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1、Task-Based Language Teaching任务型语言教学,人民教育出版社龚亚夫,Task-Based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学,1.Second Language Acquisition and TBLT2.What is TBLT3.What Are Tasks?4.Principles of Task-Based Language Teaching5.Task Design and Task Analysis6.Planning Classroom Work7.Performance Assessment&TBLT,Theoretical Backg

2、round of TBLT,Language Acquisition ResearchSocial constructivist model of teaching-learning processAAA curriculum theory,What is language acquisition?,The learning and development of a persons language.The learning of a native or first language is called FIRST LANGUAGE ACQUISITION,and of a second or

3、 foreign language,SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION.The term“acquisition”is often preferred to“learning”because the latter is sometimes linked to a behaviourist theory of learning,Second Language Acquisition Research,“Practice makes perfect”does not always apply to learning grammar.They(students)often fai

4、l to use it correctly when expressing themselves freely.This temporary mastery seems to happen when they are paying conscious attention to form,but not when they are trying to communicate and paying attention to meaning.Jane Willis,根据语言习得的规律1.语法知识的记忆不能保证语言使用的正确,Knowledge of grammatical rules was no

5、guarantee of being able to use those rules for communication.Learners who were able to identify instances of rule violation,and who could even state the rule,frequently violated the rules when using language for communication.David Nunan(1999),2.语言知识加交际的机会比仅仅讲语法更能提高学生使用语言的流利程度与语法的准确度,Grammar+opportu

6、nities to communicate lead to greater improvements in fluency and grammatical accuracy than grammar only.Montgomery&Eisenstein(1985)(1985年作了一个实验,实验组教语法,但课外有实践的机会。另一组只讲语法。结果实验组交际能力强。而语法测试的成绩也比单讲语法的班好,虽然他们学的语法少。),3.学习者的参与与语言熟练程度的提高关系极大,Learner participation in class is related significantly to improve

7、ments in language proficiency.Lim(1992),4.基本上以“交际”为导向的课堂教学,但同时也有明确的语法讲解,要比只注重语法教学或回避语法讲解的沉浸式教学都更好,Classrooms that were basically“communicative”for explicit grammatical instruction,were superior to both traditional classrooms that focused heavily on grammar,and to immersion programs that eschewed exp

8、licit grammatical instruction.,5.当学习者积极地参与用目的语进行交际的尝试时,语言也被掌握了。当学习者所进行的任务使他们当前的语言能力发挥至极点时,习得也扩展到最佳程度,Language is acquired as learners actively engaged in attempting to communicate in the target language.Acquisition will be maximized when learners engage in tasks that“push”them to the limits of their

9、 current competence.,Four conditions of language learning,Exposure(rich,comprehensible input,language in use)Use(of the language to do things,exchange meanings)Motivation(to process and use the exposure:listen speak and write it)Instruction(chances to focus on form),建构主义的理论,知识是由个人自己建构的,而不是由他人传授的。这种建

10、构发生在交往的环境中,是社会互动的结果。1 注重学生的主体作用,提供语料和语境。不 令其直达结果2帮助学生理解任务的意义和目标3 形成控制自己的行为的意识、信心和能力4 创造适宜的心理环境,Learners learn what is meaningful to themLearners learn in ways that are meaningful to themLearners learn better if they feel in control of what they are learningLearning is closely linked to how people fe

11、el about themselvesLearning takes places in a social context through interaction with other people,Constructivisit model of the teaching and learning theory,自我-每个人的关注点不同自择-个性、学习策略、做事的方式不同自主-控制进度、学习目标、学习材料自信-自我感觉(self-concept),自信心互动-(interaction),互动的作用,可以大量增加语言输入可以模拟真实交际的情景可以使学生学会创造性地使用语言,What is Tas

12、k-Based Language Teaching,Focuses on the construction,sequencing,and evaluation of particular goal-related action complexes that learners carry out either by themselves or jointly.(Candlin Nunan 1989),The task-based approach aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and exp

13、lore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic,practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes.(香港中小学英语大纲),What are tasks?A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others,freely or for some rewar

14、d.It is meant what people do in everyday life,at work,at play,and in between.(Long 1985:89)任务是人们在日常生活中所从事的 有目的的活动。,painting a fence,dressing a child,filling out a form,buying a pair of shoes,borrowing a library booktaking a driving testmaking an airline reservationwriting a checkfinding a street des

15、tination,What people do in everyday life:,TASKS,1.任务是有非常明确目的的活动,A piece of work or an activity,usually with a specific objective,undertaken as part of an educational course,at work,or used to elicit data for research.(Crookes,1986)Tasks are activities which have meaning as their primary focus.,2.任务与

16、人们日常生活的语言活动相似,Success in the task is evaluated in terms of achievement of an outcome,and tasks are generally bear some resemblance to real-life language use.,3.学习者理解,运用所学语言进行交流的课堂活动,The communicative task is a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending,manipulating,producing or

