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1、Grammar&usage,to-infinitive,搞靛蔗益渣烙强象准猿驭城他物甸越恿移衣规习犊瓢驹就葡吧懂射秉寓钱grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,Figure out the meanings of the proverbs and the usage of the underlined part.,To know everything is to know nothing.It is easier to get money than to keep it.Eat to live,but not live to eat.,什么都知道即如什么都不知道。,挣钱容易,攒钱

2、难。,吃饭是为了生活,但活着不是为了吃饭。,勃识缕避嘲梨予乙堑眠干凰蜂苇几验疲禾漠锄六礼叭候倚库坯折写卞婶碱grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,I.The to-infinitive can be,1.subject of a sentence表示去做或为了统一主语表语形式To see is to believe.百闻不如一见。了解英语是一回事,会英语是另一回事。_ something about English is one thing;_ English is quite another.先制定个计划是个好主意。_ a plan first is a good idea.

3、,To know,to know,To make,捷恶闷八匆腹吧灵迈混噎罐侈山疵颊蓉哪骨刻鸣恰肃扰魏烘妊值姥物毋借grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,Tip:,动词不定式和不定式短语做主语时,常用it做形式主语,其句型结构为:It is+形容词或名词(或词组)+不定式短语。这时的形容词常为easy,difficult,hard,good,useful,wrong,right,necessary,impossible,important 等。名词或词组常为a fact,a great day,a great thing,a pity 等。(注意形容词名词是特殊词语时有可能要用i

4、ng形式),秤芥流掘雾瞅井在申逗未迁动枷狂生懈踢锁屋左兔漓蛔砂准僧隔崭腔润脉grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,学好英语很难。_ is difficult.=It is difficult _.再见到你真高兴。Its a great pleasure to see you again.,To study English well,to study English well,Practice,高扇豫磨捻鉴贫智备棚匙摘杉皱稍剃琼悉辈娩投胳福什泼闲费瘦淘羡畴傈grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,如要说明动词不定式的动作的执行者,可在不定式前加一个介词for引导的短

5、语,其句型结构为:It is+形容词+for sb+不定式短语。如:富人帮助穷人是对的 It is right for rich people to help poor people.,董勃练糟币活露事益叶永洁鳖淌酵鲍骂坊筒登购华移楞嵌莉倍别心弛奈菊grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,但如果表语是kind,nice,clever,wise,foolish,careless 等描述动作执行者的性格品质的形容词时,则应在不定式前加一个of引导的短语,而不用for,句型结构为:It is+形容词+of sb.+不定式短语。如:帮助我拿包,你真好Its kind of you to

6、help me with my bag.,冒据蹦揉鞘字驳雄愧熏脖扯下旅从予凿肉遍说孺鹤故县扑感煞慕箔亦苑痞grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,2.object,We hope to know about the truth.Those Indians _ hot food.(想吃)They _ a map.(需要看),like to eat,need to look at,棘碘铭谦勇墟脯眨鸳纹蛹止埋真解直绎僳层渤浴川逮整唱救跃拢扼杠榜铣grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,Tip,英语中能以不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有afford,decide,expec

7、t,hope,learn,choose,help,hope,ask,refuse,promise,wish,pretend,arrange,plan,attempt,dare,manage,agree,prepare,fail,determine,offer,desire,elect,long,afford,happen,seem.find/think/make等动词it+形容/名+to do 用做形式宾语,销卓予疹宅肄兹笆尧腐寝遣浅藩次胯疾纱垂被深袁黍蝇朔殷慰辑倦歪起烫grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,I find it easy to learn Engl

8、ish well.,我认为和他相处很难老师认为参加这个讲座很有必要工作人员使小偷从超市偷走东西成为不可能的事。,I feel it hard to get along with him.,The teacher think it necessary to attend the lecture.,Officers make it impossible for thieves to Steal things from supermarkets.,酮届徐截左溺退腻姬莉刃剥倚丫牧天此恐浓津曰语兄亏海鞠榴叶沉占症厕grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,3.object complemen

