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1、UNIT 6,2014.11,Business English:A Reading Course,BACKGROUND INFORMATION,管理是科学又是艺术。其艺术表现在:成功的管理者对不同的管理对象和管理场景,会演绎出不同特色的“话剧”。领导艺术:是领导的方式方法上表现出的创造性、艺术性。成功的管理者,注意以下几方面:1、提高自身修养,宽容、善待下属,构建和谐美好的工作氛围;2、懂得知人善任;3、必须善于领导;4、永远充满激情,并学会自我舒缓压力;5、不断地给员工激励而非命令。,WARM-UP QUESTIONS,1.As we know it is great for one to

2、have a dream and a great idea,but it is greater to harness many peoples ideas.How can managers get ideas from many people to make better decisions in this information age?2.Why can we learn powerful lessons from powerful people who are even considered bad bosses?,Business English:A Reading Course,RE

3、ADING SKILLS:INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING,Basic reading skills:1)Skimming 略读:2)Skipping 跳读:skimming_and_scanning.doc3)Guessing the new words 猜测生词:,Business English:A Reading Course,READING SKILLS:INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING,Questio

4、ns:1.What is word formation?2.What are the word formations we often use?Unit 5:Affixation;Compounding;Unit 6:Conversion;Blending;Shortening;Unit 7:Onomatopoeia;Back formation;Formation of nonce words;Loan word;Coinage,Business English:A Reading Course,READING SKILLS:INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION A

5、BOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING,1.Affixation:前缀法 Prefixation:加前缀 Suffixation:加后缀2.Compounding:合成法 Compound Nouns:复合名词 Compound Adjectives:复合形容词 Compound Verbs:复合动词 Compound Adverbs:复合副词 Compound Pronouns:复合代词,Business English:A Reading Course,UNIT 5,READING SKILLS:INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT

6、 BUSINESS ENGLISH READING,3.Conversion:转化法/Zero derivation零位派生 e.g.doctor 医生n.to doctor伪造v.4.Blending:混合法/拼缀法 1)前词首部+后词尾部:telecast=television+broadcast 电视广播 2)前词全部+后词尾部:workaholic=work+alcoholic 工作狂 3)前词首部+后词全部:heliport=helicopter+port首都机场 4)前词首部+后词首部:interpol=international+police国际警察5.Shortening:缩略

7、法 1)clipped words 缩略词 a.front clipping 截头telephone phone b.back clipping 去尾 corporation corp c.front 2)acronym 首字母缩略词WHO World Health Organization,Business English:A Reading Course,UNIT 6,READING SKILLS:INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING,6.Onomatopoeia拟声词构词法:1)直接:音与义基本吻合,

8、能直接产生音义之间的互相联想,使用频率高。A.模仿动物的声音:grunt猪;croak青蛙;hiss蛇B.模仿物体的声音:rustle树叶沙沙声;hubble-bubble冒泡声沸腾声C.模仿人的声音:giggle咯咯地笑;sneeze打喷嚏;snigger吃吃地笑2)间接:非直接模拟事物的发声,但它们特别适合表达某种意义,能象征某种概念或意境,引起人们联想。如m是低沉的鼻音,它象征任何低沉声,如murmur,mutter,mumble都表示嘟哝声;hum表示蜜蜂的嗡嗡声,moan表示哀吟。7.Back formation逆向构词法:去掉名词后缀构成动词,如:typewrite typewri

9、ter;sightsee sightseeing;televise television,Business English:A Reading Course,UNIT 7,READING SKILLS:INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING,8.Formation of nonce words:杜撰式构词法 杜撰词,又称臆造词、临时语,是为了特定场合的需要而临时造的词。1)变形法:利用谐音来改变词的书写形式,达到以错字引人注意的效果。如:Car Care Kar Care(汽车保养);Cream Clean

