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1、九华山导游词英语2021 九华山导游词英语1Hello everyone! The journey is hard. First of all, welcome to Jiuhua Mountain, Lingshan Buddha land. My name is wan. Im a tour guide of Taibai travel agency of Jiuhua Mountain. On behalf of our travel agency, myself and the driver, please allow me to extend my sincere greetings

2、 to you. May the Tibetan king Bodhisattva of Jiuhua Mountain bless your family and everything goes well!Now we come to the body palace of Jiuhua Mountain. When we talk about the body palace of Jiuhua Mountain, we have to mention one person. His name is Jin qiaojue. He is a foreigner. He comes from a

3、ncient Silla, which is the southeast of the Korean Peninsula today. According to historical records, Jin qiaojue was a prince of Silla. At the age of 24, he cut his hair to become a monk and sailed from Silla to China. He traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers in China, and finally settle

4、d down in Jiuhua Mountain to practice.And in accordance with the vow of Bodhisattva dizang: hell is not empty, vow not to become a Buddha. During his practice in Jiuhua Mountain, Jin qiaojue subdued the beasts and collected herbs. While he was treating the people on the mountain, he preached sutras

5、and widely practiced Buddhism, which was deeply loved by the people. Jin qiaojue gradually became famous and received many disciples. Even local officials went up to the mountain to listen to Buddhism and recite his deeds to the imperial court. As a result, more and more people follow Jin qiaojue.Be

6、cause of the high mountains, dense forests and little land, the monks could not support themselves with food, so they had to eat guanyintu. Because of long-term malnutrition, people at that time called Jin qiaojue haggard monk and his disciples haggard people. However, the more difficult it was, the

7、 more firm Jin qiaojues faith was and the more respected he was. Even the monks of Silla came to follow him one after another. After ninety-nine years old as like as two peas, Jin Qiaojue died, and the body had not rotted for three years. His face was just like before his death. These supernatural p

8、henomena are similar to those of the Tibetan king Bodhisattva recorded in the Buddhist scriptures.It happened that jinqiaojue was named jindizang, so Buddhism confirmed him as the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva king of dizang. People built pagodas and tombs to worship him. Since then, Jiuhua Mount

9、ain has become a well-known Taoist Center for the king of Tibetans.Now Id like to explain to you the meaning of the body offered by the body Palace. Flesh body, originally meant to be the flesh and blood of parents. The so-called body of Buddhism refers to the body of the eminent monk after his deat

10、h. Although his body has gone through a long period of time, it has not been rotten and festering, and adheres to its original shape and is lifelike. Only monks and nuns who have reached a very high level of practice can form the body. The body is different from the Mummy in Egypt. In ancient Egypt,

11、 the funeral ceremony was very simple, just digging a shallow pit in the desert to bury. Due to the dry desert climate, the body quickly dehydrated when it came into contact with hot sand, and the bacteria were killed, forming a mummy by natural action.After the mummy is in the human death, the visc

12、era, brain and other tissues will be removed, and then the body with drug treatment and preservation. Mummies have also been unearthed in Xinjiang, China. Jiuhua Mountain is located on the South Bank of the Yangtze River. It is humid all the year round, and the climate is humid. There is no natural

13、condition to produce mummies, and the body has not been treated with any medicine.So far, this peculiar physical phenomenon has not been scientifically explained.There are many precious cultural relics in the body hall and its cultural relics exhibition room. Some of them are gifts for the royal fam

14、ily. It is very rare and can be called a treasure house of Buddhist cultural relics. Every year, on the birthday of the king of Tibetans on July 30 of the lunar calendar, it is a traditional temple fair in Jiuhua Mountain. Monks, nuns and pilgrims from all over the country hold Buddhist activities t

15、here and gather around the body pagoda to watch the night for the king of Tibetans. Nearby urban and rural residents also go to the mountain for folk cultural entertainment activities. Thousands of tourists and pilgrims, chanting Buddhas name day and night, surrounded by cigarettes and drumming, pre

16、sent a grand ceremony.九华山导游词英语2Hello, everyone!Welcome to Jiuhua Mountain. Im Li Qiang, the tour guide of China Taihe travel agency. Just call me Xiao Li! Im very happy with your arrival today. At the same time, I hope my service can satisfy you. Standing next to me is master Wang, the driver of our

17、 tour. Master Wang has more than ten years of driving experience. Im very skilled in driving. You can give us two hearts, rest assured to our Master Wang, happy to me, lets share this journey together.Members of the group, our tour bus is driving on the Foguang avenue into the mountain. As it will t

