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1、完形填空(I)Once there was a prince who believed most of the evil(邪恶)in life came with people talking too much, so he 1 to remain silent as far as possible. The king,2,believing his son to be dumb(哑的),offered a large 3 to whoever would restore his sons 4.But it was all useless.One day, the prince went wi

2、th a minister to hunt in a forest. Feeling rather 5, both of them were resting under a tree, when a crow(乌鸦)came and started to make lots of 6 overhead. The minister was so 7 that he shot it dead. The prince, a very kind-hearted person, was 8 to see this. He said to the crow, “Why did you 9?If you h

3、ad kept silence like me, you wouldnt have been 10.”The minister could hardly believe his ears. Had the prince really spoken? Or was he 11?He rushed back to give the glad 12 to the king. When the king was taken there to see what had happened, they found the prince as 13 as ever. The king thought the

4、minister had 14, so, angrily, he took out his sword and stabbed it into the ministers heart.“Why did you speak, foolish man?” said the prince. “If you had 15 your mouth, you wouldnt have been 16 here.” “No,” said the king. “Its not due to his having spoken that he lies dead here, but to your 17 stub

5、bornness in keeping your mouth shut. If you would have spoken and 18 everything, I wouldnt have been 19and killed him.”There is a time when silence is golden. But there is another time when its better to use the 20,or things reach a sad state.1. A. promised B. decided C. expected D. demanded2. A. ag

6、ainB. indeed C. however D. otherwise3. A. trade B. hand C. box D. reward4. A. speech B. memory C. energy D. sense5. A. astonished B. tired C. disappointedD. delighted6. A. nests B. friends C. noise D. dust7. A. confused B. worried C. frightened D. annoyed8. A. excited B. shocked C. satisfied D. emba

7、rrassed9. A. shake B. fly C. speak D. argue10. A. dead B. injured C. sick D. lonely11. A. growing B. dreaming C. fighting D. guessing12. A. rule B. advice C. news D. idea13. A. ugly B. deaf C. blind D. dumb14. A. lied B. run C. disappearedD. failed15. A. opened B. shut C. covered D. filled16. A. hun

8、ting B. resting C. lying D. walking17. A. possible B. wise C. interestingD. foolish18. A. explained B. known C. heard D. stopped19. A. honored B. respected C. followed D. angered20. A. tongue B. power C. mind D. tool完形填空(II) My neighbor Stan heard in church about a family in Denver, Colorado. There,

9、 the family faced a rather cold and unpleasant 1 holiday. Medical bills robbed them of any 2;they would not even have a Christmas tree. Stans pastor(牧师) asked him if he would 3 them a tree. “Sure! Id love to,” answered Stan without 4.So Stan and his son Jay 5 out to the Colorado Rockies in their pic

10、k-up truck. However, the truck slid off the icy 6 and hit a large piece of rock and the windshield(挡风玻璃) was broken into small pieces 7.Jay was showered by pieces of glass and 8 from shock and crash injury. Stan was 9,though somewhat shaken. Cars 10 that day, maybe 200 of them. Only two stopped to 1

11、1.A gentle young woman took the boy into her car to comfort him 12 her husband and another man helped Stan move his truck off the road. Then this kind couple 13 the father and son to Stans home and quietly left without identifying themselves.Stan was discouraged that he was 14 to cut a tree for the

12、family that his15 was trying to help. But later in the month, the pastor asked if Stan might deliver a food basket to the 16 unfortunate family. He found their house, but was left 17 when the door opened. Standing there before him was the same couple who had 18 to help him on the mountain road when

13、so many others had passed him by.Some may call it an amazing 19.But I believe that there is something more powerful 20 the power of love and kindness.1. A. winter B. Christmas C. summer D. National2. A. health B. pain C. gifts D. extras3. A. return B. order C. get D. sell4. A. Trouble B. Hesitation

14、C. commentD. expression5. A. headed B. walked C. stood D. ran6. A. road B. field C. park D. area7. A. actually B. probably C. constantlyD. violently8. A. suffered B. recovered C. escaped D. kept9. A. unprotectedB. uninjured C. saved D. killed10. A. were broken downB. were held up C. sped pastD. crow

