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1、GRE阅读逻辑题型思维能力训练技巧讲解 GRE阅读逻辑题型思维能力训练技巧讲解 ,灵活思路才能提升正确率得分,快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读逻辑题型思维能力训练技巧讲解 灵活思路才能提升正确率得分.GRE逻辑阅读考试中有多少题?首先,要为大家介绍一下GRE逻辑阅读的具体题型数量。在GRE每个语文VERBAL部分SECTION中,总计20道题目里有一半属于阅读题,常见形式是一篇长阅读附带3-4道题目,然后3篇左右的短阅读,每篇附带1-2题。而在这3篇短阅读中,必然会有至少一篇的逻辑阅读题。另外长阅读中的部分题目也可能以逻辑题的形式出现。因此逻辑题看似数量较少,但其实在

2、阅读中的占分比例并不低。GRE逻辑阅读重在考察思维能力有人可能会提出疑问,GRE逻辑CR为什么要考批判性思维能力呢?所谓批判性思维能力,简单来说就是挑错找漏洞的能力。考GRE的考生,大多是为了申请研究生以上级别专业项目的深造。而到了这个级别的学术研究,往往需要大家自行查找和阅读大量书籍*,收集各类信息。面对庞大复杂的各类专业内容,假如考生缺乏分析质疑发现漏洞的能力, 对所有渠道*的资料都照收不误,那么可能很快就会受到一些错误或者片面内容的影响,对于学术内容产生错误的认识和偏见,这对于大家提升学术能力是非常不利的。而批判性思维能力,能够帮助大家从各式消息中排除错误内容,筛选出真正有价值的可靠知识




6、如果想要确保GRE逻辑阅读题的得分,那么训练好批判思维就必不可少了。希望上文提到的这些训练方法技巧,能够给大家带来一些参考,帮助大家在备考中做好更为充分的准备,以顺利应对GRE逻辑阅读的挑战。攻破新GRE逻辑阅读Question 13 is based on the following reading passage.In the past ten years, there have been several improvements in mountain-climbing equipment. These improvements have made the sport both safe

7、r and more enjoyable for experienced climbers. Despite these improvements, however, the rate of mountainclimbing injuries has doubled in the past ten years.13. Which of the following, if true, best reconciles the apparent discrepancy presented in the passage?(A) Many climbers, lulled into a false se

8、nse of security, use the new equipment to attempt climbing feats of which they are not capable.(B) Some mountain-climbing injuries are caused by unforeseeable weather conditions.(C) Mountain climbing, although a dangerous sport, does not normally result in injury to the experienced climber.(D) In th

9、e past ten years there have been improvements in mountain-climbing techniques as well as in mountain-climbing equipment.(E) Although the rate of mountain-climbing injuries has increased, the rate of mountain-climbing deaths has not changed.ExplanationIn this question you are asked to identify the fa

10、ct that would best reconcile the apparent discrepancy that the passage presents. The discrepancy is that despite improvements in mountain climbing equipment that have made climbing safer, the incidence of mountain-climbing injuries has greatly increased. Choice A explains how this could have happene

11、d the improvements in equipment have led climbers to attempt feats that are beyond their level of skill. Therefore, Choice A is the correct answer.None of the other choices provides information that resolves the discrepancy. Neither Choice B nor Choice C relates to conditions that have changed over

12、the relevant ten-year period. Choices D and E do relate to the relevant period. But if, as Choice D says, techniques as well as equipment have improved, that fact by itself only makes the increase in injuries more puzzling. Choice E provides more data about the consequences of climbing accidents, bu

13、t doesnt suggest any explanation for the increase in injuries.攻破新GRE逻辑阅读4. In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?(A) The first is a claim made by the argument in support of a certain position; the second is that position.(B) The first is a judgment mad

14、e by the argument about a certain explanation; the second is that explanation.(C) The first expresses the arguments dismissal of an objection to the position it seeks to establish; the second is that position.(D) The first sums up the arguments position with regard to a certain hypothesis; the secon

15、d provides grounds for that position.(E) The first is a concession by the argument that its initial formulation of the position it seeks to establish requires modification; the second presents that position in a modified form.ExplanationThe passage presents an argument and the question asks you to i

16、dentify the role the portions highlighted in boldface play in that argument. The first step in responding is to read through the passage quickly to get an understanding of what is being said. Then it is possible to go back and assess how the parts of the passage fit together into an argument.In this

17、 passage the first sentence presents two pieces of information that seem to be in conflict the atmosphere contained almost no oxygen even though plants were producing so much of it. The second sentence presents a hypothetical explanation that has been proposed for reconciling the discrepancy that ox

18、ygen was absorbed by iron. The next sentence calls this hypothetical explanation inadequate and the following sentence gives a reason for that judgment that there was insufficient iron for the proposed explanation to work. Finally, the last sentence draws the conclusion that there must have been som

19、ething in addition to iron to absorb the oxygen.Since the highlighted portions in the passage represent the main content of the third and fourth sentences, the task in this question is to find the answer choice whose two parts fit those sentences roles. It can be seen that answer Choice D fits the r

20、equirement: the third sentence does sum up the arguments position about a hypothesis, and the fourth sentence gives grounds for the third. Therefore Choice D is the correct answer.攻破新GRE逻辑阅读During the day in Lake Constance, the zooplankton D. hyalina departs for the depths where food is scarce and t

21、he water cold. D. galeata remains near the warm surface where food is abundant. Even though D. galeata grows and reproduces much faster, its population is often outnumbered by D. hyalina.Which of the following, if true, would help resolve the apparent paradox presented above?(A) The number of specie

22、s of zooplankton living at the bottom of the lake is twice that of species living at the surface.(B) Predators of zooplankton, such as whitefish and perch, live and feed near the surface of the lake during the day.(C) In order to make the most of scarce food resources, D. hyalina matures more slowly

23、 than D. galeata.(D) D. galeata clusters under vegetation during the hottest part of the day to avoid the Suns rays.(E) D. galeata produces twice as many offspring per individual in any given period of time as does D. hyalina.DescriptionThe paragraph presents an apparent paradox: the zooplankton tha

24、t spends the day in less hospitable conditions often outnumbers the one that stays in more hospitable conditions.ExplanationThe presence of predators of zooplankton feeding near the surface during the day would suggest that D. galeata is consumed at a higher rate than D. hyalina: this would explain

25、why D. hyalina is often more numerous, so Choice B is correct. Choices C and E are incorrect because although they help to explain why the two zooplankton reproduce at different rates, they do not help to resolve the apparent paradox. Choices A and D are incorrect because nothing is said in the para

26、graph to show the relevance of the presence of other species of zooplankton, nor of the habit of clustering under vegetation, to the relative population size of the two species.攻破新GRE逻辑阅读A study found that 70 percent of children surveyed in 1970 had at one time had cavities, whereas only 50 percent

27、of those surveyed in 1985 had ever had cavities. The researchers concluded that the level of dental disease in children had declined between 1970 and 1985.Which of the following, if true, would most seriously undermine the researchers conclusion presented above?(A) Cavities are the most common kind

28、of dental disease to which children are subject.(B) The children surveyed came from a broad variety of income backgrounds.(C) The children surveyed were selected from among students of teachers cooperating with the researchers.(D) The accuracy of cavity detection techniques has improved dramatically since 1970.(E) The children surveyed in 1985 were younger on average than those surveyed in 1970.


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