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1、Module 6,Animals in danger,The WWF is working hard to save them all.,Unit 2,Words and expressions,researchrstbaby bebsituation stjenscientist santstproduce prdjussouthwest,sawest in order to,n.研究;探讨 n.婴儿;婴孩 n.形势;情况 n.科学家 v.生育;繁殖 n.西南 adj.西南的;朝西南的 为了,Words and expressions,government gvnmntset setset

2、upnature netnature parkdevelop dvelpfeed fid(fedfed)symbol smbl,n.政府v.设置;设定 开办;设立;创办;建立n.大自然;自然界 自然公园v.研制;制定v.喂养;饲养n.象征;标志,Do you know WWF?,World Wide Fund for Nature,世界自然基金会,Lead-in1.talk about something about pandas:Home,Food,Babies,Say what you know about pandas.,live in the Wolong Panda Reserve,

3、like to eat bamboo,like to climb,like to have a walk,situation,形势,情况,The situation is getting very difficult.Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live.,research scientist,研究,探讨科学家,government,nature park,自然公园,In order to protect pandas in the

4、wild,the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans.,Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China.It chose the panda to be its symbol.,symbol smbl,象征;标志,3,4,2,1,a)Nature parks for pandasb)WWF and animals in dangerc)The pandas homed)An animal in danger,Read the pa

5、ssage and match the headings with the paragraphs.,1.What are scientists studying?2.Are there many of pandas left?,Read the passage again and answer the questions.,They are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live.,No,there arent.,3.What is the government d

6、oing to protect pandas in the wild?4.Is the panda the symbol of all animals in danger?,The government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans.,Yes,it is.,Complete the sentences.Pandas eat bamboo to live.,Scientists do a lot of research _ _.The government is setting up nature parks_.The

7、 WWF chose the panda _.The WWF is working hard _.,to help,pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live,to pretect pandas in the wild,to be its symbol,to save all the animals,a)Nature parks for pandas c)The pandas home b)WWF and animals in danger d)An animal in danger 1._ Pandas are in danger

8、.There are only about 1,600 pandasliving in the wild today.Zoos and research centres are looking after about 340 pandas.Pandas do not have manybabies,and baby pandas often die.The situation is gettingvery difficult.Scientists are doing a lot of research to helppandas produce more babies and help bab

9、y pandas live.2._ Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China.Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day.The bamboo forests are getting smaller,so pandas are losing their home.,d,c,3._ In order to protect pandas in the wild,the government is setting up nature parks and develop

10、ing other plans.The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed the pandas.Pandas born in zoos may go back to live in the nature parks.4._ The World Wide Fund for Nature(WWF)wants to protect all animals.And it chose the panda to be its symbol.We do not want to lose tigers,elephant

11、s or any other animals,so the WWF is working hard to save them all.,a,b,1.Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies do a lot of research表示“做大量研究”。research是不可数名词。produce表示“生育,繁殖”。e.g.produce more babies,Language points,2.In order to protect pandas in the wild,the gover

12、nment is setting up nature parks in order to do sth.为了做 In order to+动词原形,可放句首,也可放句中。我们早起为了赶上早班车。I have to get up at 6:00 in order to catch the bus.In order to be a doctor,you have to study for five years in a college.in order that为了,后接从句,作目的状语 I get up early in order that I can catch the early bus.,

13、set up 创建,创办 He wants to set up a school for the poor children.他想为贫困地区的孩 子创办一所学校。,3.is developing other plans to help them.正在开发其他的计划来帮助它们。句中的plan是名词,make a plan 是“制订计划”。plan 还可作动词用,plan to do sth.“计划做某事”。,4.The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed the pandas.feed v.喂养;饲养:,(

14、1)feed sth to sb 或 feed sb on sth表示“给某人或动物喂食物”或“用食物喂某人或动物”。Please feed some grass to the cow.请给牛喂点草。She feeds the baby on milk.她用牛奶喂婴儿。(2)feed(live)on sth.“吃”,“动物以为食”,Sheep feed on grass.羊主要吃草。,3.And it chose the panda to be its symbol.be the symbol of 表示“是的象征”。e.g.Green is the symbol of Spring.绿色是春

15、天的象征。,Complete the passage.,Zoos and research centres protect animals.(1)_ do a lot of research to help pandas(2)_ morebabies.Very few(3)_ pandas are born outside zoos.Many people are worried about the pandas(4)_.Luckily,the(5)_ is developing plans to(6)_ pandas,and is setting up(7)_ parks to protec

16、t them.People all over the world love pandas,and panda has become a(8)_ of China.,4,Baby government nature produce save Scientist situation symbol,Scientists,produce,baby,situation,government,save,nature,symbol,Choose an animal in danger and answer the questions.,What is the animal?Where does it liv

17、e?What does it feed on?Why is it in danger?How difficult is the situation?What can we do to save it?,Writing,Write a passage about an animal in danger.Use your answers in Activity 5 and the following example to help you.,Pandas live in Southeast China.They are in danger and the situation is getting

18、very difficult.First,pandas do not have many babies,and baby pandas often die.Second,pandas eat bamboo,but the bamboo forests are getting smaller.So the government is setting up nature parks with a lot of bamboo to help protect pandas.,猎豹是濒危动物之一,根据以下要点谈论如何保护猎豹。要求100词左右。要点:1.猎豹是陆地上跑得最快的动物,全身棕黄色,主要居住在

19、非洲 草原上;2.猎豹以其他动物为食;3.由于食物的减少,居住区的缩小及人为猎杀,猎豹濒临灭绝;4.措施:建造自然公园等。,参考词汇和句式,易错点提示:1.文章用一般现在时,主语用第三人称单数时,注意动词用三单形式。2.注意分段写作及关联词的运用,使文章条理清晰。3.使用建议句型时,注意语气的强弱。,1.Please tell the children _ in their homework on time.A.to hand B.hand C.handing,A,练一练:,2.-Hi,Peter.Why are you in such a hurry?-_ the 6:30 train.A.Catch B.To catch C.Catching D.Caught,B,3.The doctor is helping the lady _ her baby.A.produce B.produces C.fed4.The sign is the _ of danger.You must be careful.A.research B.situation C.symbol,C,A,


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