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1、南京瞻园英语导游词 南京瞻园英语导游词1Zhanyuan is the oldest garden in Nanjing. It has been more than 600 years. Zhanyuan is a garden building given by the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang to the meritorious Minister Xu Da in the early Ming Dynasty!When you enter the elegant Zhanyuan garden, you can see a wonderful imm

2、ortal peak through the hollowed out window. The height of the stone is more than 3 meters, which has five characteristics: thin, wrinkled, transparent, hollowed out and beautiful. The theme building of Zhanyuan garden is jingmiaotang. There are pools in the North and south of jingmiaotang, in which

3、there are grotesque stone rockeries; In the west of jingmiaotang, there is a earth mountain. On the earth mountain, there are two pavilions. One is called fangting, and the other is called fanmianting. The two pavilions are about tens of meters apart; In the east of jingmiaotang is a zigzag Pavilion

4、. In the middle of the pavilion is a small pavilion. One end is a pool, and the other end is two 100 year old vines. I also touched the vines with my hand!There is another treasure in Zhanyuan - the stele with the word tiger. It is known as the most famous stele in the world. It contains the four wo

5、rds Fu Jia Tian and the appearance of a tiger. Its so interesting! Now in order to protect this stele, its framed with glassZhanyuan is also the History Museum of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. There are more than 1600 cultural relics on display, including the jade seal of God, the Dragon Robe of the

6、 heavenly king, the golden crown, the flag, the sword and so on. Among them, 42 are national first-class cultural relicsIn the Zhanyuan garden, you can enjoy the rockery in front of the pavilion, listen to the sound of three cascades of waterfalls falling down from the mountain, walk on the stone ro

7、ad of the Gallery Pavilion, and see the fish playing in the pool. You feel relaxed and happyIn this unforgettable scenery, I also learned a lot of knowledge. Its killing two birds with one stone!南京瞻园英语导游词2Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, has many places of interest and cultural att

8、ractions. My favorite is Zhanyuan, which has the reputation of the first garden of Jinling. Zhanyuan garden in Nanjing, Zhuozheng garden and Liuyuan garden in Suzhou are known as four famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River.Every summer, Nanjing scorching sun, my mother will bring me to Zha

9、nyuan. As soon as you enter the gate of Zhumen Daiwa garden, there are towering trees. You suddenly feel that the world is quiet and cool. This 600 year old ancient garden has such a refreshing charm. The layout of the small garden shows originality. There are not only 18 ancient landscapes, but als

10、o 18 new ones. Every scenic spot is so beautiful that its beauty value is very high!If you like Jiangnan gardens, you must go to Zhanyuan; if you like cultural allusions, you must go to Zhanyuan; if you like ancient buildings, you must go to Zhanyuan; if you like water scenery Koi, you must go to Zh

11、anyuan; if you like ancient flowers and grasses, you must go to Zhanyuan; if you like spectacular stones, you must go to Zhanyuan Every year when you go to Zhanyuan, you will have new insights and surprises.This summer, I came to Zhanyuan again. In Zhanyuan, the only Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History

12、 Museum in China has been renovated, with more collections and introductions. On the lake, water lilies are blooming, and groups of Koi are playing freely, waiting for visitors to feed them in the fish viewing Pavilion. The exquisite wooden boat built to meet Emperor Qianlong is still standing in th

13、e water, listening to peoples praise for it; It doesnt matter if you come to the garden in rainy and snowy days, because the ingenious corridor design not only adds color to the garden, but also runs through the scenic spots in the garden to provide shade and shelter for visitorsIn history, Zhanyuan

14、 used to be the palace of Xu Da, the Ming Dynastys Zhongshan king. According to the staff, Zhanyuan is not as big as it was in ancient times, but just a corner of the west side of the palace at that time. Over the past 600 years, a lot of buildings have been damaged for various reasons. Now we see t

15、his exquisite and beautiful Zhanyuan garden, which was renovated and built by landscape experts organized by Nanjing municipal government. I really appreciate them. Otherwise, we will not see such a beautiful and meaningful ancient garden. What a pity!In the future, I would like to appeal to more pe

16、ople to cherish and protect the historical sites and beautiful scenery, so that they can be handed down and become a beautiful scenic line of Nanjing forever.南京瞻园英语导游词3Zhanyuan is the only group of well preserved classical garden buildings of Ming Dynasty in Nanjing. It has a long history, rich cult