15、ded in11. A. watch B. rest C. explore D. help12. A. while B. so C. because D. for13. A. pushed B. drove C. followed D. led14. A. unlucky B. sure C. unable D. ready15. A. boss B. factory C. friend D. church16. A. kind B. small C. same D. different17. A. embarrassedB. ashamed C. speechless D. hopeless

16、18. A. stopped B. forgotten C. remembered D. promised19. A. opportunityB. version C. accident D. coincidence20. A. dying out B. going on C. being replacedD. being solved完型填空:III A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. He had with him a box of cars and trucks, his plast

17、ic bucket(桶) and scoop(铲子).In the process of 1_ roads and tunnels in the soft sand, he 2 a large rock in the middle of sandbox. The boy dug around the rock, 3 to remove it from the dirt. With a little bit of 4 , he pushed the rock across the sandbox. When he got it to the 5 of the sandbox, 6 , he co

18、uldnt roll it up and 7 the little wall. 8 , the little boy tried his best to push it, but every time he thought he had made some 9 , the rock fell back into the sandbox. He struggled and pushed, but his only 10 was to have the rock roll back, 11 his fingers. 12 he burst into tears in despair. His fa

19、ther, who had been watching this from the window, came in. Gently he said, “Son, why didnt you use all the strength that you had available?” Defeated, the boy 13 and answered, “But I did, Daddy, I used all the strength that I had!” “No, son.” the father 14 kindly. “You didnt use all the strength you

20、 had. You didnt 15 me.” With that the father bent down, 16 the rock and throw it out of the sandbox. Do you have rocks in your life that need to be 17 ? Are you discovering that you dont have what it 18 to lift them? There is ONE who is always 19 to give us the strength we need. Isnt it 20 how we tr

21、y so hard to do things by ourselves? 1. A. drawing B. passing C. showing D. creating 2. A. buried B. discovered C. invented D. threw 3. A. demanding B. remembering C. managing D. pretending 4. A. struggle B. fight C. feeling D. luck 5. A. center B. edge C. top D. bottom 6. A. otherwise B. instead C.

22、 however D. therefore 7. A. into B. by C. over D. through 8. A. Encouraged B. Inspired C. Disappointed D. determined 9. A. practice B. progress C. effort D. sense 10. A. reward B. idea C. hope D. gift 11. A. touching B. hitting C. kicking D. shooting 12. A. Unfortunately B. Purposely C. Normally D.

23、Finally 13. A. sobbed B. smiled C. nodded D. left 14. A. described B. corrected C. repeated D. agreed 15. A. ask B. permit C. meet D. allow 16. A. gave up B. turned up C. put up D. picked up 17. A. negotiated B. decided C. removed D. found 18. A. takes B. has C. makes D. depends 19. A. afraid B. lik

24、ely C. willing D. content 20. A. unpleasant B. special C. excited D. funny信息匹配 (1)A. Take a bus instead.B. Have a look at the map.C. Consider buying a Metrocard.(纽约地铁捷运卡)D. Locate the closest subway station.E. Follow the rules of the subway station.F. The best way of traveling in New York City1._Whe

25、n traveling in New York City, often the best way to travel is by subway. The New York City subway system has over 800 miles of track, making it one of the most extensive subways in the world. At first, it may be complicated to ride the subway. However, after following a few tips, you can make it muc

26、h easier.2._You may worry about getting lost in this big and modern city. Firstly, you should figure out where you are coming from and where you want to go. Actually, the easiest way to do so is to view a map. At NYC Subway. org, you can find a route map, track map and historical maps. Simply go to

27、the website and click on the map you want on the left side navigational panel.3._Another suggestion is to buy a special card for your traveling in New York City. You can buy a Metrocard. You can recharge as you need it or you can buy an unlimited-use Metrocard. It will make riding the subway much mo

28、re convenient. You can purchase Metrocards in subway stations or in stores which display a Metrocard sticker on their windows.4._If you get lost, dont worry. Stay calm and find out where you are. Then you should go to the nearest subway station. There are over 400 subway stations located in New York

