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1、标题:Affecting customer loyalty: Do different factors have various influences in different loyalty levels?原文:AbstractThe current paper studies the influence of various factors on customer loyalty. The main hypothesis of the study insists that the list of most important factors affecting loyalty is dep

2、endant on the level of loyalty of costumers. LOGIT method was used for testing the hypotheses on the sample of survey data about 1000 private customers of the biggest telecommunication company in Estonia. The results reveal that four analysed factors affecting customer loyalty (satisfaction, trustwo

3、rthiness, image and importance of relationship) are playing different role on the different levels of customer loyalty.INTRODUCTIONRecent years have shown a growing interest in customer loyalty. The globalisation of competition, saturation of markets, and development of information technology have e

4、nhanced customer awareness and created a situation where long-term success is no longer achieved through optimised product price and qualities. Instead, companies build their success on a long-term customer relationship. According to former studies, it can cost as much as 6 times more to win a new c

5、ustomer than it does to keep an existing one. (Rosenberg et al. 1984: 45) Depending on the particular industry, it is possible to increase profit by up to 60% after reducing potential migration by 5%. (Reichheld 1993: 65) Hence we can see that the increase and retention of loyal customers has become

6、 a key factor for long-term success of the companies. The main emphasis in marketing has shifted from winning new customers to the retention of existing ones.LITERATURE OVERVIEWSegmentation based on customer loyaltyThere are multiple approaches to customer loyalty. Theories of behavioral loyalty wer

7、e dominating until 1970 considering loyalty as the function of the share of total purchases (Cunningham 1956:118; Farley 1964:9), function of buying frequency or buying pattern (Tucker 1964: 32; Sheth 1968: 398) or function of buying probability (Harary et al. 1962; McConnell 1968:14; Wernerfelt 199

8、1: 231). These approaches looked at brand loyalty in terms of outcomes (repeat purchase behavior) rather than reasons, until Day (1969) introduced the two-dimensional concept of brand loyalty, which stated that loyalty should be evaluated with both behavioral and attitudinal criteria. Contemporary r

9、esearches consider and accent the psychological (mostly attitudinal and emotional) factor of loyalty (Jacoby et al. 1973:2; Oliver 1999: 34; Chaudury 1995: 28; Djupe 2000: 79; Reichheld 2003: 47). There are also approaches comparing loyalty with marriage (Hofmeyr et al. 2000: 53-83; Lewitt 1983: 89;

10、 Dwyer et al. 1987: 14).These different approaches allow distinguishing customers as whether behaviorally or emotionally loyal. Behaviorally loyal customers act loyal but have no emotional bond with the brand or the supplier whereas emotionally loyal customers do. Jones and Sasser call these two kin

11、d of loyalty accordingly false or true longterm loyalty (Jones et al. 1995: 90). Hofmeyr and Rice (2000: 87) divide customers to loyal (behavioral) or committed (emotional). Emotional loyalty is much stronger and longer lasting than behavioral loyalty. Its an enduring desire to maintain a valued rel

12、ationship. The relationship is so important for the customer that he or she makes maximum efforts to maintain it. (Morgan et al. 1995: 24; Reichheld 2003: 9; Moorman et al. 1992: 316) Highly bonded customers will buy repeatedly from a provider to which they are bonded, recommend that provider to oth

13、ers, and strongly defend these choices to others - insisting that they have chosen the best product or service. (Butz et al. 1996: 65)Behaviorally loyal customers could be divided to sub-segments by the reason of acting: Forced to be loyal, Loyal due to inertia or Functionally loyal.Customers are fo

14、rced to be loyal when they have to be clients even if they do not want to. Customers may be forced to consume certain products or products/services offered by certain vendor e.g. when the company acts as a monopoly or the poor financial status of the customer is limiting his selection of goods. Gron

15、holdt, Martensen and Kristensen have found that companies with low price strategy had a much higher loyalty than expected from their customer satisfaction. On the other hand, companies that had used a lot of energy on branding indeed had a high customer satisfaction but they did not have a correspon

16、dingly high loyalty. (Gronholdt et al. 2000: 512) Forced loyalty could be established trough creating exit barriers as well.Loyal behaviour may also result from inertia - customer does not move to another vendor due to comfort or relatively low importance of operation - if the choice has low importa

17、nce, there is no point to spend time and effort on searching for alternatives. Thus, based on his faith in the suitability of the current product, the customer continues to use it without checking alternatives. Its in accordance to Olivers approach of cognitive loyalty: the loyalty that is based on

18、brand belief only. Cognition can be based on prior or vicarious knowledge or on recent experience-based information. If the transaction is routine, so that satisfaction is not processed (e.g. trash pickup, utility provision), the depth of loyalty is no deeper than mere performance.” (Oliver 1999: 35

19、) Hofmeyr and Rice (2000: 23) say that one of the reasons that customers dont switch brands when they are dissatisfied is that they feel that the alternatives are just as bad as the brand they are using or even worse. Inertia may be caused also by lack of information about attractive characteristics

