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1、北京导游词英语加翻译 北京导游词英语加翻译1Beijing is the capital of the peoples Republic of China, a municipality directly under the central government, a national central city of China, and a center for political, cultural, educational and international exchanges. It is also the decision-making center and management c

2、enter of Chinas economy and finance. Beijing is located in the north end of the North China Plain, connected with Tianjin in the southeast, and the rest is surrounded by Hebei Province. With a history of more than 3000 years and a history of more than 850 years, Beijing is one of the four ancient ca

3、pitals of China and has a certain international influence. Its earliest name in literature is Ji. Beijing is a city with the largest number of world cultural heritages in the world. Beijing is also one of the areas with the most rainfall in North China. Peking University and Tsinghua University are

4、also located in Beijing.Beijing has the largest number of world heritage sites (6) in the world, and is the first capital city with world geoparks in the world. Beijing is rich in tourism resources. There are more than 200 tourist attractions open to the outside world, including the worlds largest i

5、mperial palace, Forbidden City, Temple of heaven, Royal Garden Beihai, Royal Garden Summer Palace and Yuanmingyuan, as well as Badaling Great Wall, Mutianyu great wall and the worlds largest Siheyuan palace, Prince Gongs mansion. The city has 7309 cultural relics and historic sites, 99 National key

6、cultural relics protection units (including the Beijing section of the great wall and the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal), 326 municipal cultural relics protection units, 5 national geoparks and 15 national forest parks. World Cultural Heritage: the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, Zhoukoudian Peking M

7、an Site, the temple of heaven, the summer palace and the Ming Tombs. World Geopark: Fangshan World Geopark, Beijing. National Scenic Spots: Badaling, Ming Tombs and Shihua Cave. Famous streets of Chinese history and culture: Guozijian street and yandaixie street. A famous historical and cultural tow

8、n in China: Gubeikou Town, Miyun County. A famous historical and cultural village in China. Mentougou District: Cuandixia village of Zhaitang town, Lingshui village of Zhaitang town, Liuliqu village of Longquan town.In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it became the capital of Yan, one of the vassal states

9、of the Zhou Dynasty. Since the Jin Dynasty, it has become the capital of ancient China. Since the Yuan Dynasty, it has become the capital of China. The Ming Dynasty began to expand Beijing on a large scale after becoming its ancestor. During the Ming Dynasty, Beijing became the capital of the first

10、Han Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty carried out some renovation and expansion on the basis of the continuation of the Ming Dynasty Beijing city. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Beijing became the largest city in the world. Beijing has a history of 3000 years and 859 years. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties,

11、 Beijing has been an important military and commercial city in northern China. In 1860, the Allied forces of Britain and France invaded Beijing; in 1900, the Allied forces of the eight countries invaded Beijing again. The beautiful city of Beijing was seriously damaged and looted, and a large number

12、 of cultural relics were looted by the invading forces and the bad people. After the 1911 Revolution, on January 1, the first year of the Republic of China, the capital of the Republic of China was Nanjing. In March of the same year, the capital of the Republic of China was moved to Beijing. Until t

13、he 17th year of the Republic of China, the Northern Expedition army captured Beijing, Zhang zuolin was defeated and returned to the northeast, and the Beiyang government stepped down. At the beginning of the Republic of China, the local system of Beijing was still in accordance with the Qing system,

14、 which was called shuntianfu.Until the third year of the Republic of China, shuntianfu was changed to Jingzhao, which was directly under the central government and Beiyang government. During this period, Beijing built a new tram system and a number of modern cultural and educational institutions, su

15、ch as Tsinghua University, Yanjing University, Peking University, Fu Ren University, Union Medical College, etc. After the July 7th incident in 1937, Peiping was occupied by Japan. The provisional government of the puppet Republic of China was established here, and Beiping was renamed Beijing. On Au

16、gust 21, 1945, the Japanese army that invaded Beijing surrendered and renamed it Peking. On January 31, 1949, the Chinese peoples Liberation Army entered Beiping City, realizing the liberation of Beijing. On September 27 of the same year, the first plenary session of the Chinese peoples Political Co

17、nsultative Conference adopted the resolution on the capital, calendar, national anthem and national flag of the peoples Republic of China, and Beiping was renamed Beijing. On October 1, 1949, the Central Peoples Government of the peoples Republic of China was established in Beijing.Beijing city not

