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1、review1,Agenda,教学目标,教学目标,本单元为复习单元,学生通过听、说、读、写等方面的训练进一步巩固前面五个单元语法、词汇知识并培养综合语言运用能力。,Listening and speaking,Listening and speaking,Activity 1Activity 2Activity 3Activity 4Activity 5Activity 6Activity 7,Exercise-1-1,Activity 1,Listen and complete.听录音,完成练习。,d.(),1)Listen and tick.听对话A第一部分,勾出对话发生在哪儿。,a.()

2、,b.(),c.(),Exercise-1-2,Activity 1,2)Listen and match.再听第一部分,将人物与角色连线。,Ben guestWang Yang hostSara,-,Exercise-1-3,Activity 1,()a.name()b.drinks()c.weather()d.spelling()e.job()f.inviter_,3)Listen,tick and reorder.听对话A,勾出对话中谈到了什么。再听对话并将所选内容按顺序排列。,a,d,f,b,Exercise-1-4,Activity 1,()a.Ben and Wang Yang m

3、eet each other for the first time.()b.We can call the first speaker Mr Ben.()c.Ben doesnt spell his name.()d.Sara knows Ben and Wang Yang.()e.Ben asks for apple juice.()f.Wang Yang asks for a cup of tea.()g.Wang Yang likes his tea without sugar.,4)Listen and judge.再听对话A,在表达正确的句子前画,在错误 的句子前画。,Exercis

4、e-2,Activity 2,Act and practice.根据以下情景及提示进行对话。,1)Talk about your personal information at a party.在聚会上谈论你的个人信息。,Hello./Hi.Nice/Glad to meet you.Whats your name,please?My names/Im Whats your first name/last name?My first name/last name is,2)Entertain a guest at your birthday party.在你的生日聚会上招待客人。,Would

5、you like?/What would you like,or?/What about?Id like,please./,please./No,thanks.Here you are.Youre welcome.,Exercise-3-1,Activity 3,Listen and complete.听录音B,完成练习。,Ben and Wang Yang continue their talk.1)Listen and tick.听对话B,勾出他们在谈论什么。,()hometown()weather()party()hobby()Sara()joining a club,Exercise-

6、3-1-2,Activity 3,2)Listen and match.听对话B第1部分,将人物与其家乡连线。,Ben HarbinWang Yang Australia,-,Exercise-3-2,Activity 3,3)Listen and match.再听第一部分,将天气图片与地点连线。,Harbin,Australia,Exercise-3-3,Activity 3,4)Listen,tick and underline.听对话B第二部分,勾出王洋喜欢哪些 活动并用下划线标出他最喜欢什么。,a.()b.()c.()d.(),Exercise-3-4,Activity 3,5)Lis

7、ten and tick.再听第二部分,勾出关于艺术俱乐部的正确信息。,(1)Wang Yang wants to join the Art Club.He can _.a.sing b.dance c.paint d.play the piano(2)The person in charge of the Art Club might be _.a.Ben b.Sara c.Wang Yang d.someone else,Exercise-3-4-1,Activity 3,6)Listen,tick and underline.再听对话B,勾出Ben喜欢哪些活动并用下划 线标出他最喜欢什么

8、。,a.()b.()c.()d.(),Exercise-4,Activity 4,Act and practice.根据框中提示进行采访,就以下话题轮流采访同伴(假设他她是一个运动员明星或影星)。,1)The weather in his/her hometown.2)His/Her hobbies.3)His/Her abilities to be a star.,1)Whats the weather like in your hometown?Its 2)Whats your hobby?I like/love/enjoy/I am crazy about.Do you like?Yes

9、,/No.I hate Whats your favorite.?My favorite.is/is my favorite./I like best.3)Can you?Yes,I can./No,I cant.,Exercise-5-1,Activity 5,Listen and complete.听对话C,完成练习。,Sara and Mr Smith are buying food in a supermarket for the party.,()Sara,the host()cashier()Mr Smith,the guest()Ben()Mr Smith,the host()s

10、alesgirl,1)Listen and tick.听对话C,勾出说话者的角色。,Exercise-5-2,Activity 5,a.()b.()c.()d.(),2)Listen,tick and underline.再听对话C,勾出客人喜欢哪些并用下 划线标出他们最喜欢什么。,Exercise-5-3,Activity 5,Welcome to Tasty Supermarket!*Item Unit Price Number Total Pricecookie 8.00 _popcorn 6.00 _chocolate 8.00 _ 3.00 20 60.00Total(总额)_Pay

