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1、选修11 Unit 1 Careers and skillsUnit 2 Getting a job,.单词盘点核心速记1._(n.)行李2._(adj.)有事业心的,有进取心的,有创业精神的3._(vt.)使恢复精力,使凉爽;刷新,更新4._(adj.)保守的;守旧的5._(vt.&vi.)摆动,摇头或晃动手指(表示不赞成),baggage,enterprising,refresh,conservative,wag,6._(n.)汽车修理厂;车库7._(adj.)放松的;宽松的8._(n.)毕业文凭9._(n.)(机构的)部门;分歧;划分;(数学)除,除法10._(n.)资金;基金11._(


3、creator,creation,16._(n.)雇主,老板_(n.)雇工,雇员_(vt.)雇用17._(n.)刮脸,刮胡子;(vt.&vi.)剃,刮_(n.)电动剃须刀18._(n.)回答,答复;反应,响应_(vi.)反应,回应_(adj.)负有责任的,应承担责任的19._(n.)流利,流畅_(adj.)流利的,流畅的,employer,employee,employ,shave,shaver,response,respond,responsible,fluency,fluent,.短语互译1.从中获得乐趣 _2.考虑到 _3.直视某人,正视某人 _4.作为对的回应、答复 _5.go abo

4、ut _6.off the top of ones head _7.have butterflies in ones stomach _,take pleasure in,make allowance(s)for,look somebody in the eye(s),in response to,忙于某事;继续做某事,未多加思考地,脱口而出地,心慌,紧张,8.follow something up _9.give somebody the edge _10.as easy as pie _,采取后续行动,跟进,使某人略占优势,十分容易,轻而易举,.句型透视1.过去分词作定语的用法He was

5、 living by a stream in a tent _ _(被技术设备包围着).2.if引导的条件状语从句For example,_(如果没人来收垃圾),the streets would soon become very dirty,the number of rats would increase,and disease would spread.,surrounded by technical,equipment,if no one was to collect the rubbish,3.so that引导的目的状语从句An interview is a talk betwee

6、n an employer and a potential employee _(以便面试官评估应聘者)and see if he or she is suitable for the position.4.形容词作宾语补足语的用法He found living among local people there _(有挑战性)but worthwhile.,so that the interviewer can assess the applicant,(to be)challenging,.语篇完形 When 1._ a career,you should consider all the

7、aspects of a job.Some jobs may seem dull but are important,2._ others appear exciting but are difficult and boring.People who take up 3._“glamorous jobs”,like a model or an actor have to spend long hours 4._.Meanwhile,people who are successful and famous have to deal with constant 5._ attention.Some

8、 people 6._ careers in law or business,but they do not consider the stress coming 7._ these jobs.,choosing,while,so-called,travelling,media,prefer,with,On the other hand,some people find more unusual jobs that are better 8._ to them.These jobs might not be popular,9._ are interesting regardless.In t

9、he same way,some ordinary jobs look plain,but necessary to society.The jobs 10._ them to go about their daily lives.,suited,but,allow,1.选用框中词汇完成句子 option,creative,conservative,relaxed,in response to(1)When you are _,your breathing tends to be slow and gentle.(2)You should choose the second _,though.

10、(3)The product was developed _ customers demand.(4)Should I be aggressive or _ with my money before 30?(5)What is the working style of _ people?,relaxed,option,in response to,conservative,creative,2.选用句型透视中的句式仿写句子(1)你读过莫言的最新小说吗?_(2)如果明天他不来,我们就把会议推迟到下周一了。_ _(3)他写下了我的地址,以便能够记住它。_(4)我发现跟他一块工作很舒心。_,Have

11、 you read the latest novel written by Mo Yan?,If he were not to come tomorrow,we would put off the meeting,till next Monday.,He wrote down my address,so that he might remember it.,I found working with him(to be)very comfortable.,1.option n.选择;选修课So we have no option but to adapt our technology strat

12、egy to this.因此我们别无选择,只能使我们的技术战略适应这种局面。They are anxious that the new course should not be seen as a soft option.他们期盼新办法不会被视为捷径。Certain courses are compulsory;others are optional.某些课程是必修的,其他是选修的。,【归纳】have no option but _soft option _optional adj._,除了,别无选择,捷径;轻松的选择,可选择的;选修的,【高考链接】(2011江苏高考)In that scho

13、ol,English is compulsory for all students,but French and Russian are _.A.special B.regional C.optional D.original【解析】选C。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在那所学校里,英语是所有学生的必修科目,但法语和俄语是选修科目。optional可选择的;special特别的;regional地区的;original最初的,原始的。,2.creative adj.有创造力的;创造性的create vt.创造;创作creation n.创造物,创造creator n.创始人,创造者creature

14、 n.生物;动物,They left the lights down to create a comfortable atmosphere.他们让灯光保持暗淡以创造一种舒适的气氛。Their focus was on the creation of software products not on project management process.他们的关注点在于创建软件产品,而不是项目管理过程。She was misplaced in that job;she ought to be doing something more creative.她被不恰当地安排在那个工作岗位上;她应该从事

15、一些更有创意的工作。,语境填词Tom is very _,who devotes himself to the _ of new products.汤姆非常有创造力,他全身心投入到新产品的创造中。,creative,creation,3.refresh vt.使恢复精力,使凉爽;刷新,更新refresh oneself with a cup of tea 喝杯茶提神refresh ones memory of.唤起某人的记忆feel refreshed 感到精神(爽快)的,A rest and a cool drink will refresh you.休息一会儿再喝一杯冷饮会使你精神振作。P