29、 City. If you have any questions, you can ask the clerks at the subway stations. Subway maps list the subway stations, so just pick the one closest to you.5._Like traveling by other means of transportation, you have to follow some rules while taking a subway. In some subway stations in New York, you

30、 may have your bags checked. Also be aware of other rules. The rules are posted at each subway station. If you are not clear, be sure to read the rules first. (2)How to become more intelligentA. Look up things in the dictionary B. Figure out things on your own.C. Exercise your mind in different ways

31、. D. Study more effectively.E. Be more curious. F. Do some research. Are you embarrassed when you dont know the answer to a teachers question? Everybody has those times when they just feel like they dont know anything. Of course, you cant know everything, but no matter how smart you are, you can sta

32、rt becoming more intelligent today.61. _ How do some people get to know so much? Good memory skills are only part of the answer: you also have to be curious. If youre satisfied going through life with little or no understanding of things youre unfamiliar with, you wont learn mush. Make a conscious e

33、ffort to be more curious by reminding yourself that developing your curiosity will broaden your horizons and help to make you more intelligent. 62. _ Curiosity without initiative(主动性) is like having a car thats out of gas-it wont take you anywhere. Fortunately, when it comes knowledge youre never fa

34、r from success. If you read a word that you dont know, look it up in the dictionary. If you wonder how airplanes fly, read a book about it. If you want to know more about politics, pick up a newspaper. With the appearance of internet, there is less excuse for not finding something out that you want

35、to know.63._ If you know how to use reference, from an Internet search engine to an encyclopedia(百科全书), youll be able to find the information you want more quickly and effectively. Effective research skills will nourish your curiosity because you will become more confident in your ability to get kno

36、wledge. If your research skills leave something to be desired, take a class or workshop on how to research, ask a librarian or teacher or simply practice researching.64. _ There is a lot more intelligent than “book smarts”. We can learn to perform everyday tasks at work, home and school better and m

37、ore intelligently. If you dont know how to do something, youd better not ask somebody else to do it for you or show you how. In most cases, youll be able to figure it out on your own, either by trial and-error or by researching. While it usually takes longer to figure something out than it does to a

38、sk about it, youll learn more about the overall process, and youll remember it better. Most importantly, youll exercise your problem-solving skills instead of your “do as youre told” skills.65. _ Most of us are good at the things we do well in naturally or the activities we do every day. Challenge y

39、ourself to learn a new skill or to think in a different way, however, and youll actually become more intelligent. Choose something youd like to learn to do, or a subject you dont do well in and focus on it. At first, you may be uncomfortable and feel even less intelligent than you did before, but if

40、 you study or practice hard, youll become more confident, and youll make new connections in your mind. (1)I hadnt even got the chance to enter the store before an African American woman approached me and asked if I would help her 1 an item(商品). The item she had 2 was intended for her daughter, but s

41、he had already received a similar one. The lady 3 to exchange the item for something else in the store but she was told she need an ID 4 the deal could not take place. I went to the 5 with the women so we could use my ID. The sales associate immediately started 6 her of asking the first 7 person she

42、 saw to help her. Although that was 8 , I didnt understand why it 9 . After all, not everyone is given the opportunity to 10 an ID in the country. Then, we asked to speak with a manager, who explained that there was no 11 to return the item without a receipt and then went on to say the woman could n

43、ot 12 she purchased the item. “If I, a young white female, were to enter the store and request you to make an exchange without a(n) 13 , I would not be 14 the privilege-as I have proof from the past,” I said. He must have realized at that moment what he had done, because he 15 to exchange the item.

44、There are many valuable lessons in the story. The first is to help a stranger in need. I 16 when the woman asked for my help, but 17 in my head I asked myself, “Why not? What valid 18 do I actually have?” I had none, so I help her. The second lesson is not to judge a book by its 19 . The woman looked poor, but 20 the same treatment as anyone else does.1. A. return B. find C. buy D. make 2. A. lost B.


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