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1、 宁条梁镇中学九年级英语导学案Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第一课时Section A(1a2d) 学习目标 1. 知识目标: 1)掌握用下列单词和短语, license safety smoke ,part-time, pierce earring flash sixteen-year-olds ,have part-time jobs, get ones ears pierced, serious enough 2)熟练运用 “be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许

2、做某事;3)熟练运用 “should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许和不应该被允许做某事; 2. 能力目标 掌握如何谈论应该被允许或不被允许做的事情,并发表自己的观点。3. 情感目标 通过探讨青少年的行为举止等方面的问题,使学生形成正确的人生观。 预习案: 翻译下列短语 be allowed to do _2. go to the shopping center_ drivers license_4.sixteen-year-olds_ be worried about your safety _6.have part-time jobs _ 7. get one

3、s ears pierced _ 8. choose their own clothes _ 9. serious enough _ 10. no way _ 合作探究案: 一 Lead in 二 Teaching steps Step One Talk about school rules Step Two Agree or disagree Step Three Listening 1b Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 2a What does Molly think of Kathys statements? Listen and

4、 circle A for Agree, D for Disagree or DK for Doesnt Know. 2b Listen again. What are Kathys and Mollys reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order. 2d Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. How does Sandy feel about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso? 2. Who chose the art muse

5、um for their school trip3. Why is Sandy going to bring his new camera? 三、展示交流 My time (采访) A: Excuse me. Im a reporter from CCTV, can I ask you some questions? B: Yes. A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to smoke? B: No ,I dont think so. A: Why ? B: Because its not healthy. A: What about par

6、t-time jobs? I think students should be allowed to have part-time jobs? B: I agree. Its a good experience for them. A: Ok. Thanks. B: You are welcome. 四、点拨学习 1. No way !没门 No way 意为“不可能;决不;不行;没门”,多用于口语中,表示某人不可能做某事或某事不可能发生。 例:-Can I leave now? 我可以现在离开吗? -No way! 不行! 2. 1)sixteen-year-olds,sixteen-yea

7、r-old与 sixteen years old. sixteen-year-olds“16岁的青少年”,是名词,在“基数词-名词(单数)-形容词”结构中,形容词后加-s表示一类人或事物。 例:Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to go out at night. 应该允许16岁的青少年夜间外出。 2)sixteen-year-old“16岁的”,是由“基数 词-名词(单数)-形容词”构成的复合形容 词,在句中通常做前置定语,修饰名词。 例:My pen pal is a sixteen-year-old boy. 我的笔友是一个16岁的男孩。 3)si

8、xteen years old“16岁”,用来描述人的 年龄,常在句中作表语。 例:My brother is sixteen years old. 我哥哥十六岁了。 3. get ones ears pierced 意为“打耳洞”,此处get为使役动词,相当于make和have,意为“使;让”。“get / have+宾语+过去分词”意为“使某事被做”或“让某人做某事”。 例:Youd better go and get your hair cut. Its too long. 你最好去把头发理了。它太长了。 4.be/get excited about 意为“对感到兴 奋”,其中about

9、后可接名词、代词或动词- ing形式。 例:She got excited about it as soon as she heard about the good news. 她一听到那个好消息,就变得很兴奋。 测试案 一 汉译英 1 青少年不应该被允许吸烟。_. 2 他想扎耳洞。 _.3 我认为16岁的青少不应被允许开车。_. 4 他们不够稳重。 _.5 父母总是担心我们的安全。_. 二 拓展延伸 见绩优学案76-77 宁条梁镇中学九年级英语导学案Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第二课时(Sec

10、tionA3a3c)知识目标 1重点单词 1. tiny adj. 极小的;微小的; 2. lift v. 举起,n. 电梯; 3. awful adj. 很坏的,讨厌的; 4.regret v&n 感到遗憾,懊悔; 2重点词组 1. stay by my side 陪伴在我身旁 2. run through the field 在场里奔跑 3. keep me from danger 让我远离危险 4. give me a hug 给我一个拥抱 5. liftup 把举起来 6. talk back顶嘴 7. think back to回想起 能力目标:让学生学会用英语谈论在家里应遵守哪些规

11、则情感目标:使学生明白在家里被允许做什么,不允许做什么,增强自己遵规守纪的意识,并且要学会感恩母亲及身边的人。重点句式 1. When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side. 当我还是一小婴孩整夜哭闹时,我妈妈给我唱歌并且一直陪伴我。 2. When I was seven coughing badly, she said no ice cream for me.当我七岁咳嗽的严重时,他对我说不能吃冰其淋。 3. I should be allowed to eat some! G