20、 of the brands (Wernerfelt 1991:231).Functionally loyal customers are loyal because they have an objective reason to be. Wernerfelt points out cost-based brand loyalty” where brand utilities have a positive influence on brand choice. (Wernerfelt 1991:231) Functional loyalty can be created by functio

21、nal values using price, quality, distribution, usage convenience of a product or through different loyalty programs (points, coupons, games, draws etc.) giving a concrete reason to prefer certain supplier. Unfortunately competitors can most easily copy functional values. Thus, creating functional va

22、lue offers a fleetingcompetitive advantage: functional loyalty cant be very long lasting. (Barnes 2003: 8)Jones and Sasser (1995:94) propose three measures of loyalty that could be used in segmentation by loyalty: Customers primary behavior - recency, frequency and amount of purchase; Customers seco

23、ndary behavior - customer referrals, endorsements and spreading the word; Customers intent to repurchase - is the customer ready to repurchase in the future.Based on the theoretical literature presented above, the customers of a certain telecommunication provider could be segmented by their loyalty

24、as follows (see also Figure 1):Figure 1. General segmentation of customers by loyalty Committed or emotionally loyal customers - active customers who use only the certain providers services and declare that they will use only this provider in the future and recommend this provider to others; Behavio

25、rally loyal customers - active customers who use only the certain providers services and declare that they will use only this provider in the future but do not agree to recommend this provider to others (inert or functionally loyal); Ambivalent or dubious customers - active customers who use only th

26、e certain providers services but dont know which provider they will use in the future; Disloyal reducers - customers who have reduced or will reduce the percentageof the providers services in their usage; Leavers - customers who declare, that they will certainly leave this provider.Factors affecting

27、 customer loyaltyThe impact of satisfaction on loyalty has been the most popular subject of studies. Several studies have revealed that there exists a direct connection between satisfaction and loyalty: satisfied customers become loyal and dissatisfied customers move to another vendor. (Heskett et a

28、l. 1993: 165-167) The primary objective of creating ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) in 1984 was to explain the development of customer loyalty. In ACSI model customer satisfaction has three antecedents: perceived quality, perceived value and customer expectations. (Anderson et al. 2000:

29、873) In the ECSI (European Customer Satisfaction Index) model perceived quality is divided into two elements: hard ware, which consists of the quality of the product or service attributes, and human ware, which represents the associated customer interactive elements in service, i.e. the personal beh

30、aviour and atmosphere of the service environment. (Gronholdt et al. 2000: 510) In both model increased satisfaction should increase customer loyalty. When the satisfaction is low customers have the option to exit (e.g. going to a competitor) or express their complaints. Researches have shown that 60

31、-80% of customers who defect to a competitor said they were satisfied or very satisfied on the survey just prior to their defection. (Reichheld et al. 2000: 137) So its clear that there must be also other factors beside satisfaction that have a certain impact on customer loyalty.Image of brand or su

32、pplier is one of the most complex factors. It affects loyalty at least in two ways. Firstly, customer may use his preferences to present his own image. That may occur both in conscious and subconscious level. According to the Belks theory of extended self, people define themselves by the possessions

33、 they have, manage or create. (Belk 1988: 160) Aaker has shown how consumers prefer brands with personality traits that are congruent with the personality traits that constitute their (malleable) selfschemas (Aaker 1999: 45) Kim, Han and Park have researched the link between brand personality and lo

34、yalty. They did get positive support to hypothesis that the attractiveness of the brand personality indirectly affects brand loyalty. (Kim et al. 2001: 203) Tidwell and Horgan (1993: 349) have showed that people use products to enhance self-image.Secondly, according to social identity theory, people

35、 tend to classify themselves into different social categories. That leads to evaluation of objectives and values in various groups and organisations in comparison with the customers own values and objectives. They prefer partners who share similar objectives and values. (Ashforth et al. 2001: 23) Fo

36、urnier (1998: 366) states that consumer-brand relationships are more a matter of perceived goal compatibility. Brands cohere into systems that consumers create not only to aid living but also to give meanings to their lives. Oliver (1999: 40) argues that for fUlly bonded loyalty the consumable must

37、be part of the consumers self-identity and his or her social-identity.Trustworthiness of the partner is a factor that has certain impact on the establishment of loyalty nobody expects a long-term relation with a partner that cannot be trusted. Trustworthiness is one criterion for measuring the value

38、 of the partner. (Doney et al. 1997: 46) Spekman (1988: 79) calls trust a cornerstone of the strategic partnership. Morgan and Hunt (1994: 22) posit that trust is a major determinant of relationship commitment: brand trust leads to brand loyalty because trust creates exchange relationships that are

39、highly valued. Chauduri and Holbrook (2001: 91) have showed that brand trust is directly related to both purchase and attitudinal loyalty. Many authors have accented that trust is important in conditions of uncertainty (Moorman et al. 1992: 315; Doney et al. 1997: 36; Dwyer et al. 1987: 12-13; Morga

