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1、考研词汇专题,完型填空专题,Alex,2009,intelligence intelidns n.智力;智慧;才智;聪明;悟性 情报 情报机关;情报人员 情报工作;搜集情报;交换情报 消息;信息【计算机】智能,fruit fly 实蝇科(Trypetidae)小蝇;果蝇,有谁会想到,一种红眼、双翅、羽状触角芒、身体分节、黄褐色的小昆虫,在近百年间竟然能够“培养”出好几位获得诺贝尔奖的大科学家。它就是果蝇。果蝇英文俗名fruit fly或vinegar fly,果蝇广泛地存在于全球温带及热带气候区,而且由于其主食为腐烂的水果,因此在人类的栖息地内如果园,菜市场等地区内皆可见其踪迹。除了南北极外,

2、目前至少有1000个以上的果蝇物种被发现,大部分的物种以腐烂的水果等为食。,tend tend vi.趋向,倾向;照料,照顾 vt.照料,照管,People tend to visit this site from work.人们趋于从工作访问这个地点。Fare tend to go down in the autumn and rise again at Christmas.交通票价秋季时趋于下降,而圣诞节期间又开始回升。,high-priced haipraist adj.高价的,昂贵的,The company undertaking:Acting maintenance rental a

3、nd all these high-priced recycling of construction machinery.本公司兼营:代理、维修、出租、并高价回收以上各种工程机械。Before Microsoft came along,there really was no software industry was just a few companies selling very high-priced software only to companies,big companies.微软成立之前并没有真正的软件业,只有几家公司向另外一些大公司以高昂价格销售软件而已。,dim dim ad

4、j.暗淡的,昏暗的;模糊的,看不清的;悲观的,怀疑的 vt.使暗淡,使失去光泽;使变模糊 vi.变模糊,变暗淡,When the music started,someone dimmed the lights.乐曲开奏时就有人把舞台上的灯光转暗了。Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life.也许即使是微光可以使他们更希望有一个更美好的生活。,turn out 生产;结果是,证明是;关掉;出动;驱逐,The person I spoke to turned out to be our new teacher.我

5、找(他)说话的那个人原来是我们的新老师。It turned out that he failed the examination.原来他考试不及格。,upkeep pki:p n.(建筑物、设备等的)维护;维修;保养 维修费;保养费,We can no longer afford the upkeep of a large house.我们再也无法负担一所大房子的维修费用了。,instinct instikt n.本能;直觉 生性;本性;天性 天资;天分 冲动;反应 adj.充满的;盈溢的(with),We sometimes act on instinct.我们有时凭直觉行动。Cats li

6、ve on instinct.猫靠着本能生活。Morality is the herd instinct in the individual.道德是个人心目中的群居本能。,adaptive value【进化论】适应值亦作 selective value,Is there an adaptive value to 9 intelligence?有限的智力是否有适应值呢?Why is bilateral symmetry of adaptive value for actively motile animals?从辐射对称到两侧对称是动物在体制上的进化。,castvt.投,抛;计算;浇铸;投射(光

7、、影、视线等)n.投掷,抛;铸件,铸型;演员阵容;脱落物 vi.投,抛垂钓鱼钩;计算,把几个数字加起来,The boy cast a stone into the water.男孩把一块石头扔进水中。The statue was cast in bronze.这座雕像是用“青铜”铸的。The candle cast a dim light on the table.蜡烛在桌上投下黯淡的光。The high bell tower cast a long shadow on the grass.高高的钟楼在草地上投下长长的影子。He cast a glance at the headlines他看

8、了一眼大标题。,wistful wistful adj.渴望的;向往的 深思的;忧思的 留恋的;依依不舍的,Her wistful face haunt my dreams like the rain at night.她充满渴望的容颜萦绕在我的梦际如夜雨一般。The child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.那个小孩站在那里用渴望的眼神看着商店橱窗里的玩具。,implicit implisit adj.含蓄的,不讲明的 内含的,隐含的,固有的 毫不怀疑的;无保留的;绝对的【心理学】含蓄的,内隐的,

9、This is probably the definition which most people do implicitly use in their private affairs.这或许是大多数人在他们私人事务中暗中使用的一个定义。When they do this,they are implicitly assuming that cumulative risk increases at a constant rate as you look further into the future.当它们这样做的时候,它们隐含地假设:当您关注遥远的未来时,累积风险会以一个不变的比率增加。,op

10、erant conditioning 工具性学习,工具性条件反射,操作性条件反射 强化疗法亦作 reinforcement therapy,Operant conditioning forms an association between a behavior and a consequence.增强训练法就是行为和结果之间的联系。In technical terms marker training is operant conditioning.Operant conditioning has been around for years.It is how Dolphins are trai

11、ned at sea world.响片训练用专业术语说是“增强训练法”。增强训练法已经被使用多年。在海洋馆里海豚就是使用这种方法训练的。,fundamental,fndmentl adj.基本的,根本的 n.基本原理;基本原则,They wished to emphasize more fundamental issues.他们希望强调更重要的问题。Obligation or duty is most fundamental concept in ethics.责任或义务是伦理学中最基本的概念。Language economy principle is a fundamental one to

