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1、decomposition and the decomposition network figure (according to safety guarantee system for decomposition) 4, and project security responsibility target assessment standard (Enterprise according to actual itself developed) 5, and Safety responsibilities evaluation form table construction safety man

2、agement objectives of the project (s): project name: Ann 2-1 injury control index of construction safety standards of civilization applied objective Note: assigned by the higher authorities. Project management roster project name: construction: site Office Tel: 2-2 Lister: Reviewer: submission date:

3、 year month day safety assessment methods of management by objectives (reference) 2-3, assessment agencies in order to further implement safety first, prevention first approach, strengthening safety management work, earnestly implement the responsibility system for production safety, achieving safet

4、y management objectives to ensure smooth production, led by the safety assessment conducted by the Panel. Second, the content and requirements: 1, safety, construction. All team members must strictly implement safety procedures, may not be illegal, wear the personal protective equipment correctly, a

5、ny person who, without consent, it may not remove all security protection facilities in the field, without the use of a variety of electrical facilities and temporary power lines. According to the parent company and mental requirements relating to construction of the project, doing the construction

6、work. 2, special operations. Special operations personnel must hold relevant certificates, without the trainer does not post. 3, accident, put an end to a major accident, major accident control is zero, minor injury accident control for births. 4, team activities, each team must complete an activity

7、 record each week. Third, evaluating and scoring. Project organizations relating to personnel conduct comprehensive checks each month to target every team every quarter. Check into unqualified, qualified, excellent three levels (below 70 points for the unqualified, 70-80 is qualified, more than 80 p

8、oints as well). Scores awarded to team projects reached more than 90 minutes, 70 points below the team penalized. Project safety objective management network diagram 2-4 Project Department safety target decomposition (reference) Ann 2-4-1 for implement security first, prevention approach, implemente

9、d who tube who is responsible for principles, to caught focus parts (dangerous points, and source), and except hidden, and anti-accident for total target, effective implement safety target accountability, closely control and prevention three big hurt of occurred, developed security target decomposit

10、ion following: a, and project manager project safety first responsibility people. Target: implementation of national security policies and laws and regulations for project management and construction personnel security awareness,regulations. The revised regulations from the original 3 series, Chapte

11、r 15, 178, more than 24000 words reduced to 3, Chapter 11, 133, 17000 words. For example, before theWith criminal law coincidence of corruption and bribery, dereliction of duty dereliction of duty and other content, not a separate provisions in the party. Special supervisors of the Commission, Ma, v

12、ice president of China University of politics and law said, current disciplinary punishment regulation of December 2003 promulgated and implemented, but with the development of the situation, have been unable to fully meet the strictly new needs. The biggest problem is discipline law, of which nearl

13、y half of the content and the criminal law, the law on administrative penalties for public security, such as repeated, in fact, it is difficult to use, but also a waste of administrative costs, even in very few cases will appear to Ji generation method, pre empt. The revised implementation of the st

14、rictly, the party must manage the party, strengthening discipline check , for the party to overweight, before the law for the party delineated discipline bottom line, from wrong grabbed, not to become Dang Jiyan Yu Guofa empty. The amendment Ordinance: to strengthen the role of the negative list, th

15、e provisions of the original Ordinance 10 categories of misconduct combing the integration and scientific revision for six categories: violation of political discipline, discipline, honesty and discipline, discipline of the masses, work discipline and discipline, the party constitution about discipl

16、ine specific requirements, and sorting in the provisions of chapters in accordance with the similar similar and severely to the principle of National School of administration Professor Wang Yukai says, in the past, in violation of the party constitution, damage the authority of Party Constitution of

17、 misconduct lack seriously In terms of responsibility, to amend the legislation integration clear the members of the negative list, of Party members and cadres prohibited behavior of the scope of the facts were adjusted, refining the content, operation and not only told party members and cadres, wha

18、t kind of behavior is not, also put forward clear basis for punishment, disciplinary action is no longer available drilling. The Central Party School professor Xin Ming said that the old regulations is a prominent issue is what are the tube, but some problems did not manage well. For example, politi

19、cal discipline, political rules previously difficult to grasp, there is a gray area, the amendment clarifies lists can condemnation , the discipline can not luck. Amendment: strict since the eighteen Political discipline and rules, organization and discipline, the implementation of provisions of the

