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1、初三英语第5单元词汇复习教学设计广州市陈嘉庚纪念中学 谭超君教学课 题(9A)Unit 5 Going to the theatre课程类 型复习课教材上海牛津版授课时间40分钟教材分析本单元谈及的是世界著名的歌剧,如耳熟能详的歌剧魅影以及哈姆雷特,特别是我们上新课的时候播放了歌剧魅影的影视片段,激起了学生极大的兴趣。本节复习课以初三的第五单元词汇为载体,突出有关歌剧词汇的表达和运用。学情分析学生的领悟能力比较强,美中不足的是英语表达能力略有欠缺。教学重点1. 通过听、说、读、写以及小组竞争和合作等多种手段掌握核心词汇2. 训练学生掌握和戏剧有关的短语表达3. 运用本单元的重点词汇以及搭配教学

2、难点在造句和编故事中考察学生综合运用词汇的能力教学目标(一) 语言知识To learn some words and useful expressions:wander; kiss; theatre; feel sorry for; keep something in mind; pull off; beneath; get to the seat; in somebodys time; catch somebodys eye; leave something behind(二) 技能与方法1. 综合运用词汇讲授中的“积木法”和“音标法”;2. 由浅入深的练习,并由课内拓展到课外;3. 通过听

3、、说、读、写等技能的练习刺激学生记忆词汇,最终可以综合运用词汇(三) 情感态度与价值观1. 激起学生对词汇学习的兴趣,避免枯燥的方式记忆词汇;2. 以校运会为契机,对学生进行爱校的情感教育教学方法1. Task- Based Teaching Approach2. Communicative Approach学法渗透本课我将结合活动教学法和任务型教学法,在教学中将学生分成68人一组的学习小组。让他们通过合作和探究来完成学习任务。同时通过组间竞赛以提高学生的课堂活动参与度。教学过程设计教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Lead-in(3 mins)1. Read the vocabul

4、ary of Unit 5 together.2. Arouse students interests by guessing the word “kiss” from the text1. Read aloud 2.Enjoy guessing the meaning of “kiss”kiss是本单元四会单词,也是较能活跃课堂气氛的词汇,为下面课堂内容做铺垫。Step 2Before revision(6 mins)Ask students to speak out the words quickly according to pictures or hintsStudents try t

5、heir best to speak out the words quickly.1. 重现要复习的词汇和词组2. 根据图片或提示尽可能说出多的单词,也鼓励学生学生多说Step 3While revision(15 mins)1. Fill in the blanks according to Reading A2. Read aloud Reading B and talk about the British theatre. (Ex1)3. Finish Ex21. Fill in the blanks2. Oral practice 3. Competition again以课文的篇章句

6、子为载体,帮助学生记忆单词和词组的用法,此步骤为读和笔头练习相结合,进一步巩固词组的用法Step 4After revision(15 mins)1. Make up a story using at least 46 words or expressions from the vocabulary list.2. Ask some groups to report their answers;3. Give some assessments of students performance.1. Discuss the idea in groups first.2. Try to write

7、down the story.3. Report their ideas to the class;4. Listen to other groups ideas and find out the right way to form logical inference.以校运会为契机,通过最后一个环节,检验学生能否真实运用词汇。Step 6Homework(1 min) Finish writingSay goodbye to the teachers. Unit 5 Going to the theatreVocabulary RevisionEx1. Talk about the Brit

8、ish theatrewell known because ofIn time / were different to / strangely / male / female characters wereTraditional theatre in the UK / If the audience liked / threwonto. / round / a stage in the middle / If they didnt enjoy it, they threw no roof above / so wetYou can begin like this:“Theatre is pop

9、ular around the world. British theatre isEx2. Further consolidation(一) 单词拼写1. The hall is big enough to hold over 5,000 a_ during the lecture.2. Mozart can play the music a_ when he was young. Everyone was surprised at his talent.3. Its too dangerous for us to w_ around the street at midnight.4. The

10、 nurse is famous for her k_ and patience in our city. (二) 正确形式填空1. She spent all her life _ (work) for her dream.2. My mother always speaks _ (gentle) to us.3. _ (strange), he didnt come to the party yesterday.(三) 完成句子1. 他们都被这个可怕的消息吓着了。They _ _ _ the terrible news.2. 我们不能强迫别人去做他们不喜欢的事情。 We cant _ ot

11、hers _ _ what they dont like.3. 当他得知父亲去世的消息,他伤心透了。 When he _ _ that his father had gone, it _ _ _.Ex3. Make up a story上星期五是我校的校运会,以校运会或校园生活为话题编故事。要求:1. 故事中至少含有46个本单元的词汇或搭配(可参考附页),并用波浪线划出;2. 鼓励使用更多的发挥和想象_附:Unit 5重点词汇和搭配 (学生学案有,此处略)教学反思:1. 在引入环节中,学生精神饱满,课堂气氛活跃。紧接着进入根据图片和图示尽可能多地说出单词,学生也表现出很有兴趣,尽管在说的过程中

12、,仍有一些语音错误,本人以赞许的目光、鼓励的语言让学生克服害怕心理,大胆地多用适当的词汇来表达。但我感觉词汇的反复重现率仍然不够,如果在学生说之前系统地读一遍,说后再读一遍的话,学生就更能熟悉地掌握了。2. 在以校运会或以校园生活为话题编故事环节中,设计该题的构思还是不错的,学生在课堂上的小组讨论,对学生的英语思维、词汇巩固都有不同程度的发展和提高。学生在report their ideas 和 listen to other groups ideas 中都做得很充分,很有乐趣。只是可惜未能展示学生所写的故事,在堂上让大家共同欣赏颇佳的文体、适当的表达。也可同时让学生注意写作中词汇的应用及一些容易出现的错误。切实提高学生的口头笔头表达能力。5


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