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1、如何提高GRE阅读分数 如何提高GRE阅读分数,我们来看看吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。如何提高GRE阅读分数新GRE阅读*分类1. 按题材分:文学评论, 美国历史, 弱势群体, 生命科学2. 按写作方法分:presentation立论, argument评论3. 按写作套路分:新旧观点型、现象解释型、结论解释型、问题解决型训练阅读速度先别做题了,先拿来一篇*,做完,然后回过头去看那篇*,划出认为一定得读的词,把不用看的化掉,比如however,but是必读的,for example之后不用细看。根据题目判断哪些词是必读,这样做个5,6篇*就有把握了,哪些是关键词。不要盲目的参考其他书说

2、的什么,not only之后不用看,but also要看之类的,一定要自己总结,这样才能尽快习惯。之后就继续大量训练,不停卡时间,强迫读关键词,读完做题,这样很快就能快速读完了。同时也要看杨鹏长难句,仔细体会怎么快速破解一句难句。做阅读时,尽量做到不回视,除了ts之类的,都一遍读下来,训练的时候一定要这样,养成这个习惯,强迫自己集中注意力。考试的时候,可以反复琢磨下关键句子。意群阅读训练法从阅读的意义上来讲,意群就是指大家平时阅读一篇*时,视线每停留一次,进入视界范围的单词会有多个。这些单词不带有任意性,单词与单词之间的逻辑意义紧密相连,所以可以暂且将这种意义紧密相连的多个单词视为一个意群。要

3、想将这种方法运用到实际的阅读当中,那就有必要知道,语篇的构成单位为段落,段落的构成单位则是句子,而句子的最终构成单位为语言意义的基本载体单元词汇。而意群训练,是指按照对词汇之间意义的紧密性及对英语句子的结构进行拆分的阅读方法,这样不仅利于阅读速度的提升还可以提高一个人对语篇环境的适应能力。排除法做题排除法可以说是应对所有选择题的万能技巧之一,虽然在GRE阅读中排除法也许无法帮你精准地找到最后的正确答案,但在解题初期通过排除法缩小选项范围,把本来五选一的题目变成二选一或者三选一还是很有价值的。所以排除法大家也需要掌握,结合解题思路更有效地提升解题效率,节省考试时间。GRE阅读材料要精挑细选 科学

4、发电要更倚重自然说到GRE阅读,无非就是多看。但是看什么很关键。短期捷径有没有?当然有,那就是GRE阅读机经,本月最新的阅读机经已经发布,gre.zhan/yuedu45235.html.包含逻辑阅读、短阅读、长阅读,一共5篇。每篇均有资深GRE教师分享给大家的参考答案和解题思路。如果从长远来看,那就是要多看*,多读书,了解的多接触的多,自然不怕,也能够更加熟悉英文表达。但是时间有限,选择看什么就很重要。通过咨询相关资深GRE培训教师,为大家精选了很多外媒主流杂志,每天会发布一篇*,包含中文翻译,供大家学习!design, nature has often got there first若论巧

5、夺天工,自然常常更胜一筹A virtuous spiral上面的螺纹看似简单,实际有效SOLAR-POWER stations take up a lot of room.太阳能发电站占地面积巨大,They need either vast arrays of photovoltaic panels, which convert sunlight directly into electricity, or of mirrors,站内大部分的空间被光伏太阳能板或和定向反射镜所占据。前者能将光能直接转换为电能;后者会将太阳热折射到锅炉,which direct it towards a boile

6、r, in order to raise steam and drive a generator.利用锅炉将水加热成蒸汽,驱动发电机组工作,达到热能转化为电能的目的。这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门The space these arrays occupy could often be used for other purposes.这些整齐排列的面板和镜身所占的区域通常能用于其它用途。Two researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have now devised a better and more com