20、 eight, against the four winds strictly administering the practice results of the institutionalized, normalized. Regulations clearly increased the some disciplinary terms, such as honesty and discipline increased trading rights, using in position or positions of influence as relatives and close to p

21、rofit etc.; breach of discipline of the masses in the new against the interests of the masses,Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line

22、 has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator application began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circum

23、stances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (progr

24、ammable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation contr

25、ol win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standards. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardwa

26、re is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of industrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operat

27、ions on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of automation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designe

28、rs on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opportunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experie

29、nce 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm research began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually beca

30、me an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic arm spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several gene

31、rations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like welding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when

32、 the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩施工工法工法编号:RJGF(闽)-72-2010完成单位:福建省九龙建设集团有限公司 厦门海升基础工程建设有限公司主要完成人:陈加才 洪子云 郭云程 游鸣朝 吴国来1 前 言1.0.1 目前在厦门及周边沿海地区的高层建筑基础形式应用较多的有静压预应力高强度混凝土管桩(PHC管桩)和沉管、冲孔灌注桩。PHC管桩具有单桩承载力较高,施工速度快,低噪音等优点,但PHC管桩尤其是在接桩部位易受沿海地区

33、的地下水、盐碱土质腐蚀,且遇坚硬土层、孤石易出现断桩、爆桩等问题。灌注桩则易出现塌孔、缩颈、桩底沉渣(虚土)无法清理干净等问题。1.0.2 抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩结合了上述桩型的施工工艺,再加以综合改进。是通过静力压桩机以压桩机自重及配重作反力可将直径为600mm800mm的带钢制桩靴的钢套管采用抱压的形式压入地基土中,并在钢套管内放置钢筋笼再灌注混凝土后拔出钢套管形成桩体的一种成桩方法。1.0.3 按本工法施工的抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩不仅具有PHC管桩施工速度快,低噪音的优点,同时又具有承载力高,桩身质量稳定可靠,无接桩焊缝,抗腐蚀性强等优点。1.0.4 配备特制桩靴,保证孔内无沉渣

34、。有效的震动装置,结合套管反插保证了砼灌注的密实。2 工法特点2.0.1 实用新型专利技术。本工法采用的抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩压桩机具有独立知识产权的实用新型专利技术。2.0.2 施工快捷、应用灵活。采用可螺旋连接的钢套筒,大大提高接桩效率,施工周期短,速度快;根据施工情况,参照地质资料,可灵活选择桩长、桩径,实现动态设计,节省投资。2.0.3 符合环保要求。采用抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩压桩机施工,噪音低、无泥浆污染。2.0.4 压桩能力强。采用特制桩尖,能够贯穿N63.5=3060击的中粗砂土层、全风化层进入强风化层、对直径在300600mm孤石存在的场地可正常施工。2.0.5 成桩质

35、量可靠。在拔桩阶段开启独立震动装置,配合钢套筒间隔反插运动,成功解决大直径灌注桩混凝土浇捣不密实的问题,且无接桩焊缝,桩身抗腐蚀性强。2.0.6 承载力直观,有利于施工质量控制。压桩力是桩侧阻力和桩端阻力的综合反映。从终压力能预估单桩竖向承载力。本工法采用的压桩机具有数字化显示实时压桩力数据功能,可直观了解桩的承载力,有助于施工质量控制。2.0.7 施工机械化程度高,施工工况安全度高。3 适用范围对地质条件复杂、城市生活环境质量要求高和近海区域地下水具有腐蚀性的场地具有较强的适应能力。能够贯穿N63.5=3060击的中粗砂土层、全风化层进入强风化层、对直径在300600mm孤石存在的场地可正常

36、施工。4 工艺原理本工法使用抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩压桩机,该设备具有沉管、拔管和震动功能,配备可快速螺旋对接和拆卸钢套管的装置,能便捷地将钢套管沉入和拔出。以压桩机自重及桩架上的配重作反力,采用抱压的形式将直径为600mm800mm,单节长度10米20米长可接管并配有特制钢桩靴的钢套管沉入地基土中,当进入所需持力层达到设计终压要求后进行验孔,放入钢筋笼,灌注混凝土,拔升桩管并间隔反插,采取超灌混凝土、加碎石增压的方法形成桩体。5 施工工艺流程及操作要点5.1 工艺流程抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩工程工艺流程见图5.1安全检查施工准备技术交底设备就位试沉桩第一节钢套就位桩管底端套钢板桩靴校验垂

