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1、建筑师应该了解的LEED认证2014-04-10建筑联盟TMLEED认证是目前国际上最为先进和具实践性的绿色建筑认证评分体系。该系统将帮助项 目小组明确绿色建筑的目标,制订切实可行的设计策略,使项目在能源 消耗、室内空气质 量、生态、环保等方面达到国际认证体系LEED的指标和标准,为项目今后的用户提供高 质量、低维护、健康舒适的办公环境。LEED认证由美国绿色建筑委员会在1998年建立并推行,全称Leadership in Energy & En vir onmen tai Desig n Buildi ng Rati ng System,国际上简称 LEED, 是目前在世界各国的各类建筑环保

2、评估、绿色建筑评估以及建筑可持续性评估标准中被认为是最完善、最有影响力的评估标准。LEED certification is currently the most advanced and most practical on international green building certification scoring system. The system will help the project team to clear the goal of green building, to formulate the feasible design strategy, make the p

3、roject in energy consumption, indoor air quality, ecological and environmental protection has reached the international certification system LEED indicators and standards, the project for the future of the users with high quality and low maintenance, healthy and comfortable office environment. LEED

4、certification by the United States green Building council was established in 1998, and the full name of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Building Rating System, international LEED, is all kinds of Building Environmental assessment in theworld at present, the green Building assessment an

5、d Building sustainability assessment criteria is considered to be the most perfect, the most influential evaluation criteria.Rating SystemReference GuideBREEN SUIIDING D& CONSTRUCTIC2nO|钏占GRff Nl IVTERIO&QEEKM& COHSriVUCflDHLEEDkr Elating BiHldiflftSUEED Ur Ldstint SditnisMtnn BlflLOlMaPUATIOHSdiMrl

6、fTElUMCt绷亦LEED NCLEED for New Con structio n and Major Ren ovatio ns 面向新建建筑的评价体 系针对新建建筑(或全翻新工程)进行的绿色建筑评价体系(简称LEED NC ,主要用于 指导各种高性能的商业和公共机构建筑的设计和施工过程,尤其是针对办公建筑。LEED for New Construction and Major the Renovations for New buildings of the evaluation syste m for New buildings or complete renovation of t

7、he green building evaluation system (LEED) NC, it is mainly used for guiding a variety of high-performance commercial and institutional building d esign and Construction process, especially for office buildings.LEEDNC认证的建筑类别有:办公及商业,零售店,多栋建筑项目群,医疗保健 项目,实验室,数据中心等。LEED certification of NC architecture

8、categories include: office and commercial, retail stores, man y building project group, medical care, laboratory, data center, etc.LEED EBLEED for Existi ng Buildi ng既有建筑营运管理评价体系LEEDEB的理念是将既有建筑物的运营效率最大化,同时减小对环境的影响,为建筑的业 主也为物业管理单位提供了一个评估体系,以便有效地比较和验证在建筑整个生命周期的 运营过程中所进行的更新、改善和维护保养等措施的实际效果CLEED exabyte

9、s of philosophy is to maximize both the structure of the operational efficiency, reduce theimpact on the environment at the same time, for the building owner for the property management unit also provides a system of evaluation, so as to effectively comparison and verification in the process of buil

10、ding the entire life cycle of operations conducted by the update, improvement and maintenance measures of actual effect.作为一个在全美国广泛受到认可的绿色建筑评估体系,LEEDEB认证有助于展现业主在 环保方面的承诺和领导作用,为现有的大厦吸引新的租客,同时也是企业向其员工和所 在的社区传递人文关怀的信息。As a widely recognised across the us green building assessment system, LEED certificat

11、ion of EB to help uncover owner commitment and leadership role in environmental protection, attract new tenants for an existing building, is also the enterprise to its employees and community information humanities concern.LEED CILEED for Commercial Interior针对商业内部装修评价体系针对只是租赁办公场所或者店铺的情况,而非新建建筑,因此这些租

12、户只能控制其商业 内部装修的实施,而整个楼宇的其他部分是在大厦业主的控制之下,为此,针对这一商 业内部装修的市场,USGBC推出了 LEED for Commercial nterior :简称 LEED CI。In the presence of just leasing office or shop, rather than new buildings, so the tenant can only control the implementation of its commercial interior, and the other parts of the building is un

