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1、第十五节 定语从句,第一部分 语法精讲精练,目录,contents,考点突破,考点一 考点二 考点三 考点四,课堂小测,中考模拟演练,考点一 考点二 考点三 考点四,中考导航,目录,contents,目录,contents,考情分析:从近五年考查情况来看,定语从句是每年的必考点,对引导词(关系词)的选用是考查重点。2017年备考时应掌握好定语从句引导词(关系词)的选用。,目录,contents,考点预测:1.先行词中含有最高级,关系代词用that;2.先行词为人时,且关系词在从句中作主语,关系词用who。,考点突破,定语从句,目录,contents,目录,contents,定语从句是在主从复合

2、句中修饰某个名词或代词句子,它在句中作定语。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,连接先行词和定语从句的词叫引导词(也叫关系词)。如:The boys who are playing football are from(先行词)(引导词)(从句)Class One.那群踢足球的小男孩都是一班的。,1定语从句的引导词(关系词)常见的关系代词有:,常见的关系副词有:有:,2.引导词(关系词)的用法(1)由that引导的定语从句一般情况下that可指人或物,可以代替who,whom和which,在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语,但不能作介词的宾语。如:The man that(who)is speaking a

3、t the meeting is a foreigner.正在会上发言的那个男人是个外国人。Is this the nurse that(whom)you talked about yesterday?这就是你们昨天谈论的那位护士吗?,The present that(which)I received yesterday was from my father.昨天我收到的礼物是我父亲寄来的。(2)由who,whom和whose引导的定语从句who在从句中作主语,whom在从句中作宾语,whose在从句中作定语。如:This is the thief who stole my car.这就是偷我

4、车的那个贼。,He is the boy whom you wanted to find.他就是你想要找的那个男孩。The girl whose mother is a nurse is waiting for you outside.妈妈是个护士的那个女孩在外面等你。(3)由which引导的定语从句which指物,在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语。如:The book which Mum bought me last week is called The Old Man and the Sea.妈妈上周买给我的那本书名叫老人与海。,The house which Lu Xun once liv

5、ed in is now the Lu Xun Museum.鲁迅曾经住过的那所房子现在是鲁迅博物馆。3.引导词(关系词)的特殊用法(1)下列情况只能用that(不能用which)来指代物:先行词为all,much,little,something,anything,everything,nothing等不定代词时。如:I will do everything that I can do to help you.我将做我能做的一切事情来帮助你。,先行词是最高级或者被形容词的最高级修饰时。如:This is the most important task that we should be fi

6、nished soon.这是必须马上完成的最重要的任务。先行词为数词或被序数词修饰时。如:You are the first men that like the kind of books.你们是第一批喜欢这种书的人。先行词中既有人又有物时。如:,We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited.我们访问过的老师和学校给我们留下了很深的印象。当先行词前有the one,the only,the last,the very,any,few,little,no,all等词修饰时,引导词只能用that。H

7、e is the only person that knows the truth.他是唯一知道真相的人。,当主句中已经含有疑问词who或者which时,只用that。He built a factory which produced things that I had never seen before.他建造了一个工厂,生产的东西是我之前从未见过的。(2)下列情况只能用who来指代人:先行词是one,ones,anyone时,适宜用who。One who has nothing to fear dares to tell the truth.一个无所畏惧的人敢于说实话。,Dont tell

8、 anyone about the news who shouldnt be told.别告诉不该告诉的人任何消息。当those作先行词指人时,引导词只能用who。Those who respect others are often respected by others.尊敬别人的人也常常受人尊敬。当先行词有较长的后置定语时候,宜用who。I met a foreigner in the street who could speak Chinese well.我在街上遇到一位可以把中文说得很好的外国人。,有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已经使用了that,另一个宜用who。The boy t

9、hat you met last night is her boy friend who can make kites.你昨晚遇到的那个男孩是她的男朋友,他会制作风筝。在there be开头的句子中用who。There is an old man who wants to see you.有一个老人很想见你。,当主语是I,he,you,they等时,常用于谚语,格言中,只能用who。He who plays with fire gets burned.玩火者自焚。,A,A,B,C,B,A,A,C,D,A,B,B,C,C,课堂小测,目录,contents,定语从句,目录,contents,()1