17、 interacting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form.David Nunan(1989),4。任务应该有一个成果,A task should have a non-linguistic outcome.Success in the task is evaluated in terms of achievement

18、of an outcome.,任务就是人们在日常生活、工作、娱乐活动中所从事的各种各样有目的的活动。所谓任务型语言教学,其核心思想就是要模拟人们在社会、学校生活中人们运用语言所从事的各类活动,把语言教学与学习者在今后的日常生活中的语言应用结合起来。任务型语言教学把人们在社会生活中所做的事情细分为若干非常具体的“任务”,并把培养学生具备完成这些任务的能力作为教学目标。,狭义任务派,什么不是任务:Tasks do not include activities which involve language used for practice or display,such as Describe t

19、he picture using the words and phrases from the list below or Ask your partner if he likes the food listed here using the forms Do you like?Yes,I do/No,I dont.where there is no outcome or purpose other than practice of pre-specified language.,Role-play activities,Very often in role-play situations t

20、here is no actual outcome for students to achieve,other than to enact their roles.Students have to think of suitable things to say to each other,but they are unlikely to be exchanging real meaning.Jane Willis,课堂任务的示例:listening to a weather forecast and deciding what to wear任务的结果:The learner will lis

21、ten to a weather forecast and identify the predicted maximum temperature for the day.练习的结果:The learner will listen to an aural text and answer questions afterwards on whether given statements are true or false.,The essential difference between task and exercise,Task Task has a nonlinguistic outcomeE

22、xercise An exercise has a linguistic outcome 任务活动与语言练习有着本质的区别。任务活动所谋求的效果不是一种机械的语言训练。任务是为了达到某个目地而做的事情。任务往往有一个非语言的结果。而语言练习则只注意语言形式的准确。,Success in the task is evaluated in terms of achievement of an outcome,and tasks generally bear some resemblance to real-life language use.A task-based approach sees t

23、he language process as one of learning through doing-it is primarily engaging in meaning that the learners system is encouraged to develop.(Long and Crooks 1993),广义任务派,Enabling tasksThey act as support for communication tasks.Their purpose is to provide students with the necessary linguistic tools t

24、o carry out a communication task.They can be as meaningful as possible,their main focus is on linguistic aspects(grammar,vocabulary,pronunciation,functions,discourse)rather than on meaning.They are overt language learning experiences,whose aim is to enable students to communicate as smoothly and eff

25、ectively as possible.,Some types of classroom work that maybe classified as enabling task,a.Presentation of necessary new language(functions,grammar,vocabulary,phonology,discourse features checking that the new language has been understood b.Controlled pre-communication practice or awareness-raising

26、 tasks usually focused on accuracy,Communication Tasks,A communication task is a piece of classroom work during which learners attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form,that is on what is being expressed rather than on the linguistic forms used for expressing it.As far as possible

27、,resembles activities which our students or other people carry out in everyday life.,广义任务的定义,A task is an activity that learners engage in further the process of learning a language.Williams and Burden(1997),Why do we use TBLT?,The tasks will engage students,challenge them,and allow for contingent i

28、nteraction.According to Csikszetmihalyi(1993:xiv)They have concrete goals and manageable rules.They make it possible to adjust opportunities for action to our capacities.They provide clear information about how well we are doing.They screen out distractions and make concentration possible,Meaning an

29、d form,The meaning versus form(or fluency versus accuracy)debate is no longer a discriminating factor among teaching approaches because meaning and form are assumed to be essential for learning(e.g.,Long,1991;Long&Robinson,1998).,A successful pedagogical task:,(a)focuses students attention on the st

30、ructure of the language by demonstrating that language form contributes to meaning,(b)motivates learners to heighten the complexity of the linguistic means they use to accomplish task objectives.,A successful task sequence leads learners to:,(a)communicate with limited resources,(b)become aware of a

31、pparent limitations in their knowledge about linguistic structures that are necessary to convey the message appropriately and accurately,and finally,(c)look for alternatives to overcome such limitations.,Four dimensions of teaching and learning tasks represented by the“four eyes”,involvement 参与inqui

32、ry 探究induction 归纳incorporation 合作,The components of a task,目标(Goals)信息输入(Input Data)语言信息(Verbal data)如:a dialogue,reading passage,etc.非语言信息(Non-verbal data)如:picture,etc.活动(Activities),任务型语言教学的特点,1.强调通过交流来学会交际An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.2.将真实的语言材

33、料引入学习的环境 The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.,3.关注语言的本身,也关注学习的过程Provision of opportunities for learners to focus,not only on language,but also on the learning process itself.4.把学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的重要因素An enhancement of the learners own personal experiences as important contrib