17、ure and pleasant scenery. Together with Jichang Garden in Wuxi, Zhuozheng garden in Suzhou and Liuyuan garden, Zhanyuan is known as four famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. As a member of the Little Bookworm Club of the school, I am looking forward to visiting Zhanyuan like you. The op

18、portunity has come, and an exciting news has spread among our members. This week, the Five Little Bookworm club will arrange a tour to Zhanyuan. All members are looking forward to that moment On Friday, our members came to Zhanyuan with teachers Zhu and Shi. Entering the gate, the students cant wait

19、 to take out all kinds of tools, cameras, pens, paper and so on, and carefully make all kinds of records.Zhanyuan is over 600 years old. In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang built the garden for Xu Da, the king of Zhongshan, because he thought Xu Da had no peaceful residence. When Emperor Qianlo

20、ng of Qing Dynasty visited the south, he wrote the word Zhanyuan. After the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom established its capital in Nanjing in 1853, it was the Royal Garden of Yang Xiuqing and Lai Hanying. Zhanyuan is divided into two parts: East and West. The gate is in the East. There is a screen wall

21、 opposite the gate. In front of the screen wall is a relief of the Taiping rebellion. There is a large plaque on the gate, which reads the first garden of Jinling, and the character is inscribed by Zhao Puchu. In the middle of the entrance is a bronze bust of Hong Xiuquan. There is a plaque inscribe

22、d by Guo Moruo on the hall of Erjin, which mainly displays cultural relics such as the jade ridge of the heavenly Father, the robe of the heavenly king, the golden crown of the loyal king, the big flag, the sword and the stone trough. The museum has collected more than 1600 pieces of Taiping Heavenl

23、y Kingdom cultural relics, of which 42 are national first-class cultural relics. The west part is the happiest place for our students. It is a typical Jiangnan garden. The ancient buildings in the garden include a pavilion, a flower basket hall, a Zhishuang Pavilion, a Yingcui Pavilion and a winding

24、 corridor. These buildings and corridors divide the whole Zhanyuan into five small courtyards and a main garden. Jingmiao hall is located in the middle of the main garden. It is surrounded by water on three sides and land on one side. There are rockeries in the north and south of the hall. The water

25、 is interlinked, and there is a pavilion named Sui Han on the rockery in the West. The garden is small and characteristic. It is one of the famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. When our club students came here, they couldnt wait to play together, playing happy games, playing hide and se

26、ek around the rockery, and really experienced a tour. Todays Zhanyuan garden is characterized by towering peaks and rocks, beautiful ponds and marshes, deep courtyard corridors, winding paths, pavilions and pavilions, ancient trees and famous flowers, jade and fragrance, and inscribed couplets with

27、fragrance. Fully inclusive and equitable, the gardens of the South and the northern part of the city are also very artistic. All the way to enjoy, explore, learn, play, debate, so that all people forget the passage of time, in the door, I realized the real meaning of lingering.南京瞻园英语导游词4Ladies and g

28、entlemen: now we come to the Bank of the Qinhuai River. The painted defenses in the river are all made in the style of Ming Dynasty architecture, with big red balls and red lanterns hanging on the bow. Whenever the Lantern Festival, Nanjing people used to come here to enjoy the lights. It is said th

29、at after the establishment of the capital of Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanjin paid a visit to the capital. When he came to the Bank of the Qinhuai River, he saw trees on both sides of the river, clear water, pavilions and pleasant scenery. He said casually, Im sorry for the lack of boats in the river. When

30、 the emperor opened the golden gate, he sent people all night to build the boat in order to win the favor of the emperor. Since then, Qinhuai painting has become a major feature here. Especially in the Mid Autumn Festival, tens of thousands of lanterns are in full bloom on the river, and dragon lant

31、erns are dancing on both sides of the river. Songs, drums, cheers and laughter are continuous all night. It can be said that Qinhuai is the best in the world. No wonder there is a folk saying in Nanjing that every family walks on the bridge, everyone looks at the light.This section of Qinhuai River

32、in front of us has become a Confucius Temple (Confucius Temple) and panchi since the Song Dynasty, also known as crescent moon. In ancient times, the Imperial Academy was called Biyong, and the princes Academy was called Pangong. The Confucius Temple Academy was equivalent to the place where the pri

