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1、夯实基础,循序渐进,浅谈高中英语学习方法,1.Do you like learning English?,2.Is English difficult to learn?,3.What is the most difficult part for you when learning English?,初中与高中英语学习的差异,1.课程学习的特点(1).初中英语教育目的在于为高中的学习奠定知识基础。而高中英语教育着重培养学生终身学习所必备的语言基础知识和基本技能。(2).在初中学习阶段,学习内容多是小故事和大家所熟悉的校园家庭生活。而高中的教材在此基础上增加了广度和深度。,Topics in M

2、odule 1&2,School life in the UKGrowing painsLooking good,feeling goodLosing weight and keeping fit Tales of the unexplained(UFO,aliens),An adventure in AfricaAmazing people The curse of the mummy,2.词汇和语法(1)词汇量初中:1500-1600个单词;200-300个词组高中:3500个单词;400-500个词组(2)语法:初中:死记硬背,浅显零星高中:系统全面,难度加大(定语,名词性,状语从句,非

3、谓语动词,情态动词,虚拟语气,特殊句式),3.考试的差异性,“以阅读促词汇,以词汇带阅读”,不断增加词汇量和拓展阅读量,提高跨文化感悟能力和语言的实际运用能力。,对策,改变观念,突出重点,词汇,阅读,词汇,词汇,阅读,音标发音构词法形近比较记忆,语境中记单词找近义词联想记忆,记忆单词常用的方法,单词的记忆与遗忘,艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线,记忆周期:1 第一个记忆周期:5分钟 2 第二个记忆周期:30分钟 3 第三个记忆周期:12小时 4 第四个记忆周期:1天 5 第五个记忆周期:2天 6 第六个记忆周期:4天 7 第七个记忆周期:7天 8 第八个记忆周期:15天,读朗读:英语课文大声朗读,经典句型张口

4、就来;记忆单词,培养语感。阅读:要培养自己良好的阅读习惯。1.学会默读。速度快,单位时间内的信息获取量大。2.按意群读。有利于理解。3.掌握猜词技巧。4.坚持每天阅读。由量变产生质变,提高速度和理解能力。,congratulation kn,rtulein,voyage viid vocabulary vukbjulri recognize reknaiz,合成English-speaking countries,south-facing housesman-made satellites,the snow-covered roof,派生 enlarge 扩大 enable 使能够 Inter

5、net 因特网 international 国际的 agreement协议 movement 运动 happiness 幸福 business 事务 explanation 解释 dictation 听写,转化Each apartment can house a family of six.I hope we can room together.This helped to bridge over our difficulties.,aboard b:d adv.在飞机上;在船上;在火车上 abroad br:d adv.在国外;到海外 adapt dpt vt.使适应;改编 vi.适应ado

6、pt dpt vt.采取;接受;收养 vi.采取;过继,capture(1)The thief has not been captured yet.目前窃贼尚未抓获。(capture 的同义词:arrest,seize).(2)The invaders were driven out of the land they had captured.侵略者从他们占领的土地上被驱逐出去.(capture的同义词:control,gain,hold).(3)The event captured all the newspapers and made headlines.这一事件引起各大报纸的关注并成为头

7、条新闻。(capture同义词attract)。,care careful carefully careless carelessly carelessnesstake care of,care for,care about,adj.,adv.,opposite,adv.,n.,phrases,Definition and explanation 利用定义和解释猜测词义;He is a resolute man.Once he makes up his mind to do something,he wont give it up halfway.The underlined word mea

8、ns_.A.strong B.firm C.kind D.clever,Experience根据普通常识和经验推测生词的词义 Mr.Brown is now working at Princeton University far away from home.For this reason he has to rent a room near the office where he works.A.to work to live B.to eat to live C.to teach to live D.to pay to use,Related Information即根据上下文的语境来猜测

9、生词的词义。The official asked the man what his occupation was.The man told him that he worked as an engineer.A.work B.study C.name D.interest,_,高中英语阅读常见题材,天文地理、科学技术,政治历史、文化教育,风土人情、生活常识,人物传记、新闻报道,高三毕业生对英语学习的体会及建议结合自身兴趣,多方位学习英语。如:阅读英文杂志小说,学习英语歌曲,观看英文电影等等。劳逸结合,寓教于乐。要有适应新环境的能力,同时应有承受压力的能力。Thinking while learning.A good learner is a good thinker.,学习必备,词汇工具书笔记本错题集默写本红笔荧光笔讲义夹,There is nothing difficult if you put your heart into it.Practice makes perfect.Early bird catches the worm.No pains,no gains.,


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