18、only gathers the worlds five famous religions (Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Catholicism), but also has its own characteristics in architecture and culture. For example, in just a few kilometers on Chaofu Road, there are four religious buildings (Dongyue Temple, Dongsi mosque, longfu tem

19、ple, Guangji temple, emperors temple and Baita temple outside Chaoyang Gate). In Xuannan area of Beijing, the surrounding area with the memorial column of Beijing Jiancheng as the center, there are many famous activity places of the five religions. They are: Tianning Temple, Fayuan temple and Changc

20、hun Temple of Buddhism; baiyun temple of Taoism; Zhushikou Church of Christianity; Xuanwumen Church of Catholicism (South Hall); Niujie worship Temple of Islam; This kind of religious and cultural area is rare in the worlds big cities, which embodies the Oriental harmony cultural atmosphere, the uni

21、que charm of Beijings urban culture, and the great cohesion of the Chinese nation.Beijing is an ancient capital for thousands of years. In history, because it has been at the intersection of the Central Plains and the northern nationalities for a long time, it has integrated the cultures, customs an

22、d languages of many nationalities. Over time, Beijing customs with local characteristics have emerged. For example, the Beijing temple fair, which integrates eating, drinking and playing.The traditional festivals in Beijing are various in form and rich in content, which is an integral part of the lo

23、ng history and culture of the Chinese nation. From these popular festival customs, we can clearly see the wonderful picture of ancient peoples social life. Special festivals include Longqingxia Ice Lantern Festival, Xiangshan red leaf Festival, Baiyunguan temple fair, Dongyue Temple Fair, etc.北京,中华人




27、dang北伐军攻占北京,张作霖败回东北,北洋政府下台。民国伊始,北京的地方体制仍依清制,称顺天府。直至民国三年,改顺天府为京兆地方,直辖于中央政府北洋政府。这一时期,北京新建了有轨电车系统,和一批现代的文化教育机构,如清华大学、燕京大学、北京大学、辅仁大学、协和医学院等。1937年七七事变后,北平被日本占领。伪中华民国临时政府在此成立,且将北平改名为北京。1945年8月21日,入侵北京的日本军队宣布投降,重新更名为北平。1949年1月31日,中国人民解放军进入北平市,实现对北京的解放。同年9月27日中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议通过关于中华人民共 和国国都、纪年、国歌、国旗的决议,北平更名


29、,体现了北京城市文化的独特魅力,体现了中华民族的伟大凝聚力。北京是座千年古都,历史上,因长期处于中原与北方民族的交汇处,故而曾融合了众多民族的文化、习俗与语言。久而久之,便产生出了富有本地特色的北京风俗习惯。例如集吃喝玩乐于一体的北京庙会等。北京的传统节日形式多样、内容丰富,是中华民族悠久历史文化的一个组成部分。从这些流传至今的节日风俗里,可以清晰地看到古代人民社会生活的精彩画面。特色的节日如龙庆峡冰灯艺术节、香山红叶节、白云观庙会、东岳庙庙会等。北京导游词英语加翻译2Hello everyone! Welcome to Badaling scenic spot for sightseeing

30、. Im very glad to accompany you today. I hope you can have a good time in Badaling.The Great Wall is a magnificent defensive building in ancient China. It starts from Shanhaiguan in the East and ends at Jiayuguan in the west, and runs across the north of China. Winding more than 12000 Li, it is famo

31、us for the Great Wall. It was listed in the world cultural heritage list in 1987. It is called the longest defensive wall in the world by experts and scholars.The first time that China built the Great Wall was in the spring and Autumn Period in the 7th century BC, and the earliest country to build t

32、he Great Wall was the state of Chu. The great wall of the state of Chu is called Fangcheng in historical records, with a length of nearly a thousand li. Qi was also one of the earliest states to build the Great Wall. The great wall of Qi started from Pingyin in Shandong Province in the West and ente

33、red the sea in the East. It is the most preserved site of the Great Wall in the spring and Autumn period.Qin Shihuang was born in 220 BC_ After the unification of China in 1949, the old Great Wall in the north of Qin, Zhao and Yan was first repaired. At the cost of building a city of thousands of mi

