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1、Unit 2 Topic 3 Would you like to be a greener person?,Section A,What does“a greener person”mean?一个绿色的人,一个环保的人,recyclbale 可回收利用的;可再循环的,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.Lets see how green you are.,What does it mean?,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.Lets se

2、e how green you are.,When is World Environment Day?It is on June 5th every year。,Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.Lets see how green you are.,What does it encourage people to do?,It means saving the energy and reducing the waste air.,Look at the pictures and answer the followi

3、ng questions.Lets see how green you are.,What does it encourage people to do?,It encourages people to sort the rubbish and recycle the rubbish.,What are they doing?,pick up the rubbish,spread the message about protecting the environment,What are we supposed to do?,use cloth bags instead of plastic b

4、ags,collect waste paper for recycling,Listen and answer,What kinds of things can students do at school to protect the environment?,They can collect waste paper and soft drink cans.,(录音),MayCould I ask you a few questions?,答语:SureCertainlyOf course,2 My main job is to help spread be+动词不定式(即be+todosth

5、.)的用法:1.表示按计划或安排要做的事。例如:你什么时候回家?Whenareyoutoleaveforhome?她将于下个月结婚。Sheistobemarriednextmonth.女王将于一周后访问日本。TheQueenistovisitJapaninaweeks time.,both 两个都 放于be动词 情态动词之后 实意动词之前 eg:We are both students.Shecanbothdanceandsing.They both go to school by bike.含both的句子变为否定时,是将both改为neither。如:肯定句(两个男孩都聪明)Bothoft

6、heboysareclever.否定句(两个男孩都不聪明)。Neitheroftheboysareclever.,4 Encourage sb to do sth 鼓励(某人)去做(某事)Iencouragedhertoworkhardandtotryfortheexamination.我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。Teachersoftenencourage students to study hard.,besupposedto 主语是人,表示“应该做某事、被期望做某事”,例如:如果你要离开教室,应该先问一问我们的老师。Youaresupposedtoaskourteacherifyou

7、wanttoleavetheclassroom.主语是物,表示“本该、本应”,短语经常用来表示某事物本应该发生而没有发生。例如:这个会议本应该在星期二举行,但我们不得不把他推迟了ThemeetingwassupposedtotakeplaceonTuesday,butwehavetoputitoff.,在否定句中用 benotsupposedtodosomething表示“不应该做某事”,表示命令和禁止。例如:你不应该在课堂上大声交谈。Youarenotsupposedtotalkloudlyinclass.你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。Youarenotsupposedtosmokeontheb

8、us.,notonly.butalso.的用法用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其意为“不仅而且”其中的also有时可以省略。如:她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。Shenotonlyplayswell,butalsowritesmusic.不仅仅是男的,女的也有被选中的。Notonlymenbutalsowomenwerechosen.他不仅平时工作,星期日也工作。HeworksnotonlyonweekdaysbutonSundaysaswell.,Read 1a again and answer the following questions.,Whats Janes main

9、job?What are the three Rs?What kinds of things can we do at home to protect the environment?,Her main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment.,Reduce,reuse and recycle.少用,重用,再回收利用,We should reduce the waste we produce.,(影片),Work aloneFill in the blanks according to 1a.,1.T

10、he journalist is _Jane about _.2.Janes main job is _ _3.We should use_ and reuse _ at home.4.At school,students can collect waste paper and _.5.Recycling is an excellent way not only to _but also to _.,interviewing,environment protecttion,to help spread the message about protecting the environment.,

11、both sides of paper,plastic bags,soft drink cans,protect the environment,save money,Then listen to the conversation carefully and check()your answers.,(录音),连词 or,and,but 和 while的用法,or 否则的话 and 并且,而且 but 但是,表示转折 while 而,然而 强调对比,连词 or,and,but 和 while的用法,-Jane,would you like to go shopping with me?-Id

12、like to,and _-Jane,would you like to go shopping with me?-Id like to,but _,A I have a lot of homework to do.B I also want to buy some clothes.,B,A,连词 or,and,but 和 while的用法,Lucas,get up or you will.,Mike,work hard and you will.,Nodding the head means agreement.,Shaking the head means disagreement.,Jo

13、in the sentences with or,and,but or while.,Nodding the head means agreement whileshaking the head means disagreement.,Noise is a kind of pollution.,Its harmful to our hearing.,Join the sentences with or,and,but or while.,Noise is a kind of pollution and its harmfulto our hearing.,完成课本3,Useful expressions,We should reduce the waste we produce.We should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.So we encourage them to collect waste paper and soft drink cans.Everyone is supposed to do that.,Goodbye!,


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