11、ment(已付)_Change(找零)_*19:29 May 24,2009Thanks for coming!,3)Listen and fill.再听对话C,补全销售小票上空格中的信息。,4,8,12,Coca-Cola,236,250,14,Exercise-6,Activity 6,Act and practice.仿照对话C,三人一组进行超市购物对话。,Exercise-7,Activity 7,Talk and practice.仿照例子,两人一组讨论职业和制服的颜色。,My father is a doctor.Whats the color of his uniform(制服)

12、?Its white.What about your father?,eg,Reading and writing,Reading and writing,Activity 8,1,Exercise-8-1,Activity 8,Read and complete.阅读招聘广告,完成练习。,Number:15 Age:18 35 Good at numbers.Can use the computer.Can work 24 hours between Monday and Friday,and 12 hours at weekends.Salary:1200 1500 yuan/month

13、Interview:Room 1202,Hapday Building,June 27.Timetable in individual notice.Keep your mobile phone on.,Cashiers Wanted,Exercise-8-2,Activity 8,Application form before June 25 Address:Jim Brown,Human Resources Department,Hapday Supermarket Ltd,Beijing 100000,or Any question please contact:(010)9907109

14、2Hapday Supermarket Ltd.,Exercise-8-3,Translation,人数:15 人 年龄:18 至35 岁 算账熟练 会用电脑 周一至五能工作24 小时,周末能工作12 小时 工资:1200 1500 元/月 面试:6 月27 日,哈普德大厦1202 室 具体时间另行通知。请保持手机开机。求职表于6 月25 日前交至:北京哈普德超市有限责任公司人力资源部 吉姆 布朗先生 收 邮编100000 或E-mail:如有问题请致电:(010)-99071092 哈普德超市有限责任公司,招聘收银员,Exercise-8-4,重点词汇和句型,Room 1202,Hapday

15、 Building,June 27.6 月27 日,哈普德大厦1202 室。英语中表达时间地点的方式和汉语不一样,是先说地点再说时间。表达地点的时候按照范围从小到大的顺序。如:Jim Brown,Human Resources Dep.,Hapday Supermarket Ltd.,Beijing中文为“北京哈普德超市有限公司人力资源部 吉姆布朗先生”。,Exercise-8-5,重点词汇和句型,Timetable in individual notice.具体时间另行通知。这是省略的说法,完整的说法是:We will give you the timetable in individual

16、 notice.我们将各别通知您具体时间。,Exercise-8-6,重点词汇和句型,Keep your mobile phone on.请保持手机开机。keep on 在这里意为“保持开机状态”。eg Its too dark here.Keep the light on,please.这里太黑了,把灯开着吧。Keep the radio on until I leave,please.把收音机开着吧,我走了再关。,Exercise-8-7,重点词汇和句型,Any question please contact:(010)-99071092.如有问题请致电(010)-99071092。这里是

17、省略的说法,完整说法是:If you have any question,please contact(010)-99071092.如果您有任何问题,请致电(010)-99071092。contact 意为“接触”,“联系”,在这里意为“用电话联系”。eg Ill contact you as soon as possible.我会尽快联系你的。How can I contact you when Im in London?我在伦敦时怎么联系你?,Exercise-8-8,Activity 8,1)Read and tick.再读招聘广告,勾出广告中出现的内容。,()abilities()ap

18、plication form()salary()interview()gender()address()phone number()age,Exercise-8-9,Activity 8,a.How many cashiers are wanted?_.b.How many hours does a cashier work every week?_.c.When and where can one take an interview?_.d.How can one send his application form?He can send his application form by _

19、or by _.e.When should one send his application form?He should send his application form before _.,2)Read and answer.再读招聘广告,回答下列问题。,15 cashiers are wanted,A cashier works 36 hours every week,One can take an interview in Room 1202,Hapday Building,June 27,an e-mail,by a letter,June 25,Language in use,L

20、anguage in use,Grammar focusVocabulary practice,1,2,Language in use-Grammar focus,Grammar focus,Activity 9Activity 10Activity 11,1,2,3,Exercise-9-1,Activity 9,Read and complete.读图,用适当的词补全句子。,4)My parents _ policemen.,1)Tom Cruise _ handsome.,2)The secretary _ busy.,3)There _ any book on the table.,i