37、直度所需的钢筋、碎石进场场地平整及障碍物清理、放样定位设备进场静压沉桩(管)对接下节钢套管达终压条件放置钢筋笼灌注混凝土和测验加灌碎石并注水,拔管、间隔反插拆除钢套管拔管完毕、移机单桩施工资料汇总探孔(检查桩底有无进泥进水桩靴是否完好)开抱夹式振动机进行下一根桩的施工图5.1 工艺流程图5.2 操作要点5.2.1 施工准备工作1 组织进场作业班组人员,按计划工种、人数需要配备齐全。2 调查场地及场地周边可能影响施工或受施工影响的地下及地上管线、建(构)筑物及障碍物,并制定实施防挤、监测和预加固等措施。3 清理现场防碍施工的高空、地面和地下障碍物。4 整平压实施工范围内场地,应确保达到桩机行走和

38、拨管作业要求。5 场地周围布置好排水系统,修建现场内临时道路。6 对施工现场的运输道路拓宽、加固、平整和验收。7 布置测量控制网、水准基点,按桩位图放线定位。轴线和桩位放样应经复核无误后才能施工。5.2.2 静压沉管施工1 设备进场后,应进行安装和调试,然后移机至试桩位处就位并调平。2 桩机的机架和配重总重应不小于预估最大压桩力的1.1倍。3 为验证及确定单桩承载力以及终压力控制标准,正式施工前应进行试沉桩。终压控制标准及桩长由建设、设计、监理和施工各单位共同确定,并形成文件(会议纪要)以指导工程施工。4 制定合理的施工顺序,遵循先中间后外围,先长桩后短桩的压桩顺序。5 桩管与钢桩靴的连接应牢

39、固可靠。6 每个台班开工前或完工后应对钢套筒进行清理,保证管壁无混凝土附着,第一根桩压桩前应对套管内壁进行喷水湿润。7 第一节钢套就位后,应用经纬仪或吊锤线在两个相互正交方向检查桩管的垂直度。8 钢套管之间采用螺纹对接。操作夹桩箱夹住底部钢套管,用吊机吊入上节钢套管并垂直导入液压回转器的驱动套中。9 终压力和桩长达到终压控制要求后方可停止沉桩。观察压力所用的压力表等仪器设备应定期进行检定。10 终压控制标准应以终压力控制为主,桩长为辅。11 检查桩管内底部是否吞桩尖或进泥进水,如有则应清除。12 做好静压沉桩过程中施工记录,每根桩的施工记录均应包括每米的压桩力和终压力。5.2.3 钢筋笼制作与

40、吊放1 钢筋笼按设计要求制作。应在地面专用台架上制作,焊接质量应符合标准规范要求,并按规定设置扶正装置(钢筋环)。2 搬动及吊放钢筋笼时,应合理设置多个钢筋笼受力点,以防变形。3 钢筋笼放入钢套管时要慢且稳,防止钢筋笼下部受压弯曲。5.2.4 灌注砼与拔管1 宜使用符合设计要求的预拌商品细石混凝土。2 根据施工条件,混凝土灌注可采用泵送或专用料斗。3 若用长桩管施工短桩时,如拔管允许,混凝土可以一次连续灌足。4 灌注后砼面应在桩顶设计标高以上。5 混凝土灌注完成后须加灌碎石至地面,碎石灌注完成后应进行注水至水面露出碎石面。6 灌注过程由专人看管开启震动锤,拔管时实行反插操作,保证桩身混凝土密实

41、及保证桩径要求。7 当钢套管接头部位拔出到夹桩箱上表面时,开启转盘扳手进行钢套管脱节。8 拔管速度要均匀,严格控制拔管速度。9 做好砼灌注过程中各项施工记录。5.3 劳动力组织序号工种人数职 责1.项目负责人1项目总协调工作2.施工员2及时解决施工中出现的技术问题,作好各种原始记录3.指挥1各道工序指挥,及时组织力量排除施工中出现的故障4.桩机司机1压桩机的操作及日常维修保养5.吊机司机1吊机的操作及其日常维修保养6.电工1现场全套施工机械电器设备的安装和安全使用7.机修工1现场全套机械的正常运转和维修保养8.钢筋工4钢筋笼的绑扎及安装9.混凝土工2混凝土浇筑等10.一般工人2其它事务合 计1

