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1、仁爱八年级下册,补全对话经典题目,A:Hi,Mike._?B:This Sunday?Im going to see a movie.A:I want to see a movie,too._?B:Sunshine Theater.A:_?B:The Hobbit3(霍比特人3)A:Wow,I hear that it is a wonderful movie.B:I hope so._?A:I d love to,but I dont have a ticket.B:Well,I have two tickets.A:Great!_?B:Lets meet at seven outside

2、the theater.,What are you going to do this Sunday,Which theater are you going to,What movie are you going to see,Would you like to go with me,When and where shall we meet,A:Hi,David!You dont look well._?B:Im very tired these days.A:sorry to hear that._?B:Because I have to stay up late to do my homew

3、ork every night.A:_?B:I go to bed at 11:30 every night.So I often feel tired in class.A:_?B:Because Im not good at math.I always spend a lot of time doing my homework.A:Tom is good at math._B:OK,I will ask him for help.Thank you.A:You are welcome.,Whats wrong with you,Why(are you so tired),When do y

4、ou go to bed every night.,Why do you do your homework so late,You can ask him for help.,A:Hi,Lily!Can you help me ask for seven days leave?I am leaving for London tomorrow.B:Of course._?A:My parents.B:_?A:Because my grandmother is ill.B:Im sorry to hear that._?A:The cold weather makes her cough all

5、day and night.B:_?A:Yes.No relatives(亲属)live with her.And her illness really makes us worried.B:Please give my best wishes to your grandmother,and take good care of her.A:I will._.,Who are you going with,Why are you going there,What makes her ill,Does she live alone,Thank you,A:Good morning,Yingze H

6、otel._?B:Good morning.I want to book a room.A:OK._?A standard room with two single beds or with one single bed?B:I want a standard room with two single beds._?A:120 yuan._?B:Four days,from May 2nd to 6th.A:OK._?B:Yes.Im Zhang Li.,What can I do for you?/Can I help you?,Which kind of room would you li

7、ke?,Whats the price of it?/How much is it,How long will you stay?,May I have your name please,A:Hi,Li Lei!_.Are you OK?B:Im feeling sick.A:Im sorry to hear that._?B:I have a bad cold with a fever.A:_?B:No.I hate to go to the hospital.The doctors and nurses make me nervous.A:Dont worry.Many of them a

8、re kind.They can help you a lot.B:_?A:I am free.I can go to hospital with you.,You dont look well,Whats wrong with you,Did you go to the hospital,Can you go to the hospital with me,A:You look excited.What are you going to do during the vacation,Jack?B:Im planning to travel.A:_?B:Im going with my par

9、ents.A:_?B:Well,were going to Italy.A:A great place._?B:We are leaving on July 7th.A:_?B:We will stay there for about ten days.A:Great!_?B:we are going to visit,taste different foods.,Who are you going with,Where are you going,When are you leaving,How long will you stay there,What are you going to d

10、o there,A:Hi,Linda!Long time no see._?B:Hi,Andy.I went to Shanghai.A:Really?Is Shanghai in the south of China?B:No.its in the east of China.A:Did you have a good time there?B:_I visited some places.A:Sounds great!_?B:I went there with my parents.A:_?B:By plane.A:_?B:Two weeks.Shanghai is really a bi

11、g city.,Where did you go,Yes,of course./Yes,I did.,Who did you go there,How did you go there,How long did you stay there,A:Hello,Betty!B:Hello,Jane!Come in,please.A:I didnt see your mother.Is she in?B:_.My mother is making cookies in the kitchen.A:Cookies?Its my favorite._?B:Yes,I can.My mom taught

12、me.A:Cool!_?B:No.its easy.A:_?B:Of course not.Let me teach you.,Yes,she is.,Can you make them,Is it difficult,Do you mind teaching me,A:Hi,Good morning,sir!_?B:Yes.Id like some noodles._?A:We have beef,chicken and tomato noodles.B:_.A:OK,chicken noodles._?B:Yes.Id like a bottle of orange juice.A:OK.

