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1、There is a big bed,Unit 5,Part A,There is a big bed,Unit 5,第一课时,There is a chair.,there be,There is _ on the chair.,a pencil box,There is _ under the chair.,a bag,There is _ near the chair.,a desk,Where is the ball?,This is my room.Thereare so many things.,There is a _ in my room.,clock,photo,plant,

2、water bottle,bike,This is my room.There is a clock.,This is my room.There is a _ and a _.,clock,plant,This is my room.There is a _ and a _.,computer,water bottle,This is my room.There is a _,a _and a _.,photo,bike,chair,This is my room.There is a _,a _and a _.,door,plant,bed,This is my room.There is

3、 a _,a _,a _and a _.The boy is _.,photo,plant,desk,boy,me,photo,bike,clock,plant,water bottle,computer,window,desk,chair,door,bed,picture,超级马拉松句子接龙,看谁说的句子又长又准确!,There is a desk,and a in my room.,Homework,1、1号本,P49Lets learn的五个新单词1X4,中文1;2、抄写、翻译P49的4个句子1次。3、抄题做下一页的词组互译题。4、读P49两次,签名(有条件的请在口语100做)。,1.a

4、 small desk 2.two old photos3.some green plants4.some water bottles5.Amys room6.一辆红色的自行车7.三个大钟8.在我的学校 9.我的新床10.约翰的图画,词组互译,一张小书桌两张旧照片一些绿色植物一些水瓶 艾美的房间a red bikethree big clocksin my schoolmy new bedJohns pictures,There is a big bed,Unit 5,第二课时,Guessing game,bedroom,bike,photo,clock,water bottle,plant,

5、There is a.in the room.,Listen and fill in the blanks,Listen again and answer the questions:1、Whats the bed like?2、Is the photo nice?3、Can you see a computer?,Its big.,Yes,it is.,Yes,I can.,Pair work!,There is a/an on/in/under/near the.,There is,Pair work!,There _ a _ in the pictures.There _ some _

6、on the desk.There _ a _ on the books.There _ a _ near the books.There _ a _ under the desk.There _ a _near the bag.,Fill in the blanks:,is,desk,are,books,is,ship,is,car,is,bag,is,cap,1.There _ a new teacher in my class.2._ there a cat under the bed?3.How many apples_ there on the tree?4.There _ two

7、pens in the box.5._ there any boys in the room?No,there _ only one girl in it.6._ there a bike over there?Yes,there _.,is Is are are Are is Is is,根据句子意思,用is、are来填空。,Homework,1、2号本,P48Lets talk抄写翻译,读两次背一次;2、抄写、翻译P48下的3个句子,看图再造3个句子。3、抄题做下一页的词组互译题。,1.真的很大 2.一张美丽的照片3.萨拉的卧室4.看起来很新5.在椅子下面6.on the big bed7

8、.my old desk8.in the picture 9.on the plate10.like my room,词组互译,really biga nice photoSarahs bedroomlook new under the chair在大床上我的旧书桌在图片里在碟子上喜欢我的房间,There is a big bed,Unit 5,第三课时,Memory game,Try to remember where they are!在规定时间内记住画中的每一样物品的位置哦!,Memory game,There is a pencil case _.,There is a crayon_

9、.,There is a book_.,There is a ruler_.,There is a eraser_.,There is a bag_.,on the desk,on the desk,on the chair,under the desk,behind the door,under the desk,Memory game,ai ei,ay ei,wait,say,paint,always,snail,rainy,today,may,rain,day,rainbow,way,Homework,1.熟读P50,拼读相关单词。2.完成优化设计39、40。3.默写P49的五个单词和句子,默写P48lets talk(可分开两段来记,然后再默。),


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