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4、商:生产计划员、会计、库存管理员(兼销售人员)司机:传送订单员,运输员,四、道具,每个零售商:零售商角色资料卡1张,零售商订货单30张每个批发商:批发商角色资料卡1张,各零售商订发货统计表1张 批发商订货单30张,批发商发货单30*4=120张每个制造商:制造商角色资料卡1张,各批发商订发货统计表1张制造商发货单30*3=90张订发货单均可用自备纸条代替订单汇总板8个(每1个批发商要配1个,每1个制造商要配1个),五、程序,1、角色分工2、分发道具每个零售商:零售商角色资料卡1张,零售商订货单30张每个批发商:批发商角色资料卡1张,各零售商订发货统计表1张批发商订货单30张,批发商发货单30*


6、。供应商管理库存(VMI),供应链条上相邻两个角色共同预测需求,附加:计算相关参数,每一箱销售利润:5元每缺一箱的惩罚:2元每一箱的库存成本:1元,角色结构示意图,订单汇总板示意图,操作流程示意图,场地布置示意图,游戏控制板,The steps of the game,Order of events:the simulation is run as a series of weeks.Within each week,first the retailer,then the wholesaler,then the distributor,and finally the factory,execu

7、tes the following series of events,as the simulation proceeds upstream:Step 1.The contents of Delay 1 are moved to inventory,and the contents of Delay 2 are moved to Delay 1.Delay 2 is 0 at this point.Step 2.Orders from the immediate downstream facility(or in the case of the retailer,external custom

8、ers)are filled to the extent possible.Remember that an order consists of the current order,and all accumulated backorders.Remaining orders(equal to current inventory minus the sum of the current orders and backorder)are backlogged,to be met as soon as possible.Except for retailers,which ship orders

9、outside the system,the orders are filled to the Delay 2 location of the immediate downstream facility.Also,at this point the factorys“Production Request”should convert raw materials into product and place these units into“Production Delay 2.”Finally,for all players this is the start of the two-week

10、delay.Step 3.Backorder and inventory costs are calculated.Step 4.Orders are placed.The user indicates the desired order amount.,Delays and Order Filling,Note that this sequence of events implies several things.First,once an upstream facility fills an order,there is a two period delay before this mat

11、erial can be used to fill a downstream order(两周的延迟).Also,there is a one period order delay.This means that if,for example,the retailer places an order for 5 units in this period,the wholesaler does not even attempt to fill the order until next period.This period,the wholesaler attempts to fill the o

12、rder from the previous period.This can be considered a one period order processing lag.Thus,there is a total of three periods of delays between when a facility places and order,and when the results of that order arrive in inventory.Also,recall that there is no guarantee that an order will be met,eve

13、n with that three period lag.An upstream supplier can only fill an order if it has the necessary inventory.Otherwise,it will backlog that order,and attempt to fill it as soon as possible.The exception to this is the factory.There is no production capacity limit,so the factorys order will always be f

14、illed in its entirety after the appropriate delay.(定购最终会被满足),Consider how much to order,At each weekly ordering point,you will have decided how many units to order,based on the following information:Your current inventory.How much will arrive in one week.How much will arrive in two weeks.The size of

15、 your most recent order.The demand you are currently facing.Previous demand you have been unable to meet,and have backlogged.The amount you most recently supplied.The amount you ordered from your upstream supplier in prior weeks which has not yet been shipped.Any historical information you have reco



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