18、ake a long time from here to Jiuhua street, Id like to introduce Jiuhua Mountain to you first. Jiuhua Mountain is mainly located in Chizhou City and Qingyang County. It is an important scenic spot in the north of two mountains and one lake in Anhui Province. The area of the scenic spot is 120 square

19、 kilometers. Jiuhua Mountain covers 174 square kilometers and is now a national 5A scenic spot. A national tourist area. One of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. It is known as an International Buddhist dojo.Jiuhua Mountain in Anhui Province has a beautiful scenery. In the Southern Dynast

20、ies, the mountain was so high that it was called Jiuzi mountain. Li Bai, a great poet of Tang Dynasty, visited Jiuhua Mountain and saw the lotus flowers on the nine peaks. He wrote that there are two wonderful things, and Lingshan opens Jiuhua. Its a beautiful poem. Jiuhua Mountain is a famous grani

21、te mountain. Its main peak, Shiwang peak, is 1342 meters above sea level. It is a beautiful place in Jiuhua Mountain.Anhui Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Together with Putuo Mountain, Emei Mountain and Wutai Mountain, it is called the four famous Buddhist moun

22、tains in China. In the 7th century A.D., the prince of Silla sailed to the East and visited famous mountains. He finally chose Jiuhua Mountain and practiced hard for decades. After his death, his body was not rotten. People thought that Jin qiaojue was the incarnation of the Bodhisattva of the king

23、of Tibet. From then on, Jiuhua Mountain was regarded as the Taoist temple of the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. From then on, the king of Tibetans was also called jintibetans.OK, at this moment, our tour bus has arrived at the entrance of Jiuhua street. Please take your belongings and get off to

24、enter the scenic spot.Ladies and gentlemen, the gate of Jiuhua holy land, which is 9 meters high and 8.5 meters high, is in front of us. Do you know who wrote the word Jiuhua Holy Land on the banner? Yes, its written by Emperor Kangxi. Through the gate square, is there an extraordinary feeling of en

25、tering the holy landFriends, at this moment, we are here at the earliest Palace temple in Jiuhua Mountain, namely, the Zhiyuan temple. Zhiyuan temple is now a national key temple and the only descendant jungle temple in Jiuhua Mountain. It is a typical composite building. Its Mountain Gate deviates

26、from the central axis of the main hall. The external Mountain Gate is not the carelessness of the construction, but the attention. It is said that one is to avoid evil, and the other is to face kaishanzu temple and Huacheng temple. Moreover, on the front wall of Zhiyuan temple, there is a big word T

27、aishan shigandang which is very eye-catching. It is said that it is also for avoiding evil spirits and suppressing demons, which is unique to Zhiyuan temple.The Dharma of Zhiyuan temple is solemn and complete, which is the best of all. There are statues of Maitreya, four heavenly kings, Bodhisattva

28、Weituo and eighteen Arhats in the temple. Among them, the most solemn one is the 12 meter high pharmacist Buddha, Amitabha Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha. The statues of Buddha, Bodhisattva and arhat in the temple are arranged in a standard way with exquisite workmanship and vivid images.Zhiyuan temple

29、 was built in the Ming Dynasty, ranking first among the four jungles in Jiuhua Mountain. The Jiuhua Mountain Buddhist Association has held many large-scale preaching, preaching and praying for peace and disaster relief Dharma meetings here. Now it holds more than 1000 Buddhist activities such as wat

30、erway Dharma meeting and Yankou every year. It is one of the Buddhist activity centers in the whole mountain.Now we come to Huacheng temple. Huacheng temple is the first temple in Jiuhua Mountain. Now it is a national key temple, and it was turned into a museum of historical relics in the late 1970s

31、. The exhibition materials are divided into two parts: the first part shows Jin dizangs life story; the second part shows precious historical relics. Some of the Scriptures are the treasures of the temple.There is a release pool in front of the temple. It is said that it was dug by Jin dizang when h

32、e led his disciples to build Huacheng temple. In front of the pool is Huacheng square, on which there is an empress tower in memory of jindizangs mother.The next thing we are going to do is go to Zen hall. Shangchan hall is located on the hillside in the south of Shenguang Lingnan, which is a nation

33、al key protected temple. Shangchan hall has three characteristics: the most peaceful incense, the best scenery and the most beautiful temple. The TV series journey to the West was filmed here.After visiting shangchan temple, we come to the most wonderful body hall. The body hall, also known as Dican

34、g tomb, was built in the first year of Zhenguan of Tang Dynasty. It was originally a three-story stone pagoda, and the buried body was jindicang body, so it is commonly known as the body pagoda. Because there was golden light in the base of the pagoda, later generations named it Shenguang mountain.