13、der the control of building owners, therefore, for this business of interior market, USGBC launched th e LEED for CommercialInterior, LEED CI.对于租赁区域的装修和改造而言,LEEDCI是理想的绿色设计和绿色施工评价体系,根据 LEED CI建议,租户及其设计团队、施工团队能够在他们所能够控制的区域范围内采取各 种可持续发展的设计措施,提供整个租赁区域的室内环境。For leasing area renovation and decoration, LEE

14、D CI is an ideal green design and green constru ction assessment system, according to the LEED CI suggestion, tenants and their design team, c onstruction team can be in what they can control the area within the scope of design for the sus tainable development of a variety of measures, provide the i

15、ndoor environment of the area.LEED CSLEED for Core & Shell提倡业主和租户共同发展在高度发达的商业社会中,一个建筑建成之后,其内部空间往往是出租给各个不同的商 家,这种模式就称为Core&Shell开发模式,Core指的是各个租客,他们构成了整个建 筑物的核心部分,而开发商或者建筑物的业主,则是Shell,即负责开发、管理和运营 整个建筑的公共区域。因为这些租户只能控制其商店内部装修的实施,而整个楼宇的其 他部分是在建筑业主的控制之下,为了鼓励业主在整个建筑的设计和施工过程中采用绿色 环保的可持续发展理念,美国绿色建筑协会推出了 LEED

16、 for Core & Shell评价体系, 简称 LEED CS。In the highly developed commercial society, the completion of a building, the interior space is often rent to various merchants, this model is called Core&Shell development mode, the Core refers to all the tenants, they constitute the Core part of the whole building

17、, the developers or owners of the building, it is a Shell, which is responsible for the development, management and operation of the whole building public area.Because these tenants can only control the store the implementation of the internal decoration, and other parts of the whole building is in

18、the building under the control of owner, in order to encourage owners in the design and construction process of the whole building adopts the concept of sustainable development of green environmental protection, the United States green building council launched the LEED for evaluation system of the

19、Core & Shell, LEED CS.LEED CS的目的是希望在开发商的开发过程中和未来的租户的装修过程中建立 一种协调互动的关系,从而使得未来租户的商业内部装修可以最大程度地利用开发商已实 施的绿色环保策略。LEEDCS侧重的是整个楼宇的建筑、结构和机电系统设计。LEEDCS和LEEDCI的结合最终为建筑物的开发商/业主和租户提供了 一套完整的、内外兼顾的绿色建筑实施指南和评价体系。LEED hope is the purpose of CS in developer, development process and the future tenant decor ating a p

20、rocess to establish a relation of coordinated interaction, so as to make the future tenant s commercial interior can maximize the use of developers have implement strategy of green envir onmental protection. LEED CS focus is the construction of the building, structure, and mechanical and electrical

21、system design. CS and LEED CI is the combination of the LEED buildings develo pers/provides a complete set of landlord and the tenant, both inside and outside of the green bui Iding guidelines and evaluation system.LEED-HLEED for Home住宅评价体系LEEDfor Home针对的住宅主要类型包括:独立基地上建造的独立结构、单个家庭居住的 独立房屋、复式别墅、排屋、To

22、wnHouse(二层楼或者三层楼多栋联建住宅)等。如果 项目规模较大,则建议采用LEED NC标准。LEED for Home for residential main types include: independent base on structure, single family lives independent villa, townhouse, Town houses, double entry House (or more than three floors on the second floor factory House) , etc. If the project is

23、large, LEED NC standard is recommended.LEED NDLEED for NeighborhoodDevelopment社会规划与发展评价体系LEEDfor Neighborhood Development 是由 USGBC 新城市主义协会(Congress forNew Urbanism,简称 CNU)和自然资源保护协会(Natural Resources Defense Councul,简称NRDC三家共同开发的一套评估体系。For LEED Neighborhood Development is by the USGBC, new city assoc

24、iation (meets forNew Urbanism, CNU) and the Natural Resources Defense council (the Natural Resources Defense Councul, referred to as the NRDC) developed a set of evaluation system of the three.注册申请LEED认证,项目团队必须填写项目登记表并在GBCI网站上进行注册,然后缴纳 注册费,从而获得相关软件工具、勘误表以及其他关键信息。项目注册之后被列入LEED Online的数据库。For LEED Nei