12、 guide language use.语言经济原则是指导语言使用的一条根本原则。,comprehensive,kmprihensiv adj.广泛的;综合的;包含多的,无所不包的,全面的 领悟的;有理解力的,能充分理解的【保险业】总体担保的 n.常用复数综合测验,专业综合考试全称comprehensive examination 综合学校,综合性中学,I managed comprehensive administration and comprehensive credit,in charge of administration and credit in the subbranch.任行

13、政综合兼信贷综合,负责支行行政管理工作及信贷综合工作。Our company is a comprehensive static control products production and sales enterprises,set the development,production,sales as one.我公司是一家综合性的静电控制产品生产和销售企业,集研发、生产、销售为一体。,equivalent ikwivlnt adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的 n.等价物,相等物,The two words are equivalent in meaning.那两个词在意思上是相等的。Dee

14、p Copy Construction:To obtain a new yet equivalent wrapped object.深复制构造:获得一个新的、等价的包装对象。,hostile hstail;-tladj.敌对的,敌方的;怀敌意的 n.敌对,Hordes of hostile neighbors were gathering outside his window.成群不友善的邻居聚集在他的窗外。Undervalued share price can lead to dealership competition and hostile takeover.低估的股价可能引发代理权竞争

15、和敌意接管。As a British submarine skipper you must sink ships,avoid minefields,spy on hostile ports and extract commandoes from jungle shores.作为英国潜艇船长您必须汇船舶,避免雷场,侦察敌对港口和提取突击队从丛林海岸。,inconclusive,inknklu:siv adj.非决定性的;非结论的;不确定的 不得要领的;不能使人信服的 无最后结果的;无效果的,So the new evidence for Arctic evolution is inconclus

16、ive at best,he said.所以,对北极进化的新证据,据他说,“至多来说也不能够下结论”But several factors have helped to make the Muslim debate about democracy difficult and inconclusive.但是,若干因素促使穆斯林对民主的争论变得困难而不确定。In a field as complicated as forensic science there are many sources of error,most of which will lead to an inconclusive o

17、r no result.像法医学这样复杂的领域,有许多产生错误的来源,大多数都会导致不确定的或者没有结果。,2008,hypotheses haipisi:z n.hypothesis的变形 hypothesis haipisis n.假说,假设(假言命题的)前件,(有条件命题的)前提 推测,猜想;设想,This paper holds that the bases of the justification for the validity of inductive inference are not static facts,but dynamic processes from hypoth

18、eses to facts.本文认为,为归纳推理有效性进行辩护的基础并非静态的事实,而是从假设出发归于事实的动态过程;While we obviously have much to learn,we are beginning to develop logical explanations and testable hypotheses about these methods,and this is the hallmark of good science.虽然我们显然有很多值得学习,我们已经开始制定合理的解释,有关这些方法可检验的假设,这是良好的科学的标志。,rare bird 罕见的人(或

19、物),不寻常的人(或物),The womans beauty made her a rare bird indeed.美貌确实使她成了一个绝世佳人。It isnt a rare bird,just a common or garden sparrow.那不是稀有的鸟,只不过是普通的麻雀。You are perhaps a rare bird amongst a flock that has a different focus.你或许是一群鸟中的罕见的一只,拥有不同的焦点。,popularize ppjulraizvt.普及;使通俗化 vi.通俗化,Reggae music was popula

20、rized by Bob Marley in the 1970s.雷盖音乐是鲍勃马利在20世纪70年代推广开来的。Popularize this new method is not an easy job.推广这种新方法不是件容易的工作。The rapid development of information industry requires us to popularize the information technology in the archives administration.信息产业的高速发展对档案管理普及信息技术提出了更高要求。,infectious infeks adj.

21、传染的,传染性的 易感染的,有感染力的;易传播的 有坏影响的,有损害的;有腐蚀作用的【法律】(因夹带违禁物品而)使全部货物受到没收处分的,Measles is one of the most infectious diseases known.众所周知,麻疹是最易传染的疾病之一。The investigation also found no evidence of infectious disease.调查同样发现可传染疾病的无证据?Global climate change will directly and indirectly influence the transmission of

22、many infectious diseases.全球气候变化将直接或间接影响许多传染病的传播过程。,controversy kntr,v:si n.争论,辩论;论战 竞争,争执,争吵 近义词:argument 短语:beyond(或without)controversy 无可争议,不消说,无疑,There would be some controversy.And I think this is how science progresses.该问题会存在争议。我认为这就是科学进步的原因。How one is to describe these cases is,in some respect

23、s,a matter of controversy.在某些方面,人们怎样描述这些例子是一个有争议的问题。,tremble trembl vi.发抖;战栗;焦虑;摇晃 vt.使挥动;用颤抖的声音说出 n.颤抖;战栗;摇晃,The girl trembled all over.女孩浑身颤抖。The children trembled with fright.孩子们被吓得发抖。She trembled at the thought that she might never see him.一想到自己也许再也见不到他时她就发抖。,at the thought of 一想起(就),一想到(就),He c