10、Kream Klean(洗洁膏)2)增字法:增添字母或词缀,使词义延伸或变更。如:Good Goooooood(太好了);Literature Litterature(垃圾文学)。3)减字法:保留原词的发音,舍去不发音的字母或字母组合;语音拼写词。如:Day Have a nice trip,bye-bye!Have a nice trip,buy-buy!6)仿化法:仿照原有的同类词而创造出对应词或近似词。如:Watergate Oilgate,Debategate,Monicagate;landscape cityscape,riverscape,moonscape等。,Business

11、English:A Reading Course,UNIT 7,READING SKILLS:INTRODUCE THE BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT BUSINESS ENGLISH READING,9.Loan word外来词构词法:如:karoshi(日语):过劳死;westpolitik(德语):东欧国家的西方政策等。10.Coinage创新式构词法:如:1)政治领域:Ground Zero世贸废墟,the global coalition against terror全球反恐联盟 political pluralism政治多元化,bushism布什执行的强硬政策等。

12、2)经济领域:G-7 nations 7国集团,cyclic/bubble economy循环经济,bubble economy泡沫经济,kick-start重新振兴 3)科学领域:domain name域名,remote log-in远程录入,netiquette网络礼仪,virtual community虚拟社区,roaming漫游,paternity test,亲子鉴定 liposuction脂肪抽吸术等。4)文化生活领域:Multiculturalism多元文化,headhunter猎头公司,internot逃网一族等。,Business English:A Reading Cours

13、e,UNIT 7,Questions1.What can the word“sketch”in the sentence“Kaufman handed out pads and pencils and invited attendees to sketch the products they wanted.”be replaced by?2.What is the point that Mophies success best proves?3.What is the main ideas of the text?,Business English:A Reading Course,TEXT

14、A:GOT IDEAS?,TEXT A:GOT IDEAS?,Notes on the Text:1.Macworld:由IDG(美国国际数据集团)举办的Mac业内最大的展览会。1985年第一届Macworld在旧金山举行,2005年之前Macworld每年举办两届,2005年9月IDG宣布取消夏季Macworld。Mac系统是苹果机专用系统,在普通PC上无法安装。2.The Bevy a protective case for the iPod Shuffle that multitasks as a key ring,earbud wrap,and bottle opener has ou

15、tsold Mophies other products four to one.Bevy是 一款多功能的iPod Shuffle保护套,可用作钥匙扣、插入式耳机保护套和开瓶器,此产品的销售量已达到Mophie公司其他产品的四倍。,Business English:A Reading Course,TEXT A:GOT IDEAS?,Notes on the Text:3.I needed to hit the shelf with a new product within four weeks after each new iPod model dropped.在每款销售疲软之后的四周内,我

16、得再创造出一款新产品。4.He sold the Mophie product line and rolled the proceeds into Kluster,a virtual forum that allows consumers and businesses to collaborate on the design of products and services.他卖掉了Mophie的生产线,然后将收入投入到一个允许消费者和企业协作来设计产品和服务的虚拟论坛Kluster。,Business English:A Reading Course,TEXT A:GOT IDEAS?,No

17、tes on the Text:5.Red Bull:红牛公司,是全球最早推出且最成功的能量饮料品牌之一。1966年,红牛维生素功能饮料诞生于泰国,迄今已有40余年的发展历史。为了提升知名度并且塑造其运动形象,红牛公司一 直非常热衷于极限运动与赛车运动的赞助,是一级方程式赛车红牛车队以及红牛二队的拥有者。6.Facebook:(脸谱)是创办于美国的一个社交网络服务网站,于2004年2月4日上线。主要创始人为美国人马克扎克伯格。刚开始时 只对高校学生开放,它严格限制注册,需要在制定 的大学IP地址范围内上网才能注册成功。这种机制保证了用户的纯净,从而形成了校内网的特色,即“真诚”和“信任”大多数

18、用户都是有真实姓名、真信息和真照片。,Business English:A Reading Course,Questions1.What are the common traits of bad bosses?2.What kind of person spends least time in examining himself?3.According to the author,what should we learn from bad bosses?,Business English:A Reading Course,TEXT B:SEVEN USEFUL LESSONS YOU CAN