33、nces gave lectures, so this pool was called panchi. Generally, there are three stone bridges built on panchi. According to the grade, county officials and students take the middle one, and scholars take the bridges on both sides. It is said that in ancient times, a scholar mistakenly went to Zhongqi

34、ao. He was in a dilemma and had to jump into panchi by himself.Please look at a section of vermilion stone brick wall on the other side of the river. This is the screen wall of Confucius Temple. Zhaobi was built in the third year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (Li Ze Nian), 110 meters long, which is t

35、he highest Zhaobi in the whole family. Ladies and gentlemen, this Confucius Temple was built in 337, the third year of emperor chengdi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. At that time, Emperor chengdi adopted the advice of Wang Dao: the cultivation of talents is the most important thing in governing the cou

36、ntry, and decided to establish the University on the Bank of Qinhuai river. In the first year of Jingpai (1034), the Confucius Temple was built on the basis of Xuefu. Therefore, Confucius Temple is a bustling city evolved from a cultural and educational center. It includes three main buildings: Conf

37、ucius Temple, Academy and Gongyuan. Its scope is adjacent to the North Bank of Qinhuai River in the south, the east end of Jiankang road in the north, Yaojia Lane in the East and Sifu Lane in the West. Although the Confucius Temple was destroyed many times, it was built and expanded in different dyn

38、asties. By the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the structure and layout of its pavilions and temples were the best in the southeast. The present Confucius Temple is partly rebuilt in the late Qing Dynasty and partly rebuilt in recent years. Please look back. This

39、pavilion style building is called Kuixing Pavilion. It was first built in Qianlong period of Qing Dynasty. The waterfront building was destroyed twice and rebuilt in 1985.Now we come to the square in front of the temple, which was opened in the Qing Dynasty. There are two steles standing at the East

40、 and West ends of the square, about one foot high. On the stele, there are two words in Manchu and Chinese: Minister of culture and military dismounts here to show respect for the sage Confucius. The pavilion with six corners and double eaves on the left is called star gathering Pavilion, which mean

41、s that all the stars are concentrated and talents are gathered. It was built in the 14th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1586), but it was not rebuilt until the 8th year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1869). This is the only Qing Dynasty building that survived the Japanese artillery fire. Unfort

42、unately, it was demolished as four old in 1968 and rebuilt in 1983, restoring its original style. The memorial archway in the middle of the square is called Tianxia Wenshu archway. Please continue to follow me. This gate is called Lingxing gate, which is the gate of Confucius Temple. It is said that

43、 TA Xing is the star in charge of education in the sky. He is convenient and happy. The gate is a stone structure with six columns and three gates. It was built in 1480, the 16th year of Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty. It was later destroyed and rebuilt in 1870. However, the polar gate we see now was

44、rebuilt in 1983. The East and west sides of the gate are the East and West markets.南京瞻园英语导游词5Zhanyuan garden is one of the famous gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. Zhanyuan faces south, 127 meters deep and 123 meters wide from east to west. The total area of Zhanyuan is 25100 square meters,

45、 including 9600 square meters of building area and 15500 square meters of landscaping area. There are 810 trees and shrubs in the garden, and the bamboo area is 400 square meters.Mountain, water and stone are the main scenery of Zhanyuan. In the East Zhanyuan, there are Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Hist

46、ory Museum exhibition area, water courtyard, lawn area and ancient building area. In the West Zhanyuan, there are west rockery, South rockery, North rockery and jingmiaotang.The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom History Museum is located in the East and northeast of Zhanyuan. It was originally the building o

47、f Jiangnan province and Jiangning political envoy office. It is composed of Zhaobi and Wujin hall.The gate is in the east half. There is a screen wall opposite the gate. In front of the screen wall is a relief of the Taiping rebellion. There is a large plaque on the gate, which reads the first garde

48、n of Jinling, and the character is inscribed by Zhao Puchu.Jingmiao Hall of xizhanyuan is located in the southwest of xizhanyuan, facing south rockery, West rockery and North rockery. It is the main building of xizhanyuan.South rockery is located in front of jingmiaotang, covering an area of 900 squ

49、are meters. It is made of more than 1000 tons of Taihu stone. The cliff of linchi is 7 meters high, and the main peak is 9 meters high. It is composed of cliffs, caves, stalactites, pedals, Shiji, waterfalls and stepping stones.North rockery is located in the north of xizhanyuan, with an area of 1100 square meters.West rockery is located in the west of Zhanyuan, covering an area of 1050 square meters. From the North rockery b


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