24、heered up at the thought of seeing her again.他一想到能再次见到她,他心里就很高兴。Just as most people today laugh at the thought of a power such as that within themselves.就像现在仍然有绝大多数人在嘲笑自己内心的力量一样。Because they tremble at the thought of been seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion.因为她们总是一想到自己在公众面前穿了不再流行的衣着就会颤

25、抖。,unconsciously adv.unconscious的变形 unconscious,nkns adj.无意识的,下意识的 未意识到的,未察觉的 无知觉的;失去知觉的;神志不清的 不知不觉的,无意的,The question is:Do I wish to walk this path consciously,or unconsciously?问题是:我是希望有意识地走这条路,还是无意识地走这条路?Unconsciously,that I am at a loss swallowed all,both sit away from me,I am nothing.不知不觉,茫然吞噬了我

26、是所有,坐立均离我而去,我一无所有。,disproportionallyadv.不均衡地;不相称地,Yeah,we heard from him of his weekly video and web address as always.The President says a White House study shows insurance costs are disproportionally high for small businesses.是的,我们看了总统的每周演讲,总统提到根据白宫的调查发现,保险对小型企业来说确实太高。,Indefinitelyadv.不确定地,无限期地;模糊

27、地,不明确地,The sample in this state is stable indefinitely.样品在这种状态下是无限稳定的。If captain and crew had had a ton of food with milk,they could have held out indefinitely.如果船长和船组人员有一吨食物加上牛奶,他们就可以无限期地坚持下去了。,unaccountably adv.不能说明地;不可解释地;无责任的,Last year he told the American Society of Newspaper Editors that as an

28、 industry,many of us have been remarkably,unaccountably,complacent.去年他对美国新闻报纸编辑社团说:“在这个行业,我们很多人都毫无原因地沾沾自喜”。As they approached the farm Squealer,who had unaccountably been absent during the fighting,came skipping towards them,whisking his tail and beaming with satisfaction.当他们走近庄园,斯奎拉朝他们蹦蹦跳跳地走过来,他一直莫

29、名其妙地没有参加战斗,而此时却高兴得摇头摆尾。,elite eili:t,ili:t n.精英;精华;中坚分子,Now,all the boys want to become an astronaut,they are the elite of the elite.如今,所有男孩子都希望成为一名航天员,他们是精英中的精英。When Brazil did decide to build a nationwide education system,the wants of the elite came first.在巴西下定决心建立一个全国的教育体系时,首先需要的就是中坚分子。He appeals

30、 to much of the American public because of the perception that he is not one of the elite.因为人们感觉他不是一名精英分子,所以他对美国大部分公众而言很有吸引力。,Lijiang is world renowned as an ancient city built in a simple and artistic style and scientifically laid out.丽江是修造在简单和科学的艺术风格之上,在整个世界都拥有声誉的一个古老城市。Although it is a world reno

31、wned international companies,but its very hard to imagine that their Beijing Office only 6 people.虽然是世界上知名的国际版权公司,但是很难想象,他们的北京办事处只有6名员工。,world renowned 世界知名的,世界闻名的,suffer sf vt.遭受;忍受;经历 vi.遭受,忍受;受痛苦;经验;受损害,He is suffering from the loss of his old friend.他正遭受失去老朋友的痛苦。Sin is what caused Jesus to suffe

32、r.罪就是使耶稣受苦难的原因。Why do you say we should suffer in silence?为何你还以为我们要沉默忍受这一切?,nasty n:sti,ns-adj.下流的;肮脏的;脾气不好的;险恶的 n.令人不快的事物,It is a nasty illness.这是一个很讨厌的病。He went to work sick,and despite nasty weather.即使生病和恶劣的天气,他都会去上班。,intimate intimt adj.亲密的,亲切的;友好的;密切的 深入了解的;熟悉的,精通的 深入的,深刻的;透彻的;详尽的,详细的 私下的;秘密的;私

33、人的;个人的;小圈子内的 舒适的,怡人的;气氛融洽的 本质的,实质的;基本的;固有的 委婉语有性关系的;通奸的(尤指妇女衣服)贴身的,家里穿的(包装纸等)内层的,内衬的 n.密友;知己,He can speak more intimately to us on many levels.他能在许多水平上与我们更加亲密地谈话。,paradoxical,prdksikl adj.矛盾的;诡论的;似非而是的,So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation.因此,在

34、创造和革新的背景下来谈论习惯,似乎显得有点矛盾。It is paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author.令人不解的是,我们对这位最伟大的英国作家的生活了解的如此之少。,incompatible,inkmptbladj.不相容的;不协调的;不能同时成立的 n.互不相容的人或事物,If faith is understood as belief that something is true,doubt is incompatible with the act of faith.如果信仰是被理解为对一些真实的事情的信念,怀疑是与信仰的行动不能并容。,


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