19、LEARN FROM A BAD BOSS,TEXT B,Notes on the Text:1.And amongst the most consistent groups of all are those who spend least time in any kind of introspection:the extreme extroverts,the loud,slap-you-on-the-back hearty types,the arrogant,the pompus,the selfish and the self-centered the people who,if the

20、y become bossed,are most likely to prove to be bad ones.那些行为方式最稳定的人很少进行自我反省,他们是极端的性格外向者,他们说话的嗓门很大,毫无拘束地拍打你的后背表示赞许,傲慢自负又自私自利如果他们做老板的话,结果多半是不好的老板。,Business English:A Reading Course,TEXT B,Notes on the Text:2.all of these(and many more)hold to their actions so tenaciously and are so blind to what they

21、are doing that they will provide some of the best lessons in what not to do that you will ever be offered.所有这些人(还有更多的)是如此顽固地 坚持他们的做法,并且对他们正在做的一 切又是如此缺乏判断力,他们将给我们提 供一些最好的经验教训,让我们知道推荐我们去做的那些事中哪些是不能做的。,Business English:A Reading Course,TEXT B,Notes on the Text:3.Since you can,its an advantage you can u

22、se for all its worth.既然你能(学到教训),这就是你不妨利用的优势。for all its worth不管好坏,不管怎样,Business English:A Reading Course,KEYS TO EXERCISES,I.T T F T FII.C D B B BIII.B C B D BIV.1.成品2.生产周期 3.市场(营销)战略4.销售员5.经营理念6.去年在Macworld大会上,考夫曼没有按惯例做摊位展示,而是拿出本子和笔,请参加者按自己的意愿设计产品。7.为了保证产品达到他严格的要求,考夫曼常在机器前等待零件的完成。“不行”、“很好”、“还行”、“差不

23、多”,这些话常挂在他嘴边。8.我为你制作一个录像怎么样?那样你就不用派人去了,只需要送出说明如何安装的DVD就行了。,Business English:A Reading Course,TEXT A,TEXT B,I.Discuss 1.Their behavior is arrogant,quick-tempered and controlling.Their motives are typically selfish and manipulative.They show little concern for others and few signs of understanding why

24、 others dont trust them.Most of all,they are quire unaware of their failings and the impact they have on their subordinates not only do they see no need to change,they often make their high-handed behavior a source of pride.,Business English:A Reading Course,KEYS TO EXERCISES,TEXT B,I.Discuss 2.Peop

25、le who are extremely extroverted,loud,slap-you-on-the back hearty,arrogant,pompous,selfish and self-centered spend least time in examining themselves.,Business English:A Reading Course,KEYS TO EXERCISES,TEXT B,I.Discuss 3.See how much effort bad bosses have to use to make things happen their way.See

26、 how others react to them.Look at the effect bad bosses have on trust.See the effect of their rigidity.Take some time to consider what survival in the lifestyle of a bad boss demands.Observe the way bad bosses are regarded by those above them.Consider many more situations where a bad boss has taught

27、 you a valuable lesson.,Business English:A Reading Course,KEYS TO EXERCISES,TEXT B,II.1.exert oneself 2.Not only 3.was unaware of4.consistency5.adept e acrossIII.1.这就是符合我们为什么会将某个行为评论为“那不像是你做的”或“这完全与你的性格不符”。2.这是否会使你想尽力工作,或者使你只付出保证你的安全和事业前途所需的努力?3.你曾多少次看到一个差劲的领导把一个原本可以成功的东西毁掉,只是因为他或她不愿意承认并改变一个糟糕的决定?,B

28、usiness English:A Reading Course,KEYS TO EXERCISES,1.Try to remember new words and expressions in Unit 6;2.Make a summary for Part IV Supplementary Reading with no more than 50 words;3.Finish Part V Test Yourself on P75,five minutes for each passage.4.Preview new words and expressions in Unit 7.,Business English:A Reading Course,Assignment,


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