedy-guts who keep“one eye on the bowl and the other on the pan.”Hawks:You know what Cousin Xue is like:always“one eye on the dish and the other on the saucepan.”,3.巧媳妇做不出没米的粥来。Yang:Even the cleverest housewi

25、fe cant cook a meal without rice.Hawks:Even the clever housewife cant make bread without flour!,The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis,The central idea of hypothesis:is that language functions,not simply as a device for reporting experience,but also,and more significantly,as a way of defining experience for its

26、 speakers.,The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,1 语言决定论,即一个人的思维完全由母语决定,因为一个人只能根据其母语中编码设定的范畴和区别定义来认识世界。2 语言相对论,即语言结构有无限的多样性,因此一种语言系统中所编定的范畴类别和区分定义为该语言系统所独有,与其他语言系统中所编定的范畴类别和 区分定义不同。,Assignment,Fill-in Task2.Translation Works3.Further Reading II Language,Thought,and Culture,2.2 Color Words in Chinese and English,Group Work 红糖 brown sugar 红茶 black-tea 眼红 green-eyed 开门红 to begin well,to make a good start 红白喜事 weddings and funerals,


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