16、lease refresh my memory,what is your address?请再给我讲一遍你的地址?I _ _ and much readier to face the work in front of me.我感到精神振作,准备精力充沛地面对眼前的工作。,feel,refreshed,【熟词生义】读句子猜含义Its time for us to refresh the new content.(),更新;刷新,4.fluency n.流利,流畅fluent adj.流利的;流畅的Fluency in French and Spanish is required for this

17、 job.这个工作要求法语和西班牙语熟练自如。Please use fluent English to encourage others!请用流利的英语去鼓励别人!I might be able to translate this document _ _ _ _ _.我也许能把这份文件从汉语译为流畅的英语。,from,Chinese,into,fluent,English,5.go about忙于某事;继续做某事So how do you go about improving your memory?那么,你如何继续提高记忆力呢?【拓展】补全下列“go+adv./prep.”短语go _ 追

18、求;设法得到go _ 下降go _ 复习;检查go _ 没有也过得去go _ 干吧;说吧;走在前面,after,down,over,without,ahead,6.take pleasure in从中获得乐趣Not only can we take pleasure in living in society,but we can also enjoy society by contributing to it.我们不仅能因为生活在社会中得到快乐,我们也能因为为社会作贡献而获得乐趣。,【拓展】补全下列“pleasure”短语_ pleasure 愉快地;乐意地_pleasure 为了消遣;为了娱

19、乐_ ones pleasure 随心所欲地,with,for,at,7.make allowance(s)for 考虑到In judging her work,we must make allowance(s)for her lack of experience.在评定她的工作时,我们必须体谅她没有经验。,【拓展】补全下列“make+adv./prep.”短语make _ 编造;构成;打扮;弥补make _ 辨认出;理解make _ 导致;有助于make up _ 弥补【点津】make allowance(s)for与allow for意思一样,都表示“考虑到;体谅”。,up,out,for

20、,for,8.look somebody in the eye(s)直视某人,正视某人I really wanted to see his face,to look him in the eyes,and to see the beginning of justice.我真想要看到他的脸,看着他的眼,看着正义的开始。,【拓展】补全下列“look+adv./prep.”短语look _ 期望;期盼look _ 浏览look _ 往里看;调查look _ 小心look _ 向上看;查阅,forward,through,into,out,up,9.He was living by a stream

21、in a tent surrounded by technical equipment.他住在小溪旁边的一个帐篷里,帐篷周围有技术设备。过去分词作定语修饰名词的情况:(1)单个过去分词作定语时,一般放在被修饰词的前面。(前置定语)过去分词短语作定语时,要放在被修饰词的后面。(后置定语)(2)不及物动词的过去分词作定语时,没有被动意义,只表示动作的完成。,The damaged house has been repaired.被损坏的房子已经得到了修缮。When autumn comes,fallen leaves can be seen everywhere.秋季到来,到处落叶缤纷。The b

22、ook _ _ _ is very popular.他写的那本书很受欢迎。【点津】单个过去分词修饰复合不定代词或指示代词those时,要放在这些词的后面。,written,by,him,.用所给词的适当形式填空1.I cant speak English _(fluency)as I am out of practice.2.You seem to have a very _(relax)outlook.3.The state of _(employ)in this city is improving.4.There are some signs that they are planning

23、_(conservative).5.I am confident because I know the creative and _(enterprise)spirit of this regions people.,fluently,relaxed,employment,conservatively,enterprising,6.I have completed the _(option)portion of this exercise.7.Now we take the kids to the park or out to do something more fun and _(creat

24、e).8.We dont like _(shave),and no matter what you do,we never will.,optional,creative,shaving,.翻译句子1.如果我是一只鸟,我就能在空中飞行。(虚拟语气)_2.我们应当体谅他的困难处境。(allowance)_3.他的设计和创新精神成为他以后具有的优势。(edge)_4.昨天在会上讨论的问题非常重要。(过去分词作定语)_ _,If I were a bird,I could fly in the air.,We should make allowance(s)for the difficulties

25、of his position.,His design and creative spirit gave him the edge later on.,The question discussed at yesterdays meeting is very,important.,5.他从分享美食和美酒中获得极大快乐。(take pleasure in)_,He took great pleasure in sharing good food and wine.,.话题写作 先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一段小短文。1.汤姆有事业心、创造力,喜欢忙于自己的事业,并从中获得许多乐趣。(go

26、about,take pleasure in)2.但不幸的是,因为公司的不善经营,他下岗了。(management,unemployed)3.考虑到自己的工作经验,要找到一份收入好的工作不简单,但他对自己的未来充满自信。(allowance,as easy as pie),4.为了使自己比其他求职者有优势,他精心准备每一次面试,如使自己精神饱满,着装得体。(edge,refresh,smartly)5.他的付出终于有了回报,他认为新的工作更加适合他。(pay off,suited)_,【参考范文】Tom was enterprising and creative,who enjoyed goi

27、ng about his career and took great pleasure in it.Unfortunately,because of the bad management of the company,he was unemployed.Making allowance(s)for his experience,it would not be as easy as pie to get a well-paid job,but he was self-confident about his future.He tried to make good preparations for every interview to give himself the edge over other candidates,for example,refreshing himself and getting dressed smartly.,His efforts paid off and he thought his new job better suited to him.,


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