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1、Lesson 19,Sold out 票已售完,hurry hri v.匆忙ticket office 售票处pity pti n.令人遗憾的事exclaim ksklem v.大声说return rt:n v.退回sadly sdli adv.悲哀地,丧气地,New words and expressions 生词和短语,hurry(n.)in a hurryif you are not in a hurry(时间上)hurried(adj.)匆忙的,仓促完成的a hurried meal 匆匆忙忙的一顿饭a hurried wedding 仓促的婚礼,V.hurryhurried 匆忙,仓

2、促地做某事Dont hurry,there is plenty of time.I hurried to school.,What a pity!真遗憾!It is a pity to be grown up.(it做形式主语)It is a pity to steal a bicycle.,pity n.令人遗憾的事,猜测return在句中的意思:1.You should return the books to the library on time.return=giveback2.Ann will visit you when she returned to London.return=

3、gocomeback,return v.,Listen and answer,How many tickets did I ask for?Were there any tickets left?Why was the writer not very happy about those tickets?,The play may begin at any moment,I said.at any moment:在任何时候,随时at the moment=nowat that moment=just then:就在那时,课文精讲,It may have begun already.,alread

4、y可放句中或句末,意思为“已经”。I have already made great progress in English.我在英语方面取得了巨大的进步。Its eight already.When I called Jim,he had already left.,Weve sold out(the tickets).=The tickets have been sold out.,sell out 卖完,卖光。更多用法:He sold his watch at a low price.He sold his watch for ten pounds.,Certainly,the girl

5、 said.,certainly=of course 例句:Certainly you can do it.=Of course you can do it.,I might as well have them,I said sadly.,may/might as well“不妨,不如的好,还是的好”。无可奈何的语气。I might as well take the umbrella with me.Theres nothing to do now,so I may as well go to bed.,1、can和may都可以表示请求,can可以用could,may可以用might代替,语气

6、更委婉,更有礼貌,但时间上没有区别Can I use your phone please?/Could I use your phone please?May I use your phone please?/Might I use your phone please?含有情态动词的回答:肯定:Of course you can/may.否定:No,you cant/may not.,can&may,2、may和might还可以表示推测,“可能”。may可以用might代替,语气更委婉,更有礼貌,但时间上没有区别may/might+动词原形:表示对现在或未来事情的推测 He may come

7、tomorrow./He might come tomorrow.may/might+have 动词过去分词:表示对过去事情的推测 He may have telephoned last night,but Im not sure.He might have telephoned last night,but Im not sure,She must be a model.(must 一定,很可能)She may might be a model.(may有可能)She cant couldnt be a model.(cant不可能),must,cant couldnt,may might+

8、动词原形,表示对现在、未来的推测,Tom must be at home,because the lights are on.Tom cant be at home,because I cant see his bike.,must,may/might,cant+have done,表示对过去的推测,It must have rained last night,because the ground is wet.Lily cant couldnt have passes the exam,because she looks very sad.He may/might have telephoned last night,but Im not sure.,might(may)as well+动词原形:“还是好”had better+动词原形:“最好”eg:I had better take an umbrella.,Multiple choice questions,1-a 2-d 3-c 4-c 5-d 6-b 7-c 8-b 9-c 10-a 11-c 12-c,


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