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1、GRE阅读备考如何提升长难句理解力 GRE阅读备考如何提升长难句理解力?3个方法快速看懂复杂句式 ,我们一起来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读备考如何提升长难句理解力?3个方法快速看懂复杂句式GRE阅读长难句看不懂有哪些危害?在学习提升长难句理解能力方法之前,首先要为大家分析一下长难句在GRE阅读中的危险性,让大家明确这个问题可能会给考生造成哪些困难。1. 干扰阅读速度和对*的理解长难句对考生造成的危害主要集中在阅读部分,特别是长篇阅读中往往混杂了大量长难句,有时候一个*段落甚至就是长难句组成的。这种情况下考生的阅读速度和对*的理解能力都会受到严重干扰。阅读速度上大家想要快速

2、看*就会发现绕不开长难句,毕竟整个句子完全不看的话说不定会缺少掉很多内容。而长难句因为复杂的句式构成也会让考生找不到核心所在,读完这么个句子不知道到底重点在哪里,降低考生对*的整体理解和把握。而假如阅读题目的问题正好出在长难句上,那么考生就更是难以应对了,毕竟看不懂句子*做题也无从谈起。2. 无法理清*逻辑关GRE阅读中有不少考察考生逻辑分析和推理判断能力的题目,也就是俗称的逻辑题。这类题目的解答要求考生能够先理清楚*中的具体逻辑关系链,知道哪个部分是前提,哪些又是推论和结论。这类题目本来就对大家有比较高的思维上的要求,如果再加上长难句简直可以说是难上加难,考生在逻辑题上扣分较多,其实也和长难

3、句有很大关系。3. 填空题也存在长难句现象另外,除了GRE阅读外,在填空题中其实也存在不少长难句,比如双空或者三空题中就常会出现整个句子就是长难句的情况,这也会让考生更难找到填空的解题线索,无法正确分辨前后句的逻辑关系,从而影响大家的理解和对空格词汇的选择。GRE备考如何训练提升长难句理解力?知道了长难句的危害性,下面就来具体讲解考生应该如何通过备考来提升应对长难句的能力,下面三个方法大家可以尝试一下。1. 理解长难句多练少看其实现在市面上有关提升GRE阅读长难句理解力的备考资料有很多,有些教材甚至专门就是为了针对长难句问题而出版的。考生入手这些教材后也会花不少心思去研究,但这里有一个比较大的

4、问题,那就是很多同学对这类教材基本都是以看为主,看看题目,再看一下教材上讲解的应对方法,然后就觉得自己也学到了这种技巧。然而实际情况是大家根本没有真正掌握应对方法,只是被教材上的思路带着走,而这种纸上谈兵的学习方式对于提升自身能力是没有太大帮助的。因此,建议大家学习应对长难句的技巧,还是应该以练习为主。教材上的方法可以学,但记住之后还要通过一定的练习量来实际掌握,积累第一手的应对经验,这样你对长难句的快速了解能力和各种技巧才能有所提升。2. 面对长难句先学会简化句式应对长难句的方法有很多,但其实最基础也是最容易掌握的方法就是简化句式,哪怕句式写得再复杂,只要能把句子核心部分分离出来保留基本框架

5、,那么考生还是能够做到顺利理解句子的。当然想要做到对长难句的庖丁解牛和精准简化也需要一定的训练,但这种方法比起一些花里胡哨看似很有道理实际缺乏操作性的所谓技巧来说虽然还是要更加简单上手的,希望大家能够在备考过程中多从基本句式入手,学习一下应对长难句的简化技巧。3. 长难句提速也需要专门训练光有应对长难句的技巧还不够,考生还需要训练在限时内看懂长难句。这是因为GRE考试的时间比较有限,阅读时间尤其紧张,考生不可能把大量时间花在慢慢分析解构长难句上,快速看懂长难句才是大家需要切实掌握的技能。建议大家可以先进行一些单独的长难句限时训练,比如10秒看懂一个长难句之类的练习。初期大家可能会觉得有点难度,