34、les and building a people of thousands of miles, he began to build the Great Wall, which is more than 7000 kilometers long, from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the East. Since then, the Great Wall has stood in the east of the world, experiencing thousands of years of wind, frost, rain and snow.In

35、 the early Western Han Dynasty, in order to resist aggression and protect the newly developed Silk Road. It has built a great wall of more than 10000 kilometers from Lop Nor in Xinjiang in the west to Liaodong in the East. This is also the longest Great Wall in the history of our country.After the e

36、stablishment of Ming Dynasty, it faced the threat of Mongolia and Jurchen. From the beginning of Zhu Yuanzhang, General Xu Da was sent north to build the Great Wall. Until the end of Ming Dynasty, it was overhauled 18 times, lasting more than 260 years. Until Hongzhi 20_ In, it was completed from th

37、e Yalu River in the east to Jiayuguan in the West. Through Liaoning, Hebei, Beijing, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu and other provinces and autonomous regions. The Great Wall is more than 12700 Li long. And along the Great Wall is divided into nine defense areas, known as nine sides

38、 and nine towns. Moreover, in many important pass areas, especially in the north of Beijing City, multiple walls were built. These are the Badaling Great Wall we see now.The scale of the Great Wall built in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties is the largest compared with other dynasties. So the three co

39、nstruction climaxes in history are the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.Now, let me introduce the Badaling Great Wall. Badaling Great Wall is located in Yanqing County, northwest of Beijing. It is the best preserved section of the Great Wall in Beijing with the best engineering qual

40、ity and the most rigorous structure. This section of the great wall takes the urn city as the center, reaching the seventh floor in the South and the twelfth floor in the north, with a total length of 4770 meters. It is the only channel leading to the outside of the Great Wall in Beijing area and th

41、e front position of Juyongguan. From here, you can reach Yongning and Sihai in the East, Xuanhua and Datong in the west, Jingcheng in the south, Yanqing in the north and Badaling in all directions. Badaling pass was built in 1520_ The city is 7.5 meters high and 4 meters thick. There is a plaque on

42、each of the East and West gates, with Juyong Wai Town in the East and north gate lock key in the West. At the entrance of Guancheng, there is a cannon with a length of 2.85 meters and a caliber of 10.5 cm, which is called Shenwei general. Now lets look at the wall of the Great Wall in Badaling. This

43、 section of the city wall is about 5.8 meters narrow at the top and 6.5 meters wide at the bottom. It consists of four basic structures. 1、 City wall, two, city tower, three, pass, four, beacon tower. There is a ticket door in the wall and a stone ladder in the middle. The top can hold 5 horses in p

44、arallel. Beacon tower is also known as beacon, beacon, wolf Yantai. It is independent of the city wall, almost every other mile there is a, composed of the Great Wall defense alarm system.Whenever enemy troops invade, the beacon towers burn beacon fires to convey military information. Burning smoke

45、during the day is called beacon. At night a fire is called a flint. And because wolf dung is often used as fuel, the smoke is high and hard to dissipate, so it is also called wolf smoke. Moreover, it was stipulated in the Ming Dynasty. More than 100 of the invading soldiers lit a cigarette and fired

46、 a gun, about 500 soldiers fired two cigarettes and two guns, more than 1000 soldiers fired three cigarettes and three guns, more than 5000 soldiers fired four cigarettes and four guns, if more than 10000 soldiers were involved, five cigarettes and five guns.From Badaling to the south is the famous

47、Xiongguan, Juyong Pass. Juyong Pass is one of the most famous passes of the great wall and an important barrier to the northwest of ancient Beijing. It got its name from Qin Shihuangs construction of the Great Wall. That is to say, the prisoners and the people who have been punished in the palace ar

48、e caught here to let them build the Great Wall. And lived. Juyongguan was called juyongsai in Han Dynasty and junduguan in Sui Dynasty. When it was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty, it became the strongest section of the Ming Great Wall. There are both military headquarters and administrative organizatio

49、ns here. Juyong Pass in ancient times was also lush with extraordinary scenery. Juyong jucui, one of the eight famous scenic spots in Yanjing, refers to this place. In addition, there are many places of interest, such as Yang LIULANGs Shuanmazhuang, Mu Guiyings dianjiangtai, and baifengzhong, where dragons and phoenixes play. Not only that, but also Juyong Guanzhong has a white jade platform, called Yuntai, which was built in 1345. Because there were three


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