21、s,is,isnt,are,Exercise-9-2,Activity 9,5)The spectators _ excited.,6)There _ five planes in the sky.,7)The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games _ great!,8)There _ a new message for you.,are,are,is,is,Exercise-10,Activity 10,Write and talk.写下你最喜欢的明星的爱好,然后小组讨论哪些明星的爱好相似。,_,My favorite star is Yao Ming.He likes po

22、p music.He also enjoys exciting games.Yao Ming and Liu Xiang enjoy music.,eg,My favorite star is Brad Pitt.He likes rock music.He also enjoys car racing.,Exercise-11,Activity 11,Discuss and write.小组活动,用下列词逐个造句。看谁用can造的句子最长。,secretary baby dog manager engineer bird,eg,Student 1:A dog can run.Student

23、2:A fish can swim.Student 3:A bear can run and swim._,Language in use-Vocabulary practice,Vocabulary practice,1,2,Activity 12Activity 13,Exercise-12,Activity 12,Read and circle.读以下词语,圈出每组中与其他3个不同类的词。,Group 1:e-mail telephone letter messageGroup 2:employment engineer secretary doctorGroup 3:bookstore

24、 bakery shopping mall groceryGroup 4:gender form age addressGroup 5:salesperson customer burger waiterGroup 6:boring favorite exciting deliciousGroup 7:sold out discount on sale cheaperGroup 8:welcome apply join inviteGroup 9:freezing warm hot sunnyGroup 10:party hobby jobclub,Exercise-13-1,Activity

25、 13,Discuss and complete.小组讨论,选词填空完成对话。看哪组最先到达金字塔顶端。,9)first,18)last,30)age,20)hometown,1)ability,12)can,24)number,26)address,14)e-mail address,33)application,35)salesperson,11)reason,22)boring,29)apply,13)items,15)supermarket,17)interesting,3)customers,34)hobbies,5)holidays,Exercise-13-2,Activity 1

26、3,Part 1M:Excuse me.I heard you want cashiers.W:Yes.M:Im interested in this job.W:OK.Id like to know your personal information.Whats your name?M:My name is Brian Brown.W:Sorry,I dont quite follow you.M:My _(A)name is Brian,and my _(B)name is Brown.W:OK.Your _(C),please?M:Im twenty-two this year.W:Wh

27、ere do you come from?M:My _(D)is Handan,Hebei province.,Exercise-13-3,Activity 13,W:Whats your _(E)for this job?M:As required,I _(F)use the computer,and I have enough time.W:Thats good.How can we contact you?M:My telephone _(G)is 010-99991000,you can find me in the day time.And my _(H)is Box 509,Fen

28、gtai District,Beijing,100000.W:Do you have any _(I)?M:Yes.Its.W:Alright.Do you have an _(J)form with you?M:Sorry,I dont have it with me.W:It doesnt matter.You can bring it in your interview.M:OK.,Exercise-13-4,Activity 13,Part 2W:Do you bring your application form this time?M:Yeah.Here it is.W:Thank

29、s.Sit down,please.Id like to ask you some questions.M:Yes,please.W:What did you do in the past?M:I was a _(K)in a grocery store.W:Why do you leave there?Can you give me your _(L)?M:I think its _(M)to sell food every day.W:I see.So why do you _(N)for this job?,Exercise-13-5,Activity 13,M:Because I ca

30、n see many different kinds of _(O)in a _(P).W:Yes.But the job may also not be very _(Q).You should be patient(有耐心的)with all _(R).M:I think I can be friendly to customers.One of my _(S)is to keep pets.I love them and Im patient with them.W:Alright.The last question is,can you work on _(T)?For example

31、,Childrens Day?M:Yes.No problem.,Exercise-13-6,Activity 13,You can choose from the following words:,1)ability 2)easy 3)customers 4)in English5)holidays 6)difficult 7)name card 8)favorite9)first 10)on sale 11)reason 12)can13)items 14)e-mail address 15)supermarket 16)sold out17)interesting 18)last 19)funny 20)hometown21)warm 22)boring 23)again 24)number25)welcome 26)address 27)salesgirl 28)usually29)apply 30)age 31)weather 32)join33)application 34)hobbies 35)salesperson,Thank you,


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