35、The characteristics of the hall of flesh can be summarized as there are towers in the hall, tanks in the towers, and flesh in the tanks. Please follow me into the hall. Please look at the 16 gold words on the banner over there, all living beings are exhausted, and Bodhi is proved. Hell is empty, and

36、 I swear not to become a Buddha. Its the vow of Bodhisattva dizang. Actually, Bodhisattva dizang could have become a Buddha, but he is willing to go to the most miserable hell of the six samsara to spread all living beings. If hell is not empty, he will not become a Buddha. Before the birth of Maitr

37、eya Buddha in the future, he undertakes the important task of universal salvation. The body hall is the symbol of Jiuhua Mountain. Every time there is a Dharma meeting in Tibet, there is a sea of people and it is unprecedented.Attention, everyone. We are going to take the cable car to the centenary

38、palace immediately. Please pay attention to your safety and line up orderly.Now we are in the centenary palace. Baishuigong, also known as baishuian, is now a key national temple dedicated to the body of monk Haiyu. In the architecture, the terrain of high in the South and low in the north is used t

39、o form a five story horse passage. The temple is integrated with the surrounding peaks, stones and caves, and the temple is combined with the mountain. The centenary palace is the representative of Jiuhuashan ancient temple, which is well received by Chinese and foreign tourists. Dear tourists, toda

40、ys tour of Jiuhua Street scenic spot is over. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation. Please forgive me if there are any problems.九华山导游词英语3Jiuhua Mountain, with ninety-nine beautiful lotus flowers, ninety-nine high hanging temples, the fruits of ninety-nine years of cultivation, unexpl

41、ained wonder, endless folk customs, the perfect combination of magical and beautiful landscape and profound Buddhist culture, makes Jiuhua Mountain a pure place for people and Buddhas to share.Jiuhua Mountain is located in Qingyang County, Chizhou City, Anhui Province. It is an important tourist att

42、raction in the world and an important Buddhist temple in the world. Liu Yuxi, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing it. He thought that the famous mountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Mountain. Li Bai went to Mount Jiuhua three times. Jiuhua Mountain is

43、 characterized by beautiful mountains and numerous Buddhist temples. This famous mountain has accumulated a lot of historical culture since the Han Dynasty and is known as the Lotus Buddha kingdom. Today, lets take a look at this Lotus Buddha kingdom.Dear friends, at the moment, our location is Jiuh

44、ua street, 600 meters above sea level, which is the reception center of the whole mountain. Walking along the street, we come to the main temple of Jiuhua Mountain_ Huacheng temple, according to the Buddhist scriptures, once Sakyamuni and his disciples went to the countryside to preach. After a long

45、 walk, the disciples were hungry and thirsty, and could not sit up. At this time, the Buddha pointed to the front and said, there is a city in front. Go to huazhai quickly. The apprentice immediately came to the spirit. In fact, the so-called Huacheng comes from the Enlightenment of Buddha.In additi

46、on, before entering the temple, we should pay attention to the following points: first, when entering the temple, we should step across the threshold. The threshold of the temple is the shoulder of the Buddha, so we must not step on it. Second, we should not make loud noises or bring jokes from the

47、world of mortals into the temple. Third, please do not touch the monks magic weapons at will. OK, lets go into Huacheng temple. Huacheng templeAfter that, we come to the palace of the flesh. Please take a look at the words on the flat forehead: the palace of the moon! Why is it called the palace of

48、the moon? Because in the past, the moon and the flesh were interchangeable, so now many words describing human body parts and organs will have a month next to them.The architecture of the hall of the flesh body is very distinctive, there are towers in the hall and tanks in the towers.; Jin qiaojue,

49、the king of Tibetans, died at the age of 99 after 75 years of cultivation in Jiuhua Mountain in the 10th year of Yuanzhen of Tang Dynasty. Three years later, when he opened the jar, his body was soft and his face looked like a living one. The sound of a golden lock shook his bony joints. According to the Buddhist scriptures, he was a Bodhisattva, so he was honored as the Bodhisattva of Tibetans.Walking into the hall of


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