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1、中考总复习之,数词,大庄中学,努力学习是成功的种子,中考考试说明要求掌握1 基数词(cardinal number)2 序数词(ordinal number),数词,数词就是表示事物的数量和顺序的词,分基数词和序数词两种。一.基数词表示数目的多少构成方法如下:1)从112分别由从one到twelve12个各不相同的词表示。2)从1319均以后缀-teen结尾。3)从2090的整十数词均以后缀-ty结尾。表示“几十几”时,个位和十位之间需加连字符,如twenty-one,thirty-two,forty-three等。,4)数字的写法和读法:十位与个位之间要加连字符“-”如:23twenty-t

2、hree 57 fifty-seven百位和十位之间要加and;如:127 one hundred and twenty-seven,三位数以上的数,从个位往前数,每三位数加一个逗号“,”,从后往前数的第一个逗号代表thousand,第二个逗号代表million,第三个逗号是billion,注意这几个词不能用复数形式,后也不能加and。如:3,678读作three thousand six hundred and seventy-eight2,468,723读作 two million four hundred six eight thousand seven hundred and twen

3、ty three,5)表示具体、准确的数目时,hundred,thousand,million等数词后不能加-s,如:five hundred,six thousand,seven million等。6)当hundred,thousand等数词与of连用,表示不具体、不准确的数目时,词尾须加-s。如:thousands of students,millions of trees.,二.序数词表示事物的先后顺序,1)不规则变化,记住1-10的序数词。2)以-ty结尾的表示“几十”的基数词,先把y变为i,再加-eth 3)表示“第几十几”时,十位数的“几十”仍用基数词,只把个位部分变成序数词就行了

4、。4)除上述情况外,均在词尾加-th,如ten tenth one hundred one hundredth基数词变序数词顺口溜:一、二、三,特殊记 f代替v和e八去t,九去e整十变y为ie几十几变化个位就可以末尾th别忘记,三.数词的用法,(一)表示事物的编号基数词放到名词的后边,该名词一般要大写;序数词放到名词的前面,加定冠词。第一课 Lesson 1/the first lesson.Row 3/the third row(二)年、日、时刻表达方法。“年”用基数词,“日”用序数词,前要加定冠词。读的顺序是月日年。如:1990年5月2日读作:May the second,nineteen

5、 ninety。,“时刻”用基数词表达,同时要注意以下两点。,1.表示“整点”时,在基数词后加oclock;9:00 oclock.2.分钟小于或等于30分钟的,用“分钟数past钟点数”形式;分钟数大于30分钟的,用“到下一个钟点所差的分钟数to下一个钟点数”形式,也可以依次读钟点数和分钟数。7:20 twenty past seven或seven twenty.3.注意两个特殊的表示时间的单位词:30分钟用half,15分钟用a quarter,如:6:30 读作:half past six 5:45 读作:a quarter to six 6:15 读作:a quarter past s

6、ix,(三)分数的表达方法,表示分数时,分子用基数,分母用序数,分子大于1,分母用复数。分数修饰名词时,后用of短语。如:1/3 one third of teachers 3/7 three sevenths of the boys1/2,1/4分别用 a half和a quarter表示。,(四)“基数词名词形容词”结构,“基数词名词形容词”只能用来放到名词前作定语。如:She is a 3-year-old girl.They live in a 7-storey-high building.注:这种结构中名词不能用复数,同时只能作定语。用作表语时,不用连字符,名词有复数。如:Tony

7、is 10 years old this year.Tony is a 10-year-old boy.,比赛规则,比赛共三个部分,基础抢答题,中考典型题和附加冒险题.2.回答问题时先举手,回答正确根据题目的难度得到相应的分数.3.哪组抢到问题了,可以集体回答,也可以有组长指定人回答.举手必须在老师发出“Go”后,方可抢答.加油哟!输了可要惩罚的哦,基础抢答题,中考典型题,附加冒险题,1.基数词和序数词,(2009乌鲁木齐)Dick,it is the _ time in _ days that youve made the same mistake.(5分)A.two,three B.sec

8、ond,three C.two,thirdD.second,third解题技巧 以此立意的试题要求考生能正确使用基数词和序数词:基数词用来表达事物的量;序数词用来表达事物的顺序。本题的第一空表示顺序用序数词second;第二空用基数词three,答案为B。,B,2.分数,(2009苏州)It is said that the gravity(引力)on Mars is only about _ of the gravity on earth.(5分)A.threeeighths B.thirdeighthC.threeeights D.thirdeight解题技巧 以此立意的试题考查考生能否正