7、pact way of laying out arrays of mirrors.麻省理工学院的两位研究员就找出了更好的方法布置定向反射镜排列,不仅能节约出更多的空间,还能提高发电效率。Slightly to their chagrin, however, and somehow appropriately,然而,有点儿让他们懊恼的是,they found when they had done the calculations that sunflowers had got there first.他们计算出的和向日葵花盘型花序上所排列的,大致相同。Alexander Mitsos and C

8、orey Noone started with the observation that existing concentrated solar-power plants,Alexander Mitsos和Corey Noone这两位研究员先从观察运行中的集中型太阳能发电厂入手。as those which drive boilers are known, usually have their mirrors arranged in a way that resembles the seating in a cinema.如大家所知,这些发电厂用太阳能驱动锅炉做功产生热量。通常定向反射镜的安排

9、布置与电影院座椅位置如出一辙。The mirrors are placed in concentric semicircles facing a tower, on top of which the boiler and the turbine sit.高塔处于荧屏所在的中心位置,所有的定向反射镜则以高塔为圆心,呈半圆形分布。That arrangement, however, sometimes results in the mirrors shading each other as the suns position in the sky changes,随着一天中太阳在天空中位置的变换,

10、镜身间会出现相互遮挡的问题。even though the mirrors are usually attached to robotic arms that track the sun as it moves.即使厂家通常会在镜身后部安装能随太阳位置变换而相应变换的机械手臂,但这一问题还是无法解决。According to their report in Solar Energy, Dr Mitsos and Mr Noone found that they could do better.据他们在太阳能杂志上发表的*称,两位研究员认为能有方法解决这一难题。They divided each

11、 of the mirrors in a real power plant, PS10, in southern Spain into about 100 pieces.在一家位于西班牙南部的发电站,PS10中,他们把每一片定向反射镜的平面面积分为差不多100块。They then plugged each of those pieces into a computer model that calculated all of the energy losses然后将每一片镜身上的这100多块面积里产生的吸热数据接入电脑,通过电脑程序计算出能量损失总和。by noting points whe

12、re mirrors were not optimally oriented to the sun and places where they hindered one another by blocking incoming or reflected rays.这包括镜身没能直对太阳造成的损失,以及镜身位置因相互遮挡使折射光线受阻或反射到锅炉的光线受阻时造成的损失。It then rejigged them into a better arrangement.然后再根据数据重新对镜身进行排列组合。Fermats conjecture费马螺线魔力previous efforts have be

13、en directed mainly at stopping the mirrors shading each other, which tends to mean spreading them out.在此之前,人们做出了种种努力,但总是在镜身相互遮挡这一问题上束手无策。而对此常会采用的是展开布局,增加排列面积来避免这种情况出现。Dr Mitsos and Mr Noone also wanted to save space.而两位研究员还想节省面积。In trying to do so they stumbled on an unusual arrangement that had the

14、 desired effect.为此绞尽脑汁之际,他们无意中发现有一种非常规的排列布局有很好的效果。When they showed this layout to a third researcher, Manuel Torrilhon of Aachen University in Germany,他们将这种布局安排展示给另一位研究者,德国亚琛工业大学的Manuel Torrilhon。he recognised the spiral patterns within it, and this prompted the trio to test a design specifically mo

15、delled on nature.后者认为这种设计中有螺线存在,这促使三位研究者以向日葵花盘型花序为蓝本仔细测试设计。That design was a pattern known as a Fermat spiral, in which each element is set at a constant angle of 137 to the previous one.他们采用的设计即费马螺线。即每一个圆在之前一个圆旋转角度为137度时,折线回旋螺线。It is most familiar as the arrangement of the florets that make up a su

16、nflower head.这一排列布置与向日葵花的盘型花序纹路如出一辙。更多双语* 点击这里When the three researchers programmed their model to arrange PS10s mirrors in front of the tower in a segment from such a spiral,三位研究者按照计划安排PS10发电厂的镜身位置,在高塔前,将定向反射镜呈部分费马螺线状布局。they both improved the efficiency of the collection process and saved space.结果显