12、ive it to me now. 我应当被允许吃一些,现在就给我。 4. When I was a teen going out with friends, she said” please be back by ten.” 当我是青少年要和朋友外出时,她说“请在10点前回来”。 5. I should not be told what to do. 我不应当被告诉要做什么。 6. I regret talking back, not listening to Mom 我很后悔顶嘴没有听妈妈的话。 预习案 根据课文完成下列短语整晚_ 使某人远离危险_咳嗽严重_顶嘴_十点之前请回来_迟到_把它

13、给我_把我举起_生气地大喊回答_根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. When the boy saw his mum, he gave her a warmly _(拥抱)。 2. I had a _ (很坏的) dream after I saw that scary film last night. 3. Jim is upset now because he _ (后悔) fighting with his best friends. 4. My brother liked to read the _ (诗)written by Li Bai when he was young. 5. The

14、 little boy dreams of being a hero in the sports _ (场地)。 合作探究案 Step 1情景导入本课时的主要内容是一篇称颂母爱的诗歌;在学习这首诗歌之前教师可准备几个与诗歌内容相关的问题,然后邀请几位同学就提出的问题给出自己的答案或见解。Questions: 1.Do your mother love you? How do you know? _ 2. How do your mother care about you? _ 3. What bad things did you do to against your mother? _ 环节说

15、明:通过带着问题去学习诗歌,从而达到导入新课的目的,同时也可以使学生积极阅读诗歌,理解母爱的内涵。 Step 2完成教材3a 的任务 1 要求学生快速默读诗歌,熟知大意,并完成课本3a的任务:discuss what the title means 然后邀请几位同学给出自己的答案,全班一起学习讨论。 2 先邀请几位同学阅读诗歌(可一人一段),教师要注意学生的语音,给予必要的朗读指导。然后播放录音,全班同学一起跟读。 3 完成教材3b的任务,要求学生再次阅读诗歌,回答3b中所提出的问题5. 想一次你做的一件你父母不让你做的事,把你的故事和你的同伴分享。 环节说明:将听、说、读、写的任务结合起来不

16、仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。 习题案 1 用所学的句型,写出在家里不允许的事情和可以做的事情: Imallowedto_. Imallowedto_. Imnotallowedto_. Imnotallowedto_.2 见导学案p76-77 宁条梁镇中学九年级英语导学案Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第三课时Section A(Grammar focus _ 4c)I. 知识目标 重点单词 1. community n. 社区,社团; 2. chanc

17、e n.机会,可能性; 3. educate v. 教育, 4. manage v. 完成,应付 5. society n. 社会重点词组 1. make ones own decision 自己做决定 2. do social work for the community 为社区做社会工作 3. keepaway from 避免接近,远离 4. give sb a chance 给某人一个机会 5. move out 搬出去 6. take care of oneself照顾自己 7. manage their own lives 应对自己的生活 重点句式 1. -Do you think

18、teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions? -No, I dont agree with this. Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions. -你认为青少年应该被鼓励自己做决定吗? -不,我不同意。青少年太小不能自己做决定 2. Should teenagers be asked to move out when they start working? 当青少年参加工作了应当被要求搬出去吗? 3. Their parents believe that t

19、hey should be educated to take care of themselves. 他们的父母相信他们在很少年龄时就应被教育来照顾自己。 4. -Members should be allowed to use dictionaries. -Yes, but they should only use English-English dictionaries. -成员们应当被允许使用字典。 -是的,但他们只能使用英-英字典。 预习案 根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. Maria found a volunteer work for this community (社区) this

20、summer. 2. The parents often educate(教导) the young kids to be polite to the old man. 3. As a teenager, we should work hard and do something useful for our society (社会)。 4. The young man asked the headmaster to give him another chance (机会) to study here. 5. Jack began to manage(打理) a store by himself

21、 when he was twelve years old. 合作交流案 Step 1情景导入(参考案例) 生活中规则无处不在,没个家庭都有自己的家规。你能说一些自己家的家规吗? Questions: 1.What rules do you have at home? _ 2. What do you think these rules at home? _ 环节说明:通过带着问题去学习,从而达到导入新课的目的。 Step 2. 畅通Grammar Focus回顾语法重点. 要求学生分角色问答并翻译表格中的句子。出说be allowed to do的各种句式的变化形式。并能造出相仿的句子。 简