25、ghborhood Development is by the USGBC, new city association (meets forNew Urbanism, CNU) and the Natural Resources Defense council (the Natural Resources Defense Councul, referred to as the NRDC) developed a set of evaluation system of the three.准备申请文件申请认证的项目必须完全满足LEED评分标准中规定的前提条件和最低得分。在准备申请文件过程中,根据

26、每个评价指标的要求,项目团队必须收集有关信息并进行计 算,分别按照各个指标的要求准备有关资料。Apply for certification programs must be fully meet LEED rating criteria specified in the premise conditionand the lowest score. In the process of preparing application documents, according to the requirements of each evaluation index, the project team

27、must collect the relevant information and to calculate, prepare relevant materials according to the requirements of each index respectively.提交申请文件在GBCI的认证系统所确定的最终日期之前,项目团队应将完整的申请文件上传,并交 纳相应的认证费用,然后启动审查程序。In prior to the date of certification system determine the final GBCI, should the project team t

28、o u pload the complete application documents, and pay the corresponding certification fees, and then start the review process.审核申请文件根据不同的认证体系和审核路径,申请文件的审核过程也不相同。一般包括文件审查和技术审查。GBCI在收到申请书的一个星期之内会完成对申请书的文件审查,主要是根据检查表中的要求,审查文件是否合格并且完整,如果提交的文件 不充分,那么项目组会被告知欠缺哪些资料。文件审查合格后,便可以开始技术审查。GBCI在文件审查通过后的两个星期之内,会向项

29、目团队出具一份LEED初审文件。项目团队有30天的时间对申请书进行修正和补充,并再度提交给GBCI。GBCI在30天内对修正过的申请书进行最终评审,然后向LEED指导委员会建议一个最终分数。指导委员会将在两个星期之内对这个最终得分做出表态(接受或 拒绝),并通知项目团队认证结果。According to the different certification system and the processing of the path, application documents of the audit process is not the same. Generally include fi

30、le review and technical review. GBCI within one week after receipt of the application of the application form will be completed on documents review, mainly according to the requirements in the checklist, audit files are eligible and complete, inadequate if the submitted documents, then the team will

31、 be informed what data lack. File after, then can start technical review. GBCI in document review after two weeks, to the project team to issue a document LEED first trial. Project team has 30 days to modify the application form and supplement, and submit to GBCI again. GBCI within 30 days to revise

32、d the application form for final review, and then to the LEED guidance committee suggested a final score. Steering committee will be held in two weeks for the final score to (accept or reject), and inform the project team certification results.颁证在接到LEED认证通知后一定时间内,项目团队可以对认证结果有所回应,如无异议,认证过程结束。该项目被列为LE

33、ED认证的绿色建筑,USG-BC会向项目组颁发证书和LEED金属牌匾,注明获得的认证级别。LEED certification f the certification,notice after a certain period of time, the project team can respond the result oif no objection, the authentication process is over. The project is listed as LEED certification of green building, USG - BC to the proj

34、ect team to issue certificates and LEED m etal plaque, indicate the level of certification.LEED评估体系由五大方面,若干指标构成其技术框架,主要从可持续的场地发展(sustain able site developme nt),水资源效率(water sav ings),能源 效率(energyefficiency),材料选择(materialsselection)和室内环境质量(in doore nviro nmen tal quality )几个方面对建筑进行综合考察、评判其对环境的影响,并根据每

35、个方面的指标进行打分,综合得分结果,将通过评估的建筑分为白金、金、银和认证级别,以反映建筑的绿色水平。LEED assessment system from the five aspects, several indexes constitute its technical framewor k, mainly from thesustainable site development, sustainable site development), the efficiency of water (water savings), energyefficiency(energyefficiency

36、),materialselection (materialsselection)nd indoor environment quality (indoorenvironmental quality)aspectsof building a comprehensive inspection, judge its impact on the environment, and basedon theindex scores of each aspect,can be divided into platinum, gold, silvcomposite scores as a result, by a

37、ssessment of buildings er and certification level, to reflect the construction of the green level.LEED根据每个方面的指标打分:可持续场地、建筑节水、能源利用与大气保护、材料与资源、室内环境质量、创新及设计流程。总得分是110分,分四个认证等 级:认证级40 - 50;银级50 - 60;金级60 - 80;铂金级80以上。LEED according to each grade indicators: sustainable site, building water -saving, ener