9、确使用分数:分子在前用基数,分母在后用序数。分子大于一,分母用复数,分子与分母之间可以用连字符连起来也可以不用连字符,如two thirds或two-thirds;当分数修饰名词作定语时,后要跟of,如:two thirds of students 三分之二的学生 本题的选项中只有A项正确。,A,3.hundred,thousand,million,billion等单位数词,How many people will come to Beijing next year?Its hard to say,_ people,I think.(5分)A.million of B.millions of

10、C.three millions D.three millions of(2009芜湖)解题技巧 以此立意的试题考查考生能否正确使用hundred等单位数词。表示单位的数词用法分两种情况:1)当放在具体的数字后边,表示具体的“百、千、百万、十亿”时,不能用复数形式,可以直接修饰名词复数,如two thousand students;2)当表示大概的“几百、几千、几百万、几十亿”时,用“复数形式of”结构,前边不能用具体的数字,如:thousands of students。本题中只有B项正确。,B,4.“基数词名词形容词”结构,In the past twenty years,many tal

11、l buildings have been built in our city.look!This is a _(5分)(09年天津中考)A.70-floor building B.7O-floors building C.70-floor buildings D.7O floors building解题技巧“基数词可数名词单数”中间用连字符连接,一般用作定语修饰名词,相当于“数词名词所有格”,返回,-Which is the smallest number of the four?-_(4分)A.two-thirds B.A half C.A quarter D.Three-fourths解

12、题思路:1/41/22/33/4(C)(B)(A)(D),C,Sydney Tower(宁波中考)(阅读理解)Addess:100 Market St,SydneyPhone:0293339222 Fax:02 9333 9203Open time:9:00 am to 10:30 pm(Saturday to 11:30 pm)Ticket:60(for an adult)30(for a child)Website:www.S.au How to get there:train to Town hall Station and a short walk along Market Stree

13、tHow to book a ticket:by phone/fax or through the web Attracions:Sydneys best views are just the beginning!Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 3600 view of our beautiful city.,()1.If you want to book(预定)a ticket to Sydney Tower,you cant.A.email.B.fax 029333 9203 D.d

14、ial 029333 9222()2.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children,he will pay.A.60 B.90 C.120 D.150()3.Last Saturday,Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower.He had to get down the tower.A.after 11:30 B.before 11:30pm C.at 10:30 pm D.by 10:30 pm()4.The passage above is probably.A.a piece of news

15、B.a conversation C.a story D.an advertisement,A,C,B,D,Homework:1.课后巩固数词的用法.2.作文:2010年4月14 日,玉树发生7.1级地震,造成巨大生命和财产损失,毁坏200多所学校,3000多所房子,数千人无家可归他们需要帮助,请以“Everyone needs help”为题写一篇不少于80个词的英语短文,记叙相互帮助的故事,并简单地谈谈你的感受。提示:1 Did you get any help from others?Did you help others when they needed help?2.Tell you

16、r story.3.How do you feel when you help others or others help you?,Goodbye,Room168可以写成:Room No.168或者the No.168 Room 吗?(2分),可以,Lesson_(九)is the most difficult lesson in Book 3.(3分),nine,回答本题目要求:如果老师展示的是基数词,同学们站起来如果老师展示的是序数词,同学们举起手来如果老师展示的是错误书写,同学们站起来并举起手来得分:有动作做错的组员一个扣一分,The old man began to learn to

17、 drive a car at the age of _(5分)A.sixty B.the sixieth C.sixty years old D.sixties 解释:at the age of 后面跟具体的数字,为固定用法,A,“2,146”用英语怎么读?(3分)two thousand,one hundred and forty-six,请问“Zero”有没有序数词?(4分)没有,返回,Sydney Tower(宁波中考)Addess:100 Market St,SydneyPhone:0293339222 Fax:02 9333 9203Open time:9:00 am to 10:

18、30 pm(Saturday to 11:30 pm)Ticket:60(for an adult)30(for a child)Website:www.S.au How to get there:train to Town hall Station and a short walk along Market StreetHow to book a ticket:by phone/fax or through the web Attracions:Sydneys best views are just the beginning!Sydney Tower takes you to the hi

19、ghest point above Sydney for exciting 3600 view of our beautiful city.,()1.If you want to book(预定)a ticket to Sydney Tower,you cant.A.email.B.fax 029333 9203 D.dial 029333 9222()2.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children,he will pay.A.60 B.90 C.120 D.150()3.Last Saturday,Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower.He had to get down the tower.A.after 11:30 B.before 11:30pm C.at 10:30 pm D.by 10:30 pm()4.The passage above is probably.A.a piece of news B.a conversation C.a story D.an advertisement,A,C,B,D,Goodbye,


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