22、要归纳被动语态的结构及用法。 Step 3 完成教材4a-4c的任务 1. 要求学生翻开课本P52,参照4a所提供的信息和例句,用被动语态改写句子.给出5分钟的时限,并请另4位同学在黑板上改写,全班集体核对答案。参考答案 2. Teenagers should be encouraged to do social work for their community. 3. Can Lucys homework be done tomorrow instead? 4. Do you think teenagers must be kept away from the Internet? 5. Te

23、enagers should be given chances to make their own decisions. 2. 用所给单词的正确形式完成4b短文。给出5分钟的时限,并请另个5位同学朗读短文,全班集体核对答案。 1. be asked 2. allowed 3. be educated 4. start 5. move 6. take 7. continue 3. 你和你和朋友将创办一个英语俱乐部,请参照4c的对,列举一个什么可以做,什么不可以做的清单。 4. 小结训练。要求学生在规定的时间内完成一个小练习。并请若干学生给出自己的答案。有错误的话及时解决纠正。 习题案用所给词的适

24、当形式填空。 1. LinTao thinks he is old enough to make his own _ (decide) 2. In China, its very important to get the college _(educate) for teenagers. 3. As a teenager, we should get more chance to do some _(society)work. 4. At the meeting, Amy _ (agree) with Mr. Liu about this wrong activity. 5. In China

25、, smoking isnt _(allow) 环节说明:将听、说、读、写的任务结合起来不仅锻炼了学生的语言综合运用能力,还巩固了学生对目标语言的学习、识记和运用。 宁条梁镇中学九年级英语导学案Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第四课时 Section B(1a -1e)【学习目标】1.扎实掌握SectionB(1a1e)的词汇和句型并能灵活运用;2.通过小组合作口头练习运用所学句型,谈论学习中的困惑;3.通过听力训练,提高学生听力能力;4.通过对短文的阅读了解学校的规章制度;5.掌握学习方法,提高效

26、率。全力以赴,激情投入,高效学习。 【重点短语】 1. get to class late上课迟到 2. finish the test early提前交卷 3. fail the test考试不及格 4. pass the test 通过考试 5.take the test later补考 6.be strict with 对严格要求 【重点句式 】1. -Do you think Peter should be allowed to take the test later? -No, I dont agree。/disagree -你认为彼特应被允许补考吗?-不,我不同意, 2. I th

27、ink parents should not be too strict with teenagers. 我认为父母不应对青少年太严格要求。3. -Do you ever get to class late? -Yes, I sometimes get to class late. -你曾经上课迟到过吗 -是的,我有时上课迟到。【重、难点】1.关于学生应遵守的规则的表述;2.理解短文知识点;3.运用所学知识给别人提供学习英语方法。自主预习案 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. He is very strict with his students. He asks them to do ev

28、erything well. 2. We all think he will fail a test because he never works hard. 3. There is no rice. Well have to eat noodles instead. 4. Last week she got her ears pierced, her mother was very angry. 5. Lucy isnt allowed to go to the party at nights alone. 合作探究案 Step 1 回顾:在前面的课程我们已经学习并了解了一些学校的规矩。下面

29、通过回答几个问题来进行一下简单的回顾。邀请几位同学尝试回答以下问题。 1. Do you always choose your own clothes? _ 2. Do you usually go to the movies on weekends? _ 3. Do you never go home late? _ 环节说明:课前的师生问答互动不仅让学生回顾了上节课的内容,进一步明确了学校的一些日常规则。而且还可以很自然的导入到本节课的内容。 Step 2完成教材1a-1e的任务 1. 要求学生翻开课本P53,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。然后要求5-10名同学给出

30、自己的答案,教师可把这些问题在黑板上列举出来并进行一下排序,看哪个问题是最多同学碰到的。 2. 针对1a中的问题,每个学生都有自己的回答,请根据学生自己的答案来完成1b的任务。然后邀请几名同学进行在全班汇报表演。 3.听第一遍录音,完成课本上1c部分的任务。并与黑板上先前列出的问题进行核对,看有没有相似的。 4.听第二遍录音,完成课本上1d 部分的任务。黑板上列举的相似的问题同样得到了解决5.听力内容巩固训练。要求学生根据所听到的内容完成下列问题。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对听力内容的了解。 根据听力内容完成下面的句子。 1. He missed the bus and had