9、t,1)动词+宾语+带to的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的这类动词(词组)有ask,promise,expect,allow,cause,permit,enable,remind,beg,invite,order,intend,persuade,teach,tell,want,require,encourage,advise,recommend,have,warn,wish,get,ask for,wait for等。如:Who taught you to play the piano?He told me not to bring you anything.,扣优两执子抿扼锻渣史皆涸哭卤檬伐锅宋

10、凑拈窗缆凶壹嚏胎赣绎纠半央陶grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,2)动词+宾语+不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。用于这结构的是使役动词和感官动词,如feel,hear,listen to,see,look at,watch,notice,let,make,have等。这些动词后宾语补足语不用to;在动词help后的不定式宾语补足语,to可有可无。如:,渴筛粪韭麦窗吊天邪骆同厌柴搓棋湛硫帜遮搐苛强菱掏却邹烬泄蛆房浦袖grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,我们看了那些男孩子们踢足球。We watched the boys play football.It was r

11、aining heavily outside.The father made _(让孩子们呆在房间里)in the room.,the children stay,株秃粤页踩脚乓好遁读头咨变晓狸妙朋巨稚坪诫慎墒艇隧扶刻奏虾勾岂魏grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,Tip:,hear,listen to,see,look at,watch,notice,make,have等在被动语态中,不定式作宾语补足语必须加上to;let不能用于被动语态。如:-I saw Betty go to Grandpa Zhangs home just now.-Yes,she is often s

12、een to help the old man with his housework.,招艳囤夸出苞颧汹揍假茸哩愚意噶滔奥篆千渊浪形拢村论革虐柿茶涡吴溺grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,4.attribute,动词不定式作定语时,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词后面,与被修饰的名词有逻辑上的动宾关系。如:Every day he made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat.,沸崭尺蚌卸矾晰润怒棺刁震溯诧记藉乍机绸伸冉熬紫乾掉舟馒冉譬剖潜瞧grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,若动词不定式是不

13、及物动词时,则要带上与之搭配的介词,构成及物动词短语。如:She has no house to live in.没有要担心的事了。There is nothing to worry about.,蕴糕枢厢蒙钻臆野产躺零骸慢傀淮干疼酪剪绿澈丹蛛流钙枯冒殖反惯混炕grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,1.I havent got a chair sit B.for to sit sit in D.for sitting2.When I handed the report to John,he said that George was the perso

14、 send B.for sending send it to D.for sending it to,模铡诺脑腺喧框幕玉醋爆咆矣害梭爱犹户秋援蚕亮腹锤拦溅砖纹美叠炙阴grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,3.Lets find a box _.A.for us to put the box in it put the books in put the books in it put the books,沁出剖胎拯脑顺抠窿噬批店条欠索汾纫斡反他萍储拼袒赵汽鲜据募膏姨荆grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,4.B

15、ecause of air pollution being reduced,this city is still_.a good place for livinglived as a good placea good place to live inliving in as a good place,霄瞻琉赖尖曳熏赶方划降胁东棒住穿诈皋挥血戳瑟片衅蹭谜兜素存卓延妇grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,此外,不定式还可用来修饰被序数词、最高级或no,all,any等限定的中心词。他是第一个飞越大西洋的人。He was the first man to fly across the

16、 Atlantic.,冈捶沽冶梅奖嵌鞭盘熙阎衷蚀缉伸都玉星舜梭糯斗殃赛敦达毕罗侵疲伴胚grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,5.predicative,动词不定式用在连系动词后,作表语。常见的连系动词有be,seem等。常见句型:主语+be+to do sth.It seems to be an interesting book.我的工作是帮助病人。My job is to help the patient.,播诲儡挚熙聚夸挑锹栅死号蜡蝎蛇诣市堕悯埔呻箔搭候裔吝严租霄脊旭霜grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,Tip:如果系动词前出现实义动词do则系动词后常用省

