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1、旅 游 饭 店职 业 英 语,初 级,Unit Three Housekeeping客 房 服 务Lesson 6,7,8,9,Lesson 6,May I Clean Your Room Now?现在可以为您打扫房间吗?,Key Words:,Clean.打扫housekeeping department n.客房部go ahead(用于祈使)开始;进行;往下说(做)come back 返回来hour 小时later 以后,Talking to the Guest情 景 会 话,ONE,Clerk:C Guest:GC:Housekeeping.May I clean your room n

2、ow,Sir?职员:客房服务员。先生,现在能给您打扫房间吗?G:Go ahead,please.客人:可以,打扫吧。,TWO,Clerk:May I come in?职员:可以进来吗?Guest:Come in,please.客人:请进吧。Clerk:Good morning,Madam.May I clean your room now?职员:女士,早上好。现在可以为您打扫房间吗?Guest:Sorry,but not now.Could you come back in an hour?客人:对不起,现在不行。你能一小时后再来吗?Clerk:OK.职员:可以。,Notes:,May I c

3、lean your room now,sir?先生,现在能给您打扫房间吗?饭店员工在和客人讲话时要使用敬语,以表示对客人的尊重。所以,客房服务员在打扫客房时如果客人在房间,也要得到客人的允许。询问客人是否同意时,服务员一般使用:May I或者Could I,例如:May I make up your room in half an hour?我半个小时之后再给您整理房间好吗?,Notes,Could you come back in an hour?你能一小时后再来吗?如果在规定打扫的时间客人不方便,服务员应问清楚多长时间后再过来打扫房间。这时候可以使用:What time/When 例如:W

4、hen do you want me to clean your room?您希望我什么时候过来打扫房间?,We May Also Use These Sentences in Our Work,What time would you like us to clean your room?您希望我们什么时候为您打扫房间呢?What time?什么时候您比较方便呢?May I tidy up these things on your bed?我可以给您收拾床上的东西吗?,Do You Know This?,The maid must ring the bell three times befor

5、e entering the guests room.客房服务员在进入客人房间之前至少要按三次门铃。,Your Turn to Try Now,Listen to the words and repeat:,1.bathroom 浴室2.bath shampoo 浴液3.bed 床4.chair 椅子5.closet 橱柜6.curtain 窗帘7.quilt 被子8.pillow 枕头9.bed sheet 床单10.bed spread 床罩,Listen to the sentences,repeat and translate:May I clean your room now,Sir

6、?May I make up your room now,Sir?When would you like us to clean your room?Shall I come back later?Ill come back in an hour.,Listen and complete the dialogues:1 Clerk:Good morning,Madam.Guest:Good morning.Clerk:?Guest:OK.2 Clerk:Good afternoon,Sir.Guest:Good afternoon.Clerk:?Guest:Sorry,but I have a

7、 guest here now.Clerk:?Guest:Can you come back in an hour and a half?Clerk:.,Lesson7,Well Send Someone to Repair It Right Now 我们马上就派人去修,Key Words:,something 某事wrong 错误的toilet 马桶someone 某人repair 修理faucet 水龙头 leak 漏水trouble 麻烦,Notes:,There is something wrong with the toilet.抽水马桶坏了。There is something w

8、ith.某件事情或事物出问题了,例如:There is something wrong with the door,I cant open it.门坏了,打不开。There is something wrong with the TV set.这台电视机坏了。Sorry for the trouble.很抱歉给您带来不便。在处理客人投诉时,饭店员工要先行表示歉意。除了说“Im sorry”,还可以使用以下几种表达方式:Im very sorry for that.Sorry for the trouble.We apologize for that.,Talking to the Guest情

9、 景 会 话,One,Clerk:Housekeeping.May I help you?职员:客房服务。我能帮您吗?Guest:Theres something wrong with the toilet in my room.客人:我房间的抽水马桶坏了。Clerk:Im sorry.Well send someone to repair it right now.客人:很抱歉,我们马上派人去修。,Two,Clerk:Housekeeping.May I help you?职员:客房部,我能帮助您吗?Guest:The faucet is leaking in my room.客人:我房间的