38、gy utilization and atmospheric protection, material and resource, indoor environment quality, innovation and design process. Total score is 110 points, four level of certification:具体评价要素如下:The concrete evaluation factors are as follows:1、可持续场地评价(Sustainable Sites)可持续场地评价里面包括有建筑过程中水土保持与地表沉积控制;保持和恢复公共

39、绿地;减少室外光污染;合理的租户设计和施工指南。Sustainable site evaluation includes inside and surface deposition of soil and water conservation in the process of construction control; Maintain and restore the public green space; Reduce outdoor light pollution; Guide forreasonable design and construction of the tenant.2、建

40、筑节水(Water EfficiencyLEED-CS在建筑节水这一部分,将节水分为“景观用水量降低,利用先进的科学技术节约用水,减少一般性日常用水”三个得分项。可采用雨水回收技术、中水回用技术等。LEED - CS this part in the construction of water-saving, water can be divided into landscape wa ter consumption is reduced, use advanced science and technology to save water, reduce the gen eral water

41、three points. Can use rain water recycling, water reuse technology, etc.3、能源利用与大气保护(Energy & Atmosphere )首先建筑过程中必须达到最低耗能标准,在ASHRAE STANDARD对建筑过程中最低能耗量有比较明确的解释,LEED也是参照这个能耗标准确定在能耗上是否达到 LEED所要求的能源消耗标准。主要采用的技术措施有不使用含氟里昂的制冷剂;双层 Low-e玻璃;优化保温和遮阳系统;被动设计;安装分户计量系统;选用节能空调;安装 太阳能、风能等可再生能源系统等。LEED - CS this par

42、t in the construction of water-saving, water can be divided into landscape wa ter consumption is reduced, use advanced science and technology to save water, reduce the gen eral water three points. Can use rain water recycling, water reuse technology, etc.4、材料与资源(Materials & Resources )针对建筑材料浪费这一实际情况

43、,LEED认证过程中,开创性的加了材料与资源利用这一 项得分点。此得分点旨在推广建造过程中合理利用资源,尽量使用可循环材质,并以加 分的形式体现在LEED认证过程中。在材料与资源评估中主要参考了以下几条:可回收 物品的储存和收集,施工废弃物的管理,资源再利用,循环利用成分,本地材料使用率。LEED - CS this part in the construction of water-saving, water can be divided into landscape wa ter consumption is reduced, use advanced science and techno

44、logy to save water, reduce the gen eral water three points. Can use rain water recycling, water reuse technology, etc.5、 室内环境质量(Indoor Environmental Quality)室内环境空气质量监控,主要是对建 成后的建筑物,室内环境品质进行监测。在 这一项实施过程中,以下几项被考虑了进 来,它们分别是:最低室内环境品质要 求,吸烟环境控制,新风监控,加强通风,施工 室内空气环境品质管理,低挥发性材料的适用,室内化学物质的使用和控制,系统的可 控性,热舒适性和

45、自然采光与视野分布。采用的技术措施有安装新风监控系统;在危险 气体或化学制品储存和使用区域采用独立排风系统。Indoor air quality monitoring, mainly for after the completion of buildings, indoor environment qualitymonitoring. In this implementation process, the following are considered in, they respectively are: the minimum indoor environment quality requ

46、est, smoking environment control, air monitoring, strengthening ventilation, construction of indoor air environment quality management, the application of the low volatile materials, indoor use and control of chemical substances, and controllability of the system, and natural lighting and visual fie

47、ld distribution and thermal comfort. Technical measures have installed air monitoring system; In dangerous gases or chemical storage and use areas are independent exhaust system.6、创新设计流程(Innovation & Design Process )设计创新是指如在楼宇设计过程中,添加了合理的,具有开创性的,对节能环保有很大益处的设计理念,可获得额外的创新得分。而这些理念在某种程度上高于LEED认证的标准。Desi

48、gn innovation means such as in the process of building design, add the reasonable, pioneeri ng, is of great benefit to energy conservation and environmental protection design concept, can o btain the additional innovation points. And these ideas to some extent is higher than that of LEED certification standards.Green CleaningLEED-EB and Green CleaningMax 85 PointsLEED-EBCertified 弘 39


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