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1、2a 2d,Unit 3 Is this your pencil?,What should we put in her pencil box?,a pen,an eraser,a ruler,a pencil,a pencil box,Look and say,my pen=his schoolbag=her books=,Theyre hers.(它们是她的),This is my pen.,Thats his schoolbag.,These are her books.,mine,hers,his,Its mine.(它是我的),Its his.(它是他的),This yellow pe

2、ncil is Jacks and that white pencil is _(my/mine).【释疑】mine意为“_”,是_代词它具有名词的功能,相当于“_”。.【链接】名词性物主代词还有_(他的),_(她的),_(你/你们的)等。,mine,名词性物主,my+名词,his,hers,yours,我的,Listen and check()the things you hear.,2a,Listen and complete the conversation with the words in the box.,eraser pencil ruler pencil box books,2

3、b,Tom:Excuse me,Grace.Is this your_?Grace:Yes,thank you.And those are my_.Tom:And Jane,is this your_?Jane:No,it isnt.Its hers.Tom:OK,and these are my _.This is your _,Jane.,erasers,pencil,ruler,pencil box,books,Excuse me.意为“对不起”“劳驾”或“请原谅”,是英语国家的人们常在嘴边的话语,主要用于以下情况:引起别人的注意,如问路、问姓名等。Excuse me,are you M

4、s Miller?请问,你是米勒女士吗?征求别人的许可。Excuse me,Could I ask you some questions?打扰了,我可以问你几个问题吗?,Pair work,Practice the conversation in 2b.Then make your own conversations using the things in your classroom.,2c,Is this your?,Find the owner(寻找物品的主人),A.请拿起自己的物品与同伴练习下面对话:,No,it isnt.Its,B.请拿起同伴的物品与同伴练习下面对话:,Is thi

5、s your?Yes,it is.Its mine.,Yes,they are.They are.,Are these her pens?,hers,C.请拿起其他同学的物品与同伴练习下面对话:,Role-play the conversation.,2d,Teacher:Hi,Anna.Are these your pencils?Anna:No,theyre Bobs.Teacher:And is this his green pen?Anna:No,it isnt.The blue pen is his.Teacher:What about this dictionary?Anna:It

6、s Helens.And the green pen is hers,too.Teacher:And the eraser?Is that yours?Anna:Yes,it is.Teacher:Thank you for your help,Anna.Anna:Youre welcome.,What about?意为“怎么样?”,相当于 How about?,后面可接名词、或动词-ing形式。用来询问对方的看法或提建议。The blue jacket is Mikes.What about the red jacket?蓝色的夹克是迈克的。那红色的呢?Im in PEP Middle Sc

7、hool.What about you?我在人民中学,你呢?,Thank you for your help,Anna.thank you for 意为“为感谢你”。for是介词,后加名词、或动词-ing形式。表示感谢的内容或原因,即 thank you for sth.或 thank you for doing sth.如:Thanks for your dictionary.谢谢你借我字典用。Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。Thank you for 的同义句是:Thanks for,_意为“别客气,不用谢”,是回答对方道谢时的常用语。如:非常感谢,别客气。

8、,Youre welcome,Thank you very much.Youre welcome.,英汉互译:1.一支钢笔_ 2.这些铅笔_ 3.一个盒子_ 4.她的铅笔盒_ 5.你的书_ 6.我的书包_ 7.一块橡皮_8.dictionary _ 9.his _ 10.mine _11.hers_12.这是你的书吗?_?是的,它是。它是我的。_13.这些是她的尺子。_,a pen,these pencils,a box,her pencil box,your book,my bag,an eraser,字典,他的,我的,她的,Is this your book,Yes,it is.It is

9、 mine.,These are her rulers.,一、选择 1.This is _eraser.A.a B.an C.the D./,2.Is that your book?_.A.Yes,this is.B.No,that isnt.C.Yes,that isnt D.No,it isnt.,3.This is _ key.A.my B.isnt C.not D.no,4.Are these your pens?_.A.Yes,these are.B.Yes,it isnt.C.No,they are.D.No,they arent.,5.They are _.A.my B.mine

10、 C.his D.B and C,6.These erasers _ hers.A.is B.am C.are D.be,They are Bobs.1.李萍的妈妈 _2.汤姆的姐姐 _3.玛丽的书 _4.吉姆的尺子 _,.仿照并翻译词组。,Li Pings mother,Toms sister,Marys book,Jims ruler,【归纳迁移】,.What about?.怎么样?请完成下面的例句。1.Im 11 years old._(你呢)?2.This pen is blue._(那支 呢)?3.My mother is a teacher._(你妈妈呢),What about y

11、ou,What about that one,What about your mother,1.That is his schoolbag.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ his schoolbag?(作肯定及否定回答)Yes,_ _./No,_ _.2.These are her erasers.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ her erasers?(作肯定及否定回答)Yes,_ _./No,_ _.3.This is her green jacket.(改为同义句)This green jacket is _.,二、句型转换。,Is that,they are,it isnt,it is,Are t

12、hese,they arent,hers,三、试翻译下列句子 1.这是一本书吗?_ 2.那是你的尺子吗?_ 是的,它是._,_ 3.这是她的字典吗?_ 不,它不是.这是我的字典._,_.Its _.,Is this a book?,Is that your ruler?,Yes it is.,Is this her dictionary?,No,it isnt,my dictionary.,五、句型拓展 1.My name is Gina.(对划线部分提问)_ _ your name?2.Its an orange.(对划线部分提问)_ _ this?3.Is that your notebo

13、ok?(做否定回答)_,_.,What is,What is,No it isnt,把下面句子改成一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答。,1.This is my pen.,Is this your book?,Yes,it is.,No,it isnt.,2.These are my pens.,Are these your pens?,Yes,they are.,No,they arent.,1._,are you Linda Smith?2.Are those his picture?No,_ arent.3.Is this your pencil box?No,it isnt.Its _.4.Thank you for your help,Linda._.,二、选词填空。,they,Youre welcome,Excuse me,hers,Excuse me,they,hers,Youre welcome,Thank you!,Goodbye!,


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