31、to walk to school. 回答问题。 2. Whats wrong with Peter? He is going to fail a math test. 3. What do you think he should do? 4.He should talk to the teacher and take the test later. 6.听第三遍录音,并打开听力材料,全班逐句进行跟读。 7.放下听力材料,要求学生模仿听力内容,利用2a,2b的信息分角色练习对话练习。8.完成1e的任务。这一部分要求读教材上的陈述,然后与同伴谈论学校的校规。然后邀请2-3名学生当堂展示自己的观点

32、。可采用下面的形式: I think the school rules are because. In fact, we need / dont need strict rules because Teachers should / should not be too strict with students 测试案1 他担心英语考试会不及格。 He_ _ _the English test.2有时我上课迟到。_ I_to class_.3.我不同意他补考。I _ _he should take a test _.4.我应该被允许吸烟吗? Should I _to smoke? 5见绩优学案7

33、9 宁条梁镇中学九年级英语导学案Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第五课时 Section B(2a - 2e) 【教学目标】 知识目标:能够识记单词:professional, enter, support, choice 正确使用短语:get in the way of,as much as 能力目标:能够运用被动语态谈论家庭生活的规则,以及如何与父母沟通。 情感目标:通过对短文的阅读和复述,能很融洽地与父母交流自己的梦想,学会调节自己 的 生活,勇敢地面对挑战。 学习方法:将新学的知识点积极运用

34、到口语交际中。 【教学重点和难点】 1 .运用所学短语理解课文大意 2. 能够运用被动语态谈论家庭生活的规则,学会与父母沟通交流。 自主预习案 仔细阅读课文,翻译重点词组和短语 1妨碍、阻碍_ 2. 尽可能多_ 3. 发展某人的爱好_. 4. 在长跑队_ 5. 专业运动员_ 6. 实现某人的梦想_ 想法、考虑_ 8.最后_ 9.为某人自己做决定_ 10.努力学习的重要性_11. 认真做某事_ 12.关爱,关注_13. 有做某事的机会_ 14.没有什么反对做某事_ 15 .担心 _ 16. 长大_17上大学_ 18.最后成为_ 19.花时间(金钱)_ 20.做出自己的选择_合作探究案小组讨论:1

35、)Are you allowed to make your own decisions at home? What kinds of 2)迅速浏览课文,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主题,思考下列问题: 1. What do teenagers often think about their hobbies? 2. What does Liu Yu want to be? 3. Do Liu Yus Parents allow him to train as much as he wants? And why? 4. Why do Liu Yus parents think that he

36、wont achieve his dream? 5. Does Liu Yu think he will succeed? And when will he have the chance?(3)仔细阅读课文,找出重点词组和短语.(4)小组学习,完成2d. 5)小组讨论:你的梦想是什么?你的父母会支持你的梦想么?讨论以后用自己的语言表达自己的观点。 习题案一 根据所给单词的汉语意思填空:1._(实现)your dream through great effort is really cool.2.Anyone can see the _(重要性) of good health.3.If at

37、first you dont _(成功),try again.4.These hobbies can _(妨碍)schoolwork.5.I think I should be allowed to _(作决定)for myself.二 课后练习 详见绩优学案83页 语法小结: (1) decide/decision的用法 decide是动词,常用于decide to do decision是名词,常用于make a decision/make decisions make ones own decision Eg: Should I allow to make my own decision

38、s? 应该允许我自己做决定吗? Who decided to go to England? = Who made a decision to go to England? (2) achieve ones dreams 实现梦想=make ones dream=make ones dream come true (3) be serious about 对热忠 / 极感兴趣 The man was serious about the matter.这个人对待那件事很认真。 (4) care about 关心,担心,在乎 I dont care about what he said.我不在意他说

39、了什么。 宁条梁镇中学九年级英语导学案Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第六课时 3a -Self Check 【学习目标】1.掌握课本中的单词、短语和句型,提高语言运用能力。2.通过对本单元的阅读和复述,能很融洽地与父母交流自己的梦想。【重、难点】发表有关家规和校规的看法,并形成书面表达自主预习案 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. She wants to work hard to a_ her dream. 2. Her father has nothing against w_ TV. 3. I really c_about the result of the exam. 4. My brother dreams of b_a running star like Liu Xiang. 5. Seven hours later, the doctors succeed in saving the boy in d_. 合作探究案 Step 1完成教材3a-3b部分的任务。 根据3a所给表格列举出的内容提示,和你的同伴讨论你同意或不同意的家规,并写出提要填在表格中。 2.根据3a 写的提要以及3b方


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