42、66 材料与设备6.0.1 主要施工机械设备见表6.0.1。表6.0.1 主要施工机械设备表序号机具名称型号规格数量用途 / 备注1抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩压桩机ZYJ系列1台系该列分别有800T、900T、1000T等吨位2起重机QY251台装于压桩机上配套使用3电焊机BX1-300F-34台焊笼及维修4钢套管600-800mm3套灌注桩成孔5经纬仪J22台观测垂直度6全站仪BTS-802C1台测量放样7铅锤/2个观测垂直度6.0.2 ZYJ1000F型抱压式大直径静压沉管灌注桩压桩机主要技术参数项 目参数中位主压桩缸单独工作最大压桩力(24.1 Mpa)500tf 最大压桩速度(油压16

43、Mpa) 4.3 m/min最小压桩速度(油压一24.3 Mpa)1.34 m/min中位主副压桩缸同时工作最大压桩力(24.1Mpa)I000tf 最大压桩速度(油压3m, 16m 接地比压(1000t时)长船15tf/m2 短船18.8 tf/ m2 正常压桩位边桩距离4580mm 配边桩器后边桩距离1000 mm角桩距离1530mm 7 质量控制7.0.1 桩靴质量允许偏差按表7.0.1执行:表7.0.1桩靴质量允许偏差序号项 目允许偏差(mm)检查频率检验方法1钢板厚度1抽取总数的10%用钢尺2桩靴外径10用钢尺3桩靴高度10用钢尺4靴尖偏位10用钢尺7.0.2 沉桩过程中钢套管垂直度

44、应符合福建省工程建设标准建筑预应力混凝土管桩基础技术规程DBJ13-59-2004第5.2.3条管桩沉桩施工规定的要求。7.0.3 沉桩结束时应达到设计终压控制标准的要求。7.0.4 成桩质量验收应符合现行国家标准建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB50202-2002第5.6节的有关混凝土灌注桩质量检验规定的要求。8 安全措施8.0.1 认真贯彻“安全第一,预防为主”的方针,根据国家有关规定、条例,结合施工单位实际情况和工程的具体特点,对施工人员进行岗位安全、施工文明教育和安全技术交底,明确各级人员的职责,抓好工程的安全生产。8.0.2 施工现场按防火、防风、防雷、防触电等安全规定及安全施工

45、要求进行布置,并设置各种安全标识。8.0.3 施工现场的临时用电严格按照施工现场临时用电安全技术规范的有关规范规定执行。8.0.4 实行三相五线制,各种电器设备应按规定接地接零,配电开关应设箱加锁,应一机一闸一漏电保护,熔丝与线路用电设备的实际负荷应相匹配,非生产时要切断电源并上锁。8.0.5 施工人员必须经过技术培训,取得合格证后方可上岗操作。8.0.6 进入现场人员必须戴安全帽,穿工作鞋,高空作业时必须系安全带。8.0.7 开工前各岗位操作人员必须检查设备情况,并应定期检查维护设备的正常运行情况。8.0.8 施工场地应整平压实,确保坡度和表层地基土承载力满足桩机正常行走和作业要求。8.0.

46、9 桩机配重应满足压桩力的要求,防止浮机,在施工中,出现浮机现象时,应使桩机先回位,然后再继续施工。8.0.10 压桩力不得超过压桩机的额定压桩力。8.0.11 桩机与高压电线应保持一定安全施工距离。8.0.12 应严格按照安全操作规程进行开机检查、上下机器、移机、正常作业及定期保养,确保机械处于正常状态,严禁带病工作。8.0.13 桩机移动或回转范围内、配重下方、起重机周围及起重臂回转范围内严禁站人;作业时应设围栏和标志,非作业人员要离开桩机10m以外;作业人员不得靠近桩机底座的升降部位。8.0.14 桩机行走、回转或大幅度升降时,地面应有专人观察、配合的指挥。8.0.15 保护电缆不被碾压,不得被障碍物缠绕和阻挠,也不能被其它物体覆盖。8.0.16 施工后沉桩孔口应及时加盖或回填


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