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1、Unit 4,1.hear from+sb.收到某人的来信 I heard from my dad last week.收到了爸爸的来信。hear of+sb./sth.听说 Have you ever heard of the Great Wall?hear+that 听说,2.be dying for/be dying to do 极想,渴望 Im dying for a glass of water.=Im dying to drink a glass of water.其他表示渴望,极想的词组 be eager for/be eager to do be thirsty for/be

2、thirsty to do be longing for/be longing to do long for/long to do 在这里,long 是一个动词,渴望,3.the other day 不久前的一天 these days 现如今,而今(尤其用来和以前做比较)another day 改天 I will visit you another day.some day 总有一天,有朝一日 I will be famous some day.one day(过去)某一天;有朝一日(=some day),make ones day 使某人一天非常快活 save the day 挽救局面(在阅

3、读中经常出现)day in and day out(不间断地)日复一日 day after day 日复一日(尤其指枯燥无味)day by day 逐日,一天天(有变化),4.relevant 相关的,切题的 be relevant to 与相关=be related to 反义词:irrelevant 名词:relevance U 连系,相关性,5.adjust v.调整,调节 adjust sth.to依据调节某物 adjust to/adjust oneself to 适应习惯 After a while his eyes adjusted to the dark.You have to

4、 adjust yourself to new surroundings(周围环境).well-adjusted 调节地很好,6.dry out(浸水之物)干透,通常人们不想让该物体变干(植物,皮肤)dry up(河流,井等)干涸;逐渐消耗尽;擦干盘子dry off 也有使变干的意思,7.otherwise 否则,不然的话;在其他方面 Shut the window,otherwise itll get cold.He is rich,but otherwise an unhappy man.他是一个有钱人,但是在其他方面很不幸。I wanted to see him but he was o

5、therwise engaged.我想见他,但是他正忙着别的事情。,8.privilege n.特权 特别优待It is a privilege to do sth 做某事是一种特权荣幸haveenjoy privileges of.享有的特权privileged adj.有特权的,荣幸的,9.arrangement n.安排,布置,约定 make arrangements for 安排.come to an arrangement 达成协定arrange v.安排,筹备,布置arrange for sb to do sth 安排某人去做某事,10.donate v.捐赠 donateto 向

6、捐赠(to是介词)donation n.捐赠物,捐赠 make a donation to 向捐赠,11.voluntary adj.自愿的,无偿的 on a voluntary basis 以自愿,无偿的方式volunteer n.志愿者 v.自愿做 volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事 volunteer for sth 自愿为某事服务 volunteer as 自愿充当,12.in need A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情 in need of 需要 have no need of 不需要 跟need有关的短语 satis

7、fymeet ones needs 满足某人的需要 There is no need(for sb)to do sth 对(某人)来说做某事没有必要,13.purchase v.购买make a purchase(of)购买()purchase sth from 从购买某物(purchase sb sth)但是可以用 buy sb sth,14.click n.咔哒声 v.使发出咔哒声The door closed with a click.门咔嗒一声关上了click ones fingers 打响指click one s tongue 用舌头发出啧啧声click on.用鼠标在计算机屏幕上点

8、击,15.economic adj.经济的 经济学的 economic growth cooperation reform economical adj.节约的,实惠的,精打细算的 an economical car/man反义词:uneconomical 16.political adj.政治的,政党的 politics 政治学 economics 经济学,17.distribute v.分发,分配distribute.to.向.发放.distribute sth among.在.中分发.distribution n.分配 分发 分布状态the distribution of wealth

9、财富的分配,18.financial adj.财务的,金融的 finance n.财政,资金,金融 fund n.基金,资金 v.为.提供资金 findfound-found,19.security n.U 保护措施,担保,保证,安保部门 secure adj.安心的,稳固的 a secure job a secure income反义词:insecure,20.operate v.工作,运转,做手术 The machine operates well.operate a club firm operate on sb 给某人做手术 operation n.手术,操作,运作 in operation 使用中,有效 come into operation 开始生效 do/carry out/perform an operation 实施手术,


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