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1、Chapter 3,PPT模板下载:行业PPT模板:节日PPT模板:素材下载:PPT背景图片:图表下载:优秀PPT下载:教程:Word教程:教程:资料下载:课件下载:范文下载:试卷下载:教案下载:,_eats apples.,us I your him he our my we it her you they them me their her she,_eats apples.,us I your him he our my we it her you they them me their her she,_eat apples.,us I your him he our my we it

2、her you they them me their her she,_eat apples.,us I your him he our my we it her you they them me their her she,He sees _.,us I your him he our my we her you they them me their it she,He sees _.,us I your him he our my we her you they them me their it she,形物代+名词=名物代,myouryourhisheritstheir,形物代+名词=名

3、物代,my mineour oursyour yourshis hisher hersits itstheir theirs,_ pens are on the desk.,his I mine yours our my him she we her you their its them hers,_ pens are on the desk.,his I mine yours our my him she we her you their its them hers,Those pens are _.,I mine yours he ours my we his her you they i

4、t their its hers she,Those pens are _.,I mine yours he ours my we his her you they it their its hers she,This is my pen,that is _.(you)Can I use your ruler?_ isnt here.Is this pen _?(she)This ruler is not lilys.It is _.(I),Do exercise1&2,代词杂烩大PK,总结代词大表格,Sponge Bobs hamburger is delicious!_ hamburger

5、 is delicious!The delicious hamburger is _.Is _ hamburger delicious?Yes,it is.,Its,its,its,Obamas hair is cute!_ hair is cute!The cute hair is _._ _ hair cute?Yes,it is.,His,his,his,Is,Joe and Graces mother is beautiful!_ mom is beautiful!The beautiful mom is _._ _ mom beautiful?Yes,_ is.,Their,theirs,Is,their,she,The womans children are lovely!_ children _ lovely!The lovely children are _._ _ children lovely?Yes,_ _.,Her,are,hers,Is,her,they,are,Do exercise 4,


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