6、但通过持续累积的练习相信大家都能学会火眼金睛快速分辨看懂长难句。而在完成了单句的限时训练之后,接下来大家就要结合实际做长阅读题来进一步练习,对于长难句不仅要有正面理解的能力,也需要第一时间知道哪些长难句不影响阅读理解可以直接跳过,哪些长难句要花时间仔细看懂。这样一来大家应对长难句也会更加轻松,阅读题的解题速度也能有比较明显的提升了。总而言之,GRE阅读中的长难句问题是需要考生在备考中重点解决的一个问题。而快速准确理解长难句的能力也将会帮助大家在GRE阅读甚至整个VERBAL部分中获得更好的成绩,希望大家能够认真学习*内容,早日搞定长难句拿到GRE高分攻破新GRE逻辑阅读Jet fighters

7、 have recently been equipped with electronics improvements enabling the pilot to shoot down an enemy plane while still out of sight.There is, however, the following problem: there is no sure way of determining whether a plane that is out of sight is friend or foe.Which of the following products suff

8、ers from a drawback that, in its logical features, is most like the problem described above?A.A fire alarm system with such a high heat and smoke threshold that it is likely to react too late to a developing fireB.An improved electronic ignition system whose superiority is limited to those rare time

9、s when it is perfectly adjustedC.A product marketed as a weedkiller that kills all plants to which it is applied before they resume active growth in the springD.A jar lid designed to be childproof that children have little difficulty removingE.A cold medicine that relieves most symptoms of the commo

10、n cold but also causes spells of dizziness答案:(C)攻破新GRE逻辑阅读As a tool for public health policy, the epidemiological study of disease has one major advantage over experiments studying the effects of toxic substances on animals: there is never any call for extrapolating inferences across species in epid

11、emiology.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage above?A.In epidemiology, extrapolating inferences across species is only an auxiliary tool.B.Epidemiology is a very precise science.C.In epidemiology, human populations are studied directly.D.Toxicological experimentation on animals is

12、 more expensive than are epidemiological studies.E.Toxicological experimentation on animals yields results less quickly than do epidemiological studies.答案:(C)攻破新GRE逻辑阅读According to a recent historical study, capital punishment deters murder only during weeks when well-publicized executions take plac

13、e. During such weeks, homicides fall to a level below average. The yearly murder rate, however, is not affected by the number of well- publicized executions.If the above passage is true, which of the following statements must also the true?A.In the period studied, the number of well-publicized execu

14、tions remained virtually the same from year to year.B.For at least one week during any years in which there were well-publicized executions, murder rates were above average.C.During some weeks of each year of the study, an extraordinary number of public executions took place.D.In the past, newspaper

15、s considered capital punishment important news and devoted extensive coverage to all executions.E.Many executions that took place during the period studied were not reported objectively by the media.答案:(B)攻破新GRE逻辑阅读The once widely held perception of intellectuals as the clarifiers of fundamental mor

16、al issues is no longer valid today. Intellectuals no longer act as advocates for oppressed groups. Instead of applying their insights and analyses to the problems of these groups, they leave the debate to the politicians.The logical structure of the passage above depends upon the authors

17、nking the clarification of fundamental moral issues with intellectualismB.advocacy on behalf of oppressed groupC.insight and analysisD.debate on contemporary practical issuesE.the role of politicians答案:(B)问题: 上文的逻辑结构依赖于作者把基本道德问题的澄清与什么联系起来?读题:曾经被广泛接受的知识分子作为基本道德问题的澄清人今天已经不在有效了。知识分子 不再作为被压迫阶级的代言人。他们不在把洞察力和分析投入到这些集团的问题上,而是把争论留给了政治家。分析:第一句话是结论,知识分子作为基本道德问题的澄清人不再有效后面进一步说明知识分子不再做什么。显然从逻辑上讲,他们不再做的事情是与基本道德问题相关的。文中两个no longer更显示了这一点,基本道德问题的澄清人与被压迫阶级的代言人联系起来,其实对历史背景熟悉的人一看就明白本题的意思。在西方,moral issues 指的就是8小时工作制和累进税progressive incometaxGRE阅读备考如何提升长难句理解力


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