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1、九年级外研社英语小学起点上M4U1(全单元完整)课件,囊括了教材里的各项活动,您无须因重新排版、输入电脑、浪费时间而烦恼.共40张幻灯片,分五个部分,两个课时授完.第一部分:几项重大发明的简介(重点是造纸术和印刷术).第二部分:重点单词/词组/句子讲析.第三部分:本单元各项活动.第四部分:语法讲与练.第五部分:过关检测.,caimanqiu,Module 4 Great inventions,compass,gunpowder,printing(1),papermaking,印刷(术),造纸(术),指南针,火药,-What other inventions do you know?Look!W

2、hats this?-It is an electric light.,-Who was it invented by?,-It was invented by Edison.,n.发明,v.发明,-Who was Edison?-He was an American inventor.,-What invention is this?-It is called paper-making.,n.发明家,-What invention is this?-It is called printing.,Unit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages

3、(3).,papermaking,printing,有了许多年,-It was invented by Cai Lun.,-When was paper-making invented?-It was invented in 105.,-Who was it invented by?,Cai Lun,蔡伦(东汉),毕升(北宋),When was printing invented?It was invented from 1041-1048.,-It was invented by Bi Sheng.,-Who was it invented by?,Bi Sheng,making paper

4、,printing,publishing(4),-How did people make paper,print and publish books in the past?,-They made paper,printed and published books by hand(5).,出版,用手,-How do people make paper,print and publish books today?,making paper,printing,publishing,-They make paper,print and publish books by machine.,A maga

5、zine could be published only on paper in the twentieth century.It was called an ordinary(6)magazine.,But now a magazine can also be published on the Internet.It is called an online magazine.,普通的,平凡的.正常的,平常的,-Is an online magazine the same as an ordinary magazine?-No,there are some differences.An onl

6、ine magazine is published on the Internet,and can be read using a computer.An ordinary magazine is published on paper.,-Whats the advantage(7)of an online magazine?,-You dont have to use paper,so you can save a lot of paper.,优点,优势,第一期,第五期,第十二期,第十七期,-Look!These are our online school magazines,how man

7、y issues(8)have been published?-Seventeen issues have been published.,(报刊等)期,数码照相机,digital(9)camera,A:What is this called?B:It is called digital camera.A:What does it do?B:We can take photos using it.,数码的,A:What are they called?B:They are called batteries.They are often used in the digital camera.,b

8、attery(10),batteries,电池,充电器,chargers,-How do we charge the batteries?-We use chargers.,给充电,The batteries must be charged(11)before being used.,-What inventions can you see in this picture?-We can see a TV set,a washing machine,a mobile phone,and a bicycle.,2.invention/nvenn/n.,1.printing/prnt/,(1).i

9、nvent/nvent/,(2).inventor/nvent/,n.印刷(术),发明,v.发明,发明家,(1).print/prnt/,(2).printer/prnt/,n.打印机,印刷机.打印者,印刷者,v.印刷,拓展:,拓展:,Words and expressions,3.for ages,有了许多年.,同:for(many)years,I havent seen her for ages.,拓展:(1).for years 有了好多年(2).for months 有了好多月(3).for days 有了好多天(4).for hours 有了好多个小时(5).for minutes

10、有了好多分钟,时期,时代.年龄,age/ed/,4.publish/pbl/,v.出版,拓展:,(1).publishing n.,出版,(2).publisher n.,出版者,出版商,publishing house,出版社,5.by hand,用手,6.ordinary/:dnri/,(1).普通的,平凡的,Hell wash this sweater by hand.,The novel describes the way of life of the ordinary people there.,(2).平常的,正常的,She wears an ordinary dress.,Our

11、 ordinary workday is eight hours.,7.advantage/dva:ntd/,8.issue/u:/,优点,优势,(报纸,杂志等)期,拓展:,劣势,不足,disadvantage/dsdva:ntd/,9.digital/ddtl/,数字的,数码的,10.battery/btri/,电池,11.charge/ta:d/,给充电,Activity 3 Listen and read.,Words,phrases and sentences,12.Can I ask a favor?这是请求对方帮助的 一种表达方式,意思是:“你能帮个忙吗?”.同:(1).Can y

12、ou do me a favor?(2).Can you help me?(3).Can you give me a hand?,favour/fev/n.,(1).帮助,(2).喜爱,14.whats wrong with sth/sb=whats the matter/trouble with,某人/某物怎么啦?,15.mean doing sth 意味着做某事,就是做 某事,Missingthistrainmeanswaitingforanotherhour.,16.on screen,在屏幕上,An online magazine can be read on screen.,13.f