10、水龙头漏水了。Clerk:May I have your room number,Sir?职员:先生,请问您的房间号?Guest:Room 1004.客人:1004房.Clerk:Sorry for the trouble.We will send someone to repair it right now.职员:很抱歉给您带来不便。我们马上就派人去修。,We may also use these sentences in our work,Im sorry,Madam.We will have someone check it for you.对不起,夫人。我们立刻派人给您检查一下。Wel

11、l send someone up to your room right now.我们马上派人去您的房间。I will send the repairman to repair them immediately.?我们马上派人去修理?Sorry for all those troubles.I will send a plumber right away.抱歉给您带来这么多不便,我马上派管工去修理。,Your Turn to Try Now,Listen to the words and repeat:1.air-conditioner 空调设备 2.TV set 电视3.refrigerat

12、or 电冰箱 4.door 门5.window 窗户 6.light 灯7.washbasin 洗涤槽 8.faucet 水龙头9.shower 淋浴 10.bulb 灯泡,Listen to the sentences,repeat and translate:Well send someone to repair it right now.Im sorry,Madam.Well have someone check it for you.Well send someone up to your room right now.Ill send the repairman to repair

13、them immediately.Sorry for all those troubles.Ill send a plumber right away.,Listen and complete the dialogues:1、Clerk:Housekeeping.May I help you?Guest:There is something wrong with the lamp.Clerk:Im sorry,Sir.?Guest:Room 416.Clerk:.,2.Clerk:Housekeeping.May I help you?Guest:The TV set in my room d

14、oesnt work.Clerk:.Well send someone to check it now.,Lesson 8,Ill Pick up Your Laundry Right Now我马上去取您要洗的衣服,Key Words:,by the way 顺便问一下collect 收集laundry 需要洗的衣服;洗衣房laundry service 洗衣服务laundry bag 洗衣袋laundry list 洗衣单Shirt 衬衫clean v.弄(洗)干净 adj.干净的room number 房间号pick up 取,Notes,We collect the laundry ev

15、ery morning.饭店一般都有洗衣服务,洗衣工(valet)每天在规定的时间到客房收客人要洗的衣服。I want to have my shirt cleaned.“I want to have sth.+动词过去分词”意思是“我想要把。”。这是客人经常使用的一种表达方式。例如:I want to have my watch fixed.我想把手表修一下。,Talking to the Guest情 景 会 话,ONE,Clerk:This is your room,Sir.职员:先生,这就是您的房间。Guest:Thank you.By the way,where can I have

16、 my pants cleaned?客人:谢谢。顺便问一下,到哪儿可以洗一下我的裤子?Clerk:We have laundry service.We collect the laundry every morning.You may just put your laundry in the laundry bag and fill out that laundry list.职员:我们饭店有洗衣服务。我们每天早上来取客人要洗的衣服。您把您要洗的衣服放到洗衣袋中,再填一下那边的洗衣单就行了。Guest:OK,thank you.客人:好的,谢谢。,Two,Guest:Hello.I want

17、to have my shirt cleaned.Id like to wear it this evening.客人:你好。我想洗一下衬衣。今晚我要穿。Clerk:OK.May I have your room number?职员:好的。请问您的房间号?Guest:1203号房间。Clerk:Ill pick up your laundry right now.职员:我马上就去取您要洗的衣服。,We May Also Use These Sentences in Our Work,Laundry service.May I help you?洗衣房。我可以帮您吗?Ill come to pi

18、ck up your laundry.我来收您要洗的衣服。Please fill in the laundry list and put it with your laundry.请填好洗衣单,跟衣服放在一起。When would you like your laundry back?您希望什么时候把衣服给您送回来?,Do you Know this?,洗衣服务 laundry service洗衣袋 laundry bag洗衣单 laundry list洗衣工 valet熨烫 press上浆 starch干洗 dry cleaning加急洗衣服务 express laundry service