34、uting elements to classroom learning.,5.An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom.试图把课内的语言学习与社会的语言活动结合起来。(David Nunan 1991),Some characteristics of tasks,Tasks are activities in which students work purposefully towards an objective The objective ma

35、y be one that they have set for themselves or one which has been set by the teacherThe objective may be language focused,e.g.to discover a rule of grammar or complete an exercise,or content-focused,e.g.to carry out a project or reach a decision through discussion,Task maybe carried out individually

36、or(more often)in groupsTask may be carried out in competition with others or(more often)in collaborationThe outcome maybe something concrete(e.g.a report ore presentation)or something intangible(e.g.a agreement or the solution to a problem,Three Pedagogical Goals for Task-based Approaches,Accuracy 准

37、确程度Accuracy concerns how well language is produced in relation to the target language,Complexity 综合程度Complexity concerns the elaboration or ambition of the language which is produced.How far do learners rely on prefabricated phrases and established routines,and how far do they need to expand their l

38、anguage resources to meet the communicative challenge?,Fluency 流利程度Fluency concerns the learners capacity to produce language in real time without undue pausing or hesitation.It is likely to rely upon more lexicalized modes of communication,as the pressure of real time speech production are met only

39、 by avoiding excessive rule-based computation(skehan 1994),Principles:The authenticity principle言语、情境真实性原则,The linguistic data that learners work with are authentic.The relationship between linguistic form and communicative function are clear to the learner.任务的设计要提供给学习者明确、真实的语言信息。学习者应该清楚语言形式和语言功能之间的

40、关系。使学习者在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言、掌握语言的应用。,The form-function principle形式-功能性原则,Teaching language in ways that make form and function relationships transparent 任务的设计注重形式和语言功能的结合。旨在使学习者掌握语言形式的同时,培养其自我把握语言功能的能力;每一阶段任务的设计都具有一定的导入性,学生在学习语言形式的基础上,通过系列任务的训练,能够自己进行推理和演绎,从而理解语言的功能,并在交际中进行真实运用。,The task dependency

41、 principle任务的相依性 原则,A series of tasks in a lesson or unit of work forms a kind of pedagogical ladder,each task representing a rung on the ladder,enabling the learner to reach higher and higher levels of communicative performance.学习单元中任务的设计由简到繁,由易到难,层层深入,并形成由初级任务向高级任务以及高级任务涵盖初级任务的循环。在语言技能方面,遵循先听、读,后说

42、、写的设计顺序,使教学阶梯式地层层递进。,Learning by doing做中学原则,Learning by doing motivates students to fulfill their potential.Learners master the language by using it communicatively in the classroom,although they still have to learn grammar and memorize vocabulary.自始至终引导学生通过完成具体的任务活动来学习语言,让学生为了特定的学习目的去实施特定的语言行动,通过完成

43、特定的交际任务来获得和积累相应的学习经验。,Good learning tasks should:1 enable learners to manipulate and practice specific features of language2 allow learners to rehearse,in class,communicative skills they will need in the real world3 activate psychological/psycholinguistic processes of learning4 be suitable for mixed

44、 ability groups5 involve learners in solving a problem,coming to a conclusion,6 be based on authentic or naturalistic source material7 involve learners in sharing information8 require the use of more than one macroskill9 allow learners to think and talk about language and learning10 promote skills i

45、n learning how to learn11 have clear objectives stating what learners will be able to do as a result of taking part in the task12 utilize the community as a resource,13 give learners a choice in what way they do and the order in which they do it.14 involve learners in risk-taking15 require learners

46、to rehearse,rewrite and polish initial efforts16 enable learners to share in the planning and development of the task17 have built into them a means of evaluating the success or otherwise of the task#,Task Analysis,Determine the objectives:Determining the final tasks so early in the planning process

47、 is the crucial and most striking factor of the framework.Everything to be done in the unit will derive from the final tasks.This way,we can really say that it is the tasks to be carried out at the end of the unit that generate the language to be used(learnt or recycled)and determine the procedures

48、to be followed.,Two primary purposes for conducting a task analysis:,1)to develop instruction or training to support the learning of tasks identified by the task analysis;2)to develop some form of assessment to determine if learners have learned the tasks in question.In order to develop training and

49、 tests that are congruent with the objective(i.e.require the same level of cognitive,affective,or psychomotor performance),the designer needs to know what type of task is being learned.(Jonassen,1999.p25),Three Types of Tasks三种任务,Real-world/Target Tasks 目标性任务Pedagogical Tasks 课程目标任务Classroom tasks 教

50、学任务,Pedagogical Tasks Curriculum objectives,More detailed description of the objectivesa.Language objectivesb.Affective objectivesc.Strategic objectives,Curriculum and textbooks,根据课程目标制订分解的任务目标 根据分解的任务目标制订分年纪的目标根据分年级的目标制订教科书的分册的和分单元的目标。,Planning the final tasks,Final tasks are communication tasks at


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