10、.(导学号 44372810)(2016河南)Theaters may have a brighter future if they can provide a movie experience _ people cannot get at home.A.that B.who C.whom D.what()2.(导学号 44372811)(2016黑龙江大庆)Everyone was surprised at the photos _ were taken by Mr.Thomas in the deep sea.A.who B./C.what D.which,A,D,目录,contents,

11、()3.(导学号 44372812)(2016湖北随州)The policeman has caught the thief _ stole Mr.Lis wallet.A.whose B.who C.whom D.which()4.(导学号 44372813)(2016湖北鄂州)Who won the first prize in English speech contest?The prize went to the girl _ speech was the most natural and fluent.A.that B.who C.whose D./,B,C,目录,contents,

12、()5.(导学号 44372814)(2016贵州六盘水)Abing played music _ could touch the hearts of people.A.that B.who C.how D.when()6.(导学号 44372815)(2016山东临沂)Sweet wormwood(青蒿)is a common plant in China.Tu Youyou is the woman_used the plants special power to save millions of lives.A.which B.who C.whose D./,A,B,目录,content

13、s,()7.(导学号 44372816)(2016江苏淮安)Have you found the information about famous scientists _ you can use for the report?Not yet.Ill search some on the Internet.A.where B.which C.what D.who()8.(导学号 44372817)(2016新疆)Do you know the girl_ has got an A in the English exam?A.who B.which C.whom D.whose,B,A,目录,c

14、ontents,()9.(导学号 44372818)(2016湖北黄石)Xiandao Lake in Yangxin is the famous place _ well visit next week.A.that B.who C.where D.whom()10.(2016广东梅州)Do you know the lady _ is giving a speech?Sure.Shes a famous scientist called Tu Youyou.She won the 2015 Nobel Prize.A.who B.whom C.which D.whose,A,A,目录,co

15、ntents,()11.(导学号 44372819)(2016湖北黄冈)I really want to relax myself.Could we see City Danger tonight?Sure!The actor _ a hero used to be a school teacher.I like him very much.A.who play B.which plays C.who plays D.that play()12.(导学号 44372820)(2016四川绵阳)I prefer movies _ me something to think about.A.whi

16、ch gives B.that gives C.that give D.who give,C,C,目录,contents,()13.(导学号 44372821)(2016贵州黔东南)Where is the camera _ my father bought in Japan?Oh,let me see.I put it in your suitcase.A.when B.whose C.that D.what()14.(2016贵州黔西南)He is the boy _ name is Jack.A.that B.whose C.who D.when,C,B,目录,contents,()15

17、.(2016贵州黔西南)I cant remember the place _ I lived many years ago.A.that B.which C.where D.()16.(导学号 44372822)(2016山东滨州)Which song do you like better,Maria?I prefer the song Manual of Youth _is sung by TFBOYS.A.which B.who C.whom D.where,C,A,目录,contents,()17.(导学号 44372823)(2016四川达州)Do you know the boy

18、_is sitting next to Peter?Yes.He is Peters friend.They are celebrating his_birthday.A.who;ninth B.that;nineth C./;nineth D.which;ninth()18.(导学号 44372824)(2016湖北十堰)Shiyan is one of the best places_people would like to visit.A.that B.which C.where D.who,A,A,目录,contents,()29.(导学号 44372825)(2016甘肃兰州)Thi

19、s is one of the most interesting cities _ I have ever visite D.A.who B.that C.which D.where()20.(导学号 44372826)(2016内蒙古呼和浩特)Being blind is something _ most people cant imagine.A./B.what C.who D.which,B,A,中考模拟演练,目录,contents,目录,contents,()1.(导学号 44372827)Everyone _ has been to Shanghai says it is a mod

20、ern city.A.why B.whose C.who D.which()2.(导学号 44372828)The woman _is the most important in my life is my mother.A.which B.who C.whom D.what,C,B,目录,contents,()3.(导学号 44372829)The dog _ played with you just now is _.A.which;mine B.which;myC.what;mine D.what;my()4.(导学号 44372830)Do you know Deng Ziqi_ si

21、ngs the song WTBXPao Mo?A.which B.who C.when D.where,A,B,目录,contents,()5.(导学号 44372831)Lily,what kind of museum do you like?I like the museum_ can provide visitors with free wifi.A.what B.that C.who D.why()6.(导学号 44372832)Why are you so worried?Ive lost the watch _ my dad bought me on my birthday.A.