13、rom now on 从现在起,from then on,拓展:,从那时起,18.a couple of,好几个,同:several,I made a couple of mistakes in the exam.,20.Here it is=Here you are,给你,19.replace/rples/,Now,electric lights have replaced candles.,取代,代替,17.That makes me think.我要想一想.,(2).注意,同:pay attention to,22.see to sb/sth,(1).关照,照料,看管,同look aft

14、er,Mother is ill.I have to see to the baby.,21.由turn构成的几个词组(1).turn on-打开(煤气水电收音机等)(2).turn off-关闭(煤气水电收音机等)(3).turn up-开大(煤气水电收音机等)(4).turn down-关小(煤气水电收音机等),注意这几个词组与open,close/shut的区别,(4).处理.,同:deal with,(3).负责,Activity 5 Answer the questions according to the conversation.,1.Why does Tony want to

15、borrow his fathers digital camera?,Because he wants to know why the magazine is going to be an online magazine.,Because he would like to take some photos on the school visit to the museum next week.,2.Why does Tonys dad ask“Whats wrong with an ordinary magazine?”,3.Does Tony think books can be repla

16、ced by computers?,4.How will Tony look after the camera?,Hes not sure.He thinks that maybe they can.,He wont lend it to others and he wont leave it at school.,1.How many issues of the school magazine have been published yet?,Choose the best answer accord-ding to the conversation.,a.two b.three c.fiv

17、e,2.Where will the school magazine be published from now on?a.on paper b.on the school website.c.on newspaper,补充题,3.Why dont they use the ordinary magazine?a.Because paper is too expensive b.Because they have no paper.c.Because its too cheap.4.Whats the advantage of an online magazine?a.Paper wont b

18、e needed.b.It can be read on screen by everyone.c.All the above.5.Where did we get information once?a.radio b.books c.internet,6.Tony will borrow_ digital camera.A.Damings B.his uncles C.his dads,二.Write“T”or“F”according to the conversation.,()1.He wants to take some photos of basketball matches.()2

19、.Tonys dad lent him the camera.,F,F,()3.The battery hasnt been charged for a time.()4.Tony promises to look after it.,T,T,“现在完成时的被动语态”讲与练,现在完成时的被动语态的基本构成形式为:have/has been+及物动词的过去分词,1.Two issues have been published.,2.Paper and printing have been used for ages.,3.Its been turned off since your mums b

20、irthday party.,A.肯定式:have/has been+及过分,Has it been published yet?,C.一般疑问式:Have/Has+主语+been+及过分,+其他部分+?,肯定回答:Yes,主语+have/has.,否定回答:No,主语+have/has+not.,How long have paper printing been used?,B.否定式:have/has been+not+及过分,The battery hasnt been charged for a couple of months.,1.This book _(discuss)by th

21、em.2.This kind of book _(buy)by thousand of people.3.Children _(tell)to read this book.,用所给动词的现在完成时的被动语态 填空,has been discussed,has been bought,have been told,4.The book _(print)again and again.,has been printed,5.Other books _(write)about this book.,have been written,二.将所给句子变成被动语态,1.We have publishe

22、d the school magazine.,2.We have published two issues.,Two issues have been published by us.,3.We have used paper and printing for ages.,Paper and printing have been used for ages.,三.根据句意完成句子,1.作业已经做完了。Homework_.2.衣服已经洗过了。Clothes_.,has been done,have been washed,3.相片已经照好了。Photos_.,have been taken,4.

23、我的单车忘记在学校里了,所以我今天 得坐公交车上学.My bike(leave)at school,so I have to take the bus to school today.,has been left,过关检测:选择正确答案,()1.-Do you know what the word“cool”means?-of course.It _by young people often these years.,A.uses B.is used C.was used D.is using,()2.“The TV is so noisy,mum.”“Sorry,my dear,Ill _

24、at once.”A turn it on B turn it down C turn off it D turn on it,B,B,()3.“When _the car _?”“In 1885.”A.did,invent B.was,invented C.does,invent D.is,invented,()4.-Do you often see William _on the playground?-No,but he is often seen_Chinese Kungfu in the park.A.run,play B.run,to play C.running,play D.r

25、unning,to play,B,B,()5.It was raining heavily outside,the children were made_ in the classroom.A.stay B.staying C.to stay D.stayed,C,()6.These papers _ yet.A.have not written B.have not been written C.has not written D.has not been written,()7.Usually before exams,students _ two minutes to write dow

26、n their names.A.are given B.were given C.gave D.give,B,A,1.Can I ask a favour?2.Anyway 3.Here it is.4.It doesnt matter.5.Ill see to that.6.Is that clear?7.Promise!,Everyday English,帮我个忙好吗?,无论如何,给你。,没关系,我会处理。,明白了吗?,保证做到。,Homework,Write a passage about an invention.,(2).Who invented it?,(3).When did it be invented?,(4).How has it changed our life?,(1).What is the name of this invention?,


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