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1、国际商务英语认证考试,因我方市场在下降,希望你方能价格降低10%。We wish you could decline your price by 10%as the market is tending downward at our end.2.超过两万件的订单,我方将允许1%的价格折扣。On orders exceeding 20,000pieces,we will allow 1%discount on the price.,3.如果你方能将价格再降2%,你方产品在我方市场将会畅销。If you can reduce the price by 2%,your goods will find

2、 a good market at our end.4.如果你方接受此价格,我方在不久的将来会大量订购。If you accept the price,we will place large orders in the near future.,5.为进一步扩大业务往来,我方破例减价7%。In order to encourage future business,we are prepared to make an exception by reducing our price by 7%.6.好的企业文化是企业获得成功的关键。An outstanding corporate culture

3、is the key to an enterprises success.,7.本地政府很有远见,营造了有利投资的环境。The local government is far-sighted and has created a favorable environment for investment.8.我们的采购量通常很大,每次订货量在10000箱以上。We usually purchase in large quantities and each order is more than 10,000 cases.,9.我们的产品享誉国际,畅销30多个国家。Our products enjoy

4、 a good reputation in the world and sell well in more than 30 countries.10.我们已经谈妥了支付条款,接下来谈运输条款吧。We have agreed on payments.Let us move on to transportation terms.,11.为了您的利益,我建议分批发货,2月先发70%。I recommend partial shipment in your interests.Well deliver 70%in February.12.我们的这款电视机是同类产品中最畅销的。This TV model

5、 is the best-selling product of its kind.,13.下个月已经没有舱位了,但我们会尽快发货的。There is no shipping space available next month,but we promise to make the shipment as soon as possible.14.去年我们产品的市场占有率超过了45%。The market share of our products exceeded 45%last year.,15.我们的工厂接近原料供应地,产品价格很有竞争力。Our factory is close to th

6、e sources of raw materials,so our products are very competitive in terms of price.16.样品已于8月2日寄出,你们3天前就应该收到了。The samples were sent to your company on August 2nd and should have reached you 3 days before.,17.我们接到通知,货物于今早到港,但破损严重。Weve been informed that the goods arrived at the port this morning,but we

7、re seriously damaged.18.我公司的工程师经验丰富,研发能力强。We have experienced engineers,with strong ability in research and development.,19.专家对两年内中国计算机市场的销售做了预测。Experts made sales forecasts for the Chinese computer market over the next two year.20.屏幕显示的是我公司过去八年销售情况的变化。The changes in our sales over the last eight ye

8、ars are displayed on the screen.,21.去年我们的销售额达10亿美元,今年预期增长4%。Our sales volume reached 1 billion US dollars last year and is expected to increase by 4%this year.22.我公司正以先进的技术和企业文化引领中国市场。Our company leads the Chinese market with its advanced technology and corporate culture.,23.企业不仅要加强生产和销售,还要树立企业形象。An

9、 enterprise needs not only to increase its production and sales but also to build up is image.24.请确保发货前40天把信用证寄到我们手上。Please make sure that the L/C reaches us 40 days before the delivery date.,25.我们已经安排了你和我们的总经理共进晚餐。We have arranged a dinner with our general manager.26.We received your shipping advice 10 days ago,but the goods havent reached us yet.,27.CN21 型录音机现已没有存货,而且我们也不再生产了。The CN-21 recorder is out of stock now and we no longer produce it.28.样品已经在7月1日寄出,你们3天内就可以收到了。Samples were sent to your company on July 1st and should have reached you in 3 days.,


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