17、示在吸收太阳热量的过程中,效率得以提高,占地面积减少。The improvement in efficiency was, admittedly, quite small,诚然,效率提高非常有限,but the space saving was significantalmost 16%.而空间节省面积却很高,减少近16%。If solar power is to make up much of the worlds electricity output in future, as supporters of alternative energy hope it will,如果太阳能如可替代能

18、源支持者所希望的一那样,在未来成为世界电力的重要*,a lot of land will be needed for the power stations.那么太阳能发电站势必将需要占据更大的面积。Reducing that requirement by a sixth, as this discovery promises, would be a big gain.如果能像此次研究所发现的那样,有希望将定向反射镜所占地面积减少六分之一,那么这将是一个巨大的进步。It would also show that if you look hard enough, there really is n

19、othing new under the sun.同样让我们认识到的是,地球上还有许多未知等待我们认真研究。【热门GRE人文知识拓展阅读】锻炼出点汗,值了Just why exercise is so good for people is, at last, being understood为什么锻炼有利于身体健康呢,人们终于知道答案了ONE sure giveaway of quack medicine is the claim that a product can treat any ailment.有一种绝对能推销出去狗皮膏药的方法就是说它包治百病。There are, sadly, n

20、o panaceas.遗憾的是灵丹妙药并不存在。But some things come close, and exercise is one of them.但有些方法却起到类似的作用,锻炼就是其中之一。As doctors never tire of reminding people, exercise protects against a host of illnesses,医生们一直不厌其烦地提醒人们锻炼身体有助于防范一系列疾病,from heart attacks and dementia to diabetes and infection.包括心脏病、痴呆症、糖尿病以及感染。How

21、 it does so, however, remains surprisingly mysterious.但是人们一直不知道为什么。这篇阅读材料还有MP3音频哦!下载传送门But a paper just published in Nature by Beth Levine of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre and her colleagues sheds some light on the matter.德克萨斯大学西南医学中心贝丝莱文及其同事最近在自然杂志发表的论文给出了一些解释。Dr Levine and he

22、r team were testing a theory that exercise works its magic, at least in part, by promoting autophagy.莱文博士及其小组证明一个理论的正确性,即锻炼之所以有神奇的作用,This process, whose name is derived from the Greek for self-eating,部分原因是它能促进自体吞噬。is a mechanism by which surplus, worn-out or malformed proteins and other cellular com

23、ponents are broken up for scrap and recycled.这个名称来自希腊词语自食其肉,指的是多余的、不能再用的、畸形的蛋白质和其他细胞成分被分解成碎片并再循环。To carry out the test, Dr Levine turned to those stalwarts of medical research, genetically modified mice.莱文博士在这个实验中使用转基因老鼠作为实验对象,医学研究中经常使用转基因老鼠。Her first batch of rodents were tweaked so that their auto

24、phagosomes,第一组老鼠被调整使得其细胞中的自噬体发出绿光,structures that form around components which have been marked for recyclingglowed green.这种结构形成的部分被用于再循环。After these mice had spent half an hour on a treadmill,这些老师被放在跑步机上半个小时后,she found that the number of autophagosomes in their muscles had increased,莱文博士发现它们肌肉中的自噬体

25、增加了,and it went on increasing until they had been running for 80 minutes.直到跑了80分钟才停止增加。To find out what, if anything, this exercise-boosted autophagy was doing for mice,为了找出这种由锻炼刺激的自噬作用对老鼠有什么作用,the team engineered a second strain that was unable to respond this way.研究小组设计了另一组不能如此反应的老鼠。Exercise, in o

26、ther words, failed to stimulate their recycling mechanism.换句话说,锻炼并没刺激再循环机制。When this second group of modified mice were tested alongside ordinary ones,当第二组的转基因老鼠和普通老鼠一起接受实验时,they showed less endurance and had less ability to take up sugar from their bloodstreams.它们的耐力逊于后者,也不能很好地从血液中吸收糖分。There were l