19、当日可取服务 same-day service,Your Turn to Try Now,Listen to the words and repeat:1.wash 洗2.laundry 洗衣房 3.dry cleaning 干洗 4.skirt 短裙5.shirt 衬衣 6.suit 西服7.shoes 鞋子8.dress 女服9.underwear 内衣10.coat 大衣,Listen to the sentences,repeat and translate:Laundry service,may I help you?Have you any laundry?Please fill

20、in the laundry form.We collect the laundry every morning.When would you like it back?,Listen and complete the dialogues:1 Clerk:Laundry service,may I help you?Guest:Yes,I want to have my clothes dry-cleaned.Clerk:.Guest:Thank you!,2.Guest:Does the hotel have laundry service?Clerk:Yes,Sir.Guest:When

21、do you usually collect the laundry?Clerk:.,Lesson 9,Business Floor Service 商务楼层服务员,Key Words:,butler 行政侍从;行政管家Show 表演,演出grand 大的theater 剧院 tomorrow evening 明晚a bunch of 一束rose 玫瑰address 地址flower 花,Notes,Ill try my best.我尽力去办。try ones best(to do sth)尽某人的最大努力(去做某事),尽力而为。例如:Well try our best to help hi

22、m finish the task.我们会尽最大努力帮助他完成那项任务。I want to have my shirt cleaned.Help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事例如:Please help me carry that bag.请帮我拿一下那个包。,Talking to the Guest情 景 会 话,One,Butler:What can I do for you,Sir?服务员:我能帮您做什么,先生?Guest:Id like to go and see the evening show in the Grand Theater.Could you help m

23、e book the ticket?客人:我想去看大剧院的晚场演出。你能帮我订票吗?Butler:How many tickets and for what time,Sir?服务员:您想什么时间去看?要几张票?Guest:Tow tickets for tomorrow evening.客人:两张明晚的票。Butler:OK.Ill try my best.服务员:好的,我尽力去办。,Two,Butler:Good can I help you?服务员:早上好,约翰逊先生。我能为您做点什么?Guest:Could you please help me send a bunch of rose

24、s to this address?客人:你能帮我把一束玫瑰花送到这个地址吗?Butler:Yes,Sir.When should I send the flowers?服务员:好的,先生。我什么时候把花送过去?Guest:10 oclock tomorrow morning.客人:明早10点钟。Butler:No problem,Sir.服务员:没有问题,先生。,We May Also Use These Sentences in Our Work,Let me introduce the room facilities to you,Sir.先生,请让我为您介绍一下房间设施。Your la

25、undry will be sent back in 4 hours,Maam.女士,您的衣服将在4小时后送回。We have several function rooms for you to choose from.我们有多个功能厅可供您选择。How many tickets do you want?您需要几张票?,Do you Know this?,在英语中butler一词最早是指中世纪一路跟在贵族马车后面跑的侍从,现在是指酒店商务楼层的服务员,称为“行政侍从”或“行政管家”。“只要是合法的,我们都会尽力为您办到。”(Wll try our best to do almost anyth

26、ing that is legal for you.)行政侍从的工作内容就是事无巨细,大到为客人安排会议,小到为客人购买电话卡,充分体现优质服务,Your Turn to Try Now,Listen to the words and repeat:1.Executive 行政的,执行的2.lounge 休息室3.butler service 贴身管家服务4.wake-up tea 叫醒早茶puter room 电脑房6.book 预订7.facility 设施8.function 功能9.introduce 介绍10.Internet service 互联网服务,Listen to the

27、sentences,repeat and translate:You can receive your guests at the executive lounge.We offer free domestic and foreign newspaper for executive guests.There are 4 hours free for executive guests to use the conference room.Ill go to the business center and fax it for you right now.We offer free shoe-sh

28、ine service.,Listen and complete the dialogues:1 Guest:Id like to book a plane ticket to HongKong.Butler:Yes,Mr.Stone.?Guest:The day after tomorrow.Id prefer to go in the morning.Butler:Thatll be.OK,.,2.Butler:Good evening,Madam.?Guest:Id like to know when the sauna center opens.Butler:Its open.Guest:OK,thank you.,


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