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1、The Westhaven Express 开往威斯特海温的快车,15070120 桑雨婷,Lesson37,We have learnt to expect that trains will be punctual.After years of conditioning,most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables.Ships may be delayed by storms;flights may be cancelled because of bad weather,but trains must

2、be on time.Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate railway services.It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities when something does go wrong.The truth is that when mistakes occur,they are more likely to be ours than theirs.After consulting my railway timetable,I note

3、d with satisfaction that there was an express train to Westhaven.It went direct from my local station and,the journey lasted mere a hour and seventeen minutes.When I boarded the train,I could not help noticing that a great many local people got on as well.At the time,this did not strike me as odd.I

4、reflected that there must be a great many local people besides myself who wished to take advantage of this excellent service.Neither was I surprise when the train stopped at Widley,a tiny station a few miles along the line.Even a mighty express train can be held up by signals.But when the train dawd

5、led at station after station,I began to wonder,It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour,but barely chugging along at thirty.One hour and seventeen,minutes passed and we had not even covered half the distance.I asked a passenger if this was the

6、Westhaven Express,but he had not even heard of it.I determined to lodge a complaint as soon as we arrived.Two hours later,I was talking angrily to the station master at Westhaven.When he denied the trains existence,I borrowed his copy of the timetable.There was a note of triumph in my voice when I t

7、old him that it was there in black and white.Glancing at it briefly,he told me to look again.A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page.It said:This service has been suspended.,New words and expressions,The Westhaven Express#expressn.快车;adj.高速的 expressway:高速公路 expresstrain快

8、车 specialexpress特快 throughexpress直快 stopping/localtrain慢车,2.We have learnt to expect that trains will be punctual.#punctualadj.准时的 bepunctualindoingsth.在做方面非常 准时 bepunctualtotheminute 非常准时 punctually adv.unpunctual ant.punctuality n.严守时间 辨析:punctuation n.标点#We ve learnt to expect that 我们已经习惯于期盼,3.Af

9、ter years of conditioning,most of us have developed an unshakable faith in railway timetables.#conditionv.使习惯于=formahabitin Eg:Thissocietyhasconditionedeachofus.beconditionedto习惯了 Eg:Eachofushasbeenconditionedtothesociety.,#conditionn.条件 onconditionthat在条件下如果*onnocondition在任何情况下,用在句首句子要倒装 Eg.Onnocon

10、ditionmustyoubelate.ingood/badcondition情况良好/情况糟糕 changeonescondition结婚,#faithn.信任 keepfaithwithsb.对守信用 putonesfaithinsth对有信心 onthefaithof在的保障下,凭的信用辨析:faith深信不疑,信仰,比belief程度重一点 belief 可信赖,可接受 conviction坚定的信念 trust相信,依赖 credit对完全相信,3.Only an exceptionally heavy snowfall might temporarily dislocate rai

11、lway services.只有非同寻常的大雪才可能暂时打乱铁路运行。#exceptionally 异常地;特殊地;例外地#dislocate dslket vt.使关节脱位;使(交通,事务等)混乱,4.It is all too easy to blame the railway authorities when something does go wrong.一旦铁路上真出了问题,人们便不加思索地责备铁路当局。#too.to句型中,在too前出现了all,only,but,not等词的时候,to就有肯定意义 Eg:One is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老#

12、blame sb.for sth.因为责怪某人 blame sth.on sb.be to blame该受责备;应承担责任,5.At the time,this did not strike me as odd.一开始,我并不感到奇怪。#strike sb.as 给某人印象;使某人感到 as后面可以跟分词或者形容词6.I reflected that there must be a great many local people besides myself who wished to take advantage of this excellent service.#reflectv.细想

13、reflectonsth细想 reflectupononeself自我反省,6.Even a mighty express train can be held up by signals.即便是特别快车也可能被信号拦住。#mightyadj.强大的,有力的#hold up=hold back,hinder,prevent 阻拦;拦截;举起,7.It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour,but barely chugging along at t

14、hirty.我突然感到这趟快车并没以时速90英里的速度呼啸前进,而是卟哧卟哧地向前爬行,时速仅30英里。#dawn d:n n.拂晓;醒悟 vi.破晓;开始出现vt.(开始)被理解;被想到 dawn on sb 渐渐被某人明白#roar r:(r)v.吼叫n.吼叫声,咆哮声;大笑 chug 英tg vi.发出突突声;(火车、汽船等)咔嚓咔嚓地前进 n.突突声 roar down,chug along 呼叫向前,慢慢向前(形式一致)#barely=only,8.I determined to lodge a complaint as soon as we arrived.#lodge ld v.

15、提出 make/lodgecomplaint提出抱怨 lodge vi.存放;暂住;埋入 vt.提出(报告、要求、申诉等);容纳;寄存;把(权利、权威等)授予 n.小屋,草屋;(北美印第安人的)帐篷;(森林、猎场等的)看守小屋;(学校、工厂等的)传达室,9.There was a note of triumph in my voice when I told him that it was there in black and white.#triumph tramf n.胜利;心满意足 vi.战胜;获胜;克服;打败Eg.Her sense of triumph was short-lived

16、 她只感受了片刻成功的喜悦。,10.A tiny asterisk conducted me to a footnote at the bottom of the page.It said:This service has been suspended.一个小小的星形符号把我的目光引到了那页底部一个说明上。上面写着:“此趟列车暂停运行。”#asterisk strsk n.星号,星状物 vt.加星号于#conductv.引向,引导#suspend v.暂停;悬;挂;延缓Eg.The union suspended strike action this week 这周工会暂停了罢工。,Thank you!,


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