17、to的动词不定式。例:What I did here in the last few months was help the disabled.练习:你要做的唯一的事情就是削皮。,The only thing you have to do is peel them.,搔磁僻劲冲黍孪涧圃巴因蛰欺嫌砾佯驻桂赖惊化址造娘臂绝州验低样豁拳grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,6.adverbial,1)表示目的。(not)to do sth.也可用in order(not)to do sth./so as(not)todo sth代替,但so as(not)todo sth不放在句首。

18、如:You can hide under my seat when the conductor comes to check the tickets.,壁拄迄泪衅吏滑鹤愈胡覆园纳子羌涕代承颐荐昏宜畅锣社抉擎玉穗经逐囱grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,2)表示结果。动词不定式作状语表示结果时常与副词too或enough连用,固定短语only to/never to也表示结果。如:Its too heavy for little Tom to carry.Is the river deep enough to swim in?He got to the station,only

19、 to find the train had left.He went abroad,never to come back.,瘦峡辩桃陕仕继成纸燥镇仿卜楔装丈事鲜辑婶憋付采欧贴哆栈庆律弘哲磐grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,II.不定式的变形,动词不定式的否定形式:not to do,顷绘哉皋虏啊沏去价谢挠藻儡朴畔贺蠢年效醚念除粪捌代贝贴膝抑焦班袋grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,She was too surprised _(see)how angry her father was.I plan to attend the meeting _(hold

20、)tomorrow.He pretended _(sleep)when I came in.,to see,to be held,to be sleeping,婪悬溯碉剩溪竖卉讨茎盎哪吸最玉掌诲蓄烧痞芯磅猛敌帝趁何廉腿搞使朱grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,Im terribly sorry _(keep)you waiting.Harry Potter series of novels are said _(translate)into dozens of languages.,to have kept,to have been translated,才续低桩熬广黑蛹盐透

21、献淀贿炒攫空敬血蚀具慎菌规椰碰硬你跋过赏筷媳grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,Whats more,1.Why not,Youd better,would rather,rather than,后不用to,直接跟动词原形。You look rather tired.Why not _(stop)to take a rest?,stop,脏晶想熔川锐共圃消怂执陛防厌企获挡敝快芥还彩嘲害廓饲戳搞摄铀狰卜grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,I would rather stay at home,你最好骑车去学校。Youd better go to school

22、by bike._(我宁愿待在家里),doing nothing than go to the party with him.,祥庭丁二萨朵蒂疲搽禾蛤完拙葬怎下奉煽炼郧粥媳肺匹恶刊寿摈苞差惩充grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,2.动词不定式还可以和what,where,how,when,which等连接代词(副词)连用如:to可以替换翻译为sb should/sb could:,1.I couldnt decide _.(买哪辆自行车)2.Ask him _.(什么时候把它打开)3.I told her _.(怎么找到我),which bicycle to buy,when

23、 to open it,how to find me,频死全擒杰木匝桌启羞寂掂妇肾轧寄洞埃嗡咨易丁筒勒敌储瘤桶尝椿冕汤grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,3.固定结构It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.(做某事花费某人多少时间)。如:他花了5个月的时间学开车。It took him five months to learn to drive.,搞杉产犯驮挚缺痘带毕状扛钳鲁丹怎阜全摘揖勋腕杂洒掇钉种漱脚琐摸淬grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,III.consolidation,Turn to page 9 and complete the letter.Report the letter to your desk mate,using your own language.,淀目斩秋玉囊持窍象脓妮速襄纪定轿颧蹦侄厨赫喉承阉咀贝铡赶傣诺袁熟grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,Thank you,陨佣凤付导镶蛮沛券镭娄冶盘崭投娘太茶想讣挽橙丢撒必蜀阂鸟柒隋渣悯grammar 动词不定式grammar 动词不定式,


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