22、whom B.who C.whose D.which,B,D,目录,contents,()7.(导学号 44372833)I think the first lesson _ we are learning is very easy.A.that B.where C.who D.when()8.(导学号 44372834)We dont like people _ talk too much but never do anything.A.whose B.who C.when D.which()9.(导学号 44372835)The red skirt _ my mother bought f

23、or me is made of cotton.A.that B.when C.who D.whose,A,B,A,目录,contents,()10.(导学号 44372836)What are you doing?Im reading the book _ you lent me last week.A.what B.who C.when D.that()11.(导学号 44372837)Do you like listening to Zhang Jies songs _ are very loud and full of energy?Of course!Im his fan.A.who

24、 B.what C.which D.whose,D,C,目录,contents,()12.(导学号 44372838)Do you know the man _ T-shirt is blue?Yes,I do.He is my Chinese teacher,Mr.Smith.A.who B.that C.whose D.which()13.(导学号 44372839)Why dont you like fishing?Fishing is a hobby _ needs much patience,but Im not patient at all.A.who B.that C.it D.

25、what,C,B,目录,contents,()14.(导学号 44372840)Sitting down after a walk is relaxing.But do you dare to sit on a seat_ tells you your weight?A.whom B./C.who D.that()15.(导学号 44372841)I hate people _ laugh at others when they are in trouble.A.who B.whom C.which D.they,D,A,目录,contents,()16.(导学号 44372842)What

26、do you think of lemon?Terrible.I like fruit _ tastes sweet.A.who B.what C.which D.when()17.(导学号 44372843)Do you know the man _saved three pupils in the accident?A.who B.it C.whom D.whose,C,A,目录,contents,()18.(导学号 44372844)I dont know the girl _ is standing at the gate.A./B.which C.that D.whom()19.(导

27、学号 44372845)Which song do you like better,Lucy?I prefer the song Little Apple_can attract many people.A.which B.who C.whom D.where,C,A,目录,contents,()20.(导学号 44372846)Confucius was a famous philosopher_has influenced the world greatly.A.whose B.whom C.which D.who()21.(导学号 44372847)Do you know the man

28、 _ is talking to Miss Wu?A.he B.whom C.who D.which,D,C,目录,contents,()22.(导学号 44372848)In a text message,88 means Bye-bye.And another example is F2F _ stands for face to face.A.that B.who C.whom D.it()23.(导学号 44372849)After Mandela was free(自由的)in 1990,he chose to shake hands with the people _ wanted

29、 to kill him.A.whose B.which C./D.who,A,D,目录,contents,()24.(导学号 44372850)“Underground”is the only word in the English language _ begins and ends with the letters“und”.A.what B.that C.who D.whom,B,目录,contents,()25.(导学号 44372851)Where is the School English Speech Contest going to be held tonight?Im no

30、t sure.Is it in the hall _ can hold 300 people?A.where B.what C.that D.when,C,目录,contents,()26.(导学号 44372852)Have you seen the documentary named A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国)?Yeah!Its the most funny one _ I have ever seen.A.that B.what C.which D.where()27.(导学号 44372853)Do you know the man _ saved five peo

31、ple in the fire?A.who B.it C.when D.whom,A,A,目录,contents,()28.(导学号 44372854)When some Chinese women were dancing to loud music in a park in New York,the people _ lived nearby called the police.A.who B.whom C.whose D.which()29.(导学号 44372855)Could you tell me the result of the discussion _ you had made in the meeting just now?A.that B.when C.how D.who,A,A,目录,contents,()30.(导学号 44372856)I really like the photo of my family _ my sister took in the city park last year.A.which B.who C.what D.whom,A,谢谢观看!,


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