27、onger-term effects, too.还有长期影响。In mice, as in people, regular exercise helps prevent diabetes.老鼠和人一样,定期锻炼有助于预防糖尿病。But when the team fed their second group of modified mice a diet designed to induce diabetes,但是在研究小组给第二组转基因老鼠喂了一种专门用来诱发糖尿病的食物后,they found that exercise gave no protection at all.他们发现锻炼并没

28、有任何预防效果。Dr Levine and her team reckon their results suggest that manipulating autophagy may offer a new approach to treating diabetes.莱文博士及其小组认为实验结果表明受到操纵的自噬作用有可能提供一种新的治疗糖尿病的方法。And their research is also suggestive in other ways.他们的研究在其他方面也有启示。Autophagy is a hot topic in medicine,自噬作用在医学界是个热门话题,as b

29、iologists have come to realise that it helps protect the body from all kinds of ailments.因为生物学家逐渐意识到它能抵御各种小病。The virtues of recycling再循环的功效Autophagy is an ancient mechanism, shared by all eukaryotic organisms.自体吞噬机制很古老,所有真核生物都有。更多双语* 点击这里It probably arose as an adaptation to scarcity of nutrients.它的

30、产生可能是为了适应营养物质的缺乏的环境。Critters that can recycle parts of themselves for fuel are better able to cope with lean times than those that cannot.有些家畜能循环利用它们身体的一部分作为养料,这样的动物比其他的动物在食物匮乏期更容易生存。But over the past couple of decades,但是在过去几十年里,autophagy has also been shown to be involved in things as diverse,自体吞噬在

31、其他很多地方也有所体现,as fighting bacterial infections and slowing the onset of neurological conditions like Alzheimers and Huntingtons diseases.比如对抗细菌感染、放缓老年痴呆症和亨丁顿舞蹈症等神经症状的发病。Most intriguingly of all, it seems that it can slow the process of ageing.最有趣的是,看起来它还延缓了老化过程。Biologists have known for decades that f

32、eeding animals near-starvation diets can boost their lifespans dramatically.生物学家几十年来都知道在动物保持接近饥饿的状态下喂食能大幅度提高它们的寿命。Dr Levine was a member of the team which showed that an increased level of autophagy, brought on by the stress of living in a constant state of near-starvation,莱文博士曾经工作的一个小组证明在长期接近饥饿的状态下

33、生存的压力引起了自体吞噬水平的提高,was the mechanism responsible for this life extension.这种原理使得寿命延长。The theory is that what are being disposed of in particular are worn-out mitochondria.被处理掉的其实是衰弱的线粒体。These structures are a cells power-packs.这种结构给细胞提供能量。They are where glucose and oxygen react together to release ene

34、rgy.在线粒体里,葡萄糖和氧气共同作用释放能量。Such reactions, though, often create damaging oxygen-rich molecules called free radicals,不过这种反应却常常制造出有害的富氧分子,即自由基,which are thought to be one of the driving forces of ageing.它是促成老化的原因之一。Getting rid of wonky mitochondria would reduce free-radical production and might thus slo

35、w down ageing.除掉没用的线粒体可以减少自由基的生成,这样就可能减缓老化过程。A few anti-ageing zealots already subsist on near-starvation diets,一些反老化的狂热分子已经开始靠保持饥饿状态的饮食为生了,but Dr Levines results suggest a similar effect might be gained in a much more agreeable way, via vigorous exercise.但是莱文博士的实验结果表示通过积极锻炼身体这样一种更随和的方式也能得到类似的效果。The

36、 teams next step is to test whether boosted autophagy can indeed explain the life-extending effects of exercise.该小组下一步将测试被激发的自体吞噬是否真的能解释锻炼有助于长寿。That will take a while.这尚需时间方能出结果。Even in animals as short-lived as mice, she points out, studying ageing is a long-winded process.她指出即使研究像老鼠这样寿命很短的动物也是长期曲折的过程。But she is sufficiently confident about the outcome that she has, in the meantime, bought herself a treadmill.但是她对结果非常自信,于此同时还给自己也买了一个跑步机如何提高GRE阅读分数


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