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1、,Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Topic 3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?,Section A,By Amy,Lets play a game,Warming-up,Warming-up,Review,May I ask you a question?,问题,journalist,Do you know how to keep healthy?,记者,We should eat more fruit to prevent illness.,预防,Pre-listening,What should we do to prevent i

2、llnesses?,keep the air fresh _,all the time,一直,Pre-listening,keep away from_ places,crowded,拥挤的,What should we do to prevent illnesses?,Pre-listening,build us up,增强体质,What should we do to prevent illnesses?,do morning exercises to_,Pre-listening,Flu is a serious illness,what should we do to prevent

3、it?,Listen to Dr.Lis advice.,1.exercise often 2.keep the air fresh 3.go to bed early 4.wash hands and change clothes often,5.keep our rooms clean 6.drink enough water 7.take some medicine 8.keep away from crowded places,1a.mp3,While-listening,Task 1,请说,开始_增强我们的体质_一直,总是_勤换衣服_远离人多的地方_立即,马上_采纳你的建议_最后 _

4、,Task 2,Can you find?,build us up,change clothes often,go ahead,all the time,keep away from crowded places,at once,take your advice,While-listening,finally,视频1a-P43,1c.Watch the flash and list Dr.Lis advice.,视频1a-P43,First,_Second,_Third,_Finally,_,we should exercise often to build us up.,we should

5、keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time.,we should wash our hands and change our clothes often.,we should keep away from crowded places.,While-listening,Task 3,First,we should exercise often to build us up.Second,we should keep our rooms clean and the air fresh all the time.Third,we shou

6、ld wash our hands and change our clothes often.Finally,we should keep away from crowded places.,While-listening,Task 4,Lets have a try!,Can you retell the advice?,exercise often,air fresh,build us up,keep away from,Finally,clean,hands,change clothes,keep,all the time,While-listening,Task 5,Post-list

7、ening,Key points,-May I ask you some questions?-Sure,go ahead.,go ahead 请说,开始,What should we do to prevent it?,我可以问您一些问题吗?请说。,我们应该做些什么来预防它?,We should exercise often to build us up.,我们应该常锻炼来增强我们的体质。,build up 增强体质,prevent 预防stop,一直,all the time=always,keep away from,远离,FirstSecondThirdFinally,第一第二第三最后

8、,在表示请求的疑问句中用some不用any,prevent/stop/keep sth.from doing sth.,Please write them donw on your books!,Key points,Must we go to see a doctor at once when we have the flu?肯定回答:Yes,we must.否定回答:No,we neednt./No,we dont have to.注:此处不能用 mustnt(禁止;不准)回答 Eg:Must I finish my homework now?No,you neednt./No,you d

9、ont have to.,Post-listening,Make similar conversations after the example.,Example:A:Must we do exercise to prevent the flu?B:Yes,we must.A:Must we take some medicine to prevent the flu?B:No,we dont have to./No,we neednt.,Pair work,Post-listening,Post-listening,Acting time!,Exercises,选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有

10、两项多余。A:Hello,Dr.Wang.This is John Smith,a journalist from CCTV 10._1_.B:Sure,go ahead.A:These days many people care about their health._2_B:Well._3_ Second,we had better have healthy eating habits.Eat more vegetables and fruit.Dont drink or smoke._4_ Happiness is the best medicine.A:Must we have eight-hour-sleep every day?B:_5_ We shouldnt stay up too late.Well take your advice.A:Thanks a lot.,Post-listening,C,D,B,F,A,Summary,1.We know how to prevent the flu.2.We can use must/had better/should to give advice.,Homework,写一篇小短文来说明如何预防流感。背诵1a。预习Section B.,Thank you!,


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