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2、形填空,翻译,改错,智力测试和写作八大项。,一,听力有听辩单词,句子理解,对话理解,短文理解等四项。这些都和我们平时做的差不多,我就不讲了。,今天我给大家讲一下选择填空。用2002年高一的题为例,选择填空有书本上的知识,也有相关的其他知识,但是高一的同学接触高中的知识时间仅有三个月。要想拿高分进入决赛就要有很好的英语基础和灵活运用知识的能力。,1._How did you spend the holiday yesterday?_My parents took me to the _and we had a good time there.A.Childrens Park B.Childs P

3、ark C.Childrens Park D.Children Park,2.I went to climb Mount Tai for my summer holiday.Its_pleasure to see _sun rising in_east.A./;the;the;B.a;the;the;C./;the;/;D.the;the;/,3.Mrs.Green is an experienced teacher of English,so she always makes her classes _and interesting.A.lively B.lovely C.live D.al

4、ive,4.Look!There are some birds singing _the apple tree,_are many red apples.A.on;which B.in;on which C.in;that D.on;in where,5.When I got to the cinema,the film_for five minutes.A.had begun B.has ended C.has begun D.had been on,6.If you dont know this word,you can_in the dictionary.A.look it up B.l

5、ook after it C.turn it on D.put it up,7._Can I leave the door open after school?_You _better not.A.should B.could C.would D.had,8._There is something wrong with the radio._Yes.Im going have it_.A.to be sold B.repaired C.giving the others D.throw away,9._I dont think I can walk any farther._.Lets sit

6、 here for a rest.A.So do I B.I dont think so C.Nor have I D.Neither can I,10.I dont believe that youll lose the basketball match,_?A.do I B.will you C.dont I D.wont you,11._ _._Thank you,I certainly will.A.Happy birthday to you.B.Let me help you with your EnglishC.Dont forget to post the letter for

7、meD.Please remember me to your mum,12.Beijing is really an interesting city with a long history,so I want to stay here for_ten days.A.another B.other C.more D.the other,13.Emily is thirty.She got married when she was in_.A.the twenty B.her twentieth C.the twenties D.her twenties,14.I think one of th

8、e lady dancers had two left feet because she didnt dance to the music.The underlined phrase means_.A.was clever B.had her left foot hurt C.had no right foot D.wasnt skilled,15.Wheres that naughty child now?Im sure hell up to no good wherever he is.The underlined phrase means _.A.polite B.doing somet

9、hing wrong C.on time D.doing a good deed,A.for B.against C.without D.out of,16.The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed.This is_the school rules,of course.We are not allowed to smoke at all.,17.As I was smoking,I heard footsteps towards the_.I didnt want a teacher to catc

10、h me smoking,so I threw the_away.A.room;cigarette B.classroom;waste-basket C.playground;fire D.teaching;building headmaster,18.Unfortunately,the cigarette fell into a waste-basket,which_.Soon the whole room was burning.A.didnt burn B.was outside the building C.caught fire D.was in the classroom,19.The headmaster phoned the fire department.The firefighters arrived at once.No one was killed in the accident,_some of the students got wounded.A.so B.and C.or D.but,20.the headmaster said_the fire was all my fault and I must pay for the damage.A.because B.since C.as D.that,Thank you for listening!,


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