40、n et al. 1994: 23). Uncertainty may be caused by dependence or large choice: people tend then to prefer popular or familiar brands or partners.Many definitions describe loyalty as a desire to retain a valuable or important relationship. (Morgan et al 1994: 22; Moorman et al. 1992: 316) That way the

41、establishment of loyalty is predetermined by the importance of relevant relationship or selection. Weiss (2001) points out three aspects that may increase the importance of the relationship: Strategic importance of a product, High risks involved in the transaction or Costs incurred by cancellation o

42、f contracts.Hofmeyr and Rice point out that the more important the relationship is to a person, the more willing that person is to tolerate dissatisfaction in favour of trying to fix it. By contrast, when a relationship doesnt matter, then even the perfectly satisfied consumer can switch on a whim.

43、(Hofmeyr et al. 2000: 60)A relationship can also be made important by personal approach. Various authors have compared loyalty with marriage (Levitt 1983; Dwyer et al. 1987; Gummeson 1998; Hofmeyr et al. 2000). Marriage is one of the most personal and important relationships. That means that intimac

44、y is one determinant for importance of relationship. Levitt (1983: 89) has considered a role of salesman in making relationship more personal.Summarising the discussion above following figure 2 is presenting the major groups of factors affecting customer loyalty.ProductSupplierSatisfactionIntimacy o

45、f relationshipImport hike of relatinushipImportance of the productBrand 1 personaliryGoals and values cf supplierTermination、costsTiustivorthiDesSatisfaction _with products.SatisfactionOther factorsFigure 2 Factors affecting loyalty.出处:Andres Kuusik.Affecting customer loyaltyD.Tartu: Tartu Universit

46、y Press,2007, pp.3-11.二、翻译文章标题:影响顾客忠诚度:不同的因素对不同水平的顾客忠诚度有影响吗?译文:摘要本文研究各种因素对顾客忠诚度的影响。研究中的主要假设认为影响忠诚度 的最重要因素取决于顾客的忠诚度的水平。运用LOGIT模型对爱沙尼亚最大的 电信公司大约1000个私人顾客的调查数据样本的假设进行测试。研究结果表明, 经分析有四个影响顾客忠诚度的因素。(满意度、可信度、想象力和关系的重要 程度)这在不同层次的顾客忠诚度上起着不同的作用。介绍近年来,在研究顾客的忠诚度上显示出一种高涨的兴趣。全球化的竞争,市 场的饱和以及信息技术的发展提高了顾客的意识,不再通过优化产品

47、价格和品质 达到的情形创造一种长远的成功。相反,公司靠与顾客的长期合作关系取得成功。 根据以往的研究,它可以投入比现有多达6倍的资金赢得新顾客(Rosenberg等 人1984)。根据特定的行业,在减少潜在5%的移民后它可能会增加到高达60% 的利润(Reichheld 1993)。因此,我们可以看出,对于公司长期的成功,增加和 保留忠诚的顾客已成为一个关键因素。营销的主要重点由赢得新顾客转移到保持 既有的特性。文献综述基于顾客忠诚度的分类对顾客忠诚度的分类有许多方法。直到1970年把忠诚度作为调查市场总采 购份额的功能,行为忠诚度的理论才起着支配的作用(Cunningham 1956; Fa

48、rley 1964)。购买频率或者购买方式(Tucker 1964; Sheth 1968)以及购买的可能性 (Harary 等人 1962; McConnell 1968; Wernerfelt 1991),这些方法看中的是结 果而不是原因。直到推出品牌忠诚度的二维概念,既规定忠诚度的评估需包括行 为和态度这两方面。现代研究重视心理忠诚的因素(主要是态度和情感)(Jacoby 等人 1973; Oliver 1999; Chaudury 1995; Djupe 2000; Reichheld 2003),也有用 这种方法来研究婚姻的忠诚度(Hofmeyr等人2000; Lewitt 1983

49、; Dwyer等人 1987)。这些不同的方法用来识别顾客的行为和情感是否忠诚。习惯性消费的忠实顾 客看似忠诚,但没有真正的忠实顾客那样有对品牌或供应商的感情。Jones和 Sasser认为这两种忠诚是因为假意或真心而长期忠诚(Jones等人1995)。 Hofmeyr 和 Rice(2000)将顾客分为忠诚的(行为性的)和坚定的(情感性的 情感的忠诚比行为的忠诚更为强大和持久。长久的合作需要有一个有价值的关系 来维持。这种关系对于那些做出最大努力来维护它的人们来说很重要(Morgan 等人1995; Reichheld 2003; Moorman等人1992)。公司担保的顾客要从那些有 联系或者被推荐的买家那重复购买东西,对外强烈保护这些选择,强调他们选择 了最好的产品或服务(Butz等人1996)。行为忠诚的顾客可以根据原因来进行市场细分:被迫忠诚。惯性忠诚


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