13、Fifteen yuan altogether,please.B:_?A:Thank you.,Can I help you,What kind of noodles do you have,Id like chicken noodles,please.,Anything else,Here is the money,A:Hello!Is that Jinyang Restaurant?B:Yes._?A:I want to order some food for lunch.B:_?A:Id like chicken and fruit salad.B:_A:Two bowls of ric

14、e._?B:30yuan._?A:I live at No.35 on Renmin Road._?B:OK.We will send you the food in half an hour.,What can I do for you,What would you like,Anything else,How much are they,Where do you live,How soon will you send me the food,A:Hi,Linda!_?B:Yes,of course.potato chips are my favorite.what about you?A:

15、_.Lets go to McDonalds to buy some potato chips.B:we dont have to.I can make potato chips.A:Really?_?B:Yes.First cut the potatoes into slices(薄片).A:I see._?B:Then we should fry them for a long time until they are crisp.A:_?B:No,we cant eat them now.,Are potato chips your favorite,I like them,too.,Ca

16、n you tell me how to make them,What should I do then,Can we eat them now,A:Hi,_?B:Yes,I did.I watched it with Ann and Lily yesterday.A:I didnt know there was a fashion show_?B:Lilys mother told us.A:_?B:It lasted for about one hour.A:_?B:I think it was wonderful.A:_?B:It will start at 9:00 tomorrow

17、morning.,Did you watch a fashion show yesterday,How did you know it,How long did it last,How do you like it,When will it start,A:Good afternoon.Can I help you?B:Yes._.A:This way,please.Here is the table for two.B:Thank you._?A:Certainly.Here you are.Would you like to order todays specials,Chichen an

18、d fish?B:Fish?_?A:Yes,madam.The fish is fresh.B:All right.Wed like some fish.A:_?B:yes,wed like two glasses of juice.A:OK.Fish and juice._?B:No,thats all.Thank you.,Id like a table for two,Can I have the menu,Is the fish fresh,Anything else,Would you like something to drink,1.A:._?B:This Sunday?Im g

19、oing to see a movie.2.A:_?B:Sunshine Theater.3.A:_?B:The Hobbit3(霍比特人3)4.A:_?B:I d love to,What are you going to do this Sunday,Which theater are you going to,What movie are you going to see,Would you like to go with me,5.A:_?B:Lets meet at seven outside the theater.,When and where shall we meet,6.A

20、:_?B:Im very tired these days.7.A:_?B:I go to bed at 11:30 every night.,Whats wrong with you,When do you go to bed every night.,8.A:_?A:My parents.9.B:_?A:Because my grandmother is ill.10.B:_?A:The cold weather makes her cough all day and night.,Who will you go,Why are you going there,What makes her

21、 ill,11.A:Good morning,Yingze Hotel._?B:Good morning.I want to book a room.12.A:OK._?A standard room with two single beds or with one single bed?13._?A:120 yuan._?B:Four days,from May 2nd to 6th.,What can I do for you?/Can I help you?,Which kind of room would you like?,How much is it/How much are th

22、ey?,How long will you stay?,14.A:_?B:Im going with my parents.15.A:_?B:Well,were going to Italy.16.A:._?B:We are leaving on July 7th.17.A:_?B:We will stay there for about ten days.,Who are you going with,Where are you going,When are you leaving,How long will you stay there,18.A:Hi,Linda!Long time no

23、 see._?B:I went to Shanghai.19.A:Did you have a good time there?B:_I visited some places.20.A:_?B:I went there with my parents.21.A:_?B:By plane.22.A:_?B:Two weeks.Shanghai is really a big city.,Where did you go,Yes,I did.,Who did you go there with,How did you go there,How long did you stay there,21

24、.A:_?B:Brown.22.A:_?B:Size M.23.A:its 100 yuan.B:OK._.Here is the money.24.A:_?B:OK.We will send you the food in half an hour.,What color do you want,What size do you need/want,I will take it,How soon will you send me the food,25.A:Hi,_?B:Yes,I did.I watched it with Ann and Lily yesterday.26.A:_?B:It lasted for about one hour.27.A:_?B:I think it was wonderful.28.A:_?B:It will start at 9:00 tomorrow morning.,Did you watch a fashion show yesterday,How long did it last,How do you like it,When will it start,


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