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1、GRE阅读从小白到高手快速入门解题技巧思路分享 GRE阅读从小白到高手快速入门解题技巧思路分享,我们一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读从小白到高手快速入门解题技巧思路分享GRE阅读快速入门上手解题技巧思路:找*主旨只需读每段首尾两句总结出*主旨即可。常见的阅读*有4种:a)科技*,描述客观现象,特点是语言客观中立,术语较多,但主旨明显;b)科技*,方法论型,多是关于科学研究方法的,主旨为作者的观点;c)非科技*,人文类,有鲜明的观点,语言偏于抽象、晦涩;d)非科技*,社科类,论述某社会事件或人物,比较强调该事件或人物与其社会背景的关系,有比较明确的观点。GRE阅读快速

2、入门上手解题技巧思路:回答关于全文的问题a)关于主旨的问题,常见问法有:The authors main purpose is.The main idea of the passage is.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?Which of the following questions does the passage answer?b)关于语气、态度和风格的问题,常见的问法有:The authors tone is best described as.The author views his subject

3、with.The authors presentation is best characterized as.The passage is most likely from.The author most likely thinks the reader is.回答这类题时,一定要把握ETS的选题标准。ETS所选的*都是思维缜密清晰、文字严谨、态度中立不偏激、对知识阶层持尊敬态度,而且通常GRE中会有一篇*是关于女性、黑人或其它过去被歧视的群体和社会阶层,这些*都严格遵循“政治上正确”这一原则,即不能对这些阶层持歧视或否定态度。知道了这些,许多问题就可迎刃而解了。当然,阅读水平是GRE成功的基

4、石,是每位GRE考生在准备过程中的重中之重。GRE阅读快速入门上手解题技巧思路:回答细节性的问题请牢记以下几点:a)有行数提示的要在提示行的前后几行找答案;b)排除偏激或绝对选项,它们常含有must,the first,the best,only,each, every,all, totally, always等字眼;而选择带有may,can,some,many,sometimes,aften等字眼的选项时,正确的机率会大得多;c)排除直接重复原文的选项,ETS的答案几乎都是对原文的重新解释;d)正确的选项一般不会与公理常识相违背;e)遇到有“LEAST”、“EXCEPT”或“NOT”等字的题

5、时需格外小心,许多人都在此翻船;f)以上ac项所指类型的题目应留到最后做,用排除法解决。GRE阅读练习每日一篇Diamonds, an occasional component of rare igneous rocks called lamproites and kimberlites, have never been dated satisfactorily. However, some diamonds contain minute inclusions of silicate minerals, commonly olivine, pyroxene, and garnet. These

6、 minerals can be dated by radioactive decay techniques because of the very small quantities of radioactive trace elements they, in turn, contain. Usually, it is possible to conclude that the inclusions are older than their diamond hosts, but with little indication of the time interval involved. Some

7、times, however, the crystal form of the silicate inclusions is observed to resemble more closely the internal structure of diamond than that of other silicate minerals. It is not known how rare this resemblance is, or whether it is most often seen in inclusions of silicates such as garnet, whose cry

8、stallography is generally somewhat similar to that of diamond; but when present, the resemblance is regarded as compelling evidence that the diamonds and inclusions are truly cogenetic.17. The author implies that silicate inclusions were most often formed(A) with small diamonds inside of them(B) wit

9、h trace elements derived from their host minerals(C) by the radioactive decay of rare igneous rocks(D) at an earlier period than were their host minerals(E) from the crystallization of rare igneous material18. According to the passage, the age of silicate minerals included in diamonds can be determi

10、ned due to a feature of the(A) trace elements in the diamond hosts(B) trace elements in the rock surrounding the diamonds(C) trace elements in the silicate minerals(D) silicate minerals crystal structure(E) host diamonds crystal structure19. The author states that which of the following generally ha

11、s a crystal structure similar to that of diamond?(A) Lamproite(B) Kimberlite(C) Olivine(D) Pyroxene(E) Garnet20. The main purpose of the passage is to(A) explain why it has not been possible to determine the age of diamonds(B) explain how it might be possible to date some diamonds(C) compare two alt

12、ernative approaches to determining the age of diamonds(D) compare a method of dating diamonds with a method used to date certain silicate minerals(E) compare the age of diamonds with that of certain silicate minerals contained within themDiscussion of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United

13、States has focused on two factors: social standing (social standing: 社会地位) and the loss of national culture. In general, excessive stress is placed on one factor or the other, depending on whether the commentator is North American or Puerto Rican. Many North American social scientists, such as Oscar

14、 Handlin, Joseph Fitzpatrick, and Oscar Lewis, consider Puerto Ricans as the most recent in a long line of ethnic entrants to occupy the lowest rung on the social ladder. Such a “sociodemographic” approach tends to regard assimilation as a benign process, taking for granted increased economic advant

15、age and inevitable cultural integration, in a supposedly egalitarian context. However, this approach fails to take into account the colonial nature of the Puerto Rican case, with this group, unlike their European predecessors, coming from a nation politically subordinated to the United States. Even

16、the “radical” critiques of this mainstream research model, such as the critique developed in Divided Society, attach the issue of ethnic assimilation too mechanically to factors of economic and social mobility and are thus unable to illuminate the cultural subordination of Puerto Ricans as a colonia

17、l minority.In contrast, the “colonialist” approach of island-based writers such as Eduardo Seda-Bonilla, Manuel Maldonado-Denis, and Luis Nieves-Falcon tends to view assimilation as the forced loss of national culture in an unequal contest with imposed foreign values. There is, of course, a strong t

18、radition of cultural accommodation among other Puerto Rican thinkers. The writings of Eugenio Fernandez Mendez clearly exemplify this tradition, and many supporters of Puerto Ricos commonwealth status share the same universalizing orientation. But the Puerto Rican intellectuals who have written most

19、 about the assimilation process in the United States all advance cultural nationalist views, advocating the preservation of minority cultural distinctions and rejecting what they see as the subjugation of colonial nationalities.This cultural and political emphasis is appropriate, but the colonialist

20、 thinkers misdirect it, overlooking the class relations at work in both Puerto Rican and North American history. They pose the clash of national cultures as an absolute polarity, with each culture understood as static and undifferentiated. Yet both the Puerto Rican and North American traditions have

21、 been subject to constant challenge from cultural forces within their own societies, forces that may move toward each other in ways that cannot be written off as mere “assimilation.” Consider, for example, the indigenous and Afro-Caribbean traditions in Puerto Rican culture and how they influence an

22、d are influenced by other Caribbean cultures and Black cultures in the United States. The elements of coercion and inequality, so central to cultural contact according to the colonialist framework play no role in this kind of convergence of racially and ethnically different elements of the same soci

23、al class.21. The authors main purpose is to(A) criticize the emphasis on social standing in discussions of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United States(B) support the thesis that assimilation has not been a benign process for Puerto Ricans(C) defend a view of the assimilation of Puerto Ric

24、ans that emphasizes the preservation of national culture(D) indicate deficiencies in two schools of thought on the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United States(E) reject the attempt to formulate a general framework for discussion of the assimilation of Puerto Ricans in the United States22. Acc

25、ording to the passage, cultural accommodation is promoted by(A) Eduardo Seda-Bonilla(B) Manuel Maldonado-Denis(C) the author of Divided Society(D) the majority of social scientists writing on immigration(E) many supporters of Puerto Ricos commonwealth status23. It can be inferred from the passage th

26、at a writer such as Eugenio Fernandez Mendez would most likely agree with which of the following statements concerning members of minority ethnic groups?(A) It is necessary for the members of such groups to adapt to the culture of the majority.(B) The members of such groups generally encounter a cul

27、ture that is static and undifferentiated.(C) Social mobility is the most important feature of the experience of members of such groups.(D) Social scientists should emphasize the cultural and political aspects of the experience of members of such groups.(E) The assimilation of members of such groups

28、requires the forced abandonment of their authentic national roots.24. The author implies that the Puerto Rican writers who have written most about assimilation do NOT do which of the following?(A) Regard assimilation as benign.(B) Resist cultural integration.(C) Describe in detail the process of ass

29、imilation.(D) Take into account the colonial nature of the Puerto Rican case.(E) Criticize supporters of Puerto Ricos commonwealth status.25. It can be inferred from the passage that the “colonialist” approach is so called because its practitioners(A) support Puerto Ricos commonwealth status(B) have

30、 a strong tradition of cultural accommodation(C) emphasize the class relations at work in both Puerto Rican and North American history(D) pose the clash of national cultures as an absolute polarity in which each culture is understood as static and undifferentiated(E) regard the political relation of

31、 Puerto Rico to the United States as a significant factor in the experience of Puerto Ricans26. The author regards the emphasis by island-based writers on the cultural and political dimensions of assimilation as(A) ironic(B) dangerous(C) fitting but misdirected(D) illuminating but easily misundersto

32、od(E) peculiar but benign27. The example discussed in lines 51-54 is intended by the author to illustrate a(A) strength of the sociodemographic approach(B) strength of the “colonialist” approach(C) weakness of the sociodemographic approach(D) weakness of the “colonialist” approach(E) weakness of the cultural-accommodationist approach